2 minute read
God Always. Satan, Never!
TFP/ANF friends and supporters in Lebanon, Ohio, gathered to hold a rosary rally of reparation against The Satanic Temple’s “After School Satan Club,” which holds monthly after-school activities for young children inside Donovan Elementary School.
Rally captains Anthony and Darlene said that although rain clouds started to form as the participants were praying, Our Lady blessed them and the rain held off until they finished their prayers.
Darlene said the rally members, including several who drove a great distance from Kentucky to participate, peacefully and legally protested across the street from the school, and were visible to parents and children as they drove by. She affirmed, “Anthony and I could not have done this without the help of everyone who joined us—including Anthony, himself, who traveled two-and-a-half hours from his home to Lebanon and back.”
May Our Lady reward rally captains Anthony and Darlene and their faithful prayer warriors for protesting the exposure of children and youth to Satanism.
When Rally Captain Christopher found out that an organization called the Satanic Bay Area was holding a black mass in Oakland, California, he sprang into action to organize a rosary rally of reparation.
Although the peaceful and legal rally was planned on short notice, Christopher was pleased that there were nine people there to pray that Satan not be honored by any ceremony, private or public.
“I felt a calling from Our Lady to plan this rally because a black mass involves the desecration of the Eucharist and that is a grave sacrilege against Our Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “Considering the short notice and time to get prepared, the rally turned out better than I could have imagined! Thanks to Our Lady and Saint Joseph and special thanks to the ANF staff for helping us to get it rolling.” ■