April 1, 2010

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April 1

Season highlights

Take a look back at the Lady Saints season and relapse into the Saints 0910 basketball seasons.

—Page 2B-3B


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Year 41, No. 9

Mentalist surprises Seward students

Classes canceled for Easter holiday

Al fredo Anaya Crusader staff

Easter holiday begins at 6 p.m. today. There will be no evening classes, and classes will resume Tuesday morning. Campus will still be open Monday, so students can enroll for the summer and fall semester.

Classes canceled for CAAP test There will be no day classes April 8 for the graduation assessment. Testing will also take place April 10. For more information, contact Alaina Rice at 620-417-1013.

Campus fiesta and car show planned

The college will host the Spring Fiesta and car show from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. April 25. The fiesta will feature clubs and organizations sponsoring various activities and games for all ages. The car show will be displaying car, truck and motorcycle divisions. There will also be a sound-off car stereo competition. To enter a vehicle in the competitions contact Butch Garst at 620-717-1681.

SC performs ‘Beauty and the Beast’ The drama department will perform “Beauty and the Beast” 7:30 p.m. April 22-24 in the Showcase Theater. Tickets are available through Terri Barnes in the Humanities office. Center isle tickets are available for $8, side isle for $6 and tickets at the door will be $10.

and very creepy,” freshman Jennifer Thach said. “I didn’t think he was going to light it, I thought he was going to break it.” Mentalist Christopher Carter enjoys freaking Carter’s time performing has taught him that out the audience during his performances, and that sometimes audience participation is all that is is certainly what he did when he performed for the needed in order to make any show fun and enterstudents of Seward County Community College taining. on March 30 in the Showcase Theater. “I don’t do any preparation before the shows. “I like it when I make people The show is kind of the preparascream,” Carter said. “I love it tion itself. It allows me to keep when I freak people out.” warming up for harder, more chalA crowd of about 150 atlenging things. So, I don’t have tended Carter’s show which is any special process that I go composed of many acts, inthrough. I just sort of set up my cluding him being able to read show and wait for the audience to and answer audience member’s come,” Carter said. questions while blindfolded The last act of the show was simand having duct tape over his ilar to a game of Scrabble. Seven eyes, lighting two fluorescent audience members were picked to light bulbs without any elecgo on stage and were given a rantricity, hypnotizing an audience domly shuffled letter. Carter startmember and spelling the word ed out by spelling the word “mile” “miracle” from letters that and then decided to get more were shuffled and kept hidden points by choosing letters in order from him. to spell “miracle”, all of this being “I like how he plays with done without knowing who had your mind,” freshman Janette what letter. Contreras said. “I was freaked out after he reCarter has been performing vealed the letter R was behind the professionally for 19 years, and number 3,” Valentin Borunda said. about 16 years for college camCarter’s show was entertaining puses. Carter has also been feabecause it involved many memtured in “American Entertainbers of the audience whether they ment” magazine and “Campus had their phones called in an act Activities” magazine. Along that involved having numbers with performing for more than Christopher Carter performs on drawn from a bag and asking a 180 college campuses a year, stage Wednesday in the Show- person on stage to think of the Carter also performs for com- case Theater. number without looking at it and panies. then having Carter point at the per“I have to be a lot more buttoned down when I son whose phone would ring, or having their queswork for businesses, I can’t be as loose with the tions answered while he was blindfolded. humor as I can be with the college kids. I enjoy “I did enjoy being on the stage. I was working for businesses, but I enjoy working with a little nervous because that was my colleges much more,” Carter said. first time being asked to go on stage by One of Carter’s most memorable acts included a performer,” Borunda said. “I had no him picking two completely random audience clue what trick he was going to do, members, giving them two fluorescent light bulbs but I was glad to be a part of it.” and having the two members light the bulbs without any electricity. “It was amazing


Liberal, Kansas

Clubs pledge to raise money at phonathon Dana Loewen News editor

A Phonathon to raise money for scholarships will be April 7 to 11. “Our goal is to raise $20,000 for scholarships, and we want to get many clubs and organizations to help,” Dean of Student Services Celeste Donovan said. Clubs and teams who have already signed up include SIFE, ADN, Sigma Chi Chi, choir, Kappa Beta Delta, Phi Theta Kappa, ISO volunteers, Crusader, SGA, Sports Medicine, HALO, tennis, mens and womens basketball, womens softball, volleyball and baseball. The Phonathon will be during the evenings of April 7 and 8 and all day on April 10. Prizes for students are a 32-inch TV for the person who raises the most, a $150 Wal-Mart gift card for the person with the largest single pledge, an eight GB iPod Touch for the person with the greatest number of pledges and a large pizza for the first $100 pledge per shift. The club or team who raises the most money will get $500 for their club. There will also be prize drawings every shift. The faculty and staff will compete on April 11 for prizes including free lunch in the cafeteria, a VIP parking spot, a day off work and hourly drawings. Participants will be challenged to each get at least $100 of pledges. Participants will also receive a necklace for each pledge, to show how many pledges they’ve gotten. Once they reach $100 they will get a cookie. There are also candy bars, bubble guns and light sticks for encouragement and to make the experience more exciting. “We’re going to try to make it fun so that if they’re working one hour, maybe they’ll want to come back and help for another hour,” Donovan said. Participants will be given a list of alumni to call to request pledges for scholarships, and may bring their own lists if they choose to.

treme Challenge attracts potential peers with prizes Joseph Hoffman Crusader staff

More than 250 students from 12 high schools competed in the fifth annual Xtreme Challenge contests at Seward on March 24. The event offered 12 categories of competition, which seemed to be popular for firsttime students as well veterans of the Xtreme Challenge, open to high school students from freshmen to seniors. “The Xtreme Challenge was

an overall great experience for me,” Liberal High School sophomore Austin Applebee said. “It opened my eyes to what Seward has to offer me, I am definitely looking forward to next year.” High schools new to the competition this year included Garden City and Booker, Texas. They joined Elkhart, Rolla, Liberal, Turpin, Tyrone, Forgan, Satanta, Sublette, Moscow and Bucklin. The technical school offered challenges for the first time this year for students interested in trade and industrial education. Category winner Travis Perkins of Elkhart felt motivated by the

contests. “The challenge gave me a chance to show people what I can do in automotive mechanics,” Perkins said. “I also was able to see the different programs the college has to offer.” The top three winners in each of the 12 categories were announced at an awards assembly where the winners were presented prizes such as digital cameras, iPod Shuffles and Flip camcorders. The college also presented three scholarships from a drawing to Rene Boaldin of Elkhart High School, Beth Glave of Rolla High School and Amy Mikles of Turpin High School.

Elkhart High School earned the Overall Award by having the most contest points in the overall placings. Elkhart sponsor Terri Houtz expressed her appreciation to the college for having Xtreme Challenge. “We were very pleased with the categories,” Houtz said. Those categories included three new areas, adding English, health information management, and trade and industrial education to the existing nine categories of accounting, business administrative technology, agriculture, art, computer information systems, cosmetology, criminal justice,

journalism and marketing/ management. SCCC/ATS English instructor Janice Northerns experienced her first year as a category coordinator. “It went very well, and I was excited to see the quality of writing,” Northerns said. “We got some excellent stories and essays.” More than 18 enrolled in each of the first year English competitions, while art instructor Susan Copas saw her fourth year contests grow to more than 30 for each competition. “I am very pleased with the participation,” Copas said. March weather presented a

mix of wind, rain, sleet and snow. Copas was afraid that would put a damper on the digital photography contest, which usually counts on outdoor photos. However, she said that she and the judges were pleasantly surprised with the creativeness of the photography entries. Xtreme Challenge photos are posted under the multimedia link on CrusaderNews.com. The top 10 students in individual competitions will be posted at scccxtremechallenge.blog spot.com.

• See Xtreme page 2

Concealed weapons bill raises fiscal and security concerns

Rusti n Watt Crusader staff

Making its way to the Kansas legislature Senate floor is a bill that would allow people to carry a concealed weapon into any state or municipality facility, as long as they had a license to do so. That includes community colleges and universities in the state of Kansas, and the person could be a student, employee or visitor. The only way a state or municipality facility can deter these individuals from bringing guns into their workplaces is also stated in House Bill No. 2685. “No state agency or municipality shall prohibit an employee

who is licensed to carry a concealed weapon under provisions of the personal and family protection act from carrying such a weapon at the employee’s work place unless the work place has adequate security measures to ensure no weapons are permitted at such work place.” Adequate security, as the bill defines, would be the installation of metal detectors and security at buildings’ entrances to ensure no weapons can make it inside. The average cost of a modest metal detector is around $2,500 and the average pay to a security worker is around $50,000 a year, according to legislators. With more than 100 entrances to campus buildings, that could

add up quickly at Seward County Community College/Area Technical School. “The argument is not in the cost,” said Rep. Forrest Knox, who introduced the bill. “It is, ‘Do those signs on the doors make you more secure?’” Rep. Carl Holmes from the local district sees that change needs to be made. “The signs on the doors make it illegal for license holders to carry a concealed weapon onto the premises,” Holmes said. “But the people who illegally own weapons or don’t have a license to carry a concealed weapon continue to carry those weapons into buildings, sign or not.” Holmes also sees another error

in the system that needs fixed. “Allowing those people coming into workplaces and illegally carrying weapons, without being able to control it and not providing security leaves them liable for a lawsuit if something were to happen.” The cost proves to be the big issue, along with security in the matter, despite Knox’s intentions. “There are several issues with this bill,” Dr. Duane Dunn, president of SCCC/ ATS, said. “One is the sheer financial aspect for SCCC/ATS. We have over 100 entrances that would need metal detectors, including overhead doors to our shop areas. The cost for that alone would be more

than $1 million for our facilities. That is a terrifying budgetary expenditure when we are already faced with declining revenues. So that would mean we would have to raise property taxes in order to meet that requirement.” Dunn also commented on the implications the bill would put on security. “The intent of the law may be noble in trying to ensure that a person has a right to protect themselves in a public building with a legally obtained weapon; however, the implications are being lost in that intent,” Dunn said. Holmes said he voted no on the bill during final action after Dunn contacted him. Despite

Holmes’ vote the bill did pass in the House 65-57. Holmes does not see the bill passing in the Senate, but the vote is imminent. If the bill does not pass in the Senate, the bill is killed and would not be able to be reintroduced until next year. “Each of us do our very best to create a safe environment for our public, our employees, and in our case for our students.” Dunn said. “This bill has so many frightening implications, I seriously don’t look forward to dealing with the fallout when someone does get harmed.” Dunn encourages constituents to contact Senators and ask them to vote against the passage of this bill.



• Xtreme continued from page 1

Crusader photo/Landry Mastellar

Demetrius Edmondson from Rolla auctions off the gavel in his hand in the first round of the livestock auctioneer challenge. Four judges determined winners.

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Crusader photos/Dana Loewen

Above, students use Play-Doh, pipe cleaners and other items to create a product to market in the Entrepreneurship competition. At left, Seward student Malachi Hall demonstrates a giant “Operation” game used by Xtreme Challenge participants in health information.

2008 - CMA Best of Show, Newspaper, 1st/ Special Section, 3rd 2003-2004 - Newspaper Pacemaker Finalist - ACP 2008 First Place Certificate - ASPA

Phone: 620.417.1459

Fax: 620.417.1169


into in March is named Check ’n’ Go. • Student Lindy Kowalchuk did not perform at Poetry Night Feb. 25 due to illness.

editor in chief Morgan Allaman

news editor Dana Loewen entertainment Jose Rodriguez online editor Deisi Barboza sports editor Rustin Watt


• Baseball player Cameron Maldonado is a sopho-

transfer on the Saints team. Corrections more • The business on Kansas Avenue a vehicle crashed



Xtreme Challenge prizes were presented by SCCC/ATS instructors and featured the top three high school students in each of 12 challenge areas. • Accounting: First place, Josielyn Alcala, Elkhart; second place, Adrienne Sanborn, Tyrone; third place, Zane May, Moscow. • Administrative technology: First, Megan Kuehler, Satanta; Marissa Wiggins, second, Elkhart; third, Brian Seacat, Bucklin. • Agriculture: First, Kurtis Clawson, Satanta; second, Austin Hanna, Elkhart; third, Jade Greene, Rolla, and Dandi Thomas, Elkhart. • Art: First, Emily Taylor, Turpin; second, Aira Fukushima, Rolla; third, Tanner Schnurr, Elkhart. • Computer Information Systems: First, B.J. Mote, Turpin; tie for second with Morgan Taylor, Rolla, and Spencer Light, Rolla. • Cosmetology: First, Rene Boaldin, Elkhart; second, Kiesha Sanchez, Elkhart; third, Kassidy Littlefield, Rolla. • Criminal justice: First, Brandon Rusch, Rolla; second, Gage Powers, Rolla; third, Emmanuel Garcia, Liberal. • Journalism: First, Jayce Apsley, Satanta; second, Juana Rivero, Liberal; third, Ciara Carnes, Rolla. • Marketing/management: First, Logan Smith, Elkhart; second, Tyler Lai, Turpin; third, Michael Young, Satanta. • English: First, Taylor Cameron, Rolla, Brandon Rusch, Rolla; Kelly Francis, Liberal. • Health information systems: First, Julie Spillman, Elkhart; second Rich Matti, Rolla; third, Elizabeth Glave, Rolla. •Trade and industrial education: First, Travis Perkins, Elkhart; second, Raul Pando, Satanta; third, Dylan Overpeck, Elkhart. SCCC/ATS students Isaac Fuentes and Heather Grant performed two vocal pieces for the visitors at the awards ceremony, which was emceed by Smithson. Portions of this story were provided in a news release from Xtreme Challenge organizers.

Alfredo Anaya Zach Carpenter Miguel Campano Chris Flowers Logan Green Joseph Hoffman Antigoné Lowery Landry Mastellar Will Rector Nathan Wheeler

2003, 2004 - National Online Pacemaker Award 2008 - National Online Pacemaker Finalist - ACP


1011 N. Kansas • Liberal

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Career Day informs high school students about future choices Alfredo Anaya Crusader staff

Career Day 2010 took place on March 9 and 10 and had area students learning about careers in criminal justice, cosmetology, marketing, art, sports medicine and nursing, along with many others. About 400 students from Liberal High School and surrounding schools attended. “This is great that LHS and area schools are bringing their students to the college,” nursing director Steve Hecox said. “This is the time students need to be thinking of a career choice, so we’re glad they’re here.” Students were invited to attend three sessions in careers they might have interest in and got to visit the main campus, the ag building, the cosmetology building and the technical school. “The main goal is to help stu-


dents think about what careers they might have an interest in. We are trying to inform them on what classes and what career choices we can offer through Seward,” said marketing director JR Doney. Every career program that Seward offers was covered in the presentations. If the specific program was not covered, there was an instructor who had knowledge in the area cluster the student was interested in. “People often don’t realize just how much the fine and applied arts are an integral part of our world,” art instructor Susan Copas said. “There are many career opportunities associated with art, particularly in the visual communication and design areas. Art careers are not just about creating beautiful objects.” See Career Day photo gallery at CrusaderNews.com

Security Report

March 30 — the SCCC/ATS security department assisted the Seward County Sheriff’s Office, and a joint law enforcement task force consisting of detectives from the Wichita Police Department and the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office in an incident involving possible internet crimes from Wichita. At this point, no charges have been filed in this incident and it remains under investigation under the supervision of the Wichita task force. March 28 — the SCCC/ATS security department filed a report involving accidental damage to property located in the Student Living Center. The damages were estimated at approximately $200. March 25 — the SCCC/ATS security department filed a criminal damage report involving vandalism to college property that was located in the game room of the ATS dormitories. The damages were estimated at $50, and the incident is still under investigation. March 25 — the SCCC/ATS security department received a report of a stolen cell phone from the library in the SCCC/ATS Academic Building. A suspect was named in the incident and subsequently admitted to the theft; however, as a result of certain circumstances, the phone was not recovered. The victim declined to prosecute; however, the suspect was subsequently ordered to pay restitution for the value of the stolen item. March 22 — the SCCC/ATS security department and the Liberal Police Department were able to determine the identities of four suspects who were responsible in the attempted theft of a vehicle from the rear lot of the Area Technical School, that stemmed back to Jan. 11. The suspects were from Garden City and Dodge City and they are all currently being incarcerated on charges of aggravated kidnapping and aggravated assault after they reportedly kidnapped a paraplegic Liberal resident at gun point in the 400 block of South Kansas on that same evening of Jan. 11. In reference to the attempted auto theft, the suspects will be charged in Seward County District Court with attempted theft and felony criminal damage to property. The suspects had no connection to SCCC/ATS. For complete Security Report, go to CrusaderNews.com

Kansas Associated Collegiate Press

The official student newspaper of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School is published bi-monthly by journalism students during the regular college year, except on school holidays and during examination periods. One copy of each issue is distributed free to each student, faculty and staff member, with subsequent copies available for purchase in the Crusader office at 50 cents each. Letters to the editor will be considered for publication if they are signed and the authenticity of the writer’s signature is verified. The staff reserves the right to edit for length. Opinions voiced in letters and editorials are not necessarily those of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School or the Crusader. Staff editorials are decided on and written by members of the editorial board: Morgan Allaman, Dana Loewen, Rustin Watt, Jose Rodriguez, and Deisi Barboza. Advertising is accepted. Rates are $4 per column inch or $4.80 pci for color ads. Insert rates are $50 per thousand. Classified ads are free to SCCC students, faculty and staff; classified rates for all others are $4 per ad, limit of 20 words. The Crusader staff reserves the right to refuse advertising.



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Rio s ske tched his nam e

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Seward student considers tattoo artistry as career The artist’s eye wasn’t set on Seward at first, but family and a scholarship offer helped him decide Seward was his best choice. Since that decision, Rios has found his place at Seward. He’s a familiar face in and around the art department as he fills in his artist’s palette with skills to complete his natural artistic ability. Rios works in almost every media of art–– his favorite being graphite pencil. He’s even begun dabbling in graphic design. His first graphic art design was a featured Telolith poster for the college literary magazine. Rios designed his Telolith poster by drawing a picture, scanning it, then adding the text in Adobe Illustrator. “I don’t like to do it technical-wise. I like to do it freestyle because it’s more my style,” Rios said. “I’m more of a freestyle artist. I don’t like to go by the rules.” Rios draws scenes from movies to keep practiced, but his passion lies in drawing images he’s dreamed up. And by drawing, Rios is able to release stress, which he says makes him feel more comfortable and confident. “There’s a lot of things that can inspire you to do art, but I guess the biggest inspiration is probably emotion,” Rios said. Last semester, Rios won the People’s Choice Award for 2-Dimensional art, but that’s not Rios’s only art accomplishment. From his sophomore year to his senior year at Liberal High School, Rios was named top artist in class, and in the 2009 Oklahoma Panhandle State University art contest, he placed first in the pen and ink and colored pencil categories. Rios believes one of the biggest prizes awarded through art are people’s expressions. “They’re priceless,” Rios said. Rios’s self-proclaimed brother-from-another-mother Jeff Goodrum believes Rios is truly talented. “Omar is an awesome, genuine guy that has an amazing future in art or in whatever he chooses to do,” Goodrum said. On weekends, Rios works for Gomez Trucking as a secretary making spreadsheets. Rios said his dream job would be to work as an artist for FUNimation Studios, which specializes in animé videos, but Rios believes his actual future lies in tattoo artistry. “Of course I want to be a full time artist, but depending on what happens here in the next three years, I’d like to do tattooing,” Rios said. Rios has also done several artsy jobs including air brushing shoes, T-shirts and a motorcycle gas tank; painting fans for a friend’s room and designing tattoos for friends. He looks up to people like martial arts master Bruce Lee and Portuguese footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, but his heart lies with tattoo artist Kat Von D, featured on the television show “LA Ink,” who he says is “amazing.” “I even bought Kat Von D’s book, and it was like $30,” Rios said. “I started reading it, but it was about the typical life of an artist, and I’m already living that, so I stopped.” Outside of living an artist’s life, Rios enjoys playing left or right midfielder and sometimes forward on a city league soccer team called Juventus, which placed second last year; teaching martial arts to his six students; tumbling; cutting hair; giving advice about relationships and life and playing songs by ear on the keyboard. In the campus’s student art club Kylix, Rios serves as vice president. “I wasn’t even anything,” Rios said. “They were just like ‘I’m going to give you a special job. I want you to be VP,’ and I was like ‘Awww. That’s cool. I guess that’ll work.’” As vice president Rios does his best to keep the club together, help out and make sure people are listening to the Kylix president Karem Gallo. “Omar is an important part of Kylix. He is always there when we have something going on. He helps out in everything Kylix does.” Gallo said. “Omar helps me a lot in meetings and helps me out just by being reliable and responsible.” “They say I’m a little louder, but I don’t think so,” Rios said. Rios lives at home with his family. He has three brothers and two sisters. “It’s pretty cool,” Rios said. “You always have someone to talk to, and it’s never lonely.” Rios believes his friends would describe as calm, laid-back, easy to get along with, nice and talented, and Goodrum would back him up on that. “He’s a thousand percent loyal, he always has my back no matter what happens, and he’s always there to help,” Goodrum said. Gallo also respects Rios and their friendship bonded by art. “Omar is a very talented young artist. His art work is amazing and it is very colorful and full of life,” Gallo said. “I love the fact I can ask him for advice or help on my own art work and he will help me out.” -Morgan Allaman

Far left, Rios poses with his Liberal High School diploma after graduation with his three brothers and two sisters. Rios is the first person in his family to attend college. Left, Rios sketches out his name, which is featured as a title on this page.

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College is a blank canvas in Omar Rios’s family. This talented artist is the first person in his family to take pen in hand and begin sketching a life that will draw him into a college degree.

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As Omar Rios explains his idea for his latest drawing of having a satisfied Michelangelo peering over several of his classic works of art, one couldn’t help but see a resemblance as Rios looked over some of his own favorite drawings.



These are our choices? This line goes on forever!

I’m late for everything now.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My class started an hour ago!


Our View...

Bill on concealed weapons should not pass

“Let’s see, I have my chemistry book, speech book, notebooks, paper, pens, what am I missing? Oh, yeah, my concealed weapon.” This may come to be a normal routine when getting packed for school in the morning for those with concealed weapons. House Bill 2685, a bill our state legislature is considering voting into effect would allow a person with a proper license to carry a concealed weapon into any municipality or state facility. This includes community colleges and universities. Not only would students be allowed to bring their “gat” to school, but teachers and visitors alike. Sounds great two years after Virginia Tech. If you’re as skeptical as we are, there is a way to prevent people from walking into our school with a piece.

Security and metal detectors. The bill states that no state agency or municipality shall prohibit the carrying of a concealed weapon unless the work place has adequate security measures to ensure no weapons are permitted at such a work place. The bill goes on to define “Adequate Security Measures” as the use of electronic equipment and personnel to detect and restrict the carrying of any weapons into the facility or on such premises, including, but not limited to, metal detectors, metal detector wands or any other equipment used for similar purposes. In plain English, metal detectors and security must be present to deny the carrying of weapons into our school. OK, sounds great. The problem lies here. We have over 100 entrances and 11 buildings on our campus.

The most modestly priced metal detector is around $2,500. To ensure no one makes it in with a weapon, we would put metal detectors at 100 entrances. That puts our bill at $250,000. Wait, there’s more. Now we have to station security. More than likely we would need security at every entrance, but to cut cost we’ll put one security guard in every building. The average yearly pay is around $50,000 according to drafters of the bill, which would add $550,000 to our ticket. In one year, it would cost Seward at bare minimum $800,000 dollars to deter concealed weapons. The state has already cut our funding. That kills another million. That means the school would have to cut costs. They would have to do that by eliminating programs. We already have program cuts coming due

to lack of funding. With the passage of this bill, a few more would go along with them to keep the school solvent. Fellow classmates, that means less scholarship opportunities and less ways to get involved. The bill passed in one house of the state legislature 65-57. Now the bill is on the way to the state senate; if passed there, it goes on to the governor. If the senate doesn’t pass it, the bill is null, or if they do pass it and the governor vetoes it, it is also null. But if the bill passes in the senate and gets the governor’s signature, I don’t know about you, but a bullet proof vest sounds kinda trendy. In order to prevent this, we can gather to voice our opinions, and maybe take a bus to Topeka and picket the lawn at our state capitol. As constituents we at least must con-

tact our senators and representatives and tell them that this bill not only allows guns onto our campus, but as a school it would a devastating cost. As students, how do we get involved and find scholarship opportunities with no clubs and programs? We don’t want guns on campus and we want to keep our clubs and programs. You can contact our district representatives Carl D. Holmes and Bill Light. Holmes at 785-296-7670, by email carl.holmes@house.ks.gov. Light at 785-296-7636 and by e-mail bill.light@house.ks.gov. Our district senators Tim Huelskamp and Stephen Morris can also be reached. Huelskamp at 785-296-7359 and Morris at 785-296-2419. Now, before it’s too late, we must get involved and do our part to ensure our school’s safety.

Watching how you act can change a life Hoffman@crusadernews.com

Joseph Hoffman Crusader staff

Our lives are filled with decisions throughout the day. Some may be as small as whether you should sail with Captain Crunch, chase after Lucky and his Charms, or share breakfast with Barney Rubble and Fred Flintstone, while other decisions such as waking up for class, or showing up to work may hold a little more weight. Even more challenging are decisions that we are faced with when no one is looking, or things that we see as a personal choice that will not harm others. Many of us, including myself, have probably heard this teaching over and over, however it is a simple fact: our actions speak louder than words and what we choose not only affects our lives but others also. This can be carried out in every aspect in life. Anywhere from teaching our siblings to play a sport, to training new employees, our

walk with Christ, and in every other relationship we have. The difference between right and wrong is usually easily distinguished. Killing someone doesn’t settle nicely with most people, and giving the shirt off of our back to someone with nothing will most likely get you praise. However, in many cases, we ourselves do not see the effects of our decisions. When I worked at a busy discount store, there was a situation with one of my cashiers where a customer had tried everything to outrage her, to the point that security was called to take care of the situation. If I were on the receiving end, I most likely would have retaliated, however this cashier politely, and with a smile on her face, tried to calm the man down and not once argued with him, even after he threw his shopping cart into her register knocking off everything. I asked her why she would stand there on the receiving end, and she calmly replied, “Why should I escalate his temper when he clearly just needed to vent. Hopefully through my actions he might learn something.” Every day, be it work, school, church, or

any other public place, we interact with others, and the way we interact with them can not only make a difference in our lives but also theirs. Three days later at work the same man who had tried to turn the store upside down walked to the cashier and broke down crying, begging for her forgiveness and thanking her for handling the situation he had caused and had went on to say he was on the verge of suicide. It was an eye-opener to see in action something that I had taken for granted. “No one learns from someone they hate. Your mouth is like a grenade.” the band August Burns Red says. Although it may be a little extreme, it is true to life; we are responsible for what we say and with that privilege we need to be careful. In our daily lives, whether we are students, managers, teachers , preachers, or just along for the ride, it is always best to keep in mind that someone’s life may be in our hands. I challenge you to make the right decision next time you are faced with a difficult situation.

More people should find the child in themselves Loewen@crusadernews.com

Dana Loewen Crusader staff

One of the worst things that can happen to a person is that they grow up too quickly. Why should we stop reading fairy tales when become adults? When I first read “The Chronicles of Narnia” in junior high, I was embarrassed because they were children’s books. Now, I’m proud to say they are some of my favorite books by far. People of any age can get just as much from them as children. Each time I read the books I get something different out of them and usually learn a life lesson. C. S. Lewis, the author of “Narnia,” said,

"A children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest." Disney agrees. "You're dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway." Disney certainly shows this in many of its animated movies. They tend to hide jokes only adults would get among the more childish story, in movies such as “Ice Age.” I love animated movies because they are pure fun. You just feel good about yourself after watching one. The new movie “Alice in Wonderland” is a great example of a children’s story made for adults. Young children should probably stick to the Disney animated version, as the new Tim Burton one is clearly for an older audience. It does, however, give adults an entertaining world to escape to and something to take

away from it. A person who can still enjoy a good fantasy is a person who hasn’t let his or her soul and creativity be sucked from them. Imagination is one of the worst things that can be stolen from you. So if you don’t want to lose your soul to dullness, there are some things you can do. Buy a coloring book and a big pack of crayons and blow off some steam. Trade your monotone breakfast cereal for something with cartoons, multi-colors or chocolate. Read “The Chronicles of Narnia.” Even if you’ve read them before. And watch some animated movies. Watch your favorite Disney classic from when you were a kid. If you had no childhood, my favorites are “The Jungle Book” and “Lion King.” Or for something more recent try “Finding Nemo,” “Cars,” or “Happy Feet.”

Economy affects local racers and NASCAR Rector@crusadernews.com

Wi l l Rector Crusader staff

Today’s tough times are making things tough on local racers, as well as fans. I grew up around racetracks in the area because my dad raced. He started off in the pony stocks, which were small compact cars that ran four-cylinder engines in them, and he later moved up into the modified division, which are cars with Chevelle frames that can run any type of engine desired. Most commonly engines with at least 350 cubic inches are run. The modifieds are considerably more expensive to run than any other class in the area besides the sprint cars.

I have recently begun to delve into starting my racing career in the modifieds and have had a rude awakening. I need money. The way most racers are able to afford their “habit,” as my mother says, is to receive sponsorships from local businesses. Sponsorships are seen as a way of advertising a business that is tax deductible all the while helping fund a local racers dream of putting a car out on the track. The economic times that our country has found itself in makes it hard for a racer to find the money that he needs to be able to go to the track every weekend without going broke by paying out of his own pocket for everything necessary. Searching for sponsorship dollars does not end at the local level. Teams in NASCAR are having trouble coming up with the funds necessary to support their race teams. The local drivers race for the pure enjoyment of the sport. I remember growing up

that all I ever wanted to do was be able to race. Now that I have my chance, I’m going as hard as I can to scrape up any and all money that is thrown my way by businesses. The cost of racing is a lot more than meets the eye. A driver has to have the proper safety equipment such as a firesuit, helmet, head and neck restraint devices, and other things that keep him safe, but cost a pretty penny. After all the safety equipment comes things for the car itself, such as engines, tires, fuel, body work, and of course the stickers or vinyl that are put on the car to make it look good. All in all, I have set my mind on racing this summer and any businesses that are willing to sponsor me, I will gladly put their investment to use and represent them well because of how hard it is to find people that will help out a local racer in these tough times.

From Left to Right: Baird Damon, Augustus Cole, Marcus Fenix, Dom Santiago, from the XBOX 360 and PC games Gears of War.

Life lesson taught through video game Carpenter@crusadernews.com

Zach Carpenter Crusader staff

I am a nerd if there ever was one. Who could see life parallels in something as worthless as a video game? I actually saw an applicable lesson in the video game Gears of War 2 not too long ago. So fellow nerds, game lovers and skeptics, follow me if you dare! Muhahaha...ha!!! In Gears of War 2, the Locust Horde, a group of aliens who have been living deep inside the earth and have been coming up whenever they want to terrorize humanity, are now sinking entire cities underground. They have found a way to do this, and, along with sinking entire cities, they are taking human hostages. The Gears (a coalition of freakin’ awesome soldiers) are going deep underground to find the Locust heart and rip it out. While on a mission underground, they rescue a fellow Gear named Baird and board a hostage transport. They rip some Locust butt and free a few hostages, one in particular being a Gear named Tai. While in captivity the hostages were tortured to the breaking point. Gears and civilians alike are being reduced to terrified victims. The Gears release Tai and there is another wave of Locust soldiers coming for them. Marcus Fenix, leader of the group tosses Tai a shotgun so he can join the fight, but while Marcus is giving orders, he hears the shotgun’s action being cocked, and something tells him to turn around. Tai is holding the shogun to his chin, ready to end it all, because he cannot and simply will not stand to see one more of those wretched Locusts cross his line of vision. In some way, what I saw in Tai was something I’ve seen in myself. Not to the point of being suicidal, but in a less dramatic sense, there have been times in my life when I have been desperate, wanted to make the wrong choices, or just end what I was doing. There are times when we can find ourselves feeling very isolated. We can be in a room full of people, and still feel like we are alone. We could have a wonderful group of friends and still feel like nobody really knows us. One thing about being lonely is that it definitely sucks the life right out of you. Pretty soon we don’t even know what it feels like to actually want to get out of bed in the morning. I have a group of guys at my church that I can go to with just about anything...just about. Part of me wonders where I would be today if it had not been for them caring enough about me to say, “Tell me about your week, bro.” Or, “What’s new with ya?” We talk about our passions in life, things we look forward to, things we’re afraid of. We talk about what we want to be doing in five years or so. These are people who I can talk about real stuff with. In a way, they are my fellow warriors. On the battle field, people hear things like, “No man or woman left behind,” “We ride out together.” These guys have definitely been some of my closest brothers in arms. I’ve felt like Tai before. Again, not wanting to kill myself, but the feeling of wanting to give up because I didn’t see any other way in Heaven, Hell or Earth of any hope at all. That is what I related to. As men we need our fellow warriors. Tai did not see any way out. I thank God for the men in my life who have helped my get to where I am today, because there were times I sure as heck didn’t see any way out. These men surrounded me before I got to where the character in the game had gotten. They have shown me the true heart of God. “The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is his name.” Exodus 15:3


Thursday April 1, 2010


Barefoot for a cause

Students promote ‘One Day Without Shoes’ Anti gone Lowery Crusader staff

In an effort to spread awareness of the importance of shoes in developing parts of the world, some Seward County students are encouraging others to support TOMS shoes by going barefoot on April 7. TOMS shoes will hold its third annual “One Day Without Shoes” campaign on April 8, in which people are asked to go barefoot worldwide in an effort to alert people of the impact a simple pair of shoes can have in a child’s life. Due to sophomore assessment testing, Seward County students will be getting a headstart on the cause. Students who choose to participate in “One Day Without Shoes,” must wear shoes in labs, the wellness center, in classes at the Area Technical School where hard-toed shoes are required, the cosmetology building, and the cafeteria for safety precautions. It’s not every day that a person chooses to go barefoot outside of his or her home, but participating with other students on April 7 is sure to bring awareness to many people who might take shoes for granted. Because many children in developing countries grow up without shoes and have no choice but to walk around barefoot, they are more at risk for dis-

eases, scrapes and cuts, and sometimes are unable to go to school. Every person who buys a pair of TOMS shoes is helping a child in a big way. Since the company’s release, TOMS shoes have become a nationwide trend to bring awareness of the impact a basic pair of new shoes can have in a child’s life. Not only are students allowed to participate in this awareness event, but so are teachers and faculty members. Dean of administrative services Tom Williams will also be participating on April 7, describing his initial reaction to the “One Day Without Shoes,” campaign as “a neat concept.” “I am glad that I have the wherewith-all to maybe help someone get a pair or two of shoes. I know I would hate to have to go everywhere I went barefooted,” said Williams after learning more about the TOMS shoe company. Participating with other students, teachers, and faculty members on April 7 to spread awareness of the necessity for shoes in developing countries has the potential to make a big difference not only in our community but in the world. To learn more about the TOMS movement to help those in need around the world, go to www.toms.com.

Give your shoes the boot by going barefoot April 7.

Music | Jose Rodriguez

Duo take listeners on a trip through ’80s Goldfrapp

Goldfrapp is one of the most provocative and innovative bands in the music industry today. Chances are you have no idea who they are, but you have probably heard one of their songs on a commercial or movie. After keeping fans waiting for two years, the duo, made up by Alison Goldfrapp and Will Gregory, released their fifth album

“Head First.” The album, inspired by the new wave music of the '80s, includes many things one would expect from Goldfrapp, ethereal soundscapes and Alison's cool voice giving every song a haunting feeling. The first single from the album is the catchy and uplifting "Rocket," which is probably the best song on the album. There are nine songs on the album, so it is easier to say that I did not like "Shiny and Warm" as it sounded like it was trying too hard to fit in with the rest of the album. An ode to some of the bad music from the ‘80s perhaps? Other songs that are definitely worth note are "Believer," "I Wanna Life," and "Voicethinking." The duo reinvent themselves

with the release of every album, going from glam rock to sounds inspired by nature and paganism. This album may offset some fans who enjoyed their previous albums. I was so excited to listen to the album but was quickly disappointed with the end result. Everything sounded exactly the same the first time through. It was when I decided to give some of the songs another try, I really started to appreciate the album as a whole. Maybe I felt the need to feel uplifted by great ‘80s inspired music. The songs are cheesy and totally ‘80s but in the best way possible. The album may not be for everybody, but it is worth checking out or looking up some of their work from the past decade.

Crusader photo/ Jose Rodriguez

Alison Chambers directs Tony Claus and Lauren Peck in a scene. The musical “Beauty and the Beast” will be at 7:30 p.m. April 22-24. Tickets are $6 for a seat on the side and $8 for center seats. They will be $10 at the door. Tickets are available in the humanities office H116 or by calling 620-4171451. Students are admitted free of charge with a current SCCC/ ATS ID. For more backstage photographs see the multimedia section of CrusaderNews.com.

Director directs directors in ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Jose Rodri guez Entertainment editor

Both have directed stage productions. But in two weeks, the directors will become the stars in “Beauty and the Beast.” Lauren Peck and Tony Claus will be the Beauty and the Beast, respectively, in the spring musical directed by Alison Chambers. Both Peck and Claus are instructors at Liberal High School. Claus is the vocal music instructor and Peck is the theater and speech instructor. Both collaborate on the school musicals, Claus teaching the vocal. “They were the best for their roles,” director Chambers said. “They have beautiful singing voices and they were the strongest choices for their parts. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t cast them.” Peck is originally from Poteau, Okla., and attended Sterling College where she earned her bachelor’s degree in theater education. Claus grew up in Colby, was an undergrad at Bethany College and got his master’s degree in music at Wichita State University. This will be Peck’s second year teaching in Liberal and Claus’ sixth. Neither of them have a problem working with another director. “I’ve worked with Alison before on Oz,” Claus said. He played the Wonderful Wizard of Oz in the fall musical. “Both (directing and acting) have fun aspects, but directors have to look fur-

ther down the road, like planning scenes, blocking and you have to consider everybody. It is certainly a lot more responsibility on the director’s shoulders,” Claus said. “When you are acting, you’re just delving into one part.” Peck sees it as a learning opportunity. “It is a really interesting experience. I actually enjoy it, because I get to learn the way that other people approach things as directors,” Peck said. “I think it’s easier for me as an actor, having directed. I can just walk in and do what I expect and that is usually what most directors expect.” Seward drama fans may recognize Peck from last year’s musical production “Nunsensations” where she played Sister Robert Anne. Peck likes performing in the college musicals, because she has a lot of fun. Chambers has enjoyed working on stage with professionals in her field. “They behave very professionally, and they set a high standard for the rest of the cast,” Chambers said. “It makes my job a lot easier having a couple of pros who know how to play the game.” The high school instructors also get to work with their current students. “It’s interesting seeing the high school and college students working together and seeing their teachers doing what we teach them to do and that it does work,” Claus said.

“I have four who are my students and it’s nice to get on stage...with them,” Peck said. Miguel Rodriguez is a sophomore at LHS and has been in school productions with Peck. “I think working with Peck is a really fun experience. We go through the same stuff we do for her shows.” Rodriguez said. Peck has a lot of admiration for Chambers. “I think that Alison is a brilliant director. She knows exactly what she wants, and she can translate that very well to actors that learn in different ways.” Peck said. Another cast member sees Chambers as a problem solver. “She handles conflict lickety split,” said Rodriguez. The show is similar to the Disney movie but the writers of the show added more content. “The movie is very near and dear to my heart and this is the first time that a production like this will be put on at the school,” Chambers said. Chambers said audiences can expect “all the magic that goes along with a fairy tale, with beautiful music and special effects.” The musical will be April 22-24 at 7:30 p.m. in the Showcase Theater. “Get tickets soon. They are flying out of Terri’s desk,” Chambers said. Contact Terri Barnes at 620-417-1451 for tickets.




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Thursday, April 1, 2010


TRiO travels to Santa Fe

Zach Carpenter Crusader staff

The students of Seward’s TRiO program embarked on a memorable trip to Santa Fe, N.M., last Thursday. The group stayed at the Hilton Plaza, located in cultural downtown New Mexico. Students visited the chapel of St. Francis, as well as the Loretto chapel. The Loretto chapel has been featured on the television show, “Unsolved Mysteries,” for the story of its unique spiral stair-

Courtesy photo

TRiO members pose in front of the New Mexico Capitol building. TRiO visited many places of interest in New Mexico including the Loretto chapel and the Georgia O’ Keeffe art museum.

case. The winding staircase makes two complete 360 degree spirals, has no visual means of support, and was constructed within three months time. Students also took in the Georgia O’ Keeffe art museum which featured many of O’ Keeffe’s famous landscapes and flower paintings, along with many of the works of Susan Rothenberg. TRiO students then visited the Santa Fe Capitol building, known as the “Roundhouse.” The Capitol building houses

some of the finest art the Santa Fe culture has to offer to tourists. “I think it was a successful trip,” said Rhonda Kinser, director of Student Support Services. Many TRiO students who attended agree, one being Jessica Palacios, one of the college’s peer tutors. “I liked the city in general, there is a lot of art work, and the atmosphere is different than what we’re used to here,” Palacios said.

PTK hosts game night Phi Theta Kappa will sponsor “Are You Smarter Than an Honor Student?” event at 7 p.m. April 22 in Room SW 229. Sign up is in Debbie Stafford’s office near the library, and a team of four to five people is needed to participate. The event is set up in a brack-

et and two teams will go up against each other. The chairmen for the event are Stephanie Boaldin and Jordan Eder. Prizes will also be given out. “All you have to do is get four to five people together and join the fun,” said Phi Theta Kappa president Liz Ginther.

Pathways and HALO sponsor blood drive Pathways and HALO are teaming up to sponsor the Seward County Community College/Area Technical School Blood Drive. The blood drive will be from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on April 21 in the Student Union. This is the first time that HALO and Pathways have spon-

sored the blood drive. “We would like for students to sign up first,” HALO Sponsor Frances Brown. A table by the library will be set up after Easter break for students to sign up for the blood drive. Brown also said that HALO and Pathways have set a goal for the drive of 36 pints of blood.

SkillsUSA sends 23 members to conference Local SkillsUSA competition winners have been picked to represent Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School at state contest in areas of transportation, medical assistants and building trade and technologies. The SkillsUSA contest is planned to take place April 14 through 17 in Wichita and will have SkillsUSA representatives from around the state competing. Twenty-three SCCC/ ATS students will participate. They are Leonardo Amador, deisel; Dale Boren, machine tool; Cory Bransgrove, deisel; Eleazar Fernandez, auto collision repair; Jesus Gonzales, deisel in job interview; Cesar Lujan, auto parts management in job interview and parts management; Jaime Maldanado, auto collision repair; Jasmine Mitchell, medical assistant in job interview; Luis Morales, auto one in auto mechanics; Cara Nelson, diesel and


job interview; Gary Noah, drafting; Matthew Olson, machine tool in opening and closing; Remington Orth, auto one in job interview; Ramiro Rivera, diesel; Jesse Rosas, auto parts management and job interview; Jesus Salais, diesel in opening and closing; Zachery Sandoval, opening and closing ceremony and machine tool; Alisha Starkey, medical assistant in job interview, John Staton, drafting, Oscar Tovar, technical drafting; Andrew Williams, diesel in extemporaneous speech; Jonathan Yowell, machine tool, state officer and opening and closing ceremony and manufacturing team; and Ethan Zyeygardt, machine tool, opening closing ceremony and manufacturing team. “All of our programs offered through SCCC/ATS help prepare students for real life job situations,” said Bud Smithson, director of the Area Technical School.

Tasha Duvall holds out a goat for a student to pet. More than 1,000 elementary students got to learn about different farm animals.

on the


Children get petting zoo experience at Seward’s Farm Education Day Joseph Hoffman Crusader Staff

From hosting more than 1,000 elementary students to livestock sales to a golf tournament, spring is keeping Seward County Community College / Area Technical School’s agriculture department on its toes. On March 23 the Collegiate Farm Bureau alongside the Seward County Farm bureau sponsored the annual Farm Education Day with 1,228 elementary students in attendance. “ We had a great turnout this year and still continues to be a success for more than 14 years,” said Evan Winchester, the agriculture coordinator. The ag department also has upcoming livestock sales on April 9-10. The Block and Bri-

SIFE first runner-up in Dallas regional contest SIFE narrowly missed a trip to nationals with a first runner-up placing at regional competitions in Dallas Tuesday. SIFE members had a speech presentation over the projects that they had

done this year, according to SIFE member Brittany Selton. The projects were over such areas as business ethics, financial literacy and leadership skills.

dle pig sale will be at 7 p.m on April 9 at the ag building, breeders showing for sale order at 3 p.m., there will be more than 150 head of pigs in the sale. The Beaver County Swine Breeders will host its own pig sale at noon on April 10 with breeders showing for sale order at 10 a.m .Later that day the Winners Only club lamb and goat sale will be at 6 p.m with more than 70 lambs and close to 30 goats. All breeders in attendance have earned at least a breed champion at a major livestock show in the last two years. Breeders with animals will line up for sale order at 3 pm. The ag banquet scheduled for April 24 has been cancelled, however students will be recognized at a meal after the students annual golf tournament.

Seward County student Caleb Crane helps a child get a closer look at a goat.

Feeding a calf was one of the farm education demonstrations by Seward County student Ryan Nelson.

Photos By Miguel Campano


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ns. ure the Troja throw to give nued to pressjamin hit a free and Nolen defense conti Pena-Ben t. 1:27 to play, Colby’s Jose63-60 lead with play with a baske ld T to rebui ns a By EARL WATr the Troja to one with 1:01 chance to make COlby a able to • Daily Leade cut the leadSeward foul gave was only ghout Another Aireus Stephenson rring throu selves but two, the were occu the lead, shots. trailing by d was en upsets s also found them and two shot Agar one of missed Seward and Latiq est, the Saint ng to lose. go. conference y turnover, After a hat had nothi e 0-10 in ry when seconds to looking to d a Colb Hous 26.2 force n s to the Gree away from a victothe goal, Saint to tie the game with up court and was trapped by to ds able ht the ball enson was sprinted 10 secon court, turnover, rt Sigala who made Colby broug shot, but Steph ne and half forced a and set up for a final st the sideli d. Seward open Robe o a wide while being fouled one game hold n and Sigala again poke the ball free to time and move an upset NoleNolen was able shot. d basket red 67-64 win -pointer as ing and upset in a Hutchinson suffe ration three a’s game-winn rd Sigal y attempted a despe wide. place when Garden City. cter to Colb to fight,” Sewa the chara the shot sailed a by losingwould put up a a point in the t having game,” Zollinger but ed, abou The are expir feel really good way to win the w Colby said. “They are at “I a g aggressive. lose. They n Zollingerhave nothing to they have no battle back and findhad to keep playin plays down the we they do, ere they several big ps.” “I felt like do what by said. se came up with two transition lay-ushould have g ose. they playing well.” trailin te defen that got us the game seven so they are in fact that despi stretch, and ger didn’t think rally to a well y played so they were able to more energ But Zollin at the end. play with inst Barton e first half back by so close at we didn’t Colby comeminute of been am concerned that,” he said. “Agaball. Tonight y Saturday the ad. “I last keyed against Colb a seven-point prior to etic, we shared the were hitting ters in the nued in the Schafer s a shot from and poise three-poin energ s, we conti to Isaiah Thaw take Seward rallied forcing two late ting on two the Trojan push first tow minutes County we were perimeter threeus more hesitant Watt win by n House. the Gree the second half toDaily Leader photo/Earl t half, andy took a lead in the nued to chase we couldn’t make that made s conti short, and had 12, deficit in for a 67-64 win. n thing d half. Colb and the Saint Nole every points, turnovers Marcus shoot.” second half,the half. s with 24 tes to play, of the Saint y the rest with three minu Agard led d nine. load and and Sigala score iling by six offensive out. d up the s while the es fouled Agard picke s for the Saint ut Latiq three point ed the next

in the slam dunk y. Later, a gets a against Colbning Robert Sigal Saturday first half score the game-win y Nolen he would an assist from Markfor the basket on that had emotion Robert’s on a night ly. One year ago,his battle Sigala fami er Tony lost /Earl Watt broth photo r ger youn er. Daily Leade with canc


Thanks for letting us cover hSoaminetscormallinyglawte for in your events. Look in the Daily Leader for more coverage this summer and next school year at Cashion ends Lady Dusters se ason Seward County Community College.

Sigala hits big shot onght solemn ni

T By EARL WATr • Daily Leade game basketball ity for ed on a prior Staying focus been the top the Green have at might not a Saturday night rt Sigal was Robe play Heights out and he House. ago, Southwestern game when the tip. didn’t come ed to,” coming A year “Early we se like we need vers we eighth home a that l for defen turno preparing reached the schoo had lost his locked-in r we forced some ts, and we the word nt Tony Sigala said. “Afte to score some baskewas able to , grade studecancer. were able in second half and that night with continued The s battle d. came out Lady game move the T While the festivities were the Corral defend.” stepped up to lead By EARL WATr ing to s Homecom tball team went their support. Spresser points. • Daily Leade said. “She’ scoring 23 Saints baske games and offer tragic loss, Saints by d good,” Wynn with the happen. the the going to to watch one year after court to play “She playethat can score shoot it. a her to go on point it was Saturday, a stepped on the At some Saints were going somebody I was glad to see , that is rt Sigal brother. tball. her going ds to Robe The Lady baske keep secon be. ger 20 as we it going to for his youn with less than n trapped d As long was run. points was that ende plus.” In a tie gameand Marky Nole forced a score, Wynnd lose How manyit was a 25-0 run Saturday always a a and lopsided play, Sigal s Stephenson With the that his team woul This time of a Colby upset hts Colby’s Aireu to the concerned any thoug n House. that you sprinted a rout, 91-38 n you hope turnover. focus. the ball and at the Greewent on to win in West. and Nole s like this careless with the Nolen took went with him, shot, was “In game Jayhawk dy had a Seward a the to shoot it sloppy or top of the goal. Sigalpass, Sigala made win. don’t get ” he said. “You want play solid to stay on 9 Lady Saints alreato play in made the Seward earned thetime out and minutes The No. basketball, turn it over, and to start eight with fouled, andcame out of the before you . You don’t want 26-16 lead Sigala said. for nine “Coach ed to get the trap,” players is defensively bad habits.” early the first half. dn’t score again came aggressive the first said we want es Colby woul picking up those moments by and our most the run a Rachel Barn “One of n. He got the ball,was run with One of standout fouls. minutes. Spresser started and s Saint Marky Nolecame to my mind and I had to free throw Kendra when Lady for two quick in the first led jumper, two thing that gave me the ball, was whist picked up a foul she didn’t scoring a ter. forced the Cole. because him. 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DAILY LEADER 218 S. Kansas • Liberal, Kansas


By RUSTIN WAT •Daily Lead T er many opp ortunities Down seve and went at lay-ups n with eigh up play, Sew be contact and drew what off steals t minutes ard appeare on tough bask chipped away to no whistle sounfour or five occasion d to and mad ets in traffi City 67-6 s, but Despite not ded. 3 at the Gre c to defeat Dod e ge night. en House bein Saturday those opportunitie g able to cash It was hom in on s, mor “Th e wer ings afoot, and ecoming with a early on,” just weren’t goin e to come. huge crow a clos e g win rival was Sain our way the icing over a conferenced Zollinger said ts head coach Saints. on the cake . “We got Bry an play ers and for the This gam coaches, frustrated — adjusted too. to right out e had the makings play hard things and just con But we of .” shot out the gate. The Con of a battle tinued to to With eigh back thre a 7-0 lead befo quistadors t minutes wer es from re to e bac down play k-to another by Spencer Moore and- received a seven before Ma the Saints Conqs lead Donte McCarte rcus Jam pass at the r eras es split in Back and a little over a min ed the the the Conqs defensetop of the key and ensuing poss for a lay-up. first half forth it went the ute. essi On double figuwith two Saints rest of the able to convert on, Latiq Agard was locker room res before goin scoring in surrounded by on a circus sho g four Con t . into the defenders. 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Section B • Page 1

SPORTS Thursday, April 1, 2010


Saints perched on top of the Jayhawk West Will Rector Crusader staff

Crusader photo/Miguel Campano

Left fielder Luke Campbell starts his swing in a game against Barton County Community College on March 22. Campbell was five for 13 in the series with five RBIs.

Seward County Baseball and Softball Upcoming Games

April 1SB vs. Dodge City CC 2 p.m. April 3BSB vs. Garden City CC 1 p.m. April 5BSB vs. Garden City CC 1 p.m. April 7SB @ Garden City CC 3 p.m. April 9SB @ Frank Phillips 2 p.m. April 10 SB vs. Luna CC BSB @ Hutchinson CC April 10 April 11 BSB @ Hutchinson CC April 13 SB vs. Clarendon CC

2 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m.

The Seward County Saints baseball team traveled to Dodge City to take on the Conquistadors in a four-game series on March 28 and 29. The Saints took game one 50 after a stellar pitching performance from Cameron Maldonado who pitched a complete game shutout while only allowing two hits and struck out eight Conqs. The Saints offense posted five runs on nine hits. A trio of Saints led the offense as Quay Grant, Josh Dawson and Jordan Dallalio each had two for four days. Dawson and Dallalio had one RBI a piece and Luke Campbell added an RBI in the game. Game two was much of the same, as the Saints had plenty of offense and received another great outing from freshman Logan Hall, earning the win in a 6-0 victory. Hall pitched the full nine innings and got the shutout after allowing eight hits and striking

out six while walking three Conquistadors. Dawson had another two for four performance with a double and two RBIs. Grant scored three of the six total runs for the Saints once again going two for four and Dallalio and Ty Jacobs added RBIs. Jacobs and Campbell both had two for five performances. The second day of the series was a complete 180 degree turn for the Saints as they dropped both games of the double header. Game one saw a score of 101 with the Saints lone run coming in the sixth inning as Dawson knocked in the run. The Saints managed only four hits in the game as Hayden Holub received the loss. Game two saw the Saints getting seven hits, but were unable to capitalize on those hits by dropping the night cap 6-0. Catcher Todd Glime had a two for three day with a double. Five other Saints recorded hits in the contest as Jose Gonzalez received the loss.

Crusader photo/Miguel Campano

Starting pitcher Cameron Maldonado throws a pitch against the Barton County Cougars in the first game of the four-game series on March 22. Maldonado picked up the win going six innings, giving up five hits and three earned runs.

No. 7 Lady Saints keep on keepin’ on

Will Rector Crusader staff

Crusader photos/Will Rector

Left: Third baseman Brianna Baron waits on a pitch from a Butler pitcher. Top Right: Center fielder Brittany Kent gets ready on defense as a pitch is thrown. Bottom Right: The infield huddles around pitcher Erin Roufosse after an out is recorded in the third inning Tuesday.

The No. 7 Seward County Lady Saints continue to wreak havoc on opponents as they extended their season record to 28 and 7 on Tuesday. The Lady Saints swept the Butler County Grizzlies in a Jayhawk West Conference match-up at Lady Saints Field with scores of 2-0 and 5-0. The Lady Saints were able to score two runs in the first game despite only getting two hits in the contest. Erin Roufosse started the first game for the Lady Saints and only allowed three hits to the Grizzlies. Brianna Baron hit a double in the second inning and later scored on a ground-out by Kelsea Blackstock to give Se-

ward a 1-0 lead. The Lady Saints were not done scoring as Leah Sitter walked and stole a base to start off the third and advanced to third on a sacrifice bunt by Shelby Casey. Marisa Coats would bring Sitter in on a single, extending the Lady Saints lead to two and providing enough insurance for Roufosse to finish off the game. Roufosse pitched a complete game allowing three hits while striking out five and walking two. Baron and Brittany Kent had the only hits for the Lady Saints. Game two saw considerably more offense from the Lady Saints as they scored five runs on nine hits earning the 5-0 victory. Sydney Cicchetti produced nearly identical numbers to game one starter Roufosse by allowing four hits and getting the com-

plete game shutout, striking out four and walking only one Grizzly. Six of the nine starters had hits in the game for Seward as Alicia Reyes, Kent and Baron led the Lady Saints bats each collecting two hits. Kent plated two in the first inning after scorching a double to right field giving Cicchetti an early 2-0 lead. Blackstock came to the plate and hit a sacrifice fly scoring Baron from third, and a throwing error allowed Kent to score from second, extending the lead to four. Coats would single in the sixth and knocked in the final run of the game. The Lady Saints are ranked seventh in the nation, the highest the program has ever been ranked.

Sophomore catcher Marisa Coats was named as Jayhawk West player of the week along with sophomore pitcher Erin Roufosse being named the Jayhawk West pitcher of the week. Coats was also named as the NJCAA national player of the week for the same week. Coats had a week to remember with a batting average of .667 with five homeruns and 12 RBIs on their spring break trip through Texas and Arizona. Coats had two games where she hit multiple homeruns

Marisa Coats

that week. Roufosse won all three starts she had during the trip over spring break and finished the week with an amazing 0.70 ERA. Roufosse was able to go the distance in all three of her starts adding three complete games to her season statistics. -Contributed to Crusader

Erin Roufosse

Three Saints have been named to the Jayhawk West Player of the Week list over spring break. Sophomore shortstop Kelby Tomlinson was named as PotW after he had a .364 batting average over the spring break trip and was a perfect three for three in stolen bases. Tomlinson brought his season average to .303 and is leading the team in runs scored.

Kelby Tomlinson

Saints named as Players of the Week during spring break



FIRST ROUND Four Lady Saints scored in double figures in the Lady Saints first-round regional matchup with Allen County. Seward nearly reached triple digits as they dominated Allen County in the Green House en route to a 98-56 win to move on in the Region VI Tournament.

SECOND ROUND The Lady Saints were leading in the final minute of the second round of their RegionVI matchup with Coffeyville. Despite being in Charles Koch Arena at Wichita State University, the fans in green stood, and began all in unison, an all-familiar clap to close out the game, with the Lady Saints taking it, 80-69.

SEMI-FINAL Big time players, make big time plays, in big time games. Rachel Barnes made plays aplenty in the Lady Saints semi-final matchup with Cowley. Barnes scored a career high 41 points along with 16 rebounds, nine assists, and seven steals en-route to a 22-point-regional semi-final win over Cowley, 86-64.

REGION VI CHAMPIONSHIP Out of character, that would describe the Lady Saints first half against Labette in the Region VI championship. Seward shot five air balls in the first half and shot 24 percent from the field. The Lady Saints were able to battle back with their national tournament hopes resting on the final 45 seconds with Seward down three. Seward was unable to sink a shot in the time of desperation as their season came to close, falling 54-49.


Basketb all

A Look Back 5 &

Lady Sa ints


Thursday, April 1, 2010



Worst IN 2009-10


BARNES SCORES 41 POINTS Barnes put together a highlight reel in one game, hitting threes, scoring inside, forcing turnovers, getting the ball to open teammates, Barnes did it all. The Seward post's freak performance began after Cowley jumped out to a 6-0 lead. Barnes then scored the Lady Saints first seven points to make it a 9-7 game with less than 14 minutes to go in the first half. In the first half of play alone, Barnes had recorded a double-double, scoring 21 points and ripping down 12 boards, 10 of which were offensive rebounds. Barnes continued her dominance the second half as she scored 20 points, pulled down four boards, dished out six assists and came away with four steals, in the second half alone. Barnes scored a career high 41 points along with 16 rebounds, nine assists, and seven steals en route to a 22-point regional-semi-final win over Cowley, 86-64.

The Lady Saints were dealt their first loss of the season by Labette at the Green House 69-67 on Dec. 12. Seward sought redemption, and the opportunity came, in the Region VI Championship game. A sluggish first half and poor shooting left Seward as Regional runners up as their season came to a close with a 54-49 loss.

SEWARD WINS THE CONFERENCE With two games left to play, the Lady Saints needed to take both games to win the Jayhawk West outright. Their final two regular season opponents were Garden City and Butler. Seward did exactly what was necessary, and defeated both conference foes to be the best in west and win the conference outright.

NO-CALLS In the Lady Saints first matchup with Labette, Rachel Barnes went up with time running out, contact appeared to be made but no whistle sounded as Seward fell 69-67. In the Labette rematch Vaneza Junior was tackled by Labette’s Kellindra Zachary near the baseline. Again, no whistle sounded and Labette gained possession.

FINAL SHOT FALLS SHORT With 8.5 on the clock, down three, Seward again had an opportunity to tie in the Regional championship, and took the ball from under their own basket. The Lady Saints got it to their playmaker in Rachel Barnes near the top of the key. Barnes pumped and got Labette's Kellindra Zachary in the air, paused until Zachary hit the floor and took the shot, the shot didn't catch anything but a Lady Cardinals’ grasp as the Lady Saints went on to fall 54-49.



Rachel Barnes’ incredible season didn’t leave her unrewarded. Barnes was one of 10 players to be named a WBCA All-American. Barnes was also named to the All Region VI team and was the Region VI Player of the Year.


Lady Saints point-guard Megan Lassley was recognized for her accomplishments this season by being named to the NJCAA All-Region VI Team. Lassley was also named to the Region VI All-Tournament Team for her effort in the Regional tourney.


Vaneza Junior’s play in the Region VI tournament did not go unnoticed. Junior was one of three Lady Saints selected to the Region VI All-Tournament Team.

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Thursday, April 1, 2010







IN 2009-10



Saints standout point guard Tony Smith, recruited by nearly every team in the Big XII, quit the Saints basketball team with four games remaining in the regular season. Despite the loss Seward turned the ball over less and went 5-2 in the final stretch without Smith.

Seward began the season 16-3 and were atop the conference at 5-0 out of the gate. Seward went 8-6 and lost their seat at the top of the Jayhawk West in their final 14 games.


STURANOVIC AND LIVINGSTON GO ON IR Freshmen Alex Sturanovic and Kevin Livingston both were out nearly the entire second half of the season for the Saints. Sturanovic was not able to play from the midway point until the Regional tournament with a heart defect. Livingston underwent orthoscopic surgery on an arthritic knee.

After avenging last year’s loss to Cowley the Saints season came to a close against Butler Community College in the regional semi-final game, 67-65. Butler went on to defeat Coffeyville Community College in the Region VI Championship, 72-60.



Whether catching a fast break and throwing it down, or getting reamed by Coach Zollinger, Jon Tassin was an entertaining player to watch. The Saints dunk contest champ always was ready to put on a show for Saints fans. If there was some chippy play, Tassin would be in the mix, and despite the Saints being up, Tassin always looked to slam the door shut with a jam.

Freshmen Donte McCarter and Marky Nolen both earned Conference Player of the Week honors in their first season as Saints. Both played a lot of minutes and were impact players for Seward. McCarter was named to the Region VI all tournament team along with Nolen in their opening seasons.


Marky Nolen

Seward County forwards Latiq Agard and Marky Nolen were chosen to the NJCAA All-Region VI Team after strong campaigns in the paint for the Saints during the 2009-2010 seasons. Agard was chosen 1st Team All-Region after a season in which he led the Jayhawk West in scoring at 17 points per game. The 6-4 sophomore was one of the most consistent players in the league in 2009-10, scoring 19 or more points in eight of Seward’s final 10 games of the season. Nolen was named Honorable Mention All-Region after a season in which he was arguably the most valuable 6th man in the league. The 6-2 freshman played much larger than his size all year long and used his grit and toughness to average more than 12 points and six rebounds per game this season. He was named to the Region VI All-Tournament Team after posting games of 23 points and 9 rebounds and 18 points and 10 rebounds in two games in Wichita.

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Latiq Agard Story Courtesy Roy Allen, Sports Information

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REGIONAL RUNDOWN FIRST ROUND Latiq Agard and Marky Nolen propelled Seward into the second round of regional action. Agard scored 29 along with six rebounds as Marky Nolen dropped 21 and raked 10 boards to send Seward to the second round with an 85-66 win over Kansas City Kansas.

SECOND ROUND Seward won the tip but Seward's first pass as they set up the offense, Cowley's Canon Fields took coast-to-coast for the first points of the game. The tone was set for the first half as Cowley stretched their lead to as much as a 10-points before Seward battled to go into the half down 40-34. The second half mirrored the first half, this time in favor of Seward. On Cowley's first three second half possessions, Seward forced a steal and went coast-to-coast. The 6-0 run tied it up, 40 all. From there it was a battle, but the tone was set, as Seward fought to continue on in the Region VI tourney with a 79-75 win.


Seward's season came down to 1.7 seconds. In a 67-64 contest in favor of the Grizzlies, Butler purposely fouled Donte McCarter to send him to the line. McCarter had to sink the first and miss his second opportunity in hope a Saint could get a putback to go into overtime. McCarter did sink the first. McCarter's second shot banged off the front of the rim. The shot bounced straight back towards McCarter, who in the mid-air scramble came away with it. McCarter, falling backwards, threw up the shot. McCarter hit the floor and the last stitch effort fell short as Seward's season came to a close following a 67-65 loss.


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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Saints tennis player ace on and off court If Seward’s got something to harp about, it’s Landon––with lots of strings attached.

Landon Harp is a member of the Saints men’s tennis team, and he strings together not only tennis but also excellent grades as an academic achiever. His hard work in all areas are coming together to play a harmonious tune in Harp’s life. Harp started playing tennis his freshman year at Liberal High School. “Tennis came pretty natural to me,” Harp said. Harp plays both singles and doubles for the Saints tennis team at tournaments. When playing doubles, Harp’s partner is Aaron Schaffer. “I probably prefer singles, but I enjoy playing doubles with Aaron,” Harp said. “We tend to joke around.” Schaffer and Harp have been playing together since their senior year of high school. “I don’t really want to say he’s a smart, funny, athletic guy,” Schaffer said. “I mean, what are people going to think?” A book scholarship and staying in shape were Harp’s motivating factors in choosing to play tennis for Seward, but along the way he ran into another perk. “I enjoy hanging out with everybody,” Harp said. “It helped me make some new friends.” Harp has enjoyed all the foreign exchange students on the tennis team and their attempts to teach him different languages. “All the foreign people are hilarious,” Harp said. His biggest obstacle in tennis has been an injury he suffered three years ago. During a Ulysses tennis tournament his sophomore year of high school, Harp tore his ACL. “I tore my ACL playing tennis, but I also finished that tournament, and I ended up winning the tournament,” Harp said. Although a typical ACL recovery is six months, Harp was back on the court in five months. “I really enjoy the game, but I’m also really competitive,” Harp said. “It’s fun to win and I always try to give it my best.”

Harp believes the 2009 fall tennis season went well, winning five matches and losing two. “This year has been a great year so far. I’ve learned a lot, and it’s been an awesome experience getting to know and compete with the team,” Harp said. “We’re pretty unique in the fact that we are so diverse, and it should be a great season. I can’t wait to see how far this team can go.” Harp is up for the challenge of the next season, but it’s normal for Harp to face challenges head-on. He was born with a small ear cannel, and as a result wears a hearing aid. “It’s never affected me,” Harp said. “I still participated in everything––sports, got good grades. I could have had surgery to make it better, but I chose not to. It makes me unique and I kind of embrace it.” Harp has even found a positive to his situation. “It actually makes my other senses better,” Harp said. At Seward, Harp has already racked up 48 credit hours and is majoring in pre-pharmacy, so it makes sense that his part-time job is as a pharmacy tech at Walgreens. Harp’s girlfriend of three years, Lorie Rine, believes pharmacy is a suiting career field for him. “He seems to enjoy it a lot, and he’s really good at chemistry,” Rine said. “He’s a people person. I think he’ll like it.” Outside of school, tennis and work, Harp enjoys playing basketball, texting on his Blackberry, playing ping-pong and driving around town in his 1970 Camaro. Harp considers his Camaro his most prized possession. “It’s got some sentimental value,” Harp said. “My dad and I work on it together.” After Seward, Harp plans to transfer to Texas Tech or Southwestern Oklahoma State University to finish his degree in pharmacy. -Morgan Allaman

Tennis hits the wall against top ranked opponents No. 8 and No. 13 tennis teams headed for tough competition in preparation for regionals

Mi guel Campano Crusader staff

The next court action for the Seward County men’s and women’s teams will be April 3 and 4 at the Seminole State tournament in Oklahoma City. The Lady Saints are currently ranked No. 8 in the nation, and men’s team is No. 13 in the nation. The men’s and women’s tennis teams will continue to play

tough matches against topranked teams until the region tournament April 16-17. The Saints and Lady Saints started their seasons March 5 in a tournament they dominated, winning nearly every match they played. The eight singles players combined to go 31-1 in the oneday event against Kansas Wesleyan University, Bethany College, and Concordia University. Fanny Benincasa and Kauana

Goncalves, the Lady Saints top two players, were a perfect 6-0, as Benincasa won her single matches 6-1, 6-4, and 6-1, 6-1, while Goncalves won 6-3, 6-1, and 6-0, 6-2. Newcomers Laercio Lobo and Nathan Nelmes won their matches 6-2, 6-1, and 6-1, 6-2 over Kansas Wesleyan and Bethany. “The women’s team tied for first in the tournament with

Kansas Wesleyan University, and the men’s team won the tournament, only losing one doubles match the whole day,” Lady Saints player Antigoné Lowery said. “Everyone did exceptionally well, and our new players this season (Nelmes, Rafael Raw, Lobo and Goncalves) all went undefeated the entire tournament.” Head coach Darin Workman said the teams were nearly un-

touchable the first weekend of play. Saints player Christian Romanzini commented on the competition. “Bethany was a strong team, but Kansas Wesleyan wasn’t a hard opponent,” he said. “Concordia is a good team, but it wasn't’ good enough to beat us. I think our team is playing very consistent, and I’m hoping to put our team into the top 10 in the

21 Plaza Drive Liberal, KS


nation.” Since the opening tournament, the men’s and women’s tennis teams have run into tougher competitions against tough opponents from Cowley College and Johnson County Community College. The Saints and Lady Saints came away with some wins over Johnson County, but each fell short against top-ranked Cowley.

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