1 minute read
The Socialist Goals for France
Confirmation of State secularism — marriage put on the same level as cohabitation — complete sexual freedom “rehabilitation” of homosexuality — unrestricted access to free contraceptives — freedom of abortion for both adults and minors — the gradual death of private education — State education starting at age two.
Nationalization of large and medium-sized companies — progressive socialization of rural life — the “self-managing way” — the workers’ assembly, the supreme power in every company — the rule of managers and technicians in selfmanaging enterprises: to obey — class warfare — consumer participation in the management of business.
The self-managing model for the family: self-managing children, class struggle against parents — for the school: selfmanaging students, class struggle against teachers.
Self-managing society molds a new type of man: agnostic — with an anti-Christian morality — with a very low ceiling on individual advancement — subject in everything to the majority in committees in which he also votes — committees which “help” him by planning even his leisure, entertainment and home decoration.
The radical application of the trilogy Liberté — Egalité — Fraternité: levelling of social classes — dissolution of the State — a galaxy of micro-communities — the overthrow of monarchy complete only when there are no corporate ownermanagers left in France.
Socialist self-management: an international goal to whose service the Socialist Party has vowed to commit the government, wealth, prestige, and worldwide influence of France.