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Holy Week Celebration at Brunswick Church

It’s time to wave palm branches for Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem! Please join us for all or part of our Holy Week celebration, beginning on Palm Sunday, April 2nd, with a worship service at 9:30 AM. This will be followed later in the week by a Maundy Thursday Service on April 6th at 7 PM. On Good Friday, April 7th, the worship center will be open from noon until 3 PM for those who would like to pray and meditate on scripture. A handout with readings and prayers will be available to those who come during those hours.


All are invited as we rejoice on April 9th, Easter Sunday! We will greet this special day with a sunrise service at 7:00 AM in the cemetery behind the church (for inclement weather it will be held in the old sanctuary). Our traditional worship service will begin at 9:30 AM in the worship center, featuring the praise band, singing, brass instruments, and the Good News that Christ is Risen!

Please join us for this day of celebration. Brunswick

SandLakeBaptistChurch EasterServiceSchedule


Allservices willbe ledby BrotherRussChamberlain

Church is located at 42 White Church Road, just off Rt. 351 (1 mile south of Rt. 2). For additional information, please call the church office at 518-279-3792.

Church of the Redeemer Holy Week and Easter Sunday

Palm Sunday, April 2 – We will gather in the Narthex at 9:00 to hear the Palm Sunday reading of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem, receive our palms and ask God’s blessing upon them. We will then process into the Church singing hymn 154 “All Glory Laud and Honor”

There will be no meeting of Hot Mess Crafters or Bible Study and Thrift Shop will be closed during Holy Week. Maundy Thursday, April 6 at 5 pm, we will celebrate a Passover Seder showing the connections it makes with the Eucharist with a covered dish supper in the Hearth Room. There will be a sign-up sheet so appropriate seating can be provided. Stations of the Cross will be held on Good Friday, April 7 at noon. Easter Sunday service will be at 9 am, April 9.

The Church of the Redeemer is an Episcopal church located on at the corner of Third and Catherine Streets. There is handicap parking, a ramp in front, and a parking lot in the rear.

Fr. Robert Haskell may be emailed at rhaskell2@ nycap.rr.com

Come one Come all for the Passover Seder

of a Life Time!

Beth Tephilah Synagogue located in Troy will be having Pesach Seders on both Wednesday and Thursday nights, April 5th and April 6th

The Scrumptious Seders will be filled with songs, stories and skits from the Beth Tephilah Players. Admission is free in lieu of donation accepted before or after Passover.

RSVP is a must by April 2nd. For more information please call Leible Morrison @(518) 894-3490.

Love Lutheran Church

Holy Week Observances

May God shower you with blessings, love and peace this Easter! Please join us as we experience the journey of Easter.

Holy Thursday - April 6th - 7:00 pm Worship Service

Good Friday - April 7th - 7:00 pm Worship Service

Easter Sunday - April 9th - 10:00 am Worship Service

LLC is located on Pheasant Lane and Middlesex Rd., East Greenbush, NY. Telephone: 518-477-8685.

Stephentown Federated Church

Easter Services

Pastor Chris Garrison invites all to join us for the following services during the Lenten Season:

Palm Sunday, April 2nd at 9:30am Join us as we have special music and scripture for the day. Matthew 21:1-11

Good Friday, April 7th The Sanctuary will be open from Noon – 3pm for you to come at a time that works for you. This is a time set apart to contemplate, pray, journey with The Seven Last Words of Jesus On The Cross. It’s an open house in which you can pray alone or receive pastoral prayer if desired.

Easter Services, April 9th This year join us at 6:30 am for a Sunrise Service in Garfield Cemetery on Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY. If weather is inclement, it will be held at the church. A Continental Breakfast by the Community Breakfast Group will follow at the church. All are welcome.

CINEMAPLACE • 1688RT.9Castleton,NY

HOUSEOFPRAISEWILLBEHAVING2GreatEasterServices!Bothwill beonSundayApril9th.Oneat9amandoneat11amwithChildrens’ churchavailableatboth.ComeoutthisyeartoviewEastertheMovie, anindependent lmbytheHouseofPraise.TheservicesareatHouseof Praise1688Rt9CastletonNY,12033.HouseofPraiseisacontemporary, ChristianchurchnearAlbany,NYknownforawelcomingatmosphere, modernrockin’musicandfunchildren’schurchthatwillleaveyourwhole familyfeelingenergizedandfullofhope.PastorLonDeanteachesthe Bibleinaneasytounderstandwaythatisrelatabletoyourpersonallife. HeuseswildlycreativemethodstoillustratetheBibleandtohelpyou rememberandapplytheprinciplestoYOURlife.

Ourmottois:NoPerfectPeople HERE,whichmeansit’sachurch forrealpeoplelikeyou. Therearenochurchclothes requiredandadiversemixof peoplewhoattend,soyou’ll feelrightathome.Houseof Praiseisknownasthemost welcomingchurchintheCapital DistrictofNewYork.

Saint John’s Episcopal Church, Troy

Come join us for many seasonal events. As we continue with Lent, we will have the Stations of the Cross at noon on Fridays, led by Deacons Bill and Sandra Tatem.

From 5 to 6 pm on Friday, March 31st (which is also Troy Night Out) we invite you to our last candlelight meditation until Advent. In the beauty of our candlelit sanctuary, we will sit in silence, with music playing intermittently by Lauren Hunn on the piano. Those who attend can bring home a lavender jar candle to prolong their meditation at home.

Holy Week Schedule:

Palm Sunday, April 2,

Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10 am

Maundy Thursday, April 6: 5:30 pm simple meal, liturgy at 7 pm

Good Friday, April 7, Stations of the Cross at noon, God Friday liturgy at 7 pm

Easter Sunday, April 9.

Holy Eucharist at 8 and 10 am;

Easter Egg hunt follows the 10 a.m. service.

The Sunday 8 a.m. spoken service follows a more ancient Eucharistic Rite in Elizabethan English. The 10 a.m. modern Eucha-

UP TO $30K/yr

BECOME A TIMES UNION CARRIER TODAY ristic Rite is preceded by hymns on the tower chime and is both live-streamed and in-person. Hymns are accompanied on the regal pipe organ, and Communion music is often from contemporary repertoire. Coffee hour follows the 10 a.m. services. Join us!

The Thrift Store thrives. Hours for shopping and dropping off are from 9 to 12 on Wednesday and Saturday mornings. Do stop by!

Our next food pantry, which includes fresh produce, will be Saturday, April 1st, from 10 until noon. All are welcome.

All activities are at 146 1st Street in Troy (518)274-


5884. The Rector, the Rev. Judith Malionek, can be reached also at rev.jmalionek@stjohnstroy.org.

Holy Week Services at Blooming Grove Reformed Church

Join us at Blooming Grove, off Route 4 in Defreestville, for Holy Week worship services as follows:

Palm Sunday, April 2nd at 9:30 AM--Family Centered Worship including a Palm Sunday parade! Maundy Thursday, April 6th at 6:30 PM--Abbreviated Seder and Remembrance of the Night Jesus was betrayed. We will partake in the meal that Jesus did on that Holy Thursday and then hear the story of the Passion. Good Friday, April 7th from 4 to 5 PM--The Sanctuary will be open for a time of your own silent reflection.

There will be art and guided worship to have time to reflect on this Holy Day. Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, April 9th at 7 AM--Meet us at the Blooming Grove Cemetary to encounter the Risen Lord at sunrise. Light refreshments will be provided. Easter Sunday Service, April 9th at 9:30 AM--Traditional Easter Worship Service. Easter Egg Hunt at 10:15 AM. Any questions may be addressed to nancylaporta18@gmail.com.

Our Easter Service in the sanctuary will be at 9:30am. There will be special music, flowers, scripture John 20:1-18 and food for thought. This is a great time to invite friends and family to this place of safety to belong--whether they believe or not.

Our church is at 1513 Garfield Road, Stephentown, NY. The church is handicapped accessible. If you cannot join us in church join our service on our website: www. stephentownfederatedchurch.org. You can also easily donate on our website. We look forward to you joining us. The church phone number is 518-733-5813.

Holy Week Services at Sand Lake Baptist Church

Palm Sunday Service, April 02 – 11:00 AM

Upper Room Service, April 06 – 6:00 PM, with the Lord’s Supper

Good Friday Service, April 07 – 6:00 PM

Sunrise Service, April 09 – 7:00 AM, followed by breakfast

Easter Service, April 09 – 11:00 AM

The community is invited to all services! 2960 NY-43, Averill Park. pastor@sandlakebaptistchurch.org for questions.

ZION’S UCC Holy Week Services

Zion’s United Church of Christ, 741 Taborton Road, Sand Lake, NY 12153 will be holding the following services during Holy week.

On Maundy Thursday

April 6th there will be a church service at 7pm with Val Gray.

On Easter morning we will be having our annual sunrise service on the shore of Little Bowman Pond at 6:30am with DJ Stevens and breakfast will follow in the Fellowship Hall, then at 10AM we will have our traditional service with Val Gray officiating.

Holy Week Services at First United Methodist Church of East Greenbush

1 Gilligan Rd., East Greenbush. https:// fumceg.org Phone: 518477-9693.

April 2: Palm Sunday : 8:30, 9:3:0 and 11:00 Easter Egg Hunt.

April 6: Maundy Thursday service includes a light supper from 6 pm to 7:30 PM. Pastor Danyal will prepare a Mediterranean meal for all. The supper will be concluded by Holy Communion. Also, Holy Thursday service includes the Passion of Christ and sacred music.

April 7: Good Friday service includes Cantata by the FUMC choir. Har- vest of Sorrows will be the 2023 cantata.

April 9: Easter Sunrise Service at the outdoor chapel 6:30 and one Easter service at 9:30

Holy Week and Easter Worship Services at Hope Lutheran Church of North Greenbush

Join Hope Lutheran Church for Holy Week and Easter worship services. All worship services will be available in-person and online at www.HOPELC. ORG.

April 2nd, Palm Sunday, service at 10:00 AM.

April 6th, Maundy Thursday, service at 7:00 PM.

April 7th, Good Friday, service at 7:00 PM.

April 9th, Easter Sunday, service at 10:00 AM. 470 Winter Street Extension in Troy (North Greenbush).

Rensselaer Co. Home Bureau

You are welcome to join our Spring Community Service Workshop on April 13th @ 10, at First Reformed Church, Wyn. Bring a covered dish to share and own place settings. Will be working on wheelchair totes, bear sweaters and shirt aprons. Please bring a friend!

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