10 minute read
Youcouldbeeligibletogetextra benef itsfor noextracost with MVPDualAccess(HMO D-SNP). Thisspecialtype ofhealthinsurance planof fersadditionalfeaturesto meetyour personalneeds.
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For2023,MVP DualAccesswas the onlyD-SNPplanin NewYorkStaterated 5-Stars by Medicare Call 1-844-516-6225
Wednesday 4:00pm CLASSIFIED AD DEADLINE: Monday 1:00pm ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Jennifer orrell 518-454-5513 jmorrell@timesunion.com DESIGN DEPARTMENT Roberta ullins Rick ullins
(TTY711) tolearnmoreaboutthedoctorsinournetwork orifyourprescriptiondrugsarecovered.
MVPHealthPlan, Inc.isanHMO-POS/PPO/HMOD-SNPorganization withaMedicarecontractandacontract withtheNewYorkState Medicaidprogram.EnrollmentinMVPHealthPlandepends oncontractrenewal. This planisadualeligiblespecialneedsplan(D-SNP).Your abilitytoenroll willbebasedonverificationthatyouareentitledtobothMedicareandmedicalassistancefromastate planunderMedicaid. MVPHealthCarecomplies withapplicableFederalcivilrightslawsanddoesnotdiscriminateonthebasisofrace,color,nationalorigin, age, disability,orsex(includingsexualorientationandgenderidentity).Everyyear,Medicareevaluates plans basedona5-starratingsystem.
Brooks BQs at Ne wtonville UMC NEWTONVILLENewtonville United Methodist Church is happy to announce its BROOKS BARBECUE dates for 2023. NUMC is located at the corner of Rt. 9 & Maxwell Rd. near Siena College. Our dates for 2023 are: Thursday, June
8; Thursday, August 3; Thursday, September 14; and Thursday, October 5. We offer a chicken dinner for $13. Dinners include a baked potato, roll, applesauce and a homemade brownie. We also offer the option of just meat – a half chicken for $9 . The doors will open at 3:30 PM and we will serve from 4:00 PM until we sell out.
Diocesan Charismatic rayer Mo nthly Me eting
Saturday of each month Christ Our Light RC Church, Parish Hall 1 Maria Drive, LoudonvilleTime: 11:00am SHARP!
Until: 12:30pm May 27, June 24, July
22, Aug. 26, 2023
Check us out on: www.
The eague f
Women oters f
Sa ratoga ounty
Will e Of fering
Voter Re gistration
27th, from 9am to 1pm, at the Saratoga Farmers Market, 112 High Rock Road. Saratoga Springs.
Residents can learn where to find information about polling places, information about registration, early
To ove A hild
Launches une
Dollar-Fo r-Dollar
Fu ndraising Campaign to Su pport
Vital rograms
CAPITAL DISTRICT announces the launch of its June fundraising campaign – the “June
- To Love A Child, Inc.
Dollar-for-Dollar Match”. Each dollar that is donated to To Love A Child, Inc. will be matched by an anonymous donor dollar-for-dollar during the month of June up to a total of $10,000!
Donations during the month of June will help to support our local programs; Thyme to Thrive educational programs, field trips and school break camps; and our international projects in Zimbabwe – clean water and wells, the building of a medical clinic, education, a piggery, food forests; and Haiti –educational support for teachers’ salaries. Please visit www. toloveachild.net for more detailed information and to make a secure donation through PayPal or checks may be sent to To Love A Child, Inc., PO Box 165, Clifton Park, NY 12065. Thank you for your support. Together we will make a difference in the lives of many. Established in April of 2009, To Love a Child, Inc. is a local nonprofit 501 (c) 3 organization.
Bethlehem range
137 hicken BQ
Take-Ou t inner
SELKIRK - Saturday, June 17 3-6 there will be a Chicken BBQ Dinner, Take-Out Only. To Pre-Order, Call Carol @ 518-421-1384. Bethlehem Grange 137 is located at 24 Bridge St., Selkirk, NY 12158 voting, absentee voting , and pick up absentee voting applications and voter registration forms.
Waterford nights of olumbus Ho st
Breakfast uffet nd
Om elet St ation
WATERFORD - Buffet featuring our famous Omelet Station, Eggs cooked to order, Pancakes (Plain or Blueberry), French toast, Sausage, Bacon, Seasoned Home Fries, Toast, coffee, tea, orange, and apple juices.
Take a chance to win the 50/50 drawing.
Each paid breakfast enters you to win a free breakfast!
Irish Coffee and Mimosa’s now available!!
WHEN: Sunday, June 4th, 2023, 8am – 11am
Every 1st Sunday of the Month
WHERE: K of C Hall, 76 Grace Street, Waterford waterfordkofc.org or call 518-237-9330
$12.00 adult - $6.00 children (Children under 4 free)
Q.U.I.L.T., nc. Mo nthly uild
Me eting
June , 023
DELMAR - Q.U.I.L.T., Inc. is a not-for-profit guild of quilters interested in learning about the art of making quilts. Members live in the Capital Region and surrounding communities. All levels of quilters are welcome. Meetings are held at the Delmar Reformed Church the second Friday of each month (Sept-June).
For the June meeting, a brief business meeting begins at 9:45 followed by a general meeting and potluck luncheon. We will have a Quilting 101 presentation and two challenges, Half Squares Are So Cool! and the 2nd Annual UFO Challenge. All are welcome. Please visit our website https://www.quiltinc.org/ for more details.
Charismatic Pentecost Celebration
ALBANY - May 28th,
Location: Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception Eagle and Madison, Albany, NY
Time: 4:30pm Prayer and Praise - Holy Mass
5:00 pm
Presider: Most Reverend Edward B. Scharfenberger DD
Music: Joyful Heart
ALL are Welcome, Bring a friend!
Me morial ay Ceremony t
Ha lfmoon Am erican Legion
Commander, John Lepine is pleased to invite the public to attend our Annual Memorial Day Ceremony to be held at the American Legion’s Covered Pavilion at 275 Grooms Road on Monday, May 29th, at
11:00 AM. The public is urged to attend and participate in this patriotic event to honor those who made the supreme sacrifice in defense of our freedom.
Refreshments will be served immediately following the ceremony.
Diocesan Mo nthly
Prayer Me eting
LOUDONVILLE - 4th Saturday of each month. May 27, June 24, July 22, Aug. 26, 2023
Christ Our Light - Parish Hall, 1 Maria Drive, Loudonville
Time: 11:00am Sharp!
11:00am - 12:30pm
All Are Invited!
Fr iendship SI ngers
Sp ring oncert
DELMAR - The Friendship Singers of Delmar, local women’s chorus, is pleased to announce our spring concert for 2023, to be held at the Delmar Reformed Church, 386 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, at 7:30 on Friday, June 9. Fresh off a tour of nursing homes and senior venues, we will be offering a free public concert of show tunes, novelty songs, and old favorites. We hope you’ll join us as we make a joyful noise! Donations can be made that evening for Family Promise of the Capital Region, an organization which supports the homeless and those on the verge of becoming homeless.
Watervliet olonie
Lodge s Ho sting
Jade lassic Ro ck
Band ome ack
Sp ecial
WATERVLIET - Saturday, June 10th at 7PM. Our Lodge is located at 501 4th Ave. , Watervliet NY. Doors open at 6PM, with the show beginning at 7PM. There is a $5.00 cover charge. Food will be available.
For more information, contact Ed Quackenbush at 518-810-9961.
A ath hrough
Hi story
COHOES - On June 10, 2023, between 11 am & 4 pm, journey with reenactors to the American Revolution, from the Van Schaick Mansion to the Breastworks of Peebles Island and learn about the role that they played in the planning of the Battle of Saratoga. Hear from a Native American storyteller about the earliest inhabitants of the area. Step through time as Playhouse Players discuss the Shipyard and learn about the history of Delaware Avenue, Cohoes, NY and the busy business corridor it once was. All events are free. Self-guided brochures and a trolley will be available. Full schedule on Facebook under Delaware Avenue –A Path Through History. Bethlehem utheran Church o Ho st
13-Week rief
Su pport roup
DELMAR - Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 85 Elm Ave, Delmar will be hosting a 13-week Grief Support Group beginning Monday, June 12th from 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm. If you or someone you know would like to attend, please contact Deacon Melissa at derenches@blcdelmar.com or sign up at bit.ly/blcgriefshare. More information can be found at www.blcdelmar.com/ griefshare
Loudonville resbyterian hurch
Fo od Sh elf s Op en
LOUDONVILLE - Loudonville Presbyterian Church invites any one in need of food assistance to drop in at our Food Shelf Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4-6pm. We have dry and canned goods, personal care items and toilet paper. We do not have grocery gift cards or perishable food items. We do have cereal, canned meats, pasta and all kinds of canned foods. And we have a very welcoming volunteer ready to help you. If you or someone you know needs a little help please share this information and phone number 518-465-7277 for directions or more information. 22 Old Niskayuna Rd, Loudonviile, NY 12211.
The th An nual atriot olf ournament Will e He ld t he Fa irways f Ha lfmoon
MECHANICVILLE - 17 Johnson Rd. Mechanicville
N.Y. Saturday July 22nd . Registration will begin at 8:00 a.m., shotgun start 9:00 a.m., 4-person scramble, $500 per team/$125 per individual which includes 18 holes with cart, continental breakfast, lunch at the turn, buffet dinner; raffles, team and individual prizes. Any participant who brings five donated items for the program will receive five free raffle tickets (excludes grand prize). See http://www.operationadoptasoldier.org for a list of items needed.
All proceeds will go to Operation-Adopt-a-Soldier, a non-profit volunteer organization in Saratoga Springs who send packages to our service men, women and families stationed overseas as well as helping veterans at home. Their motto is “YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN” All reservations must be received no later than Wednesday, July 12th. For more information contact Louise Maynard 518-728-7610, email lpmaynard348@ yahoo.com or Jackie Capone 518-649-6709 email jcapone@nycap.rr.com. Reservations are on first come, first serve basis as the response last year was tremendous. Thanks to all who participated as an abundance of donated items were brought in and over $7,000 was raised.
The own f Ha lfmoon nvites Re sidents to njoy im Sm ith rail alk icnic in he ark
HALFMOON – The Town of Halfmoon is excited to announce the Zim Smith Trail Walk & Picnic in the Park, a fun and healthy outdoor event for the whole family, on Saturday, June 3, from 10:30 a.m. to noon.
Participants should arrive at the Zim Smith Trail Head on Coons Crossing Road by 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 3. A shuttle will transport them to the Zim Smith East Trail head on Elizabeth Street Extension to begin the walk at 11:00 a.m.
The trail walk is approximately 2.42 miles and should take about an hour to complete. A free picnic lunch will be provided back at Zim Smith Trail Head around noon. Golf carts will be available for those unable to walk the trail.
As noted on Saratoga Plan’s website, the Zim Smith Trail is a paved, 11.5-mile multi-use trail that connects Ballston Spa to Mechanicville through scenic woodlands, wetlands, and villages. It also is one of the US Department of Interior and National Park Service’s designated National Recreation Trails, and part of Saratoga PLAN’s system of trails and preserves.
For more information regarding the Town of Halfmoon’s Zim Smith Trail Walk and Picnic in the Park event taking place on June 3, call (518) 371-7410, extension 2200.
Did ou now?
Home renovations can improve a home in many different ways. Modifications to kitchens and bathrooms have long been popular projects, but are they the most popular renovations? According to data from Realm, which analyzed the top 10 most popular projects from roughly 2.8 million listings and permit filings in the United States in 2022, certain projects are more popular than others. Nationally, the most common home renovations include interior painting, exterior painting, finishing a basement, installing or replacing windows, and bathroom remodeling. Houzz polls have unveiled that renovating kitchens and bathrooms, new windows and porches, balcony and deck projects are among the most popular. According to the Canadian lifestyle resource Icy Canada, which culled various data points and sources, window and door upgrades, kitchen and bath remodels and deck projects are the most popular renovations in Canada.
11Park Alley North, Saratoga Springs
This Victorian-inspired home in Saratoga Springs was custom-built in 2005.
This week’s House of the Week is a custom-built home that throws out Victorian vibes by blending bits from the era — turrets, dormers, and an ornate foyer — with modern design and a host of highend amenities. Built by Witt Construction in 2005 and located near Skidmore College, this home has been meticulously and professionally updated inside and out. The home sits on less than a quarter-acre of land, but offers more than 3,000 square feet of living space, including four bedrooms and four-and-a-half bathrooms. There are two primary bedrooms — one located on each floor. The second-floor suite is elegant and lofty, with soaring ceilings and built-ins that separate the sleeping area from the massive, spa-like master bathroom.
The gourmet kitchen features granite counters, along with high-end cabinetry, appliances, fixtures and lighting. A curved wall in the adjacent living room leads to two fluted glass doors that open to an airy sunroom that overlooks a bluestone patio and some of the home’s many lovely floral gardens.
List price: $1,999,900. Taxes: $14,864. To learn more, contact Valerie Thompson with Roohan Realty at 518-421-7264 or vhtrealtor@gmail.com.
Society announced it was ending its stray-dog sheltering agreements with 16 municipalities to provide relief for its over-capacity kennel. But six months after cutting back the partnerships, the society continues to face a staggering spike in stray and animal cruelty cases despite only taking in canines from Albany, Troy, Watervliet, Schenectady and Colonie.
The grim situation at Mohawk Hudson underscores a larger crisis burdening shelters nationwide. The organization attributes the increase in numbers to the state of the economy, increased evictions, lack of pet-friendly housing, abandonment, cruelty cases and other arrests which leave animals with no one to care for them, and an worsening veterinary shortage.
So uthern Sa ratoga
Garden lub
An nual lant Sa le
Friday June 2 from 9-3 pm at 8 Berkshire Drive, Clifton Park. There will be a variety of perennial sun and shade plants, and baked goods for sale.
Clifton ark habad
Jewish omen s
Circle ill Ho st its 5th An nual Jewish omen s Gala
MALTA - 5pm on Sunday, June 11th at the Hyatt Place, Malta.
The Hakhel themed event will feature a gourmet kosher dinner, raffle auction and guest speaker
Mrs. Elisheva Liberman.
The event committee is Rivi Bahir, Beverly Fox, Alyla Goldman, Irina Feygin, Debi Rous and
Layne Zagorski.
Courvert is $20 before June 4th, and $25 after. RSVP and raffle ticket purchases can be made at www.cliftonparkchabad. com. For more information, contact Leah at cliftonparkchabad@gmail. com or 518-495-0779.
St illwater Su mmer Concert Se ries
STILLWATER - The series will kick off 6/22 and will be every 2nd and 4th Thursday all Summer long. Come check out the jams on the pavilion at Stillwater Post 490 Legion; 1 Legion Road, Stillwater NY! Start time is 6:30PM. Bring a lawn chair, a snack, sit back, relax and enjoy the tunes. Doc Benson Band (6/22), Hale Mountain (7/13), Washington County Line (7/27), Bale Kicker (8/10), Sean Lyons (8/24)
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