Central Region Venturing Area 6 Newsletter - March 2016

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Carla Gargas Area 6 Venturing Advisor

Would you like to join the Area 6 team? Are you interested in making your council, or even Area 6 a better place for Venturing? If so the Central Region and even Area 6, are looking for some youth officers that are really passionate about Venturing, and what it does for youth around the nation. Help us in planning training and even fun events for Venturers around the Central Region and even attend some on your own! Come join us we would love to have you! Yours in Venturing, The Area 6 VOA Link to the Application: http://www.scouting.org/filestore/venturing/pdf/512042%2816%29.pdf

Training Event Canceled! Unfortunately, the “Manage you success to Lead the Adventure” event at Camp Chief Little Turtle in Pleasant, Indiana has been canceled. This is due to a lack of interest, and participants. We are sorry for any inconveniences we may have caused you, or your crew but we would have been unable to put this event on financially. Thank you for understanding, The Area 6 VOA

Upcoming Events

4/22/2016 – 4/24/2016

World Fest : Pirates of the Seven Ranges (Area 4)

6/29/2016 - 7/9/2015

Sea base Scuba Adventure (Area 6)

8/5/2016 – 8/7/2016

Makahiki (Anthony Wayne Area Council)

Council Sites Erie Shores: https://www.facebook.com/groups/47402956729/ Black Swamp: https://www.facebook.com/groups/44594874431/ Dan Beard: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DanBeardVOA/

Crossroads of America: https://www.facebook.com/groups/50752821699/ Sagamore: https://www.facebook.com/groups/50752821699/ Anthony Wayne: https://www.facebook.com/groups/60226465824/ Hoosier Trails: https://www.facebook.com/groups/53472924359/ LaSalle: https://www.facebook.com/groups/58661288907/

Miami Valley: https://www.facebook.com/groups/5956317354/ Buffalo Trace: https://www.facebook.com/groups/8757403802/ Tecumseh: https://www.facebook.com/groups/125407750506/

Venturing Recruitment Kit Want to start Recruiting? Need help? The National Venturing Cabinet has put together a customizable Recruiting tool-kit that can help you in your efforts in expanding your Venturing crew. It’s Free Too! Check out the awesome fliers and recruitment materials on the national website!

Peer to Peer Recruiting Link: http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Marketing/Recruiting2/VenturingToolBox.aspx

Officer Emails Amber Richter – President: ambercrichter@gmail.com Billy Campbell- Vice President of Administration: hillbilly41899@yahoo.com Olivia Stacey- Vice President of Program: ostacey4@gmail.com Sydney Roscoe-Vice President of Communications: sydneyroscoearea6@gmail.com If you have any questions please Email Us!

Add Your Activities

Did your Venturing crew partake in a really cool activity? We want to hear about it!! Just describe your event in at least one paragraph and include pictures (Pictures Optional), then send it to Sydney Roscoe, our VP of Communications at: sydneyroscoearea6@gmail.com !!

Scouting Comic

Hey Readers!!! Do you have a funny scouting memes or jokes for the next issue? If so, send it to‌.. sydneyroscoearea6@gmail.com We will look at all the applicants and pick the best one for the next issue! Good luck!! -The Area 6 VOA

Thank you for Reading!!

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