




Two Timely Issues
The New Mass and the Possibility of a Heretical Pope
Arnaldo Vidigal Xavier da Silveira
Translated by John Russell Spann and José Aloisio Schelini
The Foundation for a Christian Civilization, Inc. Spring Grove, Penn.
Revised English Edition © Copyright 2022 The Foundation for a Christian Civilization, Inc. 1358 Jefferson Road, Spring Grove, Penn. 17362 U.S.A.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to The Foundation for a Christian Civilization, Inc., 1358 Jefferson Road, Spring Grove, Penn. 17362.
First published in Portuguese as Considerações sobre o “Ordo missae” de Paulo VI © Copyright 1970 Self-published by author, São Paulo
Published in Spanish as Implicaciones teologicas y morales del nuevo “Ordo missae”: Elementos para un diálogo que se va generalizando en todo el orbe catolico © Copyright 1971 Self-published by author, São Paulo
Published in French as La nouvelle messe de Paul VI: Qu’en penser? © Copyright 1975 Diffusion de la Pensée Française, Chiré-en-Montreuil, 86190 Vouillé, France
Published in English as Theological and Moral Implications of the “Novus Ordo Missae” © Copyright 1976 Lumen Mariae Publications, Cleveland, Ohio 44199
Part Two published in Italian as Ipotesi teologica di un papa eretico © Copyright 2016 Edizioni Solfanelli, Chieti, 66100 Italy
Revised Part Two published in English as Can a Pope Be . . . a Heretic? The Theological Hypothesis of a Heretical Pope © Copyright 2018 Caminhos Romanos, Porto, Portugal
Printed in the United States of America
Hardcover ISBN: 979-8-9863093-0-9
Paperback ISBN: 979-8-9863093-1-6 Ebook ISBN: 979-8-9863093-2-3
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022945238
Abarzuza, Franciscus Xavierius de. See Iragui, Serapius de absolutio super tumulum, 67 Adrian II, Pope, 158, 178–79, 183, 262 alb, 66
Aldama, Joseph A. de, 18n56, 139n605 Alexander II, Pope, 187 Alexander VI, Pope, 163n708, 165, 245–46 Alexander VII, Pope, 37n138 altar
approach by women, xvii celebrating facing the, 17n53, 24 incensing of, 53, 105 kissing the, 44–45, 57, 87 new concept of, 20–21, 52, 66, 315 placing of bread and wine upon, 46, 51–52, 60 server, 43, 62 side, 313, 315 stone of the, 66 Amann, Émile, 34–35 Ambrose, Saint on heretics, 187, 203 on Saints Peter and Paul, 287 on private property, 291 Ammonites, 1 Amoris laetitia, xiv angels, 48, 103, 287, 302. See also Michael, Saint Anglicanism, 107, 113. See also Book of Common Prayer Anselm, Saint on Saint Paul’s resistance to Saint Peter, 287 on the vicarious atonement of Jesus Christ on the cross, 303, 304 antiquarianism, 78 apostles, 13, 22, 42, 86, 120, 179, 240, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 314 invocation of at Mass, 53, 58, 60, 103, 107 See also Paul, Saint; Peter, Saint. Aquinas, Saint Thomas. See Thomas Aquinas, Saint
Arianism, 33, 34, 231, 296 Arius, 34 Ascension, 29–30, 53, 305 Assumption, 124, 142n632, 144–45, 147, 148 Athanasius, Saint, 144 Auctorem fidei, 121, 139n606 Aufer a nobis, 44 Augsburg, Confession of. See Confession of Augsburg Augustine, Saint on the divine sacrifice, 303–4 on faith, 78 on heretics, 187, 203, 241n910 on infallibility, 119, 127, 144 on the Offertory, 47n182 on Pelagianism, 34–35 on the priesthood, 22n82 on Saints Peter and Paul, 285, 287, 293
Bacci, Cardinal Antonio, xiv, xvi, 309 Ballerini, Pietro, 161, 191nn782–3, 207, 208–9, 222, 225, 229, 230, 236n889, 241n908 Bañez, Domingo, 238, 262 beatification, 131–32, 145 Bede, Saint, 287
Bellarmine, Saint Robert, 3 on a dubious pope, 242n913, 243 that a heretical pope is deposed ipso facto, 159, 160–2, 164n712, 167–71, 207–30, 234 on infallibility in liturgy, 121 on Offertory, 47n182 on papal infallibility, 262 on the possibility of a heretical pope, 159, 167–71, 173–76, 183–84, 258, on the priesthood, 311 on Protestants, 36 on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 286, 292
on whether a heretical pope can be deposed by declaration, 198n800, 202–5
on whether a heretical pope can remain in office, 191, 194n790, 195 bells, 87 Benedict XIII, Pope, 241 Benedict XIV, Pope, 117–8, 131–32 Benedict XVI, Pope, xiv, xv, xvii, 156, 303 Bible genuflection in, 65n257 in the Institutio, 27–29, 60, 68, 84 interpretation of, 145 in the Lutheran Mass, 95, 102 truth of, 142 Billot, Cardinal Louis on an apostate pope, 241n904 on a dubious pope, 242n913, 245–46 on error in documents of the Magisterium, 253–54 that a heretical pope is deposed ipso facto, 173–75, 207, 210n820, 215n828, 222n851, 225, 229 on an incompetent or scandalous pope, 236n889 on infallibility, 116n480 on the Offertory, 47n182 on the pope’s right to resign, 235n884 on the possibility of a heretical pope, 156, 170, 171, 175, 183 on a schismatic pope, 237n893, 241n907 on whether a heretical pope can remain in office, 195n796 bishops and doctrine, 148 heretical, 194, 198, 203–4, 207, 217, 242, 243–44, 247, 257n951 their liturgical discretion in the New Mass, xvii, 65, 94, 113 resistance against, 283–84 role in admonishing heretics, 275, 277, 280 role in deposing a pope, 160, 162, 164, 171, 177, 179, 200–201, 233, 236 words they pronounce at ordination, 121, 135 Blessed Sacrament, reservation of the, 67 Boniface, Saint, 157, 182 Boniface VIII, Pope, 158n687, 235n884
Book of Common Prayer, 108, 110 Bouix, Marie Dominique on a dubious pope, 242n914, 245n923 on an incompetent or scandalous pope, 236n889 on infallibility in liturgy, 127–28, 139 on the possibility of a heretical pope, 167n718, 170, 173, 180n752, 181n755, 183n764, 224, 258–60
on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 285n1030 on whether a heretical pope can remain in office, 191–95 Breviary, Roman. See Roman Breviary Bruno of Segni, Saint, 3, 179–80 Brys, Joseph, 216n832, 269n993, 276n1006, 280n1022
Bucer, Martin, 90 Bugnini, Annibale, 14n43, 16–17, 71
Cajetan, Cardinal Thomas, 156, 159, 160, 161, 164, 171, 182n760, 197–98 Callewaert, Camillus, 47n182, 133–34 Callistus II, Pope, 180 Calvin, John, 90, 108 candle-bearer, 67 Canisius, Saint Peter, 144–45 Cano, Melchior, 125, 158, 171, 198, 208, 239 canonization, 117, 118, 131–32, 145 Canon, Roman. See Roman Canon Code of Canon Law canon 219, 243 canon 221, 235 canon 1325, 238n894 canon 2209, 280 canon 2214, 275n1004 canon 2241, 275n1004 canon 2264, 215–18 canon 2314, 215–18, 273, 277, 280 canon 2315, 275, 279–80 canon 2316, 274, 279–80 canon 2319, 273–74 canon 2320, 274 canon 2332, 274
canon 2340, 274 canon 2371, 274
promulgation of 1983 Code, 265n978
Si papa, 157n682, 182n759, 183 cantor, 67
Cappello, Felice, 236n887, 238n894, 269n993, 275n1002, 276n1006, 280 cardinals
correction of Pope Paschal II, 179 right to appeal to a universal Council against pope, 274 role in admonishing pope, 208–9, 233 role in declaring a pope a heretic, 160–62, 199n802, 200–201 role in deposing a pope, 164, 205, 225, 234 role in election of a pope, 243–44, 247 role in resignation of a pope, 235
See also canons
Carreyre, J., 36–37, 78n305
Cartechini, Sisto, 117n488, 125n531, 130, 252, 254n950, 290n1047
Carthage XV or XVI, Council of. See under Council
Cathrein, Victor, 291nn1049–1051, 292 Catolicismo, xvi, 2
Celestine I, Pope Saint, 120, 203–4 Celestius, 34 chalice, xvii, 65, 96, 100, 101, 105, 113, 135, 142
in Mass texts, 49, 56, 59, 60 chasuble, 66
Chelodi, Ioannes, 216n832, 236n886 Choupin, Lucien, 252, 253n945, 290n1047 churches, architecture of, 20, 67, 69n275, 67n269
closure to discourage private devotion, 93n371, 311. See also Mediator Dei. Claeys Bouuaert, Fernand, 216n832, 235 clamor of the faithful, 230–33
Clement I, Pope Saint, 200 Clement XI, Pope, 132 Cocchi, Guidus, 167n718, 236n886 Coetus Internationalis Patrum, 155 Colombo, Cardinal Giovanni, 300
commentator (at Mass), 67 common good, 201, 286 Communicantes, 58, 88 Communion according to the Lutherans, 35, 90, 98–102, 106, 109 new rite of, 13, 61–64, 87–88 rails, 315 received standing, 67 under two species, xvii, 76n295, 79, 80 Communism, 92, 265, 267, 281 concelebration, xiv, 67, 88, 314 with the people, 74n284, 312 Conciliarism, 158, 160, 168, 171, 197n797, 197n799, 219n841
Confession of Augsburg, 100 Confiteor, 43–44, 62, 94n373, 102–4, 105n422, 108n439, 111 Congar, Yves M.J., 237n893, 238n895, 239, 240n902, 241nn906–7, 241n910–1 Congregations, authority of, 251, 285n1030, 290 for the Doctrine of the Faith, xiii, xvii the Holy Office, 121, 272, 277 for Divine Worship, xvi, 8n28, 11n32, 71, 77, 81n320, 82, 145, 148n651, 150 of Rites, 135 consecration according to the Lutherans, 35, 49, 90, 105, 108–12 adoration of the Host after, 120, 142 in the New Mass, 3, 13, 15, 21–22, 23–24, 55, 57–60, 65, 66, 86, 87, 296 and the Offertory, 46–47 performed by the priest alone, 312 of wine by contact, 124, 136 See also Roman Canon
Consilium Pontificium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia, 77 Constantine, Emperor, 34n124 Constantinople III, Council of. See under Council Constantinople IV, Council of. See under Council
Cornelius, Pope Saint, 207
Coronata, Matthaeus Conte a, 218n836, 235n884, 236n887, 242n913, 243–4, 259, 269n993
Corpus tuum, Domine, 45, 62n233, 64 Corrêa de Brito Filho, Paulo, xvi Corrêa de Oliveira, Plinio, xvi, 39n145, 40n149, 93n369, 95n376, 95n379, 155–6, 267n981, 270 Council of Carthage XV or XVI, 119–120 of Constance, 204 of Constantinople III (Sixth Ecumenical), 177–78 of Constantinople IV (Eighth Ecumenical), 158, 178, 183–84 of Florence, 47n182, 158 of Pistoia. See under Synod of Nicaea II (Seventh Ecumenical), 178 of Trent, 7, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26n103, 26n205, 27n206, 33, 50, 71, 72, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 92n367, 95, 121, 129n558, 137, 142–43, 307–8, 309, 311 “in Trullo,” See under Synod of Vatican I, 156, 184, 197n797, 224, 239, 250, 260, 288 of Vatican II, 714n43, 40, 41, 71, 75, 79, 82, 106, 155, 163n710, 249n292, 261, 265n978, 267, 300, 301, 305n1081, 313, 317, 318–19
See also Synod Cranmer, Thomas, 108 custom, force of, 120, 122, 125, 127, 130, 139n606, 150n663, 240, 286, 295 Cyprian, Saint on faith, 187 on heretics, 202, 203 on Novatian, 207 on the Offertory, 47n182 Cyril of Alexandria, Saint, 283–84
dalmatic, 66 Daniel, prophet, 53, 94 Davies, Michael, xiv deacon, 25, 66, 67, 314 de Bérulle, Cardinal Pierre, 37
de Lugo, Joannes, 47n182, 268n982, 272–73, 276n1007, 277–78 desacralization, 59, 79, 81, 87, 295 De servorum Dei, 117–18, 131n564, 569 Desiderio desideravi, 299–320 de Soto, Domingo, 158n691, 198, 218n836, 258, 259
de Tournely, Honoré, 158 Deus cui proprium est, 134 Deus qui humanae substantiae, 45n178, 52 Diekamp, Franciscus on error in documents of the Magisterium, 251, 262n967 on dogmatic facts, 117 on the Offertory, 47n182 Diospolis, Synod of. See under Synod Divini cultus, 123 divorce, 40–41, 157, 265 Dominique de la Sainte-Trinité, 131 Dublanchy, Edmond, 122, 125n530, 125n534, 163n709, 164, 172n722, 174n728, 176n734, 182, 262, 263n974 Dutch Catechism, 77 d’Herbigny, Michel, 118, 131n565, 249n930
Easter. See Resurrection Eastern liturgies, 57, 63, 108, 113n473, 143, 302 Ecclesia Dei afflicta, xiv ecumenical council, 116, 244 ecumenism, 45n179 and celebrations with non-Catholics, 274 egalitarianism, 93n369, 75, 76n295 episcopal conferences, xvii, 63, 67, 94 Erwig of Spain, King, 178 Eucharistic prayer(s) in the Institutio, 13, 19, 23–24, 27, 31, 54–61, 88, 310 in Luther’s Mass, 99, 108–12 and memorial of the dead, 66 new, xv, xvii, 59–61 Protestants prefer that nomenclature, 19, 21 said aloud, 24 See also Roman Canon
excommunication, 202, 204, 215, 269, 273, 274, 280
of Emperor Henry V, 179
Fathers of the Church norms of, 75–76, 78–79 consensus of, 121, 140, 177, 179, 207 on a heretical pope, 187, 194, 202–4, 207 on resisting pope, 287 on private property, 291 Florence, Council of. See under Council Francis, Pope, xiv, xviii, 299–320 Franzelin, Cardinal Joannes Baptista, 116n480, 253–54
Gallicanism, 158 Gamber, Klaus, xiv Gasser, Bishop Vinzenz, 158 Gaudium et spes, 300 Gelasius, Pope Saint, 187 Gelineau, Joseph, xv General Prayer. See Prayer of the Faithful genuflections at Mass, 17n53 suppression of, 108, 45, 57, 60, 64 Godfrey of Amiens, Saint, 3, 180, 182 Goupil, Auguste-Alexis, 116n480, 129, 130n559, 131n565 Gramsci, Antonio, 232 Gratian, 157, 182, 183, 238 Great Schism. See under schism Gregory XII, Pope, 241 Gregory of Valencia, 239 Gregory the Great, Pope Saint, 7, 47n182, 239, 287
Guéranger, Dom Prosper, 8 on the “anti-liturgical heresy,” 38–39, 78 on the liturgy, 139 on Saint Cyril of Alexandria, 283–84 on Tradition and infallibility, 126–27
Haegy, Joseph, 122 Hanc igitur, 58n222, 88 Häring, Bernard, 40–41
Hedde, R., 34–35 Hefele, Charles Joseph, 179n745, 180–81 Hegelianism, 39–40, 42 Hell, 135, 140, 266 dogma of, 267–68 gates of, 158, 245, 255 Henry V, Emperor, 179 Hervé, Jean Marie on heresy, 210n820, 249n930, 262n967 on hierarchy, 26n105 on infallibility, 116–18, 129, 131n564, 254n950 on Nestorianism, 284 Holy Ghost. See Holy Spirit Holy Orders, 121, 124, 135, 136, 215n830, 274, 316
Holy Spirit, 7, 29, 64, 121, 158n691 Holy Trinity, 45, 46, 53, 54, 64, 301, 203 homily. See under sermon Honorius I, Pope, 158, 163n708, 165, 177–19, 183, 261–62
Hoornaert, Eduardo, 41–42 Hugh of Grenoble, Saint, 3, 180, 182 Huguccio of Pisa, 157, 161–62 Hurter, Hugo, 124n529, 129, 249n930, 252, 262n967, 285n1030
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint, 263 Immaculate Conception, 121, 127, 128, 131–33, 148
Immortale Dei, 278–79 Indiculus, 120, 141 Ineffabilis Deus, 128, 189n775 Innocent III, Pope, 157, 182–83, 240 Innocent X, Pope, 37 Institutio generalis missalis romani 1969 edition, 7–69 1970 edition, 71–88 doctrinal content, 14n43, 16n51 Institution Narrative. See narrative of the institution Inter multiplices, 123 Investiture Controversy, 163n708, 179–81
Iragui, Serapius de, 26n105, 116nn479–80, 130, 260, 262n967
Ivo of Chartres, Saint, 3, 157, 181–82
Jacobazzi, Domenico, 239 Jansen, Cornelius, 36–37, 78n305, 92, 121, 126n539, 139n606, 296 Jansenism, 14, 33, 36–37 Jean de Gaete, 180 Jenny, Henri, 305 Jephte, 1 Jerome, Saint apocryphal lesson attributed to, 143n632, 144 on heretics, 202, 203, 204, 209, 225, 241n909, 241n910 on the pope, 202 John Damascene, Saint, 144 John XXIII, Pope, 1, 163 John of Saint Thomas, 160 John Paul II, Pope, xiv, 265n978
Journet, Cardinal Charles, 189, 197n799, 237n893, 238–39, 241n907, 245n293, 254n950, 272n999, 309 Julianus de Eclana, 35 jurisdiction
in general, 161, 274 of a heretical ecclesiastic, 160, 187–88, 191n783, 193n786, 194, 198–99, 200–04, 207–09, 214–19, 224–28, 233–36, 246
kisses, suppression of, 44–45, 57, 60, 64, 87, 108
Küng, Hans, 237n893, 239, 241n907 Kyrie eleison, 45, 97, 111
La Croix, 318–19 Lapide, Cornelius à on a heretical pope, 160, 293 on the Offertory, 47n182 on correcting superiors, 287 Last Supper
Mass as a representation of, 12–14, 18, 30, 85–86, 96, 307–11, 316 Protestant understanding of, 21, 58
Lavabo, 53 Laymann, Paul, 219n842, 258, 261n966
Le Bachelet, Xavier-Marie, 34n124, 132–33 Leo II, Pope Saint, 3, 177–78
Leo X, Pope, 95n377 Leo XIII, Pope, 278–79 Lercher, Ludovicus, 21n75, 51n194, 92n367, 129, 210n820, 252n971, 262n967 lex orandi, 120, 318, 319
Libera nos, quaesumus, 45n178, 64 Liberius, Pope, 165 Liguori, Saint Alphonsus on Zaccaria, 126n539 on the pope, 199n803, 229, 242n913, 245n923
Liturgical Movement, 7–8, 77, 92, 93n371, 102, 301, 304, 306 Liturgy of the Word, 27–28, 79, 89n346, 94n373, 98n387, 296 Lord’s Prayer, 87, 96 Lumen gentium, 249n929, 250n932, 261, 313 Luther, Martin. See Lutheranism Lutheranism and the Confiteor, 102–4 and the Canon, 107–111 and Real Presence, 35, 90, 109, 112 and liturgy, 35–36, 48, 57, 89–113 and Offertory, 47n182, 48–49, 105–6 and Masses for the dead, 60 See also Confession of Augsburg
Maret, Henri-Louis, 158 Maritain, Jacques, 309 marriage. See matrimony Martín-Moreno, Juan Manuel, 300–5, 308–9, 313–15
Martín Patino, José María. See Nuevas normas de la misa Martyrology, Roman. See Roman Martyrology martyrs, 20, 53, 58, 60 Mary, Blessed Virgin and heretics, 267 invocation at Mass, 53, 103 images of the, 96n380
See also Assumption; Immaculate Conception; Presentation of Our Lady Mass
four ends of, 18 incompatibility of the New and Old, 299–320 infallibility of the New, 149–51 Lutheran, 89–113 private, 85, 92, 99, 100 problems with the New, 11–113, 295–97 promulgation of the New, 7–8 propitiatory character, 17–21, 29, 45, 48–54, 58, 68, 72, 75, 83–86, 90–91, 101, 105, 107, 108, 318 Requiem, 66–67 simultaneous celebrations, 313–14 editio typica tertia of the New, xvi–xvii See also communion; concelebration; consecration; Eucharistic prayer(s); genuflections; Institutio generalis missalis romani; Last Supper; narrative of the institution; Nuevas normas de la misa; Roman Canon; women in the New Mass master of ceremonies, 67 matrimony analogy of Church and pope, 157 indissolubility of, 40–42 invalidity, 40 mixed, 273–74 of priests, 100
Matthaeucci, Augustine, 170, 175 Mayer, Antônio de Castro, xiii, xvi, 2, 8, 33, 78n305, 80n317, 155, 227, 249, 265, 281, 284 Mazzella, Cardinal Camillo, 195, 242n913, 260, 261n966, 262n967, 288n1040 Mazzella, Horatio, 260 Mediator Dei, 8, 74n284, 77, 78n308, 93n176, 97n385, 98n387, 123n527, 299–318
Medina Estévez, Cardinal Jorge, xvi–xvii Melanchthon, Philip, 93, 99–100 Merkelbach, Benedictus, 251–52, 268n983, 272n999, 289–90 metaphysics, 39–40, 93n369
Michael (Byzantine Emperor), 156, 204 Michael the Archangel, Saint, 53, 103
Missal, Roman. See Roman Missal Missale romanum (apostolic constitution), xvi, 7, 8n27, 49n187, 71n277, 150n663
Modernism, 1, 33, 37–40, 133 neomodernism, 11, 40, 42n161
Mondello, Vittorio, 159n696, 178, 183, 237n893, 239n901, 241n907
Monothelitism, 35, 163n708, 177, 296n1061
Mors, Josephus, 252n941, 290 Munda cor meum, 44 Mysterium fidei (encyclical), 28, 77, 82
narrative of the institution, 13, 21–22, 24, 55, 60, 86, 109, 111–12, 312 said aloud, 23–24 Natal, Alexandre, 132 Nestorius, 203, 284 New Mass. See Mass Nicaea II, Council of. See under Council Nicholas I, Pope Saint, 156–57, 204 Notitiae, xvi, 71, 81n320, 82, 85, 87 Novatian, 187, 207 Nuevas normas de la misa, xv, 11–12, 20–30, 39–40, 50–53, 62–69, 73–74, 77, 92, 96n380, 99n392, 100n400, 103–7, 110, 113n477
Offerimus Tibi Domine, 49 Offertory
new concept of, 44, 45–54, 67, 134–35 Lutheran, 91n363, 98–99, 102, 104–8 Oppenheim, Philippus, 134–39
Orate fratres, 54 Oriental liturgies. See Eastern liturgies Ottaviani, Cardinal Alfredo, xiv, xvi, 309 “Our Father.” See Lord’s Prayer Our Lady. See Mary, Blessed Virgin
Palmieri, Dominicus, 174n728, 176, 262 Paquier, Jules, 35, 89–91, 93–96
Pascendi Dominici gregis, 1n14, 38n141, 265 Paschal II, Pope, 163n708, 165, 179–81 paten, 66, 87, 135 Paul, Saint, 3, 58, 81n320, 109, 314
on heretics, 188, 198n800, 202, 208–9, 222, 225, 230, 272, 280 invocation of at Mass, 53, 103 rebuke of Saint Peter, 285–89, 292 Paul VI, Pope, xiii, xiv, 1, 7–8, 59n224, 71, 77, 79, 82, 120, 149–50, 155, 227, 297, 305, 309
Pègues, Thomas-M., 252 Peinador, Antonius, 269n990, 269n993, 272n999, 285n1030, 287–88, 291n1051, 292n1054
Pelagianism, 33, 34–35, 296 Pelagius. See Pelagianism Perceptio corporis tui, 44, 45n178, 63n233, 64 Pesch, Christian, on consecration, 110n453 on a dubious pope, 242n913, 243n916, on error in documents of the Magisterium, 251, 252n941 on eschatological dogma and the liturgy, 135n578 on heretical bishops, 249n930 on infallibility, 117, 118, 128, 131n564, on the Offertory, 47n182 on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 285n1030 on Tradition, 214n823 on the veneration of saints, 132 Peter, Saint, 2, 173, 174, 184, 187, 200, 237, 261 invocation of at Mass, 53, 103 Saint Paul’s rebuke of, 285–89, 292 Philip the Fair, King, 158 Phillips, Georges, 183n764, 238n894, 242 Pighi, Alberto, 158–59, 173, 184, 236 Pinto, Manuel, 120n507, 121n517, 126n540, 134, 135n582, 138–45
Pistoia, Synod of. See under Synod Pius V, Pope Saint, 3n18, 7, 43, 45, 48, 53, 55, 61, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 144
Pius VI, Pope, 14, 121–22, 139n606 Pius IX, Pope, 120, 128, 143 Pius X, Pope Saint, 1, 33, 37–39, 265 Pius XI, Pope, 120, 123 Pius XII, Pope
on the liturgy, 7–8, 74n284, 77–78, 92, 93n371, 97n385, 98n387, 120, 123, 299–318 on ordination, 135 on silentium obsequiosum, 250–1 Placeat tibi, 45 Pontifical, Roman. See Roman Pontifical pope abdication of, 158m687, 209, 225 demented or insane, 235, 236n887 dubious, 242–44 incompetent, 235–36 invalid election of, 158n687, 246 imprisoned, 235 scandalous, 235, 236, 240n902, 279, 285, 287, 293
schismatic, 237–44 tacit resignation of, 216n832, 222, 225 Prayer of the Church. See Prayer of the Faithful Prayer of the Faithful, 106–7 prayers, suppressed or altered Presence, Real. See Real Presence Presentation of Our Lady, 3 Prierias, Sylvester, 286 priesthood of the faithful, 22–27, 73–75, 77, 79, 80, 93, 100, 102–3, 106–7 liturgical role according to the Institutio, 13, 15, 18, 22–27, 31, 43, 44, 48–50, 59–64, 73–75, 77, 79, 80, 83–87, See also Holy Orders private property, 291 procession, 67, 105, 106, 316 propitiation, 15, 18, 20, 31, 44–45, 295, 303, 318
Protestantism. See Anglicanism; Book of Common Prayer; Bucer, Martin; Lutheranism; Melanchthon, Philip; Zwingli, Ulrich Prümmer, Dominicus M., 260, 268n984, 272n999 psalmist, 67
quasi promulgatio, 223, 230–31, 233 Quod ore sumpsimus, 45, 64, 88 Quo primum, 3, 75
Ratzinger, Cardinal Joseph. See Benedict XVI, Pope
Raynaud, Theophilus, 132 reader (liturgical ministry), xviii, 67, 68 Real Presence, 12, 14–15, 17n53, 21, 22, 35, 39–40, 57, 58, 72, 76, 77n299, 85, 90, 109, 112, 274, 295, 296, 309, 311 Reed, Luther D., 48, 49nn186–7, 101–13 Requiem Mass. See under Mass reservations
about the 1970 Institutio, 72, 296–97 of modernists, 33 about new texts of the Canon, 57 about the Ordo missae, 115, 297 about papal acts, 2 about universal ecclesiastical law, 115 Resurrection, 109, 304–6 Mass as memorial of, 12–13, 18, 29–30, 53, 55, 85–86, 306 revolution Protestant, 93n369, 95 modern liturgical, xiv Rilliet, Jean, 96–97 Rivière, J., 36nn133–4, 97–100
Roman Breviary, 119, 129–30, 143n632, 144
Roman Canon infallibility of, 129, 137, 142 modifications by the Lutherans, 102, 105–111 modifications in the New Mass, 13, 54–58, 61, 94n373
Roman Martyrology, 130–31
Roman Pontifical on consecration by contact, 136 infallibility of rubrics, 135 rubrics, modifications of, 65–69 Rufinus of Assisi, 157
Sacrament, Blessed. See under Blessed Sacrament
Sacred Scripture. See under Bible sacred vessels. See also chalice purification of, 66, 88
form of, 67 in Lutheran rubrics, 106 sacred vestments, 240. See also alb, chasuble, dalmatic sanatio in radice, 246 Sacrosanctum concilium, 28, 49n187, 106n430, 299–301, 305, 314, 316, 319 Salaverri, Ioachim, on error in documents of the Magisterium, 252, 253n945
on ecclesiastical hierarchy, 26n105 on heretics, 189n774, 189n777, 249n930 on infallibility, 116n480, 210n820, 215n828 on the possibility of a heretical pope, 170, 184–85, 224, 262n967 on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 285n1030 sana pars, 223, 230–34 sanctuary
layout and location of, 24, 68, 313, 315 presence of women in, xvii–xviii, 67 Scherer, Cardinal Vicente, xiii, 155 Schillebeeckx, Edward, 14n46, 77 schism
Great or Western Schism, 157, 158 jurisdiction of schismatics, 203–4, 207, 215 Novatian, 207 schismatic pope, 237–44 schola cantorum, 67 Scripture, Sacred. See under Bible sedevacantism, 160, 230 sensus fidei, 155, 229–34 Septuagint, authority of, 143 Sergius of Constantinople, 177, 261 sermon, 29, 94–95, 101, 104 Sigaud, Geraldo de Proença, xvi, 155, 281 sign of peace, 63–64
Sign of the Cross, 12, 57, 60, 64, 111, 240 silence
during the Canon, 310, 316 silentium obsequiosum, 250, 288–90 simony, 218, 274 Sipos, Stephanus, 167n718, 210n820, 216n832, 236n887, 267n993, 269n993, 275n1002, 280
Sixtus V, Pope, 121 Spiritus Domini, xviii
Staphilus, Frederick, 36 state of grace, 41, 64, 310 Straub, Antonius, 174n728, 176n734, 289, 293 Suárez, Francisco
on a demented or insane pope, 236 on a dubious pope, 242n913, 245nn922–23 that a heretical pope is deposed ipso facto, 187–89, 209n816, 215nn828–30, 226–28 on heretics, 269n993, 276n1007, 277 on liturgical infallibility, 127–28 on the Offertory, 47n182 on papal infallibility, 125–26 on the pope’s right to resign, 235n884 on the possibility of a heretical pope, 170, 171, 173, 175–76, 182n760, 183, 184, 192, 195, 224, 258
on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 285n1030, 286, 287, 288n1040 on a schismatic pope, 237–39, 241 on whether a heretical pope can be deposed by declaration, 159–60, 164, 197–201, 244 subdeacon, 66–67 Summorum pontificum, xiv Suscipe sancte Pater, 48–49, 54, 105 Suscipe Sancta Trinitas, 45n178, 54n211 Synod of Diospolis, 34 of Pistoia, 14–15, 78, 90, 121–22, 139n606 “in Trullo,” 178 of Vienne, 180–82
Tanquerey, Adolphe, and ecclesiastical hierarchy, 26n105 on heretics, 214n824, 269n985, 271, 262n967, 275n1002, on infallibility, 117, 118 on silentium obsequiosum, 290n1047 on usury, 292n1054 theology liturgical theology, 133–148, 301 modern, 80–81, 301, 304, 319–20 neo-scholastic, 149, 259
as a science, 221 theological certainty, 117–18, 137, 149 Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 3, 232, 250, on the Canon of the Mass, 61n232 on custom, 120 on Jews, 231 on pertinacity, 272n999 on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 285, 288n1040, 292 on transubstantiation, 120 on theology, 221 on usury, 291 Thomism, 39 thurifers, 67
Torquemada, Cardinal John de, 158, 236–41 Traditionis custodes, xiv, 318–19 transfinalization, 14, 77 transignification, 14, 77 Translation, of the new liturgical texts into vernacular languages Translation of the Holy House of Loreto, 140 transubstantiation absence of term in the 1969 Institutio, 12–15, 21, 31, 85, 90, 295 absence of term in Desiderio desiravi, 311 of bread before wine, 120, 142n625 and Lutherans, 21, 90, 109–12 in Mysterium fidei, 77 Trent, Council of. See under Council
Universal Prayer. See under Prayer of the Faithful Urdañoz, Teófilo, 288n1040, 291nn1050–51, 292n1054 ushers, 25, 67 Usury, 291–92
Vacante sede, 243–44 Vacca, Salvatore, 157 Vagaggini, Cipriano, 17n55, 139n606, 145–48 Van Laak, Herman, 174n728, 176n734, 237n893 Vásquez, Gabriel, 126–27
Vatican I, Council of. See under Council Vatican II, Council of. See under Council
versus populum celebration, 24, 88, 96 Vidal, Petrus. See under Wernz, Franciscus Xavier
Vienne, Synod of. See under Synod Vitoria, Franciscus de, 285–86 Vivanco Lopes, Gregorio, xvi Vulgate, 142
Weidert, Aline and Alain, 318–19 Wernz, Franciscus Xavier, on a demented or insane pope, 236n886 on a dubious pope, 242n913, 243n917, 245n922
on heresy, 269n986, 272n999, 275–76, 277nn1008–9, 277n1011, 278n1013, 278n1015, 280 that a heretical pope is deposed ipso facto, 199n802, 207, 209n817, 210, 211, 213, 214, 216n832, 218, 219–220, 221, 225, 229 on papal infallibility, 123 on the possibility of a heretical pope, 167, 171 on resistance to ecclesiastical authority, 287 on a schismatic pope, 237n893, 238n894, 241n907 on supplemented jurisdiction, 217n834, Western Schism. See under schism William of Ockham, 158 Wilmers, Guilelmus, 236n886, 242–43 women in the New Mass, xvii–xviii, 67, 87nn339
words of consecration. See under narrative of the institution
Xavier da Silveira, Arnaldo Vidigal, xii, xiv, xvi 155–56, 160–62, 227, 249n928, 263n976, 283n1025, 288n1041–42
Zaccaria, Francisco Antonio, 126, 139 Zalba, Marcelino, 252n941, 269n991, 269n993, 272n998, 276n1006, 280n1022, 290 Zinelli, Federico Maria, 184, 224 Zoghby, Elias, 41 Zosimus, Pope Saint, 35 Zwingli, Ulrich, 57, 90, 96–97, 108, 113