2 minute read
Special Announcement
A special project of America Needs Fatima: Miracles and Prophesies of Saint John Bosco on YouTube
Launched on the feast of Saint John Bosco, January 31, 2023, America Needs Fatima’s newest YouTube channel is making a huge impact in the digital world. With over 18,000 subscribers, this engaging and informative video series provides captivating stories of Saint John Bosco, a model of piety and a ferocious warrior against the enemies of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Hosted by Matthew Miller, a member of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), these YouTube videos are well documented and the subject matter, miracles and prophesies, appeals to a great number of souls searching for meaning in a materialistic world.
Go to YouTube and type in “Miracles and Prophesies of Saint John Bosco.” Be sure to click on the series showing an image of the saint’s face with a bright gold background, as pictured on the right. Some of the titles are: “Miracle of Dead Boy Raised to Life,” “Don Bosco’s Dream of Satanic Cats in the Confessional,” “Angel Saves Oratory Boy from Deadly Fall,” and “Don Bosco’s Prophecy of Death.”
Be sure to give the video a “thumbs up” and click on the “subscribe” button to never miss a single episode. Visit https://www.youtube.com/ @donboscostories to begin watching! ■