Feb 12, 2010

Page 1

Dunn flips for Pancake Day


Dr. Duane Dunn accepts the mayor’s pancake flipping challenge, two students halftime entertainers compete for Miss Liberal and the whole drama class runs for recognition. —Page 6


Skills USA sells carnations

Skills USA will sell carnations for $5 in front of the Saints Bookstore today. Carnations will be white with red or solid red and have a Valentine sucker and card attached. Proceeds will help fund the Skills USA trip to state contest in April.

Graduation gowns sold February only Graduation robe orders will be taken from Feb. 1 to Feb. 29 in the Saints Bookstore. A graduation charge of $36 plus tax for associate degree candidates and $31 plus tax for certificate of completion candidates is due when placing robe orders.

Anti goné Lowery Crusader staff

Members of the college and of the community recently pulled together and raised $5,000 in donations to go to student Regine Beauchard’s family in Haiti. Beauchard’s family home was devastated in the Jan. 12 earthquake, but her family’s hope and desire to help others has remained. SIFE, along with help and donations from First Christian Church Disciples of Christ and National Beef, held a fundraiser to raise money for the Beauchard’s family home and church where her father, Mara, is a pastor. The fundraiser was held at FCC on Jan. 31 from noon to 2 p.m. The $5,000

family by FCC at First National Bank. SIFE members helped prepare and serve food at the fundraiser. Contributions were made by National Beef. SIFE member Poe Castillo, along with students Shaley Thomas and Tasha Duvall, was Courtesy photo largely involved in SIFE members Nancy Arredondo and Josie Avalos help Regine setting up the fundraiser, as well Beauchard prepare food for Haiti benefit dinner Jan. 31. as being a part of it. in donations that was raised was put into “I know Regine personally, and she is a bank account set up for Regine and her a great friend of mine. I feel that the

Tuesday, Feb. 16 there will be no classes at the college to celebrate International Pancake day. To learn more about Pancake Day, see page 6.

•The mission assists a growing network of 335 primary schools serving over 65,000 Haitian children. •All of the schools associated with BHM are connected with local churches and offer education to communities where no other school exists. •Each of them offers a strong Christian education for 6 grades. BMH provided 262,000 school books last year. •More than 600,000 meals per year are given away to feed students. •There are more than 1,500 teachers and over 280 directors currently working at the schools. •Yearly, over 1,200 teachers are trained through the teacher training program.

Iditarod dog musher Karen Land will be in the library at noon Feb. 17. Land will be joined by her sled dog Borage, and together they will give a dog mushing presentation.

Public invited to brunch at college

The public is invited to a come and go brunch at 11:30 a.m.- to 1 p.m., Feb. 21, in the college Student Union. The cost is $6 per person and entertainment will be provided by the Seward County students.

PTK plans induction ceremony for spring

Kansans of African Descent: Selected Portraits, the traveling exhibit, has made its way to the college library for the month of February. Well-known people of African descent who have called Kansas home are featured in this exhibit, which is free to the public.

College visits scheduled for FHSU, KSU and KU Students interested in transferring to Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University or the University of Kansas may sign up in the administration office for a college visit. March 5 at 10:30 a.m. is the FHSU college visit, and students wishing to attend will leave at 7 a.m. that morning. The sign up deadline for FHSU is Feb. 19. The KSU and KU college visit will be combined into one trip April 15-16. Students will leave at 7 a.m. the 15 and get home by 7 p.m. the 16. The sign up deadline for the KSU and KU visit is April 2, and a $20 fee plus meals will be charged.

Haiti on a Mission One of the leading Haiti Missions, Baptist Haiti Mission, has been working to improve Haiti conditions since 1943.

Musher visits SC

College library hosts exhibit for February

Liberal, Kansas

SIFE raises $5,000 for student’s family in Haiti

Liberal prepares for Pancake Day

The spring 2010 Phi Theta Kappa induction ceremony for new members is scheduled for 2 p.m. Feb. 21 in SW229. In order to be eligible to be invited to join PTK, students must be enrolled in 12 credit hours and have a 3.5 GPA. Contact Debbie Stafford at debbie.stafford@sccc.edu or 417-1106 for more information.


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Year 41, No. 7

February 12


SC reflects on missions work in Haiti A 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit near Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on Jan. 12. Since then, people from all over the world have reached out to this impoverished country. Haiti has been all over the news lately, but the country was in trouble even before the whole world heard about it.

Dana Loewen News Editor

Haiti is the poorest country in the western hemisphere with 4/5 of the population under the poverty level. Isaac Fuentes, Cindy Handley and Kim Thomas took separate missions trips to Haiti before the recent earthquakes. Seward student Isaac Fuentes went to Haiti July 4 of last year and was there for five days. He went with 11 other people from his church, the First Southern Baptist Church, including an electrician, a mechanic and a construction worker. Their project was to construct the walls on the second story of the orphanage, which they had already sent money to for pouring the cement to make the ceiling of the first floor and floor of the second floor. Fuentes decided to go to Haiti when he heard about the trip in church. “The Lord kind of told me it’s time to do something for someone else,” Fuentes said. “It’s a really good experience to see what’s outside this country,” Fuentes said. “We’re so sheltered here.” The population is what surprised him the most when he got to Haiti. “There’s a huge amount of people, and they’re all poor,” Fuentes said. “What we consider poor is abundant wealth compared to them. In what we’d call a small room, a family would live there with no bathroom. The kids

beg on the streets, and the parents work for a dollar a day.” Fuentes also visited the ravine. “It was trash, and they just built their homes on top of it, because they had no where else to go,” Fuentes said. “It makes you think of what you have, and it really humbles you,” Fuentes said. “But they were the happiest kids I’ve ever seen,” Fuentes said. “In the face of so much sadness, they still praise God. It’s really incredible.” After hearing about the earthquake, Fuentes was “concerned for my new friends wondering if they were taken by the Lord or were OK.” “It was a long two days that we didn’t get news from them, and even then we didn’t hear from all of them. One of the teachers who I made good friends with, I just found out two weeks ago that he was OK,” Fuentes said. “We did lose one orphan named Peterson.” The orphanage the group helped build survived the quakes. “Amazingly!” Fuentes said. “Thanks to the Lord, it was built well enough. The Lord must have been guiding our hands on that day because we were all rookies. I was surprised it lived through the earthquake, and not just an earthquake but an earthquake with some pretty mighty aftershocks.” Fuentes wants to go back and plans to return in July. The orphanage was planned to be three stories tall, so they will be finishing up the ceiling and third floor.

• See Missions page 3

event was a great success to help Beauchard’s family. I just wish we could help all of Haiti,” Castillo said. Although Beauchard is not with her family in Haiti, she has appreciated the encouragement and help from members of the college and everyone who helped to raise money for her family’s home and church. “The luncheon was a great turn out. I didn’t expect that many people. Every little bit counts, that’s why eventually we came up with this amount. This amount will give a great push to constructing a new single building, and I’m so thankful for everyone’s support and generosity.” The money raised for Beauchard’s family was made available to them the day after the fundraiser.

Ag brings rural issues to campus Joseph Hoffman Crusader staff

A rural issues conference on Sustaining our Rural Communities will showcase the highly esteemed keynote speaker Dr. Lowell Catlett among other experts during sessions Feb. 18 and 19. The conference is hosted by the agriculture department at Seward County Community College/Area Technical School and will be in the student activities building. The conference, which begins with registration at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 18, will cover estate planning, retirement investment, being a successful landlord, career opportunities, alternative energy sources, commodity trends and outlook and Highway 54 and 83 upgrades. Catlett, a regent’s professor/dean and chief administrative officer at New Mexico State University's College of Agriculture, Consumer and Environmental Sciences, will speak at the banquet Thursday evening, Feb. 18. Seward agriculture department instructor Evan Winchester is coordinator of the rural issues conference and is excited about Catlett’s being part of the program. “Dr. Catlett is easily the best speaker I have ever heard,” Winchester said. As a futurist, Catlett’s knowledge of technologies and implications on life and work is addressed in his presentations. He was named the 2007 Outstanding Alumni at West Texas A&M University. He works nationally and internationally with corporations and organizations as well as the U.S. departments of agriculture, labor, interior, defense, education, energy and the World Bank. Full registration for the Liberal conference is $30, which includes the Thursday evening dinner and Friday lunch. Registration for the Thursday evening dinner and keynote speaker is $20. Student registration is $15. Registration without meals is available at the door for $15. Those wishing to register for the conference may contact Winchester at 620-417-1353 or evan.winchester@sccc.edu. Mike Irwin, director of the Kansas Farm Bureau Legal Foundation, is the Friday luncheon speaker. A native of Goodland, he has an extensive background in commercial and civil litigation and public administration. Platinum sponsors are Pioneer Seed—Bill Hatcher and Rock Ormiston; KSCB radio; First National Bank of Liberal and Hugoton; and Seaboard Foods. Gold sponsors are Great Western Dining and Farm Credit of Southwest Kansas. Meal and conference sponsors are Bank of Beaver City, Seward County Farm Bureau Association and The Community Bank. I Some information in this story was from a SCCC/ATS news release.

SC celebrates Kansas’s belated birthday today Dei si Barboza Online editor

Kansas Day activities sponsored by Sigma Chi Chi, Seward County Historical Museum, Kansas Corp member Lacy Gracia and USD 480 were canceled due to weather issues on Jan. 29. The event has been rescheduled for today from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The events are being attended by eight fourthgrade classes. Activities for the students include a “Jeopardy-like” game about Kansas history and tours around the Coronado Museum. The students will also participate in an essay competition entitled “What I learned about Kansas history.” Top contestants will win prizes such as family movie passes, college basketball tickets, T-shirts and other prizes. Students attending are Mario Armendariz, Corey Clark, Carlos Enriquez, Aaron Gibler, Mark Hartle, Keaton Kliner, Dominique Lee, Dustin Little, Andrew Mains, Francisco Moreno, Jaime Peralta, Adam Regier, Enrique Rodriguez, Janette Vargas and Christian Valenzuela.



Friday, February 12, 2010


Security Report

Stolen item recovered; thefts, drugs investigated

Crusader photo/Rustin Watt

Shaley Thomas, Stephanie Boaldin, Jordan Eder, Dr. Duane Dunn and Zane Atchley were part of the Phi Theta Kappa recognition Wednesday at the basketball game. PTK was recognized for the academic achievement of the students. Thomas and Eder were recognized for their nominations to the All-Kansas Academic Team. PTK earned the Pinnacle Award from the national organization for increasing membership by 25 percent last semester.


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editor in chief Morgan Allaman

news editor Dana Loewen entertainment Jose Rodriguez online editor Deisi Barboza sports editor Rustin Watt


In the last Crusader edition, I explained the basic concepts Cola, Disney, General Electric, AT&T, McDonald’s, Walabout how to invest in the stock market. Now I will give you Mart stores and Pfizer. some tips to successfully invest, choose the right companies, 5. Diversify your portfolio. No personal investment strateand make the right decisions. There are eight basic tips that I gy is complete without diversification. It helps you to reduce consider essential to getting good results investing in the your risk because when one sector in the economy goes bad stock market, they are as follows: other sectors may have better results. 1. Understand and follow the market factors. Markets can6. Use what you already know. You can use everything you not rise or fall forever, they are affected by know to achieve the best results. As an emseveral factors, such as economic factors “There are ployee or competitor in a field, you are able (inflation, exchange rate, stage in the busito understand how a specific factor can affect eight basic your investment. Also as a consumer you are ness cycle, etc.), political decisions, international factors (wars, trade barriers, etc.), and tips that I conducting research all the time, you know obviously everything that happens inside what products you are buying and probably consider the company boundaries (change in the have a pretty good idea what your friends and management team, a new product). family are buying, possibly it is a trend afoot essential 2. Develop your strategy by defining your and you might see it long before Wall Street long term goals, how much money you want to getting good results does. to invest, investing time and risk tolerance. investing in the stock 7. Conduct research about the companies 3. Invest for the long term. In the short that you intend to buy. Look for relevant interm, stocks tend to be volatile, reacting to market.” formation such as company and industry every single news item published about the —Carlos Souza news, the company’s financial statements, if economy, the market, and the company. Be there is buy back and/or employees are buypatient and focus on a company’s fundaing its stock, who the managers are, what the mental performance. In time the market will recognize and trends are for the industry. properly value the good companies. 8. Study, Study and Study. The more you study about in4. Choosing well known companies reduces your risk. It is vestments and related themes, the better results you will get hard for a big corporation to fail, so buy well known compa- in your investments. There are a couple of classes that you nies when they are cheap to safely get a good price. With can take at Seward that will help you to become a better inweaker companies, buying cheap can be dangerous because vestor: Introduction to Business will give you the basic there is a good chance that the company will fail. A good way knowledge about companies, Macroeconomics helps you to to do that is to invest in companies that are part of the Dow understand the economic factors that might affect your Jones Industrial Average, which includes 30 big companies stocks, Financial Accounting II will teach you how to anarepresenting the various parts of our economy. Some of these lyze the companies’ financial statements and Personal Ficompanies are IBM, Microsoft, Boeing, Citigroup, Coca- nance explains how to put everything together.


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Ave. After investigating the incident, the illegal substance was located and confiscated. The information concerning the incident and the suspect was forwarded to SCCC/ATS administration for disciplinary review. Sanctions were subsequently issued to the suspect; however, the type of sanctions that were issued are confidential. Jan. 29 — The SCCC/ATS security department received a report of a hitand-run accident involving a pickup and a wooden fence located in front of the Student Living Center, 1801 1/2 N. Kansas Ave. The accident resulted in approximately $50 worth of damage to the fence and the driver of the run vehicle was located a short time after the accident. All of the information concerning the accident was forwarded to SCCC administration for disciplinary review. The results of the disciplinary review are still pending. As of Jan. 1, the SCCC/ATS security department had investigated six separate incidents, involving several underage suspects, who were in possession of alcoholic beverages while on campus property. The information concerning each of these incidents was forwarded to SCCC administration and to the director of SCCC housing for disciplinary review. Several of the suspects have been issued disciplinary sanctions and some of the incidents are still under disciplinary review.

Crusader photo/Miguel Compano

Bill McGlothing, Glenda Shepard, Dinora Isidoro, Debbie Stafford and Christian Valenzula at the Lunch ’n’ Learn which took place in the library Feb. 1-4. The project was designed to let students meet their instructors and take advantage of tutor services provided by TRiO. A total of 53 different students attended at least one of the days.

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Jan. 8 — The Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School security department received a report of a stolen cell phone from a locker room in the SCCC Wellness Center, 1801 N. Kansas. Two suspects were named in the incident and the phone was recovered several days later. The victim declined to prosecute; however, sanctions through SCCC administration on the The two suspects are pending. stolen/recovered phone was valued at $500. Jan. 11 — The SCCC/ATS security department received a report of an attempted auto theft and criminal damage to a vehicle that had been parked in the parking lot of the Area Technical School, 2215 N. Kansas Ave. The suspect(s) damaged the steering column in order to hot-wire the vehicle and make an unsuccessful attempt to drive the vehicle off of the lot. The incident is still under investigation. Jan. 15 — The SCCC/ATS security department received a report of a stolen digital camera from the Student Union, located in the SCCC Activities Building, 1801 N. Kansas Ave. A suspect was named in the incident and eventually the camera was recovered several days later. The victim declined to prosecute; however, disciplinary action on the suspect is pending. The stolen/recovered camera was valued at $500. Jan. 19 — The SCCC/ATS security department received a report of the possession of an illegal substance in the Student Living Center, 1801 N. Kansas

Kansas Associated Collegiate Press

The official student newspaper of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School is published bi-monthly by journalism students during the regular college year, except on school holidays and during examination periods. One copy of each issue is distributed free to each student, faculty and staff member, with subsequent copies available for purchase in the Crusader office at 50 cents each. Letters to the editor will be considered for publication if they are signed and the authenticity of the writer’s signature is verified. The staff reserves the right to edit for length. Opinions voiced in letters and editorials are not necessarily those of Seward County Community College/Area Technical School or the Crusader. Staff editorials are decided on and written by members of the editorial board: Morgan Allaman, Dana Loewen, Rustin Watt, Jose Rodriguez, and Deisi Barboza. Advertising is accepted. Rates are $4 per column inch or $4.80 pci for color ads. Insert rates are $50 per thousand. Classified ads are free to SCCC students, faculty and staff; classified rates for all others are $4 per ad, limit of 20 words. The Crusader staff reserves the right to refuse advertising.

CrusaderNews.com S e e p h o to g a l l e r i e s a n d m o r e a t

Look for all you’re Pancake Day Coverage the same day, Tuesday, February 16, 2010 H IG H P L A I N S

DAILY LEADER 218 S. Kansas • Liberal, Kansas



Friday, February 12, 2010


Voting for homecoming royalty next week



Homecoming agenda set









Anti goné Lowery Crusader staff

Voting for the 2010 homecoming king and queen is scheduled for Feb. 15-17 in front of the library. Homecoming at the college is sponsored by the Student Government Association, which has set the agenda for the week’s activities. Wednesday: At 7 p.m. in the Student Living Center game room there will be a blacklight pingpong tournament with money prizes. Student wishing to participate in Friday’s poker tournament must register by Feb. 17 in SU118. Thursday: From 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., there will be a Totally Tattoos booth in the union. Friday: At 7:30 p.m., a Texas Hold ’em poker tournament will offer electronic prizes such as a TV , iPod Touch and Flip camcorders. Saturday: The women’s basketball game against Dodge City Community College starts at 6 p.m., with coronation between the women’s and men’s games. A dance will follow the mens game. The top five finalists for the women are Brianna Lucero, Jessica Palacios, Jordan Eder, Lily Torres and Jasmine Mitchell. Long Vo, Will Rector, Saul Rico, Edgar Rosales and Layne Greeson are the top five men finalists.

Missions: Seward in Haiti • continued from page 1

Courtesy photo

Cindy Handley poses with a Haitian child during her mission trip to Haiti. Handley went to help a missionary who has a school and orphanage. Handley taught teachers in Haiti and worked with their students.

“I’m looking forward to what good we can do down there,” Fuentes said. According to Fuentes, what Haiti needs most right now is prayer. He also would encourage people to donate to a good charity. “If you feel compelled, lend a hand,” Fuentes said. “What do you do for people who had nothing and lost everything?” Fuentes said. Cindy Handley, biology instructor, traveled to Haiti along with her pastor’s wife during spring break in March of last year. They went to help a missionary, who has a school and orphanage, by teaching teachers and working with their students. The thing that stood out the most to her was the poverty. They visited a ravine with a creek where garbage was piled and covered the ground. Small huts were crowded all along the ravine. Goats, pigs and chickens were tied up alongside the huts. Nurses visit at least once a week and help, and there’s also a feeding project for the children. “If they can get them early, it helps with their brain development,” Handley, who teaches nutrition at SCCC/ATS, said. Education is the No. 1 thing they need, according to Handley, who referred to the saying, “Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for life.” She was devastated when she heard about the earthquakes. “I was very concerned for my friends and the children,” Handley said. “The Christian ministries help,” Handley said. “There’s a lot of good people doing good things.” Handley would like to go back this summer with her church, if possible. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to because I have a class,” Handley said. “Last time I was able to get to the Internet and contact home. So if I was able to use the Internet, I could use EduKan to do the class, but I don’t know about how the Internet and electricity is now.” Kim Thomas, Seward business instructor, went to Haiti during spring break in March of 2008. She went with her husband, son and seven others from Wichita with InterFaith Ministries. She helped set up a computer lab in the school. What surprised her most was how truly poor they were.

“They were literally starving to death,” Thomas said. The most memorable part of Haiti for Thomas was the sweet spirits of the Haitian people. Their group would feed them every day. Thomas gave a boy a bowl of food, and instead of digging in, he first made sure it was OK from his teachers, then shared it with his three friends before eating it himself. “They were so giving and caring for each other,” Thomas said. Thomas was shocked and saddened to hear about the earthquakes. “I kept asking, why?” Thomas said. “How could this happen to a country that is already so poor and with so many needs already. It didn’t seem quite fair, but I guess earthquakes never are.” Thomas believes what Haiti needs most is to be educated on how to become self-sufficient. “They need to change the trends of their economy to show growth,” Thomas, who teaches economics classes at SCCC/ATS, said. According to Thomas, they need to be taught to use positive trade to help the economy and learn to help themselves. “First they need to be healed from the devastation, of course,” Thomas said. “They need medical care at the present moment, but once they are over that, they need to know how to turn themselves around.”

-Dana Loewen

Courtesy photo

Seward student Isaac Fuentes helped build the pictured orphanage during a mission trip to Haiti in July.

Seward County nursing graduates achieve high pass rate Contributed to Crusader

The Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School nursing program acheived a 100 percent program pass rate for first time candidates taking the National Council Licensure Examination for the Practical Nurse, according to notification from the Kansas State Board of Nursing of the licensure results for the 2009 graduates. The Associate Degree Nursing program pass rate for first time candidates taking the National Coun-

cil Licensure Examination for the Registered Nurse was 95.65 percent, the Kansas average pass rate was 85.14 percent, and the national average pass rate was 85.95 percent. The pass rate over the past five years for the college’s ADN graduates is 95 percent. For the fifth year in a row, the Practical Nursing program pass rate for first time candidates taking the National Council Licensure Examination for the Practical Nurse was 100. The Kansas average pass rate was 93.30 percent, and the national aver-

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age pass rate was 91.24 percent. The Practical Nursing program had its first graduating class in 1979, and there have been 17 graduating classes with 100 percent pass rate on the NCLEX-PN exam. “I am very proud of our graduates and the hard work necessary to achieve these results,” said Steve Hecox, director of nursing. “Our nursing faculty are very dedicated individuals who strive to provide the best learning experiences possible for the students. We certainly appreciate the support of the

administration and Board of Trustees as well as the support provided by the employees of Southwest Medical Center, our medical community, and other clinical affiliates located in Liberal and in the surrounding communities.” Full-time nursing faculty members at SCCC/ATS include Nancy Bansemer, Sandra Brisendine, Veda King, Tracey Stuckey-Gardner, Diane Miller, and Steve Hecox. Contact Steve Hecox at steve.hecox@sccc.ed for additional information on the nursing program.

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Friday, February 12, 2010

DidyouattendeitherMission ImprovorLaserTag? Whyorwhynot?

Adriann D’amico

Wendy Ramirez

“Yes, I went to both of them, Lazer tag was really fun! They got a lot of people to play so it got pretty intense. Mission Improv was entertaining, even though I got yelled at for being on my phone.”

Tate Cain

Ismael Bouziane

“Umm...no. I never even knew about it. What is it?”

Monica Macias

“What? I had no clue that was even going on.”

Crusader Photo/Alfredo Anaya

At the comedy night improv on campus recently, a comedian interacts with students in attendance. The Showcase Theatre was only about half full, though, with many students missing the experience.

Our View...

Grab the experience The Student Government Association promotes different events around campus each year to provide entertainment for the students who attend Seward County Community College. In the last month they have promoted two events, the Mission Improvable act and the laser tag activity. These two events were scheduled for the students, and the events didn’t receive as much attendance as they should have. Why aren’t students attending these events that are for their own entertainment? SGA spent about $3000 on these events. Students need to take advantage of these small events because one day they may be gone. Too often the words, “There is nothing to do here. I’m so bored,” are uttered. If there is nothing to do, students should have packed the auditorium for the improv act, and should have had continuous flow through the laser tag activity. Failure to attend the events that are planned and sched-

uled by SGA for the students benefit could possibly disappear because of the lack of student participation. The Mission Improvable performance was well liked by the students in attendance and the laser tag event had a lot of hard work put into it to set up the different obstacles so that it had an arcade feel. The students cannot take the sole blame for the lack of attendance at these events, however; because part of SGA scheduling the events is to promote the events around campus to make students aware of them going on. SGA puts up small promotional posters, but they aren’t visibly distinguishing enough for students to point them out. Also, the number of posters around campus is not noticeable enough for students to constantly be reminded of when an event is. The events need better promotion which should lead to better student attendance.

“No, I didn’t go to lazer tag because I was working in the training room. And what’s Mission Improv? Oh, yeah. I think I had cheer practice at the time it was going on.”

Eric Hernandez

“I’m not a big fan of comedy; it’s not really my thing. Lazer tag, I don’t have very many friends so I didn’t have anybody to go with.”

“What is that? You see, since we’re over here (Vo-Tech), we feel like we’re never aware of the things that are going on over there (SCCC). We rarely get informed of the activities the school is offering.”

David Carrillo

“I attended lazer tag. It was a lot of fun and very competitive! The best part of it all was that I got to play against my friends. I even got a rug burn on my knee.”

Stephanie Boaldin and Daniel Bruce “We didn’t get to attend either one. But we did hear from one of our friends who went to lazer tag and said he had fun.”

Comments collected by Lizuly Monarrez

College should have better system for checking grades Rodriguez@crusadernews.com

Jose Rodri guez Entertainment editor

What are my grades at the moment? I wouldn’t happen to know off the top of my head. I guess I can go around the campus to each teacher and ask them myself, right? Sounds like a total waste of time. Then I remember my friends and I had a conversation about how we miss PowerSchool. Basically PowerSchool was a sweet little Web site that let us

check our grades in high school whenever we wanted. That’s right. No having to go to teacher’s offices and wait for them to start their system up. At first I thought, “I’m so glad we don’t have that. I like not being in the know.” Then I realized how stupid I sounded. When I first came to college it was a little odd getting used to not being in the know all the time as I spent my junior and senior years of high school on PowerSchool, but with my horrible grades my first semester of college, I kind of didn’t want to know. Sometimes I don’t want to know my grades, but how annoying is it to go to the teacher’s office and ask for your grade and missing assignments? It’s much more convenient to check your grades at your own discretion on your own time whenever you feel like it. Like at the end of the semester I had

Friends find adventure on the road Hoffman@crusadernews.com

Joseph Hoffman Crusader staff

Throughout our lives, we have all had our fair share of friends, whether it be those we meet at the Play Place at McDonald’s, classmates, people we know from church, and, at times, even family members. Over the years, friends come and go, but the ones that stay throughout not only help define who you become, but also give you some of the best memories. As time passes, it is hard to believe I have been graduated from high school for two years. It is so hard to begin to wrap my head around it; however, the friends I have met along the way have made these years great. Whether it is playing tag at 1 a.m. in the middle of main street, getting pulled over for car surfing, or just hanging out and talking, I have become a better person due to the people I have met in my life. One of the most memorable occurrences happened in December of last year, the day before finals. My cousin Seth and I decided to road trip to Dallas, Texas, and attend a concert which featured two of our favorite bands, Underoath and August Burns Red. The concert was epic, but as most things in life go, the journey to our destination is what made the trip and lack of sleep worthwhile. Two hours into our trip, we discovered that we had left the tickets back at our house, so we rushed back to Hooker, Okla., grabbed the tickets, and sped off towards Weatherford, Okla., to meet with our cousin Jason and his wife Mandi to eat. In our hurry, I didn’t even realize how fast I was driving. A sheriff caught me going 81 in a 65, and we

a hold on my records, and I did not know what I had in any class. Yeah, you can check your grades on your personal records, unless you have a hold on them. It’s so annoying that you can’t check even last semester’s grades. It’s like, yeah, thanks for reminding me I’m broke, Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School, your last 10 invoices just went right by me. So please, administration, if you weren’t already on it,

were rewarded with a $250 ticket. After playing some games in Weatherford, we continued to Oklahoma City, where we ended up spending the night after meeting with some friends at Texas Roadhouse, where we were issued sippy cups for spilling a drink. The next day we left Oklahoma City after saying our goodbyes and travelled on to see the show. Fifty miles from Dallas, we decided it was time I studied, so Seth started asking me questions about my macroeconomics final when we noticed two girls in a Chevy Cavalier driving next two us. Being the daring people we are, we wrote our numbers on the back of my study guide and wove in and out of rush hour traffic to relay our numbers to these two very attractive young ladies. After driving beside them and holding up the paper for them to see, I drove away to dodge a semi, having no hopes of them calling us. We just laughed and said it was fun anyway. However, the phone did ring, and to even more surprise, these girls invited us to meet them at Hooters before they went to work, saying that we were some of the most outgoing people they had ever seen and they couldn’t pass up meeting us. After exchanging names and saying our goodbyes there, we left the parking lot and drove the rest of the way to the House of Blues in downtown Dallas. After the four hours of the most electrifying sets I have seen, and a few extra T-shirts, we left for Liberal. Departure time from Dallas was at 11:45 p.m., with a final looming at 9 a.m. Our journey proved to be a long and tiring one back, but I made it just in time for my morning final. Whether it be someone you have known all your life, or someone you meet on the Interstate, the people that you meet and experiences you enjoy can impact your life — and make for some pretty great stories.

“I got used to not being in the know, but now it bothers me a lot.”

can we please get a nifty little system that lets us check our grades online whenever we want? I hate to sound like a child, but other colleges have them, some with even better systems than PowerSchool. At Kansas University they have Blackboard. It’s a web content management system similar to WebCT in fact Blackboard owned WebCT and just merged the system. One other really handy thing about Blackboard is that they have a phone application so people can use it on their phone. So if someone forgot to post something they can just get on their phone. I got used to not being in the know, but now it bothers me a lot. Is something like Blackboard or PowerSchool impossible to get on this campus? Or is everyone else just perfectly content in blissful ignorance?

World needs religious tolerance

fairness toward those Editor’s Note: Former who don’t deserve it international SCCC/ATS (in this matter just student Sanela Dejonovic random, peaceful was recently moved by a Muslims). Christiane Amanpour reAnd yes, this port to write the comcomes from me, a ments below. CNN conSerbian, whose tacted Dejonovic for percountry had been mission to post her words fought in the War in with a video (link at Bosnia (also caused right). Dejonovic notified by issue the Muslims the Crusader, and we vs. non Muslims thought readers might population); Yes, this enjoy this dialogue. comes from me, a This video is inspirational for every decent http://amanpour.blogs.cnn.com/2010/02/04 Serbian whose country still fighting the human being from all /my-mothers-daughter/ over the world who is in numerous political process of learning and persuading a toler- and diplomatic battles over the Kosovo issue ance, the most valued screening which sepa- (again caused by the Muslim vs. non Muslim rates good from bad; Also, is educative en- theme); And Yes this is me, Christian Orthocouragement for those who have a hard time dox who had been welcomed in the warm to accept the change, not just the change in a Muslims home (the home of my two friends political aspect, or environmental area, but the mentioned above) during the holidays away change that accrued in people, and shows in from my own home. choices they make. All that come with the At the end, none of us should close the eyes time, leaded by the circumstances we all had and waste the right to teach, to spread the matbeen thru. ter of tolerance. Media, journalists or individI am Christian Orthodox from Eastern Eu- uals, we can all together prevent the stereotyprope (Serbia), and I have been a college stu- ing and the spread of fear because this is our dent in US starting with 2006. In our English way of peaceful fighting for the better, for the class, we had to watch and take the final over right. the documentary about 9.11. I thank You Mrs. Christiane, and I thank Two of mine great friends and teammates, whole Amanpour team for doing that daily, by who are American Muslims, have been taking engaging and informing about the most various issues, because I am one of those young the same class. And we all have the same feelings of horror, people who wants to be a part of better world, pain and failure over the very same tragic. full of tolerance. After any war or terror attack there is a long — Sanela Dejonovic process of healing which contains so much un-


Friday, February 12, 2010

Laser Sharp Shooter SGA hosts laser tag event for Seward students The Student Government Association hosted a laser tag event upstairs in the student union Feb. 2. Justin Hernandez holds his laser tag gun out as he gets close to a charging station in the laser tag course. Both teams had charging stations for the laser guns.

Adriann D’Amico aims at player in the opposing team during the laser tag event. Only a few female students took part in laser tag.

Michael Alger and Quay Grant team up to shoot unsuspecting players from the other team with their laser tag guns. The laser tag course was set up in the upstairs conference rooms of the student union and included charging stations for both teams, and obstacles to hide behind.

photos by Alfredo Anaya


Television | Jose Rodriguez

Bad writing, stale premise kill promising show The Deep End

Every year I am reminded that pretty people have problems no matter what their profession may be. Doctors have them on “Grey’s Anatomy,” teens who sing have them on “Glee,” now first year lawyers have them on ABC’s new show “The Deep End.” “The Deep End” is about a group of first year lawyers at the fake prestigious law firm Sterling, Huddle, Oppenheim, & Craft. Each character is immediately pigeonholed into his or her role. We have the sensitive Dylan Hewitt, played by Matt Long; Liam Priory is the philandering foreigner played by Ben Lawson. Leah Pipes plays Beth Branford, a lawyer’s daughter who takes the job at the firm even though it is her father’s rival firm. Tina Majorino as Addy Fisher, the nervous overachiever and Mehcad Brooks as Malcom Bennett, the token ethnic person. As Beth states in the first episode, first years are “expected to perform flawlessly but barely worth the partner’s time.” Their boss is Cliff Huddle played by Billy Zane. (Cal from “Titanic,” remember him?) He is nicknamed the “prince of darkness” for being the boss no one wants to deal with. And since it’s a show about lawyers, of course we will see crazy court cases involving marijuana busts, representing the harasser in a sexual harassment lawsuit and, wait for it, Beth has to go against her own father in court. How scandalous, right? I bet you almost didn’t see that one coming. The show’s previews looked really interesting, so I decided to set my DVR to record it. The show ended up being a big disappointment and a total cliche. The writing wasn’t the best, the jokes weren’t delivered with a zing and the actors don’t really have any chemistry together. I don’t think the show will have a very long run. Mediocre ratings and bad reviews aren’t helping the case either. It will be another casualty that is the cruel world of prime time television. The first episode wasn’t the best, but, to their credit, it has gotten a little better in the following episodes. One thing we will walk away from this show is that pretty people will always have nice jobs and serious problems. The show airs on ABC at 7 p.m. central time.

Music | Joseph Hoffman

New York duo creates happy music for sad days Matt and Kim

Tennis player Nathan Helms, of Australia, hides behind some barrels in the laser tag course as he prepares for ambush on an opponent.

Poetry takes to the night Logan Green Crusader staff

7 pm

14 8

Rm H

Feb. 25

In past years, the college has invited professional poetry readers to perform. But this year the Seward County Community College/Area Technical School art department is bringing it all home. English instructors Janice Northerns and Bill McGlothing have teamed up to present a Poetry Night. Come. P o e t r y Listen. Night is, as Enjoy. McGlothing Free. states, “an opportunity for writers to read their work in public to an audience that came to listen.” Poetry Night will be at 7 p.m. Feb. 25, in Room H148 in the humanities building. The area will be decorated by Kylix Art Club to give it an atmosphere con-

ducive to poetry. Coffee and desserts will also be served. Although two published poets will be performing, the emphasis is on the work of students wishing to express themselves via the use of linguistic eloquence. People are invited to hear poems that are at a college level of contemplation and structure. The Poetry Night will also feature live music to enhance the experience, according to McGlothing. The event is intended to offer entertainment, atmosphere and the expression of the readers. Poetry lovers often feel that poetry is a powerful thing that, if supported, can change the world as we know it. If poetry really is “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings from emotions recollected in tranquility,” as William Wordsworth says, then supporting poetry is to support the writer in his or her right to feel. The night offers a chance for students and the public to partake in poetry.

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2451 North Kansas, P.O. Box 1294 Liberal, Kansas 67905

Grand — the sophomore album from Brooklyn, New York’s spunky new wave duet Matt and Kim — is a pleasure to listen to. The duet's raw electronic synth and drum sound is surprisingly filling and rarely sounds like it is only two people creating this cheery synth pop. The album's most notable tracks are “Daylight,” “Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare,” “Lessons Learned,” “Don't Slow Down” and “I'll Take Us Home.” Matt and Kim have an uncanny ability to make the listener smile through Matt's creative staccato keyboard hooks, and Kim’s relentless drumming, even on the gloomiest of days. Next time you’re feeling blue, or it’s just a cloudy day and you need some cheer, pop in Grand, and commence smiling. Grand receives a 4 out of 5 rating.

Trivial Pursuit

Crusader photo/ Will Rector

Students participate in Trivia Night hosted by the library. The event was supposed to go along with Kansas Day but was postponed until Feb. 2 because of the snow storm that also canceled school Jan. 29. Pictured, from left, are Morgan Skomal, Sumr Robinett, Kendra Spresser, Valerie Marquez, library technician Emery Swagerty, who acted as the game show host, Jacob Anderson and Adolfo Cardoza. The game pitted men against women, with the men’s team winning and receiving prizes of Braum’s gift cards.

LISTEN TO “THE SPORTS GUYS” Monday - Friday 7:37 a.m.- 9 a.m. Home to Liberal High School & SCCC Sports T DARN “IT’S THE BES EVER.” W O H SPORTS S



Friday, February 12, 2010

Two from Seward compete for title of Miss Liberal Two Seward County Community College/ Area Technical School students will be vying for the title of Miss Liberal Feb. 14. Sophomores Sheniece Morton and Jordan Eder join seven other contestants. The competition has been around since Pancake Day started in 1950 but used to be referred to as a beauty contest. Last year’s winner was Beth Rohloff, a former SCCC/ ATS student. In the past, up to $9,050 has been awarded for scholarships in the pageant. Contestants win scholarship money and get a chance to represent Liberal in the Miss Kansas pageant. The event takes place at 2 p.m. Sunday in the James Maskus Auditorium inside Liberal High School. Those interested may buy advance tickets for $7 at First National Bank, Sunflower Bank and Rick’s Hair Design. Tickets will be $8 at the door. For questions, call Lu Haynes at 620-624-9153 or 629-5450.

Sheniece Morton Jordan Eder Sheniece Morton is a sophomore majoring in pre-med. She is a member of the Sainsations dance team from which has received she awards. Morton is employed by North Subway, but also works as an AVID tutor for Liberal High School and West Middle School. Morton’s platform is “college expenses”, and for her talent she will sing “My Girl.”

Pancakes: A History Morgan Al l aman Editor-in-chief

It’s the day before Lent. A woman is cooking pancakes in order to use up the last of her cooking fats which she can no longer use once Lent begins, and the church bell rings. The woman slips on her headscarf and runs to church, with her skillet, containing the morning’s pancakes, still in hand and apron still on. To many, this incident in Olney, England, is meaningless, but to the Liberal folk, this fluke is the basis of our town holiday, Pancake Day. Every year on Shrove Tuesday, the day before the beginning of Lent, Liberal competes against Olney, England, in a 415-yard women’s race. The women, required to wear headscarves, dresses and aprons, start out by flipping their pancakes at the beginning of the race and must flip their pancakes again at the end of the race to prove she didn’t loose her flapjacks. The winner of the race then receives a “kiss of peace” from the Olney consulate, and gets to make the call to England to talk to the winner of the Olney race and compare times. This “friendly” competition began in 1950 when the Liberal Junior Chamber of Commerce president saw a picture of Olney’s Pancake Day race started in 1445 in a magazine, and he contacted the Vicar of St. Peter and St. Paul’s church in Olney to challenge them to a race, and thus, the birth of Liberal’s Pancake Day. Other Pancake Day activities include pancake cooking, eating and flipping contests; a Miss Liberal scholarship pageant; a talent show; pancake breakfast; parade and races for all ages and gender. To learn more about Pancake day, go to www.pancakeday.net.

Jordan Eder is a sophomore and has been on the President’s Honor Roll each semester, has been awarded a Presidential Scholarship and is the secretary of Phi Teta Kappa. She is the cocaptain of the Saints cheer squad. Eder’s platform is “Educating America in agriculture,” and for her talent she will play a flute solo to a song called “Fairytale.”

Liberal’s Pancake Day race has been featured on......

National Geographic http://blogs.nationalgeographic.com/blogs/intelligenttravel/2008/02/strange -planet-internationalp.html

CNN http://www.cnn.com/2009/ TRAVEL/getaways/05/21/ wacky.races/index.html

Seward instructor, students stack races Al fredo Anaya Crusader Staff

Pancake Day Schedule Saturday Merchandise Sale

Knights of Columbus Bldg, 323 N. Kansas 9 a.m.

Eating and Flipping Contests Knights of Columbus Bldg, 323 N. Kansas 10 a.m.

2010 Recipe and Cooking

Knights of Columbus Bldg, 323 N. Kansas Contest 11:30 a.m.

High Tea

4 p.m.

Sunday Miss Liberal Scholarship Pageant 2 p.m. Liberal High School Auditorium

Christian Artist Showcase Featuring Daniel Kirkley 7:30 p.m. Liberal High School Auditorium Tickets 624-6423


Monday Dignitary Reception (by invitation) Feb. 15

Pancake Breakfast

Liberal High School Auditorium

4th and Lincoln

1st National Bank, Lower Level

Talent Show Noon Lions Club

7:30 p.m.

6 a.m.

Seward County Activity Center

Breakfast Program Public Reception Youth Race Last Chance Race 4th and Lincoln

Menʼs Pacer Race 6th and Kansas

International Race 6th and Kansas

Shriving Service

7:30 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m.

11:30 a.m.

11:45 a.m.

11:55 a.m.

12:15 p.m.

Ministerial Alliance – First United Methodist Church

Live Video Conference 1:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church


11th and Kansas to Trail St.

3 p.m.

Seward students and an instructor have made up the short stack of racers for the International Pancake Day Race in Liberal Tuesday. Seward students currently entered in the International Pancake Day Race are Devon Box, Brooke Davies, Mikayla Knudsen, Heather Grant and Tandilee Fletcher. Joining the students on the race track which begins in front of the library and winds west on 4th and south on Lincoln will be first-year Seward drama instructor Alison Chambers. “ My entire acting class is running together. We decided to make something of a challenge out of it. We'll race together and promote acting at SCCC. I'm really proud of them for putting themselves out there,” Chambers said. “I think it’s great, it’s one of the unique things in our community that our staff and students are involved in. It’s a great connection between the community and the college, so I’m glad they are running,” SCCC/ATS president Dr.

Duane Dunn said. Chambers, Box, Davies, Grant and Fletcher are all competing in the International Pancake Day Race for the first time. Knudsen has competed in the race twice before, in 2008 and 2009. Traditionally, the race is a competition between the women of Olney, England and Liberal. Last year’s international race winner was Liberal’s Tasha Gallegos. Gallegos won with a time of 57.5 seconds, breaking the previous record time of 58.1 seconds set in 2001. “No, I don’t really expect to break the record I’m kind of just doing it for the fun. We’d thought it would be fun just to get out there and participate. But overall it is more for the fun than for winning,” Box said. In the Men’s Pacer Race, Seward County Community College students who are signed up are Saul Rico, Valentin Borunda, Aaron Schaffer and Eusabio Lopez. Lopez came in first last year, Rico came in second and Borunda has also competed in the race before. This will be Schaffer’s first year competing.

BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/reli gion/religions/christian ity/holydays/lent_1.shtml

Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/s tory/0,2933,328406,00 .html

Betty Crocker http://www.bettycrocker.co m/entertaining/casualparties/favoriteparties/ Pancake-Week-Family -Celebrations.htm (Under party guide tab) Food Network http://www.foodnetwork.c om/all-american-fes tivals/pancakefestival/in dex.html

KSN http://www.ksn.com/content/news/bureaus/story/W inner-of-1950-pancakerace-competes-again-at8 1 / t E Y Ya 8 f s o U - l b U uegvJ7NA.cspx

President flips for scholarships

Al fredo Anaya Crusader staff

Dr. Duane Dunn accepted the Liberal mayor’s challenge and decided to compete in the Pancake Day flipping contest and raise money for student scholarships. Mayor Joe Denoyer challenged a few members of the community including Joyce Hibler, chair of county commissioners, Norm Lambert, CEO of Southwest Medical Center, and others to join him this year in the Pancake Flipping Contest which will take place Saturday Feb. 13. “I agreed to participate as a way of promoting our college to the community and I thought it would be fun to compete with the mayor, county commissioner and

others,” Dunn said. “It's supposed to be just a fun event, but I thought it might be a way to also raise some scholarship funds for students here at SCCC/ATS.” Dunn has raised more than $200 collected from pledges received from employees of the college that will go toward student scholarships. This is the first year Dunn has competed in the pancake flipping contest, but he is willing to do it again next year if possible. “I've only tried to do the flipping once at a Chamber of Commerce breakfast, and I wasn't very good, but I think it'll be a fun event. I hope more people will take up the challenge in order to raise scholarship funds.” Dunn said.

Students in Am-Pro Division of Pancake Day Talent Show Al fredo Anaya Crusader staff

Seward students Jimmy Ortiz and Megan Parmenter are finalist competing in the Pro-Am

Divison of the Pancake Day Talent Show. The Pancake Day Talent show is set to take place at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15 at the Liberal High

School Auditorium.There are 25 contestants competing in the competition for a trophies and cash prizes in the five catagories of tiny tot, intermediate, junior,

senior and pro-am. The last three years of the competition an average of $2,700 have been awarded to the winner.

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Section B • Page 1


SPORTS Friday, February 12, 2010

Seward wins big over Pratt, aims to end regular season on a good note Rusti n Watt Sports editor

Crusader photo/Rustin Watt

Megan Lassley drives baseline on a Lady Beaver defender in Wednesday night’s contest with Pratt at the Green House. The Lady Saints took the contest 99-69 to move to 24-2 on the season and atop the Jayhawk Conference at 11-1. Lassley scored 10 points on the night with three steals.

The Lady Saints continued domination of the Jayhawk West with a 99-69 win over the Pratt Lady Beavers Wednesday night. The Lady Saints came out of the gate on fire and pressured the Lady Beavers with their full court defense and jumped up 18-2 early on. By the time the Lady Beavers reached 10 points, Seward had nearly tripled their score with a 28-10 lead. Seward continued to pressure Pratt into turning the ball over and went into half following three Rachel Barnes’ buckets up 51-30. The Lady Saints were able to get layup opportunities the first half off of its press. “Our press was really effective in the first half,” Lady Saints head coach Toby Wynn said. “So we got a lot of turnovers and layups off the press and some easy opportunities.” Pratt’s Phylicia Freeman was the only thing going for the Lady Beavers nearly all night. Freeman heated up in the second half. She didn’t lead a comeback surge by any means, but she displayed why she is one of the most dominant scorers in the conference. “She played well and is one of the best players in the conference,” Wynn said. “And as far as being able to score, she’s really athletic and she can make a variety of shots. She can score inside and she can shoot the three, she’s just a really tough matchup. We tried tonight to put someone bigger on her defensively, but it didn’t really work effectively.” Freeman scored 26 for the Lady Beavers, but 26 was not quite enough. Seward continued to dominate offensively in the second half with nearly every Saint in the points column. The Lady Saints continued to pressure but Freeman and the Lady Beavers were able to beat

the press for some easy baskets of their own. Seward continued to score in transition as they forced 26 Pratt turnovers to go home with a 30point 99-69 win. Barnes once again led Seward as she dropped 34 points on the Lady Beavers along with seven rebounds. Morgan Skomal stepped up and reached doubledigits with 15 points. Nadia Rosario was good for 11 and Megan Lassley scored 10. Seward will begin its final-four stretch Saturday going on the road to face the always tough Cloud County. “It willl be tough; it’s never easy to go up to Cloud and win,” Wynn said. “We know it’s going to be a tough challenge for us, and we’re going to have to go up there physically and mentally ready for a tough challenge in their environment.” Seward returns to the Green House Feb. 20, to take on Dodge City for Think Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Night. Feb. 24, Seward will travel to Garden before finishing the regular season Feb., 27, at the Green House versus Butler. Seward sits at the top of the conference with an x on their back with many teams hungry for higher seeds come regional time. “We just have to take them one game at a time,” Wynn said. “That is what we have done all year long. We just focus on the next opponent and do our best to get ready for them and go from there. We have to stay focused and not overlook anybody. We want to build momentum and play our best basketball of the season as we get here down to the end. Right now, offensively, we seem to be playing well the last six out of seven games. Defensively, we have got to continue to get better and keep working together and our team defense.We’re just trying to build momentum up to head into the region tournament.”

Saints fall short to Pratt, lose 3 of last 5 games

Rusti n Watt Sports editor

The Saints fell down to Pratt early Wednesday night then were unable to makeup the deficit in a 76-67 loss to the Beavers. From the tipoff the Beavers showed they were serious, sprinting to a 12-2 lead over Seward around six minutes into the game. The Beavers stretched their lead to as much as 11 in the first half of play. The Saints chipped it down to a seven-point game with a Tony Smith three prior to the halftime buzzer and went into the locker room down, 33-26. Seward came out the second half rejuvenated and cut the Beaver lead to 2, 33-31 after back-to-back Marcus James putbacks. Pratt got back on track and went on a run that left the Saints down 51-37. Seward was able to fight back but gave away easy points with sloppy defense. Pratt had reached the doublebonus with near nine minutes to play. Seward gave the Beavers 36 opportunities from the charity stripe on the night, Pratt was able to sink 22.

Both teams soon reached the double-bonus and it turned into a free throw shooting contest. Seward got it down to a fourpoint game, 69-65 with a little over a minute on the clock. When it was most crucial the Saints were unable to get a hold on defense without fouling and putting the Beavers at the line. There the Beavers got comfortable again and escaped the Green House with a 76-67 win. Last time the two played, the Saints overcame a 10-point halftime deficit to come back and beat the Beavers. One major difference in the two contests was shooting. In the first contest, the Saints shot 41 percent from three-point range, in Wednesday night’s contest the Saints were 3-27 and 11 percent from behind the arc. “We shot 12 percent from 3 in the last game shot 11 percent from three this game,” Saints head coach Bryan Zollinger said. “You’re not going to win many games if you can’t make shots.” Seward outrebounded the Beavers but had a tough time capitalizing. Seward shot 36 percent from the field on the night and had a

tough time shutting down Pratt when it was crucial. Despite the loss, Latiq Agard battled in the paint for a doubledouble with 20 points and 13 boards. Marcus James played tough as well with 10 points and seven rebounds. “They were battling,” Zollinger said. “But it takes a whole team to win, and a whole team to lose.” The Saints aim to end its shooting slump Saturday at Cloud to build some momentum to end the regular season and go into the regional tournament. “I think our guys are trying to give effort and fight and do that ,” Zollinger said. “But we’re still making a lot of turnovers. We forced 20, but we gave up 19, and we’re not shooting the ball well. So until we get a handle on that, we’re not going to win many ball games. You can play great defense all you want, but if you can’t make a shot, it’s still 0-0.” Zollinger hopes for his Saints to round out the season playing better defense, protecting the ball, and knocking down shots. Seward will return to the Green House Feb., 20, to take on Garden City.

Crusader photo/Rustin Watt

Isaiah Thaw dives for a steal in the final two minutes of the Saints battle with Pratt. Seward fell 76-67.

Coats led the Lady Saints softball team in all major hitting statistical categories last season, and was a second team All-Western Jayhawk conference selection. She hits well and has all the tools to lead the team.

Marisa Coats C/INF

Marky Nolen

Seward County Saints

K iiller Instinct

Seward County Saints

#5 Luke Campbell OF

Players to Watch

Seward County Saints

#18 Jared Wagner RHP


Friday, February 12, 2010

#16 Kelby Tomlinson SS



Saints baseball have three named as top in nation

posesses the

Reyes had the third highest AVG for the Lady Saints last year batting .397 and scored the most runs with 54. Also, had the third most RBIs last season with 40. She gets on base and scores runs, but is also good at knocking in runs.

Crusader photo illustration/Morgan Allaman

Alicia Reyes SS

Wi l l Rector Crusader staff

Three Saints have been named as some of the best players in the nation in this year’s Collegiate Baseball Magazine college preview issue. Kelby Tomlinson, Luke Campbell, and Jared Wagner all received recognition in the magazine. Tomlinson was named as one of the top 25 shortstops in the NJCAA for the 2010 season. Tomlinson batted .274 last season and posted a .900 fielding percentage in 40 games played. Tomlinson signed an early letter of intent in the fall to play with the Texas Tech Red Raiders next season.

Campbell was listed as one of the nations top 35 outfielders and was the top bomber for the Saints last season as he hit 11 homeruns and knocked in a team high 57 RBIs. In addition Campbell posted a .362 batting average, a team high .687 slugging percentage, and a 1.106 OPS that ranked second on the team. Wagner was named as one of the top 50 right-handed pitchers in the nation after coming out of the bullpen last season. Wagner posted a 3-0 record with one save, and struck out 12 in his 19 and one-third innings of work. The Saints were supposed to begin their action this weekend at home, but due to the recent winter weather conditions in Liberal, the games have been moved to Sterling, Colo. The Saints will play Northeastern Junior College Saturday at 1 p.m.



In recognition of the 40th Anniversary of the college, which opened for classes in 1969, and the start of the Crusader the same year, current editors and staff are re-creating photos to compare those from the past 40 years to today. In this photo from 1976, the Saints were playing at Fairgrounds Park. Note that the batter swings a wooden bat instead of aluminum, wears stirrup leggings with his uniform, and the catcher’s equipment is consider-

ably less impressive than the current day photo taken of Saints player Billy Ninemire at Brent Gould Field on the Seward campus. The Brent Gould baseball field has been improved from the old days. Dugouts are dug out, not ground level as they were at Fairgrounds Park. The SCCC fields have bleachers that bring fans closer to the action and fans can watch the games on a well groomed field taken care of by staff and student-athletes.

Nolen shows tenacity, heart and aggresion, not height, makes a winner Anti goné Lowery Crusader staff

Somber faced, always intense, always battling, and always wanting more. Marky Nolen, 6-2, outrebounds some of the biggest players in the conference. Undersized but with a killer instinct, Nolen never backs down, why? “That’s easy,” Nolen said. “I just hate losing.” The Saints basketball team has had a successful season so far, with its latest win coming against Colby Community College, putting them at 19-7. Returning sophomores Robert Sigala, Marcus James, Jon Tassin, Tony Smith, and Latiq Agard have stepped up to the challenge of performing well this season, but so have many of the freshman. Marquell “Marky” Nolen, a freshman from Wichita, has been a contributor to the Saints success this

season. Nolen’s work-ethic on and off the court has made him a noticeable standout on the team and complements his drive to improve. “Marky is a leader through his tremendous effort level. He is not always a real vocal guy but his effort speaks for itself,” said Head Coach Bryan Zollinger. Nolen also compliments his coaches. “On the court they push us a lot and in the weight room to become better players,” he said. Nolen’s dedication to become a better player is also acknowledged by his teammates. “Marky is one of the hardest working guys on the team, his work ethic in practice rubs off on everybody. He wants everybody to reach their full potential and pushes us all to work hard,” said freshman Isaiah Thaw. Lidia Hook-Gray Broker

From his experience this season as a freshman, Nolen has also learned how to express his emotions through his performance rather than vocally. “I’ve learned how to control my emotions underpressure, and to keep my composure and focus,” said Nolen, who has faced some very aggressive players. Coach Zollinger has also commended Nolen’s improvement in attitude while playing. “Marky has matured emotionally over the season. He is much better at handling adverse situations than he was early in the year,” Zollinger said. Nolen’s hard work-ethic has resulted in some excellent performances this season that have not gone unnoticed by his teammates and coaches. “He has been one of the best rebounders on the team as well as one of the best defenders. Marky also has a passion to win and he works his hardest everyday,”

Gary Classen Call

Thaw said. Coach Zollinger also acknowledged Nolen’s performances this season. “Marky has contributed a lot of toughness, competitive drive, defense, rebounding and quite a bit of scoring,” Zollinger said. Nolen’s success has also made him recent KJCCC Player of the Week due to excellent performances against teams like Dodge City Community College, when Nolen scored 20 points with 6 rebounds. The Saints still had a loss of 88-75 to Dodge on Jan. 24. Nolen’s hard work and excellent performances has placed him third on the team for scoring, with an average of 12.5 points and 6.2 rebounds per game. Nolen and the Saints will continue their quest toward the playoffs against Cloud County Community College Saturday in Concordia.



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Seniors win at shootout Wi l l Rector Crusader staff

At the annual Senior Shootout sponsored by the admissions office, two area seniors won scholarships. Branden Elliot of Turpin, Okla., and Marco Valencia of Keyes, Okla., were the winners of the scholarships. Caitlin Matile of Holcomb, and Caleb Crawford of Texhoma, Okla., were the runnerups receiving the gift certificates. The Senior Shootout is an event for area seniors to have a shot at two $100 scholarships and two $20 gift certificates to the Saints Bookstore. Five seniors were randomly selected at each halftime to shoot in knock-out style format to determine the winners.

Twenty-eight participants showed up for the event and 22 signed up for their shot at winning the money. The other six participants were not eligible to compete due to conflicting eligibility rules for possible scholarships that they could receive. “It was a good turn-out,” Morgan Richmeier, admissions coordinater, said. “It was nice to see the seniors show up along with their families and friends to share the experience with them, and to help us pack the Greenhouse to support our Saints athletes.” “Next year we are going to get more students to participate,” Richmeier said. “We would like to be able to give more than 10 students the chance to shoot for the scholarships.”

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Seward cheerleaders Kristen Schnittker, Stefani Croy and Ashley Martinez spin in a high flying ring. In this picture, the cheerleaders are making a high spin ring in the air after being thrown by the lifting squad.


Cheering for the

Working spirit sets tone for Seward cheerleading squad Mi guel Campano Crusader staff

The Seward cheerleaders are always going green, cheering for the green teams in the Green House. They are in constant preparation for their stunts on game night. The SCCC/ATS cheerleading squad is an important part of the athletics department. With passion and spirit, this group of student-athletes brings excitement to every game. The beauty of the women who are members of this squad, and the strength of the men are the perfect combination of lifting power and sweet movements. It’s not easy to be a cheerleader; the physical training is hard. From early afternoon to late night, the whole squad is training. Many days, they work out at 3 in the afternoon in the weight room. Then, three nights a week, they practice for three hours to learn routines and maintain their skills. This week, the squad is practicing special stunts for homecoming. Working out, or just practicing their rou-

Jordan Eder claps and cheers to the Seward fans.

tines, the everyday life of a cheerleader is challenging. They have to maintain their academic grades to stay in the squad. Also, they usually have to sacrifice time with their friends and family to balance school, cheerleading and other college activities. The team is coached by Scarlette Diseker. “We are in constant preparation to entertain all of the audience during game nights,� Diseker said. According to Diseker, the squad is getting ready to learn new stunts, which she felt would impress everybody. New stunts will be presented at the homecoming game Feb. 20. Members of the 2009-2010 squad are Kristen Alexandria Schnittker, Jordan Eder, Stephanie Boaldin, Jeanette Contreras, Stefani Croy, Katie Hart, Ashley Martinez, Wendy Ramirez, Jessica Snodgrass, Jennifer Thach, Long Vo, Luis Rios, Tung Nguyen, Tate Cain, Jeff Goodrum, Mingo Aranda, Kaelob Mecum, Carlos Ivan Enriquez, Jaime Mejia, Victor Rodriguez, Edgard Rosales and Pedro Ruiz.

Jordan Eder and Stephanie Boaldin perform a stunt during a recent basketball game in the Green House.

Photos by Miguel Campano


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