October 2024 Battlelines Newsletter

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Saying NO to Father James Martin’s Blasphemous Activities

TFP-ANF supporters gathered outside Bergamo Retreat Center in Dayton, Ohio, to protest Father James Martin’s appearance at a conference there.

Rally Captains Marcy and Gary gathered a large group of friends together to host a public Rosary Rally. They held a banner that read, “We support Catholic teaching and reject Father Martin’s attempt to normalize homosexual acts.”

“We had a beautiful Rosary Rally this morning, with many attendees who were honored to gather and prayerfully protest against Father James Martin’s

blasphemous behavior,” Marcy and Gary said.

Although he is a Jesuit priest, Father Martin is wellknown for supporting the LGBTQ movement. During this conference, he attacked the Catholic faith by decorating the ambo and an image of Our Lady on the lectern with pride flags. Many rallies have been held against Father Martin since he wrote a book in 2018 attempting to bring together the Catholic Church and LBGTQ community.


“Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”


Please consider helping TFP-America Needs Fatima by joining a protest Rosary Rally close to your home.

Call Jose Ferraz toll-free at (844) 830-3570

Email Protest@TFP.org

TextPROTEST to 87837

Fighting Back Against Drag Queen Story Hour at Public Library

A large group of TFP-ANF supporters came together to host a Rosary Rally of Reparation against a Drag Queen Story Hour at Ferguson Public Library in Stamford, Connecticut.

The rally was held at a busy intersection with a lot of traffic and many

people passed by on their way to a nearby festival. Although the prayer warriors saw a small group of LGBTQ+ counter protesters, they ignored them and continued to pray.

Rally Captain Michael said everyone who attended felt very blessed to take part in the rally against the ugly and corrupt event.


“I believe all that attended were showered with graces and a sense of victory over the Revolution,” he said. “We received a lot more honks and thumbs up from the public then negative reactions. We were honored to stand up for Our Lady and hold this rally to make reparation against this horrible event.”

Winston Churchill

Faithful Catholics Oppose Controversial University Commencement Speaker

Many TFP-ANF friends and supporters gathered to host a Rosary Rally during Sacred Heart University’s graduation ceremony. The group was protesting the university’s invitation to Sister Simone Campbell as its commencement speaker.

Despite being a Catholic nun, Sister Campbell supports and promotes many un-Catholic positions, as she is pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ+, and in favor of women priests.

The rally was held where graduates and families would see it as they were exiting the ceremony. The prayer group received many more positive responses than negative ones to their rally.

Rally Captain Michael said, “Catholic schools need to uphold Catholic teachings, or they are not Catholic. What people today desperately need are the truths that only the Catholic faith can provide, and schools


do great harm when they teach or accept error and un-Godly ideas. Families were very happy to see the rally and wished all the rally attendees God’s blessings as they were leaving.”

the Sacred Heart of Jesus in California

Rally Captain Philip hosted two Rosary Rallies in California to honor June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and make reparation against Pride Month.

In San Jose, the group conducted a rally at a busy eight-lane intersection. They prayed all 15 decades of the rosary, litanies, hymns and other prayers. They also passed out flyers to cars passing by the rally.

“One of the best outcomes of distributing flyers is the effect that it has upon those attending the rosary rally,” Philip said. “They have often commented on how the legendary aspect of the TFP shines through.”

The second rally was held at Saint Agnes Church in San Francisco, one of the most prohomosexual churches in the area. Philip said it was important to make reparation for the desecration of the church and against LGBTQ ideology.

“We have done protests at this church for the last two years during the month of June. Above all, honor was given to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,” he said.


With each new school year, we face more and more battles with those who are harming our children by promoting transgender ideologies and exposing them to immoral books and curriculum in the classroom.

A recent California bill signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom is not only a threat to our children but also a threat to a parent’s right to have control over their own child. The bill makes California the first state in the nation to ban schools from being forced to notify parents when their child asks to use pronouns or a gender identity that is opposite to their biological sex. It also prohibits school districts from taking action against teachers and other employees who affirm a student’s incorrect gender identity.

Our schools used to be a safe place for children to learn and to grow. Parents and children would gather each night

From the desk of Uniting Against Drag Queen “Nun” Story Hour at California Library

Our faithful TFP-ANF supporters across the country showed just how quickly they can come together to defend the Catholic faith. Everyone sprang into action when they discovered Guerneville Regional Library was hosting a Drag Queen Story Hour with the Russian River Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

The “sisters” are an especially blasphemous group of drag queens, as they are a group of men who provocatively dress as nuns and hold satirical events that denigrate the Catholic faith.

and talk about what the children learned that day. Now, this new law is essentially saying it’s OK for schools to withhold information from them about their own children.

Although it may seem daunting to fight a state law, there are so many examples of how speaking out in prayer and peaceful, legal protest can make a difference. Our faithful prayer warriors have led successful protests outside schools and school board meetings in opposition of things like After School Satan Clubs, immoral books in school libraries, and graphic sexual education classes.

I have plenty of hope that we can be successful again in this latest fight for our children. I hope you will join me in prayer against schools that promote transgender ideologies and threaten the rights of parents.

I know God and Our Lady will bless you for praying to protect our children.


In Jesus and Mary,

Despite the short notice about the event, more than 20,000 supporters signed a petition asking the library to cancel it.

Although the event was still

held, Rally Captain Carmen and her friends grabbed their rosaries and joined full-time TFP volunteer members who came with bagpipes and banners to help them at the public Protest Rosary Rally. Carmen said when they faced opposition, they just continued to pray even louder. She was pleased to report that only a handful of people showed up to attend the story hour.

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