2 minute read
America Needs Fatima ® - Progress Report
From the Desk of Robert Ritchie
Dear Soldier of Our Lady,
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Yet, if Jesus were present in our world today, He would be deeply troubled by the immoral teachings exposed to children at school. We continue to hear stories about schools promoting graphic sexual education classes, LGBTQ/transgenderism curriculum, and pro-abortion teachings.
This sex education curriculum harms children’s innocence and parents’ sacred rights by promoting explicit pro-transgender, pro-homosexual, and pro-abortion content.
We must stand up to save schoolchildren and protect them from these immoral and blasphemous ideologies! God calls us to speak out against the promoters of impurity, especially when it perverts children!
I know you share my belief in the power of prayer. That’s why I ask you to help me in prayer and action. In August, a unique rosary rally campaign will take place to make reparation for these immoral teachings. I pray that you sign up today to become a rally captain and host a peaceful and legal rosary rally of reparation with your family and friends in public on any weekend in August.
It’s simple: e-mail Jose Ferraz at Protest@TFP.org.
Please join me in praying to God and Our Lady for their continued protection of children.
In Jesus and Mary,
Robert E. Ritchie, Executive Director