Year 45 issue 8

Page 1

February 27

Year 45, No. 8





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KBOR policies on social media speech questioned

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S ist erh o o d

Dawn Shouse Editor

Pancake Day Preview — Page 8

Courtesy Photo

The Kansas Board of Regents has adopted a new policy that includes language regarding improper use of social media for employees on and off campuses. KBOR adopted the policy in December just as the state’s universities and colleges were going on winter break. According to the KBOR website, the new policy makes it a firing offense for faculty or staff to use social media that would be considered “contrary to the best interests of the university.” The new policy sparked a tremendous amount of backlash from across the state of Kansas and other parts of the country. Faculty members from educational institutions immediately began writing letters and organizing petitions targeting the policy. “The goal of this policy is to provide guidance to all university employees and university administration regarding the use of social media,” stated Fred

Logan, Chairman of the Kansas Board of Regents on the KBOR website. In response to the outcry, the regents have set up a committee to amend the policy to include language regarding improper use of social media on and off campuses. Max McCoy, professor of journalism and mass communications at Emporia State University, has a chair on that committee. “We are having to literally start from scratch and rewrite the entire policy,” McCoy said. “The regents have, in effect, criminalized free speech.” McCoy added, “The policy is so broadly written, so vague and subject to interpretation, that any statement deemed by the chief executive officer as not in the best interests of the university could be grounds for suspension or termination.” McCoy insisted that the policy goes against the U.S. Supreme Court concept of the universities being a marketplace of ideas and nContinued on page 3

Sisters Natalie, Kimberly and Olivia enjoy spending time together and snapping this selfie picture.

Softball starts strong. — Page 4B

Saints claim league title. — Page 2B

Students plan Telolith. — Page 7

Trio of sisters attend Seward Diana Chavira New Media Director Not often do students get to be in college along with their siblings, but the Robinson sisters are an exception. Natalie, Kimberly and Olivia attend Seward County Community College together and they’re more than sisters, they’re best friends. The Robinson sisters share many things in common and enjoy spending time together and getting involved in different activities. Natalie Robinson shared that she and her sisters love to do everything together. “From dancing, to playing soccer, to doing mission work and ministering to people at our church, to eating, shopping, to simply watching movies or drinking coffee together,” Natalie said. “We can make just about anything a good time if we have each other.” Kimberly and Olivia had the same things to say about spending time together. One of the major things that the Robinson sisters do together is dance. “Dancing is something that we’ve done together since we were younger,” said Kimberly Robinson, “because I had my own dance classes that I started back when we lived in Indiana, and all my little sisters ended up being in all my classes, and so I taught them how to dance.” Since then, dancing has been one of the Robinsons’ favorite things to do together. Kathryn Robinson, mom and adjunct instructor at SCCC, suggested the idea that her daughters try-out for the

and is humbled and appreciative for the experience overall. Kimberly also had the opportunity to do a four-month mission trip in Russia and she was also able to dance at schools once again. Olivia and Natalie shared that they were so excited for their sister and proud of her. “I think it’s amazing,” Olivia said, “I definitely admire Kimberly for having the courage and strength to go do that.” The Robinson sisters support each other in everything they do and their relationships and similarities set them apart. “Well first of all, we all look alike,” said Kimberly about her sisters. Their similar appearance is amusing to the sisters because their friends often confuse them. “Everyone gets us confused all the time,” continued Kimberly. “Everyone who comes up to me goes, ‘Oh hey’ and they wave to me – and I’ve never seen them before– and then they’re like, ‘Oh wait.. you’re not Olivia’.” The sisters all think it’s refreshing to be so close to each other and they also shared that their parents always encouraged them to not only be sisters, but to be best friends. They all know that they each have each other’s back and a benefit to being so close is that they help each other spiritually. “I say that what makes us different and unique would first be each of our personal relationships with Jesus Christ,” added Olivia, “and just how we encourage one another in our relationships with the Lord.” nContinued on page 3

Area Technical School gears up for introduction of aptitude test Dawn Shouse Editor

Sexual violence Awareness — Page 2

Pancake Day talent show. The Robinsons hadn’t done something this big in a long time due to Kimberly’s overseas dancing, and their mom thought it would be the perfect opportunity for all of the sisters to try. Kimberly, Natalie and Olivia will be performing in the Pancake Day Talent Show with their two younger sisters, Tabitha and Sophia to “Stand out,” and their dance will have Hip-hop/Tribal Funk choreography. Although it might seem like a lot of work, the Robinson sisters don’t actually practice too often on their dances together. “It just depends,” said Olivia. Natalie also shared that before, they would all practice together up to four times a week, but now it’s down to two or three, depending on what they’re shooting for performance-wise. Although, Kimberly might need less practice than the rest; she’s done plenty of dancing out of the country. At first, Kimberly went overseas to London for a month with Arizona National, and their team would come together and learn choreography to dances. “When we went to London we would just go to different schools or different churches, different events, and perform.” Kimberly described it as a neat experience, as well as a growing experience by seeing how she could use her gift to express herself and share the message of Jesus Christ. “Which is what we went over there to do, is to share the Gospel,” Kimberly said. She also enjoyed the children and the excitement that they showed to meet them

The diesel technology program at SCCC/ATS has implemented a new aptitude test for students. The Bennett Mechanical Aptitude tests are part of the selection process in a large array of jobs such as: aircraft technician, auto mechanic, fire-fighter and military careers. The tests are a mix of questions that students are likely to encounter in their chosen mechanical fields. “It is a test to help us determine how advanced the student is before we place them into a class,” Transportation Tech instructor Ryan Grubbs said. “Basically, it is to better inform us, as instructors, in

order to help the student succeed. We do not want to place a student into a class with others that are far more advanced.” The aptitude tests include questions about mechanical tools and equipment. “We manufactured our own requirements to a broader scope of questions,” Grubbs added. The Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test is used to determine a student’s aptitude for learning mechanical skills in the applied mechanical job. It measures a complex set of abilities. The student’s mechanical knowledge, spatial intelligence and mechanical reasoning are tested and analyzed.

Crusader file photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

ATS Student Jose Trejo during the Extreme Challenge 2013.

Crusader photo/ Makiah Adams

High school juniors watch during Career Day as Food Science and Safety Program Specialist, Chris Guyer, introduces the new program that will be offered at Seward County Community College in the upcoming 2014 fall semester.

Food Science and Safety program new to SCCC/ATS Makiah Adams Crusader staff A new food safety and science program will be offered at Seward County Community College and Area Technical School this coming fall. This program is for students who want to go into the food safety and science field to do their part in contributing to the safety, the quality, processing, product development and the appearance of food. Biology, chemistry, and engineering are used to study food spoilage, food processing, food properties, and foodborne diseases. Career opportunities for graduates of the Food Science and Safety program include Quality Control Technician, Education, Production Supervisor and Health Inspector. Although SCCC/ATS is still waiting for official approval from the Kansas Board of Regents, they should be receiving it within the next month or two, and then will be ready for the program in the fall of this year. There are already people interested in the program who have been emailing and calling Chris Guyer, Food Science and Safety Program Specialist. Guyer was a biology instructor

at SCCC/ATS before applying for the Food Science and safety position. However, before that he had experience in working in the food industry for eight years. “You buy a bag of chips or some yogurt,” Guyer said. “You open it up and you eat it. You don’t have to think about if it’s just right, or safe, someone has already done that for you.” That’s what the Food Safety and Science Program will teach students to do: meet the needs or protecting the quality and safety of foods. They are in search for people who will be dedicated and professional in meeting these needs. An Intro to Food Science class is offered now and will continue to be in upcoming semesters. It will be one of the first courses required in the Food Safety and Science program. This class uses cooking to illustrate the science. Some of the labs they do consist of baking bread to illustrate leavening and caramelizing onions to illustrate browning. They will also be making cheeses and yogurts to illustrate fermentation.



Thursday, February 27, 2014

Security Heart-to-heart talk about healthy relationships Report Stopping sexual assault 02-17-14: Damage to vehicle investigation. Investigation revealed damage was not criminal. Case closed. 02-19-14: Medical assistance given at the Humanities Building. Incident closed. Confidential. Investigation of theft at Wellness Center, Men’s locker Room for theft of I Phone. Case closed until further information is made known. 02-21-14: Possession of controlled substance investigation. Case referred to the Seward County Sheriff’s Department. Administrative eviction served and upheld by the review board. Student Evicted. Case closed. No further action needed at this time. 02-24-2014: Medical assistance given at the Hobble Academic Building. Incident closed. Confidential.

SGA Meeting A fund request made by Sigma Chi Chi was granted to pay for enrollment fees for the annual law enforcement competition in Overland Park March 9-15. A motion for a Student Relief fund was seconded with more details to be voted on next Monday. Voting for Instructor of the Year will begin next week with candy bars being handed out to the students who vote. A call to all clubs to sign up for the annual phone-a-thon to be the last week of March and the first two weeks of April. Sign up times are between 4:30- 6:30 p.m. and 6:30- 8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Spring Fiesta will be April 27. Phi Theta Kappa will be fund raising by selling Krispy Kreme donuts date to be announced.

and dating violence tic Violence warned. Abuse is a combination of many factors and actions, not just one thing at one point.

Kyleigh Becker Crusader staff

Anyone can be a victim of sexual or domestic violence or be in an unhealthy relationship. One of the main issues for teens and young adults is recognizing and getting out of an unhealthy or abusive one. “There may be someone out there who’s hurting and you’re an advocate for them,” Rhonda Howard, a board member for the Liberal Area Rape Crisis Center and “Live Your Dream” committee chair for the Soroptimist’s InHealthy ternational, said.

One of symbols represented by teal ribbon is support or awareness of sexual abuse or assault.


“Just because you’ve seen or done something (on this list) doesn’t mean you’ve been abused or are an abuser,” Jessica Haymaker from the Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domes-

• Happy • In love • Loyalty • Courtesy • Supportive • Enjoy being in their company • Good communication • Ability to compromise • Respect • Trust

Abusive Relationships: • Verbal • Physical • Emotional • Sexual • Name calling • Threats • Isolation • Unsupportive • Objectification • Guilt trips the other • Degrading comments • Uses financial control • Treats the other as property

Unhealthy Relationships • Always need to know where the other is • Being controlling 24/7 • Creates dependency upon them • Constant, malicious arguing • Unable to compromise • Isolates the other • Extreme jealousy • Obsessiveness • Dishonesty • Putdowns

College Assistance: • • 24/7 Security: 620-417-1180 • Security office: 620-417-1181 •

Resources: • Liberal Area Rape Crisis Center / 620-264-8818 • Kansas Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence / 888-363-2287

CRUSADER Phone: 620.417.1459

Fax: 620.417.1169

editor Dawn Shouse news editor


2013All-Kansas Award, Kansas Collegiate Media 2012-2013 Fourth Place Special Section - ACP 2012-2013 Sixth Place Section - ACP 2003-2004, 2010-2011 Newspaper Pacemaker Finalist - ACP 2008 First Place Certificate - ASPA

Makiah Adams design editor

Jakub Stepanovic

new media director Diana Chavira

sports editor Maria Lara

Kyleigh Becker Kelci Bedingfield Grant Glaze Dallas Kelling Maggie Mahan Karisa Pulaski

2012, 2013 -First Place Online - KCM 2008 - National Online Pacemaker Finalist - ACP 2003, 2004 - National Online Pacemaker Award

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The official student newspaper of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School is published bi-monthly and has special editions by journalism students during the regular college year, except on school holidays and during examination periods. One copy of each issue is distributed free to each student, faculty and staff member, with subsequent copies available for purchase in the Crusader office at 50 cents each. Letters to the editor will be considered for publication if they are signed and the authenticity of the writer’s signature is verified. The staff reserves the right to edit for length. Opinions voiced in letters and editorials are not necessarily those of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School or the Crusader. Advertising is accepted. Rates are $4.25 per column inch or $5 pci for color ads. Insert rates are $50 per thousand. Classified ads are free to SCCC students, faculty and staff; classified rates for all others are $5 per ad, limit of 20 words. The Crusader staff reserves the right to refuse advertising. Mail to: Crusader, Box 1137, Liberal, KS 67905, or

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Thursday, February 27, 2014


SCCC elected board plans to implement social mediapolicy KBOR: Continued from page 1 has written a blog slamming KBOR for the “cowardly way in which it was delivered,” risking suspension or termination for criticizing the policy in the first place. The policy was in response to an opinion that University of Kansas professor of journalism David Guth expressed on Twitter after a gunman killed 12 people and injured eight inside a heavily secured Navy Yard building in Washington, D.C. The tweet was considered distasteful by many university officials, especially KU Dean Ann Brill who responded by writing on the KBOR website, “While the First Amendment allows free expression, that privilege is not absolute and must be balanced with the rights of others.” According to the Huffington Post, the university put the professor on paid administrative leave. While the KBOR policy wrangles national attention, Seward County Community College / Area Technical School elected

Board of Trustees is also working on a social media policy expected to go into effect in April. President Dr. Duane Dunn said, “Our college has to adhere to the rules set forth by our elected board members. We already have a computer usage policy in effect.” Dunn explained why he agrees with implementing a social media policy, “Whether or not school property is used to make a public statement, the instructor or educator has used the university or college to develop that notoriety or creditability. “The person in a position to get the public to listen needs to choose what he or she says very carefully. “The only person that understands the emotions of the writing is the person doing the writing. The reader doesn’t always know the intent.” According to McCoy, the Kansas Board of Regents has no intention to suspend the policy until the new language is finished. The next KBOR meeting will be March 12 and 13.

Corrosion technology searches for instructor Dallas Kelling Crusader staff

website,” Wiens said. “We have a lot to offer,” Wiens added. “One of the benefits in being an inSince the resignation of corro- structor is that there will be no sion technology instructor Curt calls at 3 a.m. to go out into the Near in December, the Area field. The life of an instructor is Technical School has been much more predictable.” Wiens searching across the nation for admits that many corrosion techs his replacement. The Area Tech- hold on to their jobs past the renical School stands to lose Title tirement age and has heard of V money if a corrosion tech in- some techs who continue to work structor is not found. well past 70 years old. Steve Wiens, assistant director Wiens explained that all the of Seward County Community classes are covered for this seCollege /Area Technical School mester. “We have time, and I besaid, “It’s part of our lieve that by next fall grant. We cannot give they will have a new up our search. We corrosion technology inhave to be successful.” structor. Failure is not an The Area Technical option,” Wiens said, beSchool is one of only cause of the federal two schools in the nagrant requirements. tion that offer a corroAdvisory board memsion tech program. bers, Willy Worley and Wiens explained Bobby Marshall, as well the goal of the school as ATS process technolis to make the program ogy instructor Harold the best in the country, Fick, are covering the and he feels classes until a full-time Harold Fick instructor is found. SCCC/ATS has the best facilities. The advisory com- Fick, who is also head of the mittee built the pipeline lab, process technology program, which he said is better than the said he really enjoyed covering lab the National Association of the classes and that he doesn’t Corrosion Engineers has in its mind being busy. He has been home office. . covering both the process techWiens tried to convince Near nology and corrosion technology to reconsider leaving. However, classes since mid-January. Near decided that he wanted to “This has been one of my fago back into industry because it vorite jobs, but I plan to instruct offers more money. According to for three more years then retire,” Wiens, money is the biggest Fick said. problem in finding a replacement Wiens wanted to assure that instructor. “the students will not be cut short “We have been putting ads out of their education and that we on the Internet and on NACE’s will build onto Near’s teaching.”

Courtesy photo

The Robinson sisters after their successful Pancake Day Talent Show auditions. Clock- Olivia and Kimberly practicechoreography for the Pancake Day Talent Show and the Miss Liberal Pageant. wise from top, Natalie, Olivia, Tabitha, Kimberly and Sophia.

Robinson dance brings togetherness Robinsons: Continued from page 1 Another thing that sets the Robinson sisters apart is the purpose through their dancing. “The purpose of our dancing is to honor God and bring glory and praise to His name,” Natalie explained. These are just some of the many things that the Robinsons have in common, and although they may be identified as group sometimes, they have their own personal likes and activities that they enjoy doing while they are apart. In her spare time, Natalie loves to work with her horse and ride as much as possible. Natalie is also competitive in soccer and picks up a game when the opportunity presents itself. “I also spend a great deal of my time working with the children at my church,” Natalie said, “and leading out in my college group at church.” Natalie included that she finds spending time with her family, boyfriend and friends very important.

Olivia, on the other hand, likes to sleep, and spend time with family and friends, and go to high school games and hang out around the house. Another activity that Olivia has been busy with has been getting ready to compete in the Miss Liberal Pageant. Kimberly enjoys spending time with her family and fiance. “I like just being chill,” Kimberly said, “and watching movies and drinking coffee.” Along with their short term activities, the Robinsons additionally have some idea of what their futures might look like. Kimberly is currently attending Seward to get her general education classes out of the way. Before getting married, she plans to transfer to West Texas A&M and wants to pursue a career in dance, and one day, be the director of her own performing arts center. Kimberly is engaged to be married to Daniel Valles. Olivia is still a senior in high school but is taking concurrent classes with Seward and wants to major in fashion design and

Dawn Shouse Editor Follow up on Meth bust at Seward’s Hale Court dorms, Remington Dean Orth, a 20-year-old male, has requested to file for diversion. Orth’s scheduled hearing will be March 19. Diversion is a program that has been created by the state legislature and signed into law. It identifies specific crimes, and describes the characteristics of those charged with the crimes, that will enable the defendant to enter the program. Those who enter a diversionary program typically do not enter a plea at their arraignment after being arrested. Instead, they are literally diverted to the counseling program. In some programs, defendants plead guilty but the plea isn’t formally entered into the court system; the plea is erased upon successful completion of the program. Programs can last from six

months to a year or more. Diversionary programs emphasize counseling, treatment, and behavior modification over punitive measures. Often, participants must agree to attend classes and vocational training, participate in individual or group therapy or counseling, perform community service work, make restitution to any victim, and pay fines. When participants successfully complete the program, the case returns to court and the matter is dismissed or a lesser offense is charged. If the case is dismissed, usually the record of the arrest is not sealed or otherwise destroyed, however. In some situations, defendants may take the additional step of seeking to expunge, or seal, the record of the case. If participants do not complete diversion and/or are discharged from the program for failure to adhere to its terms, the case returns to court for prosecution. At


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maybe minor in ministry. In the meantime, she will attend Seward again next year to work on her cosmetology degree. Olivia is looking into attending Baylor University, but is keeping her options open. As for Natalie, she will also be transfering to West Texas A&M in the fall where she plans to continue pursuing her major of social work and specializing in horse therapy. One day, Natalie would like to start a Ranch Ministry she is working towards having. In the distant future, Natalie, as well as her sisters, wants to be married and starting their own families. The Robinson are family oriented and this will not change any time soon. The Robinsons wouldn’t trade each other for anything in the world, but at one point they did want brothers. Evidently that didn’t happen, and now their dad Loren Robinson, the minister at First Baptist Church, lives in a house of seven girls. It would normally be six, but a friend of

the Robinsons is living with them. “There’s a lot of emotions, a lot craziness, a lot of hair stuff and make-up and clothes lying around,” Kimberly said about the situation, “but it’s cool ‘cause we all share clothes.” According to the Robinsons, there are benefits to having that many girls under the same roof. The Robinson sisters have their own way of adding a little bit of humor and positive insight to anything thrown their way. This not only happens at home, but it occurs whenever they are all together. “Natalie is the funny one,” Kimberly and Olivia said about their sister. They don’t really play practical jokes on each other, but they do goof off together and tell each other “lame jokes” as Natalie put it. The Robinsons aren’t sisters who “have to spend time together,” they’re sisters and they like to spend time together. Connecting and catching up keeps the Robinsons close.

Meth bust suspect files for diversion

Scantlin’s Furniture

H ome to Liberal H igh School & SC C C Sports

Crusader Photo/ Diana Chavira

that time the defendant must enter a plea of guilty or not guilty. Defendants typically pay for their diversion program, by paying a fee to the court and/or treatment center. The cost can sometimes be more than a fine. On Sept. 24 at Seward’s Hale Court dorms, Liberal police took Remington Dean Orth into custody. Orth was arrested between 8:30 and 9 p.m. at the Seward County Community College/Area Technical School dorms in connection with an investigation into suspicion of methamphetamine possession, according to the Liberal Police Department incident report. The police officers were responding to a campus security request for an investigation of alleged drug activity in Hale Court, according to Dennis Mulanax, head of security at SCCC/ATS. “We have a good working relationship with the Liberal Police

Department,” said Celeste Donovan, SCCC/ATS dean of students. “They responded very quickly to our housing staff request for assistance. We have a no tolerance policy in place at Seward. The first time anyone gets caught with illegal drugs they will be evicted from the dorms.” Items seized or taken as evidence included a Browning 20gauge shotgun, six baggies containing a white powdery substance, several glass pipes with a white powdery substance and a brown and white purse, according to the LPD incident report. Also, according to the report, Orth could face charges of drug and drug paraphernalia possession. Captain Patrick McClurg of the LPD said that the police department has always been serious about drugs and will be doing everything possible to make sure their case is protected.



Thursday, February 27, 2014


Warning for dorm residents: Buy renter’s insurance Life in the dorms is anything but predictable. One day a student could be happily cramming for an exam and the next day that same student could be sloshing in cold water from a busted sprinkler head, such as what recently happened to one student in the Student Living Center. At that time, college officials warned students that they should buy renters insurance. According to the Seward County Community College / Area Technical School contract for student housing, the college is not liable for the theft, loss or damage from any cause to the personal property of the student. The college does not insure a student’s personal property and it is recommended that students obtain insurance on personal property. The protection of personal property is the student’s responsibility. All residents of the dorms are required to sign the contact prior to moving in their rooms. To the average college student, it may seem like all that he or she owns is the overflowing trashcan or the spiral notebook gathering dust on the desk. However, unplanned events like fire or theft could make students realize how much their belongings are actual-

ly worth. To avoid finding out after it's too late, make a list or inventory of all the owned items in the dorm room. Then a student can insure the items with renter’s insurance. Renter’s insurance can help cover the bases from theft, fire, water damage or vandalism. That way, if a roommate leaves the curling iron on or a suite mate’s sink overflows, we won't have to live without our favorite clothes, electronics or shoes for very long. According to Zack Griffith, team member of State Farm Insurance, although it depends on how much property is being insured, renter’s insurance is relatively inexpensive. “The price can range anywhere from $7 to $10 a month for a $20,000 policy.” Tammy Lenear is an agent at American Family Insurance and she said it could be $8 to $15 a month on a $16,000 policy. According to Lenear, anyone can get a policy, “The policies are good for one year but can be cancelled at anytime.” According to Team Member Griffith at State Farm, many insurance companies will not extend parents’ homeowner policies because the amount of property to be insured is more than

the limit for extended policies, however they will extend the homeowner’s coverage up to $2,000. Also, insurance companies will not issue a renter’s policy to an existing homeowner policy client, so a student will have to get a renter’s policy in his or her own name. While renter’s Insurance can help pay to replace all the property that has been damaged or stolen and help pay for temporary housing, it does not cover any liability costs if another person falls or gets hurt inside the room. The insurance reimburses for losses one of two ways: actual cash value coverage reimburses the policyholder for an item at market price and replacement cost coverage covers what it would cost to replace the lost item as new, but expect to pay more for this type of policy. Keep an up-to-date inventory of the items in the dorm room and ensure that the proper information will be readily available if ever a claim is needed to be made. With all of the bases covered, students can keep focused on their studies instead of their material items.

Nervousnewcomermeets the rowdy roommates Dallas Kelling Crusader staff

Going off to college is a new adventure. There are so many mixed emotions: I felt excited, nervous, happy, sad and maybe even a little scared. Although I faced many challenges along the way, one of the most interesting encounters was meeting my roommate and suite mates. Some people get lucky and know who their roommates and suite mates will be, and some of us aren’t so lucky. Now, I can say that it’s a little exciting to meet new people, but it is nerve racking. Where should I begin on this fun new journey? I did not know my roommate when I first arrived to college and I was really nervous about meeting her. I didn’t really know

anyone, but my roommate helped me meet many new people. She has also helped me adjust to the change of not having any of my family nearby here, and her family has really accepted me as one of their own. My roommate always finds a way to make me laugh. Whether it be almost breaking her neck just by trying to get out of bed or trying to convince me run outside wearing shorts and a tank top in the snow. My roommate has really made an impact on my life and this adventure has been a good experience. When discussing the topic of my suite mates, there is one main thing to say and it’s that they have taught me many lessons since I have been here. One of my suite mates would come over whenever she pleased. Not that I have a problem with her coming over, but when she doesn’t knock, and comes over to tell me that she has to work out because there are people as big as me on

her team, then we might have a problem. Not to mention this happened while I was making something to eat. I just wonder how it’s my fault she has to run and work out. Another exciting suite mate experience would be when the other suite mate comes into our room and tells us her stories. Once about how she busted a hole in the oil pan of her automobile, which happened to be a Volkswagon Bug. This happened by her getting the wonderful idea that she and her friend would go mudding in her car, in the middle of a field. Not only did she tell stories, but she also liked to come over and dance in her robe to a variety of different kinds of music. Unfortunately, we no longer have the same suite mates, but if this journey has taught me anything, it is to try to find the best in every situation and things will get better. Just give your self time to adjust.

Procrastination heralds student spring burnout Kyleigh Becker Crusader staff

As midterms and spring break comes closer, college students begin to feel the drain. The year is more than halfway done students think, “Well, we’re not really going to be doing anything important these next few weeks, right?” Thus, the laziness hits – students procrastinate. The weeks go on and spring break comes closer. Soon, students could be a week or more behind on schoolwork. That’s when pre-spring break burnout hits.

The last week before midterms, the last week before students take that much needed vacation, they burn themselves out by trying to write those three papers for chemistry, history and psychology in one night. Students try to get a group together to start and finish a presentation that should have been given a week and a half ago. They write a speech about ancient Egyptian architecture at two a.m. – which has to be given during an 8 a.m. class. Students try to do this for a few days, but most of the time it doesn’t work. There’s too much work to be done in too short of time. Exhaustion and irritability make the ability to do any legible or comprehensible work to disappear. Then hope comes in the form of spring break – a week of freedom and no home-

work or classes. For some, spring break is the week of sitting on a beach somewhere and relaxing, shaking off all the stress of the semester. For others, the suffers of severe spring burnout, they may be too worried about what they weren’t able to accomplish so they may not be able to fully enjoy spring break or too tired to go and do anything fun. For me, it’s a matter of pacing myself to prevent spring burnout. I only wait until the last minute, if I’m feeling extremely unmotivated, which happens more than I’d like to admit. If I have more projects and papers than I can handle, I just try to take a deep breath, watch a movie to steel my nerves, get working and take frequent two-to-three minute breaks to keep myself entertained and motivated.

While at the time it may not be the most entertaining or fun thing to do, it saves me from ripping my hair out when everything is due during midterms and before spring break. Personally, I like to enjoy my vacations and I can’t do that if I’m worried about the paper, or three, that I didn’t turn in to Professor Stafford on time. Here is my advice, if a student feels like they’re almost burnt out, in any of the stages of burnout or even procrastination, they take a break and just relax for a moment. Maybe take a shower or walk away from the computer for a few minutes and then come back to it. Usually, all something needs to get finished is a fresh look with rested eyes and an open mind.


Thursday, February 27, 2014


Martin Luther King Jr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Civil Rights Activist and a minister. King changed his name from Michael to Martin after his father adopted the name in honor of the Protestant Leader Martin Luther.

Frederick Douglass

Jackie Robinson Jackie Robinson was the first black baseball player in the Major League, and played for the Brooklyn Dodgers. Robinson had an older brother (Jesse Robinson) who competed in the 1936 Olympics and won a silver in the 200-meter dash.

A Game of Matching A. Freedom Riders B. Rosa Parks C. Jackie Robinson D. James Meredith E. Thurgood Marshall F. Little Rock Nine G. Greensboro Four (See answers below.)

Celebrate Black History Month

Frederick Douglass was born into slavery. After being sent to the Auld Family, he learned to read and write even though it was illegal. After escaping slavery, Douglass became a regular anti-slavery lecturer at abolitionist meetings. He wrote “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave” in 1845.

___ Became the first African-American player to break Major League Baseball’s unwritten rule against hiring blacks ___ Group that held the first sit-ins at Woolworth’s Department stores in the South to protest against the store’s segregationist policies ___ The first black student to enroll at the University of Mississippi ___ The person responsible for launching the Montgomery bus boycott, one of the pivotal events of the civil-rights movement ___ Group of students famous for challenging school segregation in the Deep South ___ Lawyer who won the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in 1954, which made segregation in public schools illegal ___ Student groups who rode buses throughout the South in order to integrate interstate transportation

Black History Month A look at local legends

Larry Card Larry Card was born in October of 1947 in Liberal, Kansas. Card lived in a single-parent home with his mother from the time he was 8. His dad died when he was young, and his mother had only a sixth-grade education. After graduating from Liberal High School, he attended Wichita State, majoring in political science, and then attended Kansas University of Law. He joined the Air Force, and became a captain. Card moved to Alaska in 1976 as an Air Force attorney, and was assigned to defense work. He was a criminal defense lawyer before he was appointed to the Alaska Superior Court

as the first black attorney. In an interview with JET Magazine after being appointed, Card said, “I think this says that poverty alone in not enough to stop you. If you are willing to work hard, you can do anything you want to.” Card is also an adjunct professor at the University of Alaska, a public speaker, and on various committees to improve the legal system. “I enjoy teaching lawyers how to try cases and I take every opportunity to be on a faculty discussing trial practice. Better trial lawyers mean better justice, in the most efficient way.”

Martin Lewis played for the Toronto Raptors in the position of small forward. He attended Liberal High School and Seward County Community College.

Lamar Chapman was born in Liberal. He played for the Cleveland Browns for two seasons (2000 and 2001).

Doug Terry, a safety from the Kansas City Chiefs was born and raised in Liberal. Terry played for the Chiefs in the 1992-95 seasons in 57 career games.

Information research by Maggie Mahan

The Community Bank offers Internet Banking 2320 N. Kansas in Liberal.

C. Jackie Robinson; G. Greensboro Four; D. James Meredith; B. Rosa Parks; F. Little Rock Nine; E. Thurgood Marshall; A. Freedom Riders



Thursday, February 27, 2014

Doctor speaks at SCCC on street drugs and chemical terrorism Kyleigh Becker Crusader staff An expert on street drug use in young adults and the usage chemical weapons in terrorism spoke at SCCC/ATS last Thursday. Dr. William Banner’s attendance at the college was a joint effort between the Nursing Program and Business and Industry. This was Banner’s first time at SCCC/ATS. Nursing students and area law enforcement attended the presentation. “We were so thrilled when we found out (Banner) was so close by,” Nursing Program Director Veda King said. The presentation allowed both nursing and law enforcement to obtain continuing education hours which are needed to renew licenses. Seward and Beaver County Police attended the presentation along with Stevens and Beaver County Sheriffs’ Offices. Banner began the presentation humorously, calling himself “kind of a Tennessee boy” and jokingly blaming former president Ronald Reagan because he “tore down the wall and all the Russian chemists were out of work” after that. Many of the designer drugs currently being abused in the United States originated in Russia and other Eastern European countries, and can easily be bought via the Internet, and some are even legal in the US, simply because they haven’t been declared illegal yet. Some of the designer drugs that are illegal include K2/Spice, LSD, Ecstasy and Bromodragon-

Fly. “(A) chemical is a chemical until someone defines it as a drug,” Banner said, “... Narcotics to (the police) and narcotics to me are a little different.” The police define narcotics as Schedule I drugs, while Banner defines them as substances that affect opiate receptors in the brain. Heroin, ecstasy, LSD and marijuana are all considered Schedule I drugs, according to the DEA.

the so-called benefits of K2 is that it will not show up in a normal drug screen — nor can it be detected on a hospital drug screen unless it is specifically looked for and the test takes a week to produce results. Patients high on K2 show up in the ER with tachycardia (extremely high heart rate), panic and sometimes seizing. While Kansas is lower than Oklahoma for narcotic related deaths, the number of deaths

“If we would have put half the effort into health care as (refining) marijuana, we would have cured cancer.” — Dr. William Banner Marijuana, Banner states, is very different now than in the 1970s. Now, it is more potent. “If we would have put half the effort into health care as (refining) marijuana, we would have cured cancer,” Banner said. While Oxycotonin isn’t a Schedule I drug, Banner stated that it still kills more people every year than Schedule I drugs. One rising star in the death toll of drugs is K2, also known as Spice or JWH018, which is a similar compound. K2 is cannabis-like. However, it was designed to “turn off the munchies,” Banner said. One of

tripled from 1999 to 2011 in Kansas. One of the reasons for the increase in deaths, Banner claimed, is excessive prescribing, along with the Internet, which provides teens and young adults recipes for making it themselves or the ability to discreetly contact someone. In many cases, some teens even get it from their classmates or their parents’ medicine cabinets. Oxycototin, Xanax and Ritalin are all well-known prescription drugs that have a high potential for abuse. They can also be easily found in many medicine cabinets

or unsecured on a countertop. “Purple Drank” is a concoction made from cough syrup, along with other things, that is illegal is the U.S., but very easy to make. According to Banner, “20-30 percent that accidentally (or purposefully) ingest (cough medicine) will test positive for meth.” Even something as simple as abusing, or even accidentally drinking, cough medicine can ruin a person’s entire future, or at least the near future. Banner covered chemical weapons in relation to terrorism, beginning with the story of March 20, 1995 in Tokyo, when a container of diluted sarin gas was released in the metro. “Never trust anyone wearing sunglasses in the subway, I guess is the takeaway from that,” Banner said. The biggest problem with the metro attack, Banner said, was figuring out who, out of the 640 that rushed to the nearest hospital, actually needed treatment. Nerve agents and other forms of chemical terrorism are “frequently used not to produce death, but to produce (injuries and mayhem),” Banner said, as casualties have to be treated, transported, cared for and supplied with resources. Nerve agents are also relatively inexpensive — it only costs about $600 to kill everyone in a square kilometer with a nerve agent, compared to $800 for a nuclear weapon and $2,000 with a conventional weapon. Biological weapons are the cheapest, as they only cost roughly $1 to kill everyone in a

single square kilometer. Banner also covered blister agents such as mustard gas, choking agents such as anhydrous ammonia (transported in rail cars and is a fertilizer used in agriculture) and blood agents such as cyanide. Mustard gas was first used in WWI and caused chemical burns to the eyes and lungs. However, in WWII it was not used. Anhydrous ammonia is frequently transported via rail, and if spilled or if the train derails, anyone within a two-mile radius isn’t safe. “Choking agents are probably a little more relevant to us today,” Banner said. Cyanide was used in the gas chambers of concentration camps during WWII and can be in a gaseous, liquid or solid state. Blood agents prevent the use of oxygen in the body — it stops the body from being able to make energy, causing rapid cardiac arrest and seizures. The good news is that many of these agents are difficult to get a hold of or relatively expensive to make for the average person. Agents stocked in U.S. military bases are very well protected and there is a ban on transporting many chemicals and many are difficult to import. However, there are some that are common in the U.S. and transported or used in industry, such as chlorine gas and hydrogen cyanide. More good news is that many chemical weapons have treatments that are effective.

Courtesy photo/

While some places claim their designer drug products are legal, it is only because they haven’t been declared illegal yet.

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The number of deaths in Kansas related to narcotics have tripled from 1999 to 2011.

Drinking a large

K2/Spice has been

Marijuana is

dose of cough syrup

linked to kidney

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can cause a drug



screen to show positive for meth. Courtesy photo/

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More than 400 visit for Career Days

News Briefs SUMMER AND FALL ENROLLMENT beings April 7. May 2 is the last day to drop classes and receive a “W” on transcript. STEAK NIGHTS in the cafeteria this semester will be March 6, April 3, April 17, May 1. Supper hours are from 5-6:30 p.m. FASFA AID is offered to any student in the financial aid office on Thursdays from 2:30-4 p.m. The financial aid officers will assist with any questions. FAFSA FRENZY will take place on Wednesday, April 30 in the AAC computer lab here on campus. This will take place from 3-6 p.m. WSU COMMUNITY College Day is all day Friday, March 7, at the WSU campus in Wichita. Campus tours will be given as well as any questions answered, Registration deadline is Friday, Feb. 28. For more information, visit:; or email:; or call (316) 978-6493. MATH/SCIENCE Resource Center’s new hours are MondayThursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. OUTSIDE SCHOLARSHIPS are available for students. Visit: d/outside_scholarships.html MISS LIBERAL pageant takes place at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 2 in the Liberal High School. The last

day for girls 17-24 to enter is Wednesday, Feb. 12. First round paperwork and check-off list is due Feb. 12. The winner of the Miss Liberal Pageant will travel to Pratt, Kansas to compete for the Miss Kansas title. For more information, contact Patsy Fischer. PANCAKE DAY will be on March 4, beginning at 6 a.m. at the Seward County Event Center. Events include pancake breakfast, International Race and Pancake Day Parade. All events require registration or tickets. Visit: for more information and to sign up for events. NO CLASSES will meet at SCCC/ATS Tuesday, March 4. due to Pancake Day. INDUCTION CEREMONY for new Phi Theta Kappa members is Sunday, March 2, at 2 p.m in the Technical School Student Union. Membership criteria is as follows: Must have a minimum of a 3.5 cumulative grade point average; must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours (general education classes) at the community college level; must demonstrate appropriate moral character and conduct. In the event that a student does not receive an invitation, but believes they are eligible, please see Debbie Stafford in H104 to inquire about potential membership status.

High school juniors from area high schools as well as Liberal High School visited the Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School Feb. 18 and 19. More than 430 high school students came to campus for presentations on career options and college programs. The Career Days were co-sponsored by SCCC/ATS and the Liberal Chamber of Commerce. College students and representatives helped host the program presentations.

Crusader photo/Makiah Adams Crusader photo/Makiah Adams

Seward students Carolina Freitas, Thayna Silva and Fabi Monte and other college ambassadors help direct high school visitors during Career Day sessions on campus last week.

High school students and sponsors visit in the student union between Career Day sessions.

Your home loan professionals

“Coldest Beer in Town”


Thursday, February 27, 2014


Finalists to perform in March 3 talent show Diana Chavira News Media Director The Pancake Day Talent Show will be at 7:30 p.m., Monday, March 3 in the James Maskus Auditorium at Liberal High School and will feature at least one group from Seward County Community College. Dance 4:1 Team includes Kimberly, Natalie, Olivia, Tabitha, and Sophia Robinson who will be performing to “Stand Out.” Along with the Robinsons, the Senior Division Finalists include Mariah Rome, from Hugoton, who will be performing a Hula Hoop Dance to “Circus.” Dylan Holt and Brie King from Liberal, will be singing a duet to “Say Something.” Sydney Mathews,

from Forgan, OK, will be performing a vocal solo to “At Last.” Montana Beesley from Hugoton will also be performing a vocal solo to “Because of You.” And Emily Roberts from Liberal will be performing a Jazz Dance to “We Speak No Instanbul.” For more information on the Tiny Tot, Junior and Adult Division finalists, visit!news/c1z0x. Tickets bought in advance are $8 and $10 at the door. Tickets for the Pancake Day Talent Show can be purchased at the Tourist Information Center, One Yellow Brick Road; The Pancake Day Hall of Fame; First National Bank in Liberal, or from talent show contestants.

Crusader file photo / Jakub Stepanovic

Miss Liberal 2013 concluded with the crowning of Giovanna Baca, second from left. Tabitha Barnett, Isabella Martinez, Kaylonni Williams were among the other contestants. This year’s pageant will be March 2.

Crusader photo/ Kyleigh Becker

Design students Kevin Harmon, Adriana Macias and Dalibor Cohadarevic stand in front of Telolith’s 2013 awards. Student Melynn Downs not pictured.

Graphic design class brings Telolith to life Kyleigh Becker Crusader staff The Telolith, the literary magazine at SCCC/ATS is accepting entries for the 2014 edition of the Telolith. Those who wish to enter must have been enrolled at SCCC/ATS for the 2013-2014 academic year and all work must be previously unpublished. Works must be submitted before March 24. In the 40 years Telolith has published, it has won awards. many Awards include 2013 sixth place Best of Show at the National College Media Convention and 2013 Gold Medalist Certificate from Columbia Scholastic Press Association. Every year, the graphic design class taught by Susan Copas designs the Telolith. The students, Dalibor Cohadarevic, Melynn Downs, Kevin Harmon and Adriana Macias, choose the layout, help choose which works, art-wise, to publish and they also edit if need be. This year, the class has only one continuing student, Downs, so the class is “coming at it with fresh eyes,” Copas said. “We want it to be unique — nothing like its ever been,” Downs said. Downs and the

other students choose which of the entries in photography, drawing, painting and other two-andthree dimensional arts, including sculpture and metalwork, will be included. "I think it would be cool to bring in a little 'recap' of what Telolith has been," Macias said. Right now, the students are in the brainstorming stage. The first step is page layout, but they haven’t decided anything yet, except the pages will be in landscape view. Bill McGlothing, English professor, also helps with the Telolith. He assists in choosing which writing works to publish and also editing pieces. The creative writing class, which McGlothing teaches, submits the bulk of what is published. “I really count on the creative writing class for writing,” McGlothing said, “(I) hope everyone works with us this year to make (the Telolith) better.” The Telolith is accepting short fiction, personal narratives and poetry in the writing section. To submit work or to ask questions, contact McGlothing or Copas at or


Interviewing for Miss Liberal starts this weekend Karisa Pulaski Crusader staff The theme for the 2014 Miss Liberal Pageant is surf’s up. Of the seven contestants, two are students of Seward County Community College / Area Technical School. Jessica Martinez and Emily Bayouth. The contestant interviews will


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be Saturday, March 1, at Baker Arts Center. The pageant starts at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 2. Admission is $10 at the door or $8 if tickets are bought at Fashion Tree Boutique, First National Bank, Bank of Beaver and Sunflower Bank. The reigning Miss Kansas Theresa Vail will be attending the pageant.

This year’s contestants are former Seward student who attends Fort Hayes Tabitha Barnett, who will be performing on the piano and singing “Oceans”, Jessica Martinez will be performing a dance, Liberal High School seniors Kyana Carter will be reading poetry, Rachell Meyer will be performing a Hip Hop dance to

“Body Bounce”, Holly Hinkle will be doing a Jazz dance to “A Little Party Never Kill Nobody”, high school senior Olivia Robinson will be doing a composition of song lyrics and lyrical dance and SCCC/ATS Accounting major Emily Bayouth will be performing some Karate.

Courtesy photo / Alli Lyon

Students work through an activity on the challenge course. Left line, from front, Bridget Crandall, Kelsey Blair and Nikolas Mihelic. Right line, from front, Katie Moree, Bella Martinez, Abner Sobalvarro and Alma Varela. At left, Andy Highfill and Abner Sobalvarro assist Nikolas Mihelic in climbing the wall.

Challenging course work for students Seward County Community College/Area Technical School has an outdoor Challenge Course that is designed to help both individuals and groups develop leadership skills, promote teambuilding, resolve conflicts, solve problems and encourage cooperation. Each program is individualized for the specific needs

of a business, youth group or organization that would like to use the facility. The high and low elements are in a safe, controlled, nonthreatening environment to help foster advancement in the lives of individuals and groups. To use the Challenge course, each group must

have at least six individuals and each can do four hours on the low elements, four hours on the high elements for eight hours of both. Prices for nonprofit or public schools are $22 low elements, $28 high elements or $33 for both. Prices for corporate are $35 low elements, $40 high elements or $45 for both. Prices for per-

sonal or family groups are $22 low elements, $28 high elements or $33 for both. This group can also do two hours of low elements for $18 or two hours of high elements for $23. For information, contact Andy Highfill, Wellness Center director, 620-4171140 or email



Thursday, February 27, 2014

International Pancake Day head scarf, which was required for church, and ran out the door holding the skillet with pancakes, and her apron still on. It rubbed off on the neighbors and in the years following they began to race down the street to the church in the same attire holding skillets with pancakes in them as well. The one who reached the church first was the winner, and received a “Kiss of Peace” from the one who rang the bell, who was also known as the verger. In 1950, Jaycee President R.J.

Leete saw a picture of the Olney women racing to the church in a magazine she picked up. She then contacted Rev. Ronald Collins of Olney to challenge the women there to a race against the women of Liberal. The race always begins right before noon, at 11:55, which is around the time the first housewife took off towards the church for the noon shriving service. The women’s race consists of wearing an apron and bandana as well as carrying a skillet with a pancake in it. The pancake needs

to be flipped twice during the race. There are also races for men, children, youth and women fifty or older. The track is 417 yards long and takes place on Kansas Avenue in front of Memorial Library and then continues to the front of the International Pancake Day Hall of Fame on Lincoln Street. The international race prizes, for both Olney and Liberal, is still a kiss from the verger. Pancake Day has grown since then and has become a four day

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event. This year Pancake day events start on March 1st and continue to the actual Pancake day, which falls on March 4th. Some of the events that take place are pancake eating and flipping contests, cooking contest, Christian artist showcase, Miss Liberal Pageant, talent show, pancake breakfast, and races for all ages. The International Hall of Fame is also open and allows visitors to see memorabilia from past years and also view a short film about

Pancake Day. This is the 65th year that Pancake Day has took place in Liberal. The overall score is Liberal with 36 wins, and Olney with 27 wins. The race in 1980 didn’t count because a media truck blocked the way to the finish line in Olney. Olney beat Liberal for the first time in 6 years in 2012. They continued to beat Liberal in 2013 with the winner, Devon Byrne, setting a new record.

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Pancake day always falls on the day before lent. It changes dates just as Easter does every year. Some other names that this day may be known as is Fat Tuesday, Mardi Gras, and shrove Tuesday. It originated in Olney, England as far back as 1445. A housewife was making pancakes in order to use up all of her cooking fats in which were forbidden during Lent. When the church bells rang to signify the beginning of the noon shriving service, she didn’t stop what she was doing. She just grabbed her

The history behind it

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Devin Byrne 56 seconds

Crusader file photo

Mariah Rome performs a hula hoop routine, in which she won second place in the 2013 Pancake Day Talent Show.


Crusader file photo

The women participating in the 2013 International Pancake Day Race sprint to the finish line. Kaela Kruger took third, René Boaldin second, and Caitlin Demarest in first and will run again this year. Olney’s 19-year-old Devin Byrne beat Demarest by 8.3 seconds. She will also run in the 2014 race.

Pancake Day Talent Show $8 in advance $10 at the door

SCCC/ATS participants Miss Liberal: Jessica Martinez Emily Bayouth

Christian Artist Showcase $8 in advance $10 at the door $7 for groups of 10+

International Pancake Day Race: Caitlin Demarest Lakeria Eatmon René Boaldin Men’s Pacer Race Joshua Panashe Hayden Akens Bradley Kinser Emery Swagerty


Pancake Day Breakfast $4 for admission button

Crusader file photo

Calendar of events

Community members gather at the activity center to eat a pancake breakfast put on by Kiwanis. In order to eat the pancake breakfast, an admission button must first be purchased at the door.


Merchandise Sale 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Seward County Event Center Eating/Flipping Contests 9 a.m.-10 a.m. (Registration) Seward Co. Event Center 10:00 am (Contest) Recipe / Cooking Contest (judging at) 10:30 am Seward Co. Event Center Hosted by Soroptimist International of Liberal Pancake Chase 1:30 pm (Registration) 2:00 pm (Race Begins with Fun Walk to Follow) Pancake Day Hall of Fame, 318 N. Lincoln Christian Artist Showcase 7 p.m. First Southern Baptist Church Featuring Andrew Peterson.



Dignitary Reception 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Baker Arts Center Talent Show 7:30 pm Liberal High School Auditorium

March 2


Merchandise Sale noon – 5 p.m. Seward County Event Center Miss Liberal Scholarship Pageant 2 p.m. Liberal High School Auditorium



Pancake Breakfast 6 a.m. – 10 a.m. Seward County Event Center Breakfast Program 7:30 am Seward County Event Center Youth Races 10:30 am 4th & Lincoln Last Chance Race 11:30 am 4th & Lincoln Men’s Pacer Race 11:45 am 6th and Kansas INTERNATIONAL RACE 11:55 am 6th and Kansas Shriving Service 12:15 pm First United Methodist Church Live Video Chat 1:30 pm First United Methodist Church Pancake Day Parade 3 p.m. 7th and Kansas to Trail Street


Section B • Page 1

SPORTS February 27, 2014

Lady Saints earn home court advantage for Saturday playoffs

Kelci Bedingfield Crusader staff

Crusader photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

Kyndal Davis aiming for the basket in the game against the Lady Cougars from Barton at the Green House, Feb. 19. Rebekah Hatchard, an international student at SCCC from Australia, passes the ball to Korina Chapman, as part of the winning effort against Barton County Community College. In Wednesday’s game against Pratt, Hatchard came off the bench, and led Seward in scoring with 11 points.

Crusader photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

The Lady Saints were able to grab second place in the Jayhawk West Conference, falling behind first place Hutchinson. In the last conference home game Wednesday, the Lady Saints defeated Pratt 72-54. The Seward Lady Saints have secured themselves a home advantage for the first round of the Region VI playoffs and will play at the Green House at 6 p.m. Saturday. Cloud County On Saturday, Feb. 22 the Lady Saints made a long trip to take on Cloud County for their last conference away game. Although Seward jumped to a quick 5-0 lead on the scoreboard they had a bad start with their players. Korina Chapman rolled her ankle early in the game, and was not able to return to play. The Lady T Birds took advantage and went on a few scoring runs in the first half. Luckily, the Lady Saints didn't give up and finished the half strong. Seward trailed by just four, 43-39 at halftime. In the third quarter, the Lady Saints tried to catch up. They were able to get to within 4 points late I the fourth, but because they were forced to foul, that was the closest they could do as Cloud hit their free throws. Seward ended up falling a little short. The Cloud County Lady T-Birds took the win 79-71. The loss dropped the Lady Saints to 9-4 in conference. Rebekah Hatchard led the team with her career high 17 points, and Fabiana Monte had her first double-double with 16 points and 10 rebounds. Barton The Lady Saints hosted the Lady Cougars in the Green House on Wednesday, Feb. 19. Seward started off a little slow by only scoring 2 points in the first 3

minutes of the game. A couple of three pointers by Fabiana Monte and Brianna Scott helped Seward take a lead, only to have Barton go on a 5-0 run of their own to keep the game close. Both teams were having trouble finding the hoop with Seward shooting 30 percent and Barton shooting 24 percent from the field as they went into halftime. Seward held a six point with the score at 2519. Coming out of the half Barton appeared to start where they left off and quickly closed the Lady Saints lead to 2. Korina Chapman grabbed a big rebound for Seward and scored. This led to a big run by Seward and they started to create a gap in the score. The Lady Saints kept pushing until the end of the game. Seward defeated Barton 69-42. With this win the Lady Saints are guaranteed a place in the top 3 in the conference to ensure a first round home game in the playoffs. Brianna Scott led the team with 14 points, and Shanice Brooks followed closely with 11 points against the Lady Cougars. The Lady Saints are now 9-3 in conference play. Dodge City The Lady Saints traveled to Dodge City on Saturday, Feb. 15 to take on Dodge City in the United Wireless Arena. Seward was coming off a two game losing streak and were trying to redeem themselves with the basketball gods. They were on a mission from tipoff to show why they are a highly ranked team. Seward started the game with an early lead. Seward used an inside attack to keep pushing that lead. At halftime Seward led Dodge City 44-34. The Lady Saints came out the second half ready to play. This half they used a balance attack of three pointers and inside shots to quickly turn that 10 point lead into a huge

lead by as many as 39. The Seward Lady Saints easily defeated the Dodge Lady Conqs 92-55. Shanice Brooks had a big game with 24 points along with Korina Chapman who had a total of 13 rebounds to go along with her 17 points. This helped the Lady Saints record as they go to an overall record of 23-4 and a conference record of 8-3. Garden City On Wednesday, February 12 the Garden City Lady Busters came to the Greenhouse to take on our Seward Lady Saints. The last time Garden City came to the Greenhouse they escaped with a victory and were hungry to take another from the Lady Saints. The Lady Saints did not get off to a good start. With Garden taking the early lead in the game, Seward was trying all they could to take it back. However, a very cold night of shooting at just 33% and being turnover prone the Lady Saints were prevented from getting any rhythm going into the game. Luckily for Seward they only trailed by one going into the half 32-31. Seward came out hoping for a Tale of Two Halves. Unfortunately, Garden City quickly extended their lead, but what looked liked sluggish play on both ends enabled Seward to catch up. It then became a battle until the very end. The game was tied with 1 minute left on the clock. Korina Chapman made a free throw to give the Lady Saints a 1 point lead. Garden City had the ball and made a basket with 2.6 seconds left on the clock which gave Seward no time to score. Garden City defeated Seward 57-56. Shanice Brooks had a team high of 15 points, and Korina Chapman followed closely with 14 points for Seward. The Lady Saints fall to 7-3 in conference play with an overall record of 224 on the season.

Tammen from Timkin loves pups and purple Kelci Bedingfield Crusader staff Janel Tammen is forward for the Seward County Lady Saints. She is a sophomore from Timkin, Kansas, where she attended Otis Bison High School. She led her high school team to the SubState Championship game. As a freshman at Seward, Tammen played in every single game. She led the team in charges taken. She also shot 75 percent from the free throw line, making 30 out of 40 shots. Tammen has one sister named Meghan, and three dogs named Josie, Pepper, and Penny. One is a beagle basset hound mix and

the other two are straight mutts. Tammen loves working on her family farm with her dad while she isn’t at school. During the summer, she and her dad have bonding time and work together on the farm. On the farm, the only animals they have are cows plus their three dogs. Tammen is majoring in agricultural business. She doesn’t know what she plans on doing after Seward, but is waiting for the perfect opportunity to cross her path. She is “going to see what comes along the way.” Tammen loves listening to music whenever she can. She loves all types of music, but her favorite type of music would

have to be country. Florida Georgia Line is her favorite country band. “I really like their past two albums,” Tammen said. Purple is Janel’s favorite color. She wants anything with the color purple. It always catches her eye. Payton Fleming is also a sophomore for the Lady Saints. She said that Janel has a very outgoing personality. “Every time I am with her, it is always a good time,” Fleming said. Friends say Tammen is a fun and loving person to be around, and everyone should get the chance to talk to her and get to know her.

Crusader photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

Janel Tammen moves the ball towards the basket in the winning game against the Fort Carson.

Olson receives first career win , prepares for conference games Dallas Kelling Crusader staff

Crusader photo/ Maria Lara

J.B. Olson, Saints baseball player from Texas, has a season ERA of 1.12.

J.B. Olson a Seward baseball player who has pitched 16.0 innings and has had 14 strikeouts for the Saints he came to the diamond in Southwest Kansas from Plano, Texas. J.B. Olson is a right-handed freshman pitcher, who graduated from J.J. Peare High School. He graduated with a 3.60 GPA and played on the high school baseball team. While playing for Peare he won 14 career games and helped place fifth to finish in District 9. Olson had 127 strikeouts, 28 walks, and played 111 innings during his high school baseball career. Olson’s major is sports management he chose this major because he hopes to become a coach so he can help kids out with pitching. Olson said, “helping out others when I can,” is one of his biggest passions. Olson’s biggest influence in his life is his grandmother because she is very supportive. Olson is a family-oriented person and enjoys being around his family.

His hobbies include fishing and dove hunting. He enjoys reading “Harry Potter” books and listening to music. Olson’s favorite type of music is country music and his favorite artist from the country genre is George Strait. “Remember the Titans,” ranks as his favorite movie. When not on the baseball field, Olson can often be found working out in the gym trying to prepare for the next game. Olson said his biggest achievement on the field was making the 1st Team All District his senior year of high school. Olson’s goal after graduating from Seward is to get drafted or sign a Division I contract to play baseball. A flashback on Olson’s game against Odessa. Olson received his first career when against Odessa on Sat. 22. The bottom of the first inning he got three out in three different ways. He achieved this by getting one on a strikeout, a ground out, and a fly out. Throughout the entire six and one-third innings that Olson pitched he soared right through

leaving no opportunities to let Odessa score, and ending his innings with a shut-out. Olson hopes to see a lot of fans at the Saints home games. “Conference games start this weekend come out and support we need all the support we can get,” he said. The Saints current overall standings are 9-7. The Saints will continue on preparing for the conference games beginning this weekend. Fans you can catch the next home games against Barton

Community College, Fri. beginning at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Then again on Sat. beginning at 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. Following after the four game series against the Barton Cougars the Saints will play against Clarendon College at the Brent Gould Field on Wed. at 3 p.m. Following this home game the Saints will play Dodge City Community College in Dodge City on Sat. 8 and Sun. 9 with games beginning at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on both days.

Olson’s overall statistics for 2014 Innings Pitched 16.0 Hits 10 Runs 3 Earned Runs 2 Walks 1 Strikeouts 14 Strikeouts per Game 7.88 Earned Run Average 1.12



Thursday, February 27, 2014


Saints run away with victory at Dodge

Seward sets the new high standard Saints become first team in history to claim Jayhawk West Conference four times in row Grant Glaze Crusader staff So it’s probably not exactly how they wanted to do it, but despite a last second 69-68 loss to Cloud County Saturday night at Bryant Gymnasium in Concordia, the Seward County Saints still managed to make Jayhawk Conference history by becoming the only fourtime consecutive outright Jayhawk West Champions in league history. After the long road trip to Concordia, the Saints got off to a good start against the Thunderbirds as Malcolm Hill-Bey scored Seward’s first five points of the game to put them in front 5-2 early on. Just six minutes into the game, both of the Saints top penetrators, leading scorer Niem Stevenson as well as Hill-Bey, found themselves on the bench with two fouls. That’s when the Saints dogfight started. Seward had to battle from there on out, getting a bucket from Verdell Mays, his first of the conference season, to give them an 1110 lead with 12:30 left in the half. The game went back and forth, with neither team able to gain any ground, and it was 17-16 Cloud before Secean Johnson scored with 6:25 to go in the half to make it 1817 Seward. The game was tied at 20 with 4:00 to go, and later on Johnson scored again for Seward to put the guys in green back in front 26-24. Cloud had a one-point lead as time ran down in the first half

until Tyreke Sharp launched a 40 footer at the buzzer and found the bottom of the net for a three to give the Saints the momentum and a 3331 lead at the half. Both teams struggled to score in the first half with Seward shooting 32 percent and Cloud County 37 percent. Johnson was the lone Saints player able to get anything going in the first 20 minutes, leading Seward with 13 points while the next highest scorer on the Saints stat sheet was Bridgeforth and Hill-Bey with just 5. The T-Birds opened the second half on fire, outscoring Seward 9-0 in the first three minutes of the period to quickly take their biggest lead of the game at 40-33. A three from Evan Allen in the corner broke Cloud’s momentum and got Seward back to within four and after a free throw, the Saints had it down to a one possession game at the 15:00 mark. Frank Johnston’s first basket since Jan. 3 got Seward to within one on a second chance opportunity and Hill-Bey scored on the Saints next trip down the floor to cap an 8-0 run to put them in front 44-43 with 14:00 to go. After the second half media timeout, both teams began to pick it up a little bit and each hit a three and then scored on a drive to give Cloud a 54-52 lead with 8:37 left. The T-Birds went up six at the 7:00 mark but the Saints kept on plugging away, drawing to within three on a pair of Hill-Bey free throws

and drawing to within one as the Saints leading scorer Stevenson got his first points of the night 34 minutes into the game. Johnson tied the game at 60 later on with a pair of free throws and the teams traded points to 62-62 with 4:00 to go. Hill-Bey drove and scored to put the Saints up 6462, but four straight Cloud points put them back in front 66-64 with 2:52 remaining. A three point play by Bridgeforth put the Saints up 67-66 and Cloud tied the game up at 68 with 1:30 to go. Both teams had unsuccessful chances to take leads as the clock ticked past 1:00 and it was still 6868 as Cloud called a timeout with 50.7 seconds left. The Saints got their biggest stop of the game and checked out on the boards to give themselves a chance for the last shot of the game with the shot clock off. However, Seward got a little bit antsy and drove to the basket with 6 seconds left and weren’t able to score and Cloud quickly pushed the ball back the other way with a chance to win. That’s when the Saints committed a cardinal sin, fouling a jump shooter with time expiring on the clock. After some discussion from the referees, they decided on 1.8 on the clock as Cloud went to the line. The T-Birds made the first and missed the second as the Saints called a quick timeout down 69-68 with 1.4 seconds left. Seward wasn’t able to get a shot

off to attempt to win it as Cloud stole the inbounds to run the clock out and take home the win 69-68. It wasn’t a pretty stat sheet for either side as Seward shot 38 percent in the game to Cloud’s 37 percent. The difference came at the free throw line where the Saints were outscored 26-21, shooting just 56 percent from the line on the night. Johnson led Seward with 17 points while Hill-Bey scored 14 in limited action. Despite the loss, the Saints got help from around the conference Saturday night to earn them their fourth straight outright Jayhawk West Conference Championship. It is the first time in Jayhawk Conference history that a West team has won four straight conference titles. The Saints fall to 20-9 on the year and 10-3 in Jayhawk West action. Cloud improves to 15-14 overall and 7-6 in league play with their second straight big home win. Seward returned to the court in their final regular season home game on Wednesday, with the team’s four sophomores recognized before tip off on sophomore night in the Green House. The Saints win the game against the Pratt Beavers 72-69. The Saints will host the first round of the Region VI Tournament in the Green House at 8 p.m. Saturday, playing host to the No. 8 seeded Cowley Tigers. For free ticket information, visit the Saints website at

Grant Glaze Crusader staff Seward pulled out the win Saturday night at Dodge City. The Saints, who ended up winning their seventh straight game against Dodge City, won big, 8859. The Saints came out on fire in the first half shooting 57 percent from the field and 50 percent from behind the three-point line. Dodge City was quite the opposite, shooting 39 percent from the field. Quentin Purtue finished the half in double digits with 10. The Saints ended the game shooting 60 percent with another great second half of shooting. Dodge struggled once again shooting 33 percent in the first half and 36 percent for the game. Stevenson once again lead the Saints scoring with 23 points. Purtue finished with a nice game and a double double, 14 points and 11 rebounds. The Saints remained atop the Jayhawk West with a record of 9-2 and 19-8 overall.

For more photos, see CrusaderNews

Crusader photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

Niem Stevenson finds his way thorough rival players in the SCCC Green House during the game against Hutchinson earlier this season. Stevenson has averaged 18 points per game during the season that saw him named as an NJCAA Player of the Week.

NJCAA award follows top performer for Saints

Purtue persists for beaming future Maria Lara Sports Editor It just seemed to happen at the right place, at the right time. He was working out at Marshall Middle School with a couple of other men, when Seward Head Coach Bryan Zollinger came in and saw him play basketball. That was five years ago, when Quentin Purtue, Seward Saints forward player for the men’s basketball team, received his chance to become more for himself, and his family. Purtue, is currently a sophomore attending Seward County, and plans on continuing playing the sport after graduation. “I’m just exploring right now, and there are colleges looking at me too, but I’m just overall exploring,” Purtue said. From Wichita, Purtue started his Saints career starting 28 games out of 29, scoring 14 points every 40 minutes, and having an overall of 238 points. Purtue in his spare time enjoys hanging out with his friends, and states to not play basketball outside of the court. He is a videogamer, and loves to listen to all kinds of music. “I like being around people, I don’t like being by myself. Being alone is boring, and I like to talk and, yeah, there are times when

you need your away time, but if I don’t need that time, I won’t take it. I really do enjoy company,” Purtue said. Being so close to his teammates, there’s just no time to be alone. One of Purtue’s proudest moments as a Saints athlete is being back-toback conference champs, winning against Hutch. One of Purtue’s fondest dreams is to go overseas and explore, see new things and play basketball. That being a dream, it doesn’t stop him from achieving great things, because he does plan on attending a D-I college and becoming someone more. Behind every great ambition, is a great motivation. That motivating person that keeps Purtue going is his 3-year-old daughter, Eryn. “She’s my No. 1 fan, the reason behind it all,” he said. “Having Eryn has been the biggest impact in my life. It has changed me into the man that I am today,” he said. During that time that Purtue was waiting for his daughter to be born, Coach Zollinger kept in touch with Purtue, to get his diploma, to get things straight and to be ready to pursue his career at Seward. It was a long wait, but Purtue reassures that it was worth it all. Purtue is a family-oriented guy and does express his excitement as

he talks about his family coming down to see him play for his home games. “My grandpa is my biggest influence. He’s just been there all my life, and time is getting shorter and shorter,” Purtue said. One thing that is really astounding about Purtue’s story about coming to Seward is that he never played basketball all throughout his high school years. He always played baseball, and only baseball. It wasn’t his favorite sport growing up, it was baseball, it still is. “Basketball is just something that came about. I like basketball, but I love baseball,” Purtue said. Though basketball is what is getting Purtue through schooling, he chose to go ahead and do it, for his daughter. In order to give her a better life, he had to have priorities, and schooling was one of them. “If the opportunity came right now to go play for baseball, for sure I would go. Without hesitation,” Purtue said. But Seward has really changed Purtue’s life, his teammates and the college itself, a life-changing experience that this player will continue forward. “I made the decision to come here because in the wait of having my daughter, I had to change. Change my life, man up, get stuff done and it was all for my daughter. All of this, I did it for her. For Eryn.”

Grant Glaze Crusader staff While Niem Stevenson is a student at Seward County Community College, he has yet to pick a major or set a long-term plan to follow for his future. All Stevenson knows is that he wants to play basketball at a four-year university after Seward, and right now those plans look like they will be a reality. Stevenson has been the Saints leader this year on the court, scoring 18.1 points per game, with 5.5 rebounds a game, 20 points per game in conference,and 28.9 points per 40 minutes played. Stevenson became the first Saint to win the NJCAA National Player of the Week award since Deverell Biggs took the award during the Saints 2011-2012 Region VI Championship season.

Crusader photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

Quentin Purtue aims for two points in a basket in Seward’s game against the Dodge City Conquistadors.

first half with 8 points. Purtue continued the success throughout the second half with 19 points in 34 minutes. Niem Stevenson ended the night with 17 points and 8 boards. The Saints had a miserable night shooting with a 35 percent shooting percentage. Barton shot 42 percent, but the difference came from beyond the three point line and free throw line.

The Saints locked up a No. 1 spot for the Region VI tournament starting on March 1 in the Green House. The Saints continue to roll on winning 16 of their last 18. They were 20-8 overall and 10-2 in the Jayhawk West. This is the Saints seventh straight year with 20 wins which is the longest streak in school history.

Crusader photo/ Maria Lara

Niem Stevenson scores two points in game against Barton at SCCC/ATC on Feb. 19.

Seward County leaned once again on freshmen Niem Stevenson to pull out the win against Garden City at the Green House. Niem scored a career high 36 points, to help the Saints hold on to the win against Garden 69-60. Seward had a one of a kind night defensively in the first half allowing Garden only 9 points, on two field goals, and 8 percent shooting from the field. While Seward was unbelievable on the defensive end, it wasn’t the same story on the offensive end. The Saints turned over the





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Stevenson talked about what gets him going in a game. “All it takes is the first one. Once that first one goes in, it’s game over.” Perhaps it is this calm confidence that helps Niem out on the court. Game day for Stevenson isn’t some crazy or scheduled routine. “Just listen to Currency and get in game mode. I don’t really have a routine.” Once Stevenson gets out on the court, he is anything but relaxed as his numbers have proved. “We can always count on Niem. Every game. he is always ready and he always performs come game time,” said teammate Verden Mays. The Saints would love for Stevenson to continue his supreme reign out on the court, and do exactly what his fellow National Player of the Week Deverell Biggs did by winning the Region VI championship.

Stevenson’s historic night allows Saints to edge Garden

Purtue celebrates birthday by building Saints history with another 20-win season Quntin Purtue had a birthday to remember Feb. 19 for the Saints. Purtue scored 19 points, a conference high, as the Saints guaranteed themselves a share of the Jayhawk West for the fourth straight year. The Saints had a half they’d like to forget, shooting a measly 30 percent from the field, while Barton made a little over half their shots at 55 percent from the field. Purtue led Seward scoring at the

Saints last home game will be at SCCC Green House Saturday, March 1


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ball 13 times. They did find a way to shoot 46 percent from the field, though. The Saints closed out the game shooting 47 percent from the field. After a terrible first half, Garden found a way to shoot 46 percent in the second half. It was the slow start in the first half that would be to their demise, as they shot only 29 percent on the night. Stevenson’s 36 points put him in the history books as one of 11 Seward players to score 36 points in one game. Niem was the only Seward player in double digits on the night.

Crusader photo/ Jakub Stepanovic

Seward County cheerleaders perform during the home basketball game against Barton. Top, Kenzi Alvarez and Jessica Martinez. Yell leaders Noe Rodriguez and Reymundo Juarez lock arms to perform the stunt.



Thursday, February 27, 2014

Lady Saints women’s tennis in Plano, Texas, to open season Maria Lara Sports editor The Lady Saints traveled to Plano, Texas, to open their season for 2014. Seward County faced four opponents for the month of February, the Tyler Apaches, New Mexico Military, Collin County, and North Central Texas. When they started in doubles against Tyler, Paula Lopez and Paula Coyos fell by a count of 82, and that match was hard in and of itself as both Saints went against the top ranked doubles team in the country, Fausthyara Pietersz and Joanna Savva. There wasn’t much success in the singles portion of the match either where player Pietersz defeated Lopez and following her was Coyos losing 6-0, 6-1. The Saints

lost 9-0. The same luck that the Lady Saints had with Tyler, continued through with their match against Collin County. Towards the ending, Seward was lost in the bottom half of singles and Collin went 6-1 in the match. Collin won the match 7-2 and sent the Saints to 1-2 for the year. The final match for the Lady Saints tough weekend was against 10th ranked North Central Texas. There they took the match 6-3. Despite their overall tough weekend in Plano, the Lady Saints did have a lightened up win over New Mexico Military were forced to forfeit No. 6 singles, and No. 3 doubles. Lopez and Coyos also got the Lady Saints a point at 1 doubles with an 8-4 victory and it put Seward

up 3-0. The success followed up and the Saints had a win of 8-1 for that match. The Lady Saints opened the season 1-3 and for the weekend, they went 13-23 overall. The Saints will go a while before their next match in March where they head off to Wichita and take on regional rival Cowley in a dual meet. After they play against Cowley Community College on Saturday, they will face off with McPherson on March 10. in Liberal. Following that home game, the Saints will travel to Great Bend and play against Barton Community College on March 12. The last match for the month will take place in Hesston, against Hesston College, on March 29.

** Seward County’s men’s tennis team will open the 2014

season at noon on March 8 in Liberal against McPherson College.

Crusader photo/ Maria Lara

Seward County Lady Saints softball team held their home double header games against Northern OklahomaEnid on Wednesday and ended the day with two solid wins, 2-1 and 9-1. The softball team will head to Frank Phillips today for a double header. The Lady Saints are off to a strong start with a 13-2 record.

Crusader photo/ Maria Lara

Freshman softball player Felisha Vogelaar shows her softball pride as she sits with her softball jacket before an interview.

Saints sought, Canada brought Maria Lara Sports editor Coming from British Columbia, Canada, to play for the Lady Saints softball team is 1st Team All-Jayhawk West and All-Region VI player and biology major Felisha Vogelaar. Vogelaar is a utility player, playing several positions in and out of the field, starting 57 of the 59 games for the 2013 season. With 2014 season starting off on a good note, Vogelaar is looking forward to the homeruns she will be able to get. In 2010, 2011 and in 2012, Vogelaar was voted Female Athlete of the Year and was on the honor roll from middle school up until her graduation of Mount Boucherie Secondary School in Canada. Vogelaar played in a softball program at her hometown, where her passion for the sport was clear as recruiters watched her play. The opportunity to play for the Saints arose and Vogelaar took it. It’s been a different experience Vogelaar has encountered when coming to Liberal, Kansas. “It’s just flat, and dry,” she said. Granted it’s noticeably different than from Canada, but she still enjoys the warm weather more.

Vogelaar’s hobbies do include hanging out with her friends and having a good time, though she does appreciate her time alone. It’s all according to the mood that has been set for the day, and on days where she needs a little extra support, she’s glad to say that her parents are only a phone call away. “I Facetime them every week, and on my bad days, I don’t hesitate to call them twice because they always know exactly what to say to make me feel better.” Her parents always tell her, “Just think on one thing that’s positive in your day and focus on that instead of the negatives,” that’s what motivates Vogelaar to continue strong, and know that she can do it. Her parents have been Vogelaar’s biggest influence on this long distance journey. A person that is family-oriented, Vogelaar sees them every year for spring break at an Arizona tournament that she participates in. “Spring break is around the corner, and I am more than ready to see them once again,” she said excitedly. Coming down to Liberal as a freshman has definitely created a positive impact on Vogelaar’s life. It has shaped her into an independent woman and having

supportive parents made the transition a bit easier for her. One of Vogelaar’s dreams was to play softball for the Olympics, “but softball isn’t in the Olympics anymore, but that’s still not an obstacle. If the opportunity arises for me to play softball as a career, I’m in,” she said. If softball isn’t in her future, Vogelaar wants to major in the biology field, and if that doesn’t work, “a gym teacher is always cool,” she exclaims. She is still exploring different colleges after she graduates Seward and plans on keeping those options open. North Dakota has contacted her, but she has been hesitant about that. “I’d prefer a college in Texas because of the warm weather,” she said. Vogelaar’s proudest moments as an athlete were her homeruns in the 2013 season. Although she has not hit any yet for this season, she is still optimistic that her team is off to a good start for 2014. Vogelaar has and is enjoying her time at Seward, and plans on keeping it that way until the end. She does emphasize on her motto throughout her time here as an athlete, student, and overall friend, “Grace carried me here, and by grace I will carry on.”

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