Corey R. Vaughan Sample Portfolio

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COREY R. VAUGHAN Industrial Design

706 231 6508

I look to the future with an optimistic attitude, eager to contribute creative solutions to realworld problems. Grounding every design solution in a solid foundation of research and a consideration of the “big picture� is a good start to the future, and key for honest and worthy design.

PET SNAIL Creating a meeting point between material, form, and emotion to convey a sense of life between an object, the context, and the viewer.


The final model was slip-cast and glazed. This method of production allows for multiple variations, using an organic and lively material.

STOCK POT Changing a centuries-old design in the name of increased safety in the kitchen. As a team, we had the chance to test our target market directly.


The redesign included a new handle orientation and angle, as well as considerations for a more elderly demographic. The new configuration would reduce injuries from spilling contents of the stock pot during lifting and pouring.

TABLET PC Team Leader

A sponsered class with the intent to develop form factors that could be presented to OEMs for manufacture. As leader, I tried to play each team member’s strength.


By contextual research and market analysis, my team was able to develop not only a tablet form-factor but also the surrounding eco- system it would “live� in. This meant a more convincing story to tell to an OEM looking to pick the tablet up for manufacture, as well as validating our research conducted firsthand.

Corey Corey R. R. Vaughan Vaughan EDUCATION EDUCATION

412 412Maupas MaupasAve, Ave,Savannah, Savannah,GA GA31401 31401

706.231.6508 706.231.6508

Bachelor Bachelor ofof Fine Fine Arts, Arts, May May 2010 2010 Savannah Savannah College College ofof ArtArt and and Design Design (SCAD) (SCAD) Savannah, Savannah, GA GA Major Major : Industrial : Industrial Design Design +GPA: +GPA: 3.6 3.6 +Combined +Combined Honors Honors Scholarship, Scholarship, SCAD SCAD +Hope +Hope Scholarship, Scholarship, State State ofof Georgia Georgia

Industrial IndustrialDesign Design Project ProjectExperience Experience Sustainable Sustainable Water Water Systems Systems Project, Project, September September - November - November 2009, 2009, Savannah, Savannah, GA GA ++ Lead Lead aa cross cross functional functional team team toto develop develop aa sustainable sustainable shower shower option option forfor Tybee Tybee Island, Island, GA GA ++ Applied Applied contextual contextual research research skills skills toto identify identify problems problems and and user user needs needs ++ Presented Presented findings findings and and evolving evolving concepts concepts toto the the community community inin aa form form ofof participatory participatory design design ++ Assessed Assessed local local environmental environmental conditions conditions “Just “Just Ripe!” Ripe!” Fruit Fruit Bowl, Bowl, March March - May - May 2009, 2009, Savannah, Savannah, GA GA ++ Implement Implement constant constant ideation ideation and and sketching, sketching, model model making making (physical (physical / CAD), / CAD), and and prototypes prototypes into into work work flow flow ++ Applied Applied aa personalized personalized and and iterative iterative design design process process toto create create aa solution solution toto reduce reduce food food waste waste ++ Use Use both both selfselfand and groupgroupevaluation evaluation techniques techniques toto ensure ensure aa solid solid solution solution Paulownia Paulownia Lumber Lumber Promotion Promotion Project, Project, May May 2009, 2009, Savannah, Savannah, GA GA ++ Developed Developed aa laptop laptop case case toto raise raise awareness awareness forfor anan innovative innovative material, material, Paulownia Paulownia lumber lumber ++ Studied Studied Cultural Cultural and and Market Market trends trends toto find find areas areas ofof opportunity opportunity ++ Analyzed Analyzed existing existing market market through through Competitor Competitor charts charts and and reviews reviews ++ Modeled Modeled case case inin Alias Alias 2009, 2009, fabricated fabricated with with CNC CNC machine machine ++ Studied Studied and and executed executed viral viral marketing marketing strategies strategies toto achieve achieve goal goal

Industrial IndustrialDesign Design Skill Skillset set ++ Adobe Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS4 CS4 ++ Adobe Adobe Illustrator Illustrator CS4 CS4 ++ Adobe Adobe InDesign InDesign CS4 CS4 ++ Rhinoceros Rhinoceros 4.0 4.0 ++ AutoDesk AutoDesk Alias Alias 2010 2010 ++ Solidworks Solidworks 2009/2010 2009/2010 ++ Bunkspeed Bunkspeed Hypershot Hypershot ++ Bunkspeed Bunkspeed Hypermove Hypermove ++ Microsoft Microsoft Office Office Suite Suite

++ Rapid Rapid Ideation Ideation ++ Sketching Sketching ++ Model Model Making Making Contextual Research ++ Contextual Research Human Factors/ ++ Human Factors/ Ergonomics Ergonomics Manufacturing methods ++ Manufacturing methods and processes and processes Teamwork Dynamics ++ Teamwork Dynamics ++ Field Field and and user user testing testing ++ Public Public speaking speaking and and presenting presenting

Industrial Design Project Experience


Sustainable Water Systems Project, September - November 2009, Savannah, GA + Lead a cross functional team to develop a sustainable shower 706.231.6508 option for Tybee Island, GA + Applied contextual research skills to identify problems and user needs + Presented findings and evolving concepts to the community in a form of participatory design + Assessed local environmental conditions “Just Ripe!� Fruit Bowl, March - May 2009, Savannah, GA + Implement constant ideation and sketching, model making (physical / CAD), and prototypes into work flow + Applied a personalized and iterative design process to create a solution to reduce food waste + Use both self- and group- evaluation techniques to ensure a solid solution Paulownia Lumber Promotion Project, May 2009, Savannah, GA + Developed a laptop case to raise awareness for an innovative material, Paulownia lumber + Studied Cultural and Market trends to find areas of opportunity + Analyzed existing market through Competitor charts and reviews + Modeled case in Alias 2009, fabricated with CNC machine + Studied and executed viral marketing strategies to achieve goal

Work Experience Mellow Mushroom // Cook, August 2008 - Present, Savannah, GA + Working as a team in a fast paced environment + Problem solving on the fly Savannah College of Art and Design // Ceramics Shop Monitor, September 2007 - November 2008, Savannah, GA + Maintained shop Equipment and Resources + Assisted students in fundamentals of pottery and ceramics

Freelance // Surfboard Shaper, October 2002 - Present, East Coast, US + Fabricating surfboards from start to finish using up-to-date materials an processes + Gaining a high standard of craftsmanship and the virtue of quality

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