Crusade mag vol 176 March-April, 2022

Page 21


Antonio Fragelli:

A Catholic Who “Ran the Race and Fought the Good Fight”





ith deep sadness, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) mourns the passing of Antonio Fragelli on December 19, 2021. He will be greatly missed. His Catholic sense was authentic, deep and inspiring. He served the TFPs with generosity and zeal for over forty years. He was born in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on December 31, 1962. Five months later, through the intercession of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Antonio was miraculously cured of hydrocephalus. This remarkable occurrence drew the Fragelli family deeper into the practice of the Catholic Faith. Antonio was educated in his native city and later at a TFP boarding school for boys in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He spent a short time in Ecuador, then several years of formation at the TFP House of Studies of São Bento in São Paulo, Brazil. At a young age, Antonio followed the example of his father, Luiz Antonio Fragelli, and joined in the TFP activities. He was known in TFP circles as “Mr. Antonio” to distinguish him from his father, who was “Mr. Fragelli” to everyone.

Mr. Antonio: Serious, Discreet and Reliable From the onset, Mr. Antonio assumed various roles and responsibilities in the TFP because of his serious and responsible character. His first post of responsibility was to head a TFP boys’ school in Spain in 1984—1985, under difficult circumstances and few resources. In 1986, he managed the main TFP House of Formation for Youth in São Paulo, Brazil. At the request of Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Brazilian TFP founder, Mr. Antonio relocated to South Africa, where he spent a year engaged in TFP activities. Dignity and Elevation of Soul At the time of Mr. Antonio’s TFP involvement in South Africa, a beautiful story illustrates his dignity, unpretentiousness and elevation of soul.

Mr. Antonio with his father, charismatic leader of the TFP, in an International Congress in Brazil, in the 80s. Above, family photo in 2010. On the left, as the great apostle of Fatima, on a pilgrimage.

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