Crusade mag vol 165 May-June, 2020

Page 10

Remaining Faithful During the Current Crisis in the Church Cover S t or y BY



the Change of Part Explaining Mentality That Made the One Current Crisis Possible Many Catholics have traced the philosophical and theological roots of the present crisis inside the Church. This research does much to explain the evolution of the doctrines that undermine the Faith. However, it does not explain everything. There are other aspects of the practice of the Faith involving habits, culture and customs that also changed. Understanding these developments is an essential part of the fight for the Church.

This change in mentality explains why Catholics were prepared to accept Modernism almost without resistance after the death of Saint Pius X, who fought against it. 10

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Catholic thinker Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira explained the process that led to a change of mentality inside the Church and played a role in the acceptance of erroneous doctrine, as well as new ways of being and thinking that departed from Catholic tradition. This change in mentality explains why Catholics were prepared to accept Modernism almost without resistance after the death of Saint Pius X, who fought against it. It helps explain why after Vatican II Catholic faithful accepted with euphoria the abandonment of cassocks, religious habits, chapel veils and other pious customs. His penetrating analyses of this psychological and spiritual phenomenon show how all this was made possible. The shift prepared the doctrinal changes that would come. An outline of his analysis follows.

A Period of Great Fervor Changes The proclamation of the dogmas of the Immaculate Conception (1854) and especially the dogma of Papal Infallibility and the Primacy of the Pope (1870) provoked a worldwide wave of enthusiasm and fervor among Catholics. Episcopate, clergy and the faithful all applauded these proclamations. At the same time, religious congregations and Catholic works multiplied. Missionaries spread the Gospel to all continents despite persecutions in Africa and Asia. The Faith flourished despite hostile governments in France and Germany. The clergy was generally zealous and worthy. Numerous saints appeared, some of which were beatified or canonized. However, optimism took hold of a good part of the episcopate, the clergy and the faithful. They fell prey to complacency with the apostolic successes obtained.

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