core Harnessing the benefits of technology for the good of humanity
PAGE INDEX MASS: New leadership and Prototype
Komodo Platform Update
Vcash: Faster than Lightning
Interview with FirstBlood Byteball
Ardor Token Launch WINGS: Making DAOs Smarter Core Radio DECENT: Interview and News CryptoCompare: ZCash Launch
News & Interview
Golem Project Waves News & TV vDice: Ethereum-based Gamling EOM Report
WHAT IS BITCOIN? You may have heard of Bitcoin on TV, or in a conversation with friends. Truth is, Bitcoin is more than just “funny money”, in fact it is now a force to be reckoned with. Dig a little further and you will find Bitcoin is actually an extremely fascinating concept. Bitcoin is an internet digital currency. Unlike other digital currencies like PayPal, Bitcoin is decentralized. Decentralization, in the context of Bitcoin, means every transaction made on the Bitcoin network can be viewed by anyone around the whole world. Furthermore, all the information of Bitcoin transactions is downloaded onto every Bitcoin users computer making it impossible to shut down the Bitcoin network.
The Bitcoin protocol cannot be hacked and if backed up correctly can be even safer than storing your money in a bank. Bitcoin can be used to buy things in the real world. Want a new TV? A cup of coffee to start the day? Try paying for it with Bitcoin. “At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things” - Peter Diamandis
BLOCKCHAIN NEWS MASS NETWORK: ACQUISITION BY will occur on the following day.The 10% MYCELIUM'S CEO AND PROTOTYPE investment bonus period has recently been extended until the 1st of November.
While the software and projec development is currently ongoing and progressing according to plan, there have been some changes in the leadership of th project. Mycelium CEO, Alexander Kuzmin has recently acquired the project for $1.1 million and committed to further advanc its development and reach as the new CEO Online advertising is a problem as big as No changes will be made to the distributio the industry itself. However, Mass of MassCoin, but some improvements wil Network plans to solve this problem by be made to the overall project. Changes to letting users take part in revenue this the current website will be made, a new industry produces, and applying the website for webmasters to understand th ancient old saying “If you can’t beat benefits of Mass and how to leverage thos them, join them”. benefits will be opened along with new channels of communication like Slack Mass Network is Blockchain-based project Weibo, Telegram, WeChat and a youtube that will help people monetize theirchannel. Furthermore, there may also b browsing data and attention by allowingsome new changes to the interna users to install a plugin that shields themdevelopment team and management team from ads and allows them to set a price for seeing said ad and/or for sharing their“My involvement in Mass does not mean browsing data. - Learn more Mycelium technologies will have any
predetermined preferences compared t The team is currently hosting anInitial Coin any other solutions that can add value to Offering period, in which 70% of the total the payment system Mass needs to supply (1,000,000,000,000) of MassCoins, incorporate. But, of course, I will use a a colored coin asset issued on the strongestmy expertise and connections to improv and most popular blockchain: Bitcoin, willMass for those involved directly as well a be sold to investors. This ICO will last untilfor the bitcoin community at large.” the first of December and the distributionMycelium CEO, Alexander Kuzmin
filters and rules to choose which types ads The plugin itself is currently beingthe user will see. Users can also choose to developed (faster than expected) and awhitelist certain schemes, like the chromebasic alpha-release of the Mass pluginextension-scheme. Furthermore, Mass also ctprototype has recently been released, ranks websites according to the amount of d which the team encourages users to try outads they have and lets you choose which e and test in order to generate user feedback,types of websites you’re willing to view ads hewhich is crucial for a community-drivenand accept payment from. Mass also allows n project like Mass Network. The githubyou to block elements of the website you’re 1 repository can be found here, and usersvisiting at will, meaning that you can hide ceare welcome to download, build, and addany ad. O. this extension to their Chrome browser (a oncompiled version will soon be released). llThe prototype includes some of the major ofunctionalities in the Mass system: w heMain ad-blocking modules: ad requests seblocking, html blocks filters, etc. w k, Black and white lists for sites. e beMinimum viable product of Mass “Adal scale” (from A to F) whereby a user can m. choose the level of ads present on sites they browse. n y A placeholder for MassCoin wallet (which toreceives Bitcoin addresses). This will be oused to receive payments for viewing ads oon Mass Ready websites. allWe tested this plugin prototype ourselves. veIt’s rather intuitive and easy on the eyes. asWhile the system itself is not yet put in ” place, users can get a pretty good preview of the software which allows you to choose
XVC: FASTER THAN LIGHTNING size rate, in which the following block size is calculated according to the las 220 blocks, allowing the blockchain to scale according to its use wit unlimited transactions per secon (tps), which were previously limited t 100 tps on-chain, and 15k tps offchain. Bitcoin pales in comparison to this system with 10 minute confirmation times and a maximum Vcash releases version 0.4.9 RC1. The capacity of seven transactions pe countdown for ZeroLedger begins. second.
Vcash is a privacy and speed-focused cryptocurrency that solves many of the known problems and shortcomings in Bitcoin. It allows any transaction to arrive to its destination within 0.23 seconds and to be spendable in 1 minute with 0 confirmations thanks to the implementation of Zerotime. Vcash has recently released anothe Furthermore, Vcash has a built-inupdate in a steady stream o mixing feature that allows its users todevelopments that has been previousl make anonymous transactions withoutoutlined in thisforum post. This update the need to use third-party mixes thatincludes the support for determinist remove the trustless element native towallet key generation, the ability to cryptocurrency use and can causerestore a wallet from a seed that i fungibility problems. comprised of a combination of random One of the problems that has lead towords. the biggest debate in Bitcoin history,“To create a deterministic wallet run the block size dilemma, has been takenthe software and then exit it. Delet care of due to Vcash’s adaptive block the empty wallet.dat file. Next, edi
k the config.dat and set the key " that will allow users to stdeterministic" to "1". Launch the download the entire blockchain in n software and the deterministic walletrecord time is also ongoing and the hwill be created. In future releases thisnew feature will soon be released. The ndfeature will be enabled by default.” - technology behind ZeroLedger is yet oJohn Connor unknown, but it will allow users to access all the benefits Vcash provides oJohn Connor, Vcash founder and in seconds. e developer, has also recently mannounced the ongoing development erof ZeroSlot, the fastest cryptocurrency-powered slot game ever made. ZeroSlot is an open-source project that will be able to process 1000 bets per second, way more than what its Bitcoin-based predecessor, Satoshi Dice, was ever capable of due to the limitations of Bitcoin itself. To be part of Vcash’s breakthroughs in the blockchain space, please join our Furthermore, physical ZeroSlotstrong and growing community on ermachines, powered by Raspberry PiSlack, the main source of information of and ZeroLedger core, will also be built.for Vcash investors! lyThese machines will be nine times e faster than a normal slot machine and ticall slots have been removed, and o replaced with OLED readouts. is“The website will be m100% autonomous and does not earn any is purely for nfun and to show what ZeroTime can teachieve." John Connor it The development of ZeroLedger, the
The long-awaitedArdor token (ARDR) was finally issued yesterday after the 3 month (from July 12th to October 13th) distribution process that took place via a screenshot process. The NXT balance from al the accounts was snapshot hourly and averaged over time and tokens were then distributed based on NXT balances. Since then, Ardo tokens have already begun trading on the Bittrex and HitBTC exchanges, most likely with more markets aligned. Several exchanges have also participated in the distribution of the Ardor token, includin Poloniex and Bittrex.
The Ardor Platform, also called NXT 2.0, is a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) platform, allowing the creation of customizable childchain
so that users can issue assets with all their desired preferences. Ardo is the evolution of the NXT platform, and was created to overcome shortcoming in the old system and bring better scalability and new features.
The tokens that were issued yesterday are called Ardor (ARDR) and have a total supply of 1,000,000,000 that was 100% distributed to the NXT holders. This token allows users to forge rewards from the transaction fees. ARDR tokens were issued as an asset on the NXT Blockchain and will later be migrated to the Ardor platform, once the full release of the platform takes place in Q3 of 2017.
Ardor is a childchain platform and the first childchain will be created by the development team. This childchain will house all of the new and old NXT features. In order to have access to the new NXT 2.0 features, users will need to use the childchain token, IGNIS.
s These tokens will also be distributed according to the NXT balance ll each user is holding on the day the platform launches and the first s block (Genesis Block) is mined. At that time, IGNIS tokens will be or distributed on a 1-2 scale, since half of the supply will be kept by the C Ardor team to fund the development of the platform. s ng On October 07, 2016, Damelon announced the incorporation of Jelurida BV, a new startup software development company consisting of NXT core developers Jean-Luc, Riker and Foundation member, Damelon. Latest Q&A with developers can be found here. ns
MAKING DAOS SMARTER After the release of the much-
awaited white paper and technica whitepaper, the WINGS backing campaign period has finally been announced. It will start on the 30th of October and it will last for ful seven weeks. During this time, a yet unknown amount of WINGS tokens will be distributed to projec backers.
The WINGS Platform is a Decentralized Autonomous These tokens will allow users to in decentralized Organization (DAO) launchpad. participate forecast markets that will It allows anyone with or withoutdetermine, among other things coding experience and technicalhow likely it is for a project to knowledge to easily create theirreceive sufficient funding. This own DAO. The platform itself is system determines the quality o community-managed by the the project according to the WINGS DAO token holders. wisdom of the crowd and rewards According to the success of the the token holders that participate backing campaign, WINGS plansaccurately in the forecasting to introduce a decentralizedprocess. forecast markets governance models in which users reward for Once the forecast period ends, the forecasting the best developmentsproject will start its funding stage and the WINGS token holders will for the platform. be rewarded with tokens from said
- project or a portion of the fundssupported in the future, allowing alraised by the project, according toanyone to become a project backer ghow accurate their forecast is andregardless of which cryptocurrency nto other ranking factors built intothey're holding. hthe WINGS Platform. A smart llcontract system is then created forMore information about the athe project with its underlyingWINGS backing campaign period S token being distributed to itsand about the specifications of the ctbackers. The funding gathered canplatform will be released in the be released to the developers offollowing weeks. Users can keep the newly created DAO according up with project developments by oto the milestones defined in thefollowing the official blog or dsmart contract. subscribing to the newsletter. l s,The platform will also allow users o to forecast by themselves or to sdelegate their forecasting power ofto users that have a successful eforecasting track record. s eThe WINGS DAO will launch as ga Rootstock (RSK) side-chain and will later on evolve to its own blockchain that will allow users to eparticipate with Ether or Bitcoin e,(in the form of Rootcoin) in a multilchain fashion, with the option for dmore popular blockchains to be
DECENT ICO BREAKS $3 MILLION make his/her own applications IN TEN DAYS
on top of it. Decentralized nature of DECENT Network means that the network itself is created by its users. The common consensu creates relevant content database without the intervention of unnecessary middlemen. Thank to the elimination of 3rd party What is DECENT and how does fees DECENT provides a costeffective way of content it work? DECENT is a Decentralized distribution while Blockchain Content Distribution Networkmechanism keeps the whole that is Open-Source and utilizes process transparent and secure.
Blockchain to ensure Trust and Security. Our intention is to How did you come up with the revolutionize data distribution onidea for DECENT? the Internet. Our vision is to createThe history of DECENT actually a fully integrated & trustworthybegan when I shared a common worldwide system of digitalinterest in technology with my content distribution in which thefriend Matej Michalko and we communication flow is secureddecided to organize Bitcoinand timestamped by therelated conferences. During blockchain mechanism. DECENT Bitcoin Expo in London, is based on Open-source principleShanghai, CEBEXPO Vienna and and therefore allows everyone toBitcoin 2 Business Brussels we discussed the future o
sBlockchain based systems. system for industries, eBased on our insights into organizations, businesses or t multiple cryptocurrencies andindividuals. There are basically ydecentralized projects, we havethree types of functions or let's uscome to an idea, that Blockchain say users within the network. etechnology could become a Authors or content creators that funified system of digital contentcan publish and sell their genuine kspublishing and sharing all content, build an audience and y around the globe. At this pointlifetime reputation ; content a the idea of DECENT was born consumers that gain the access to t and the actual projectthe valuable content, rate the ndevelopment began soon. authors and decide whether the e particular content is good or not Who can take advantage of ; and miners or publishers, in the Platform? DECENT terminology, who verify all the transactions. DECENT is a secure and ytrustworthy worldwide system n that enables independent and yefficient digital content e distribution system for everyone. - DECENT’s mission is to become g a liaison between various , industries by bridging the gapHow does mining function in d between the emerging DECENT? eblockchain ecosystem. We ofprovide a vertically integratedMining on DECENT Network is
How does mining work in the current rate) so far. It's only thanks to our dedicated DECENT? Mining on DECENT Network is supporters that we are able to based on PoC (proof-of-custody)say, that we can move forward algorithm. Once DECENT is fully with development of DECENT launched, miners grant their Network according to the computer power, space and milestones specified in ou bandwith for the content roadmap. distribution in DECENT Network. Miners are publishers that keepHow is the development of the the network up and running,platform coming along? verify the transactions and The fully functional prototyp of DECENT Network was receive a reward for doing so presented at the beginning o What do you think of the 2016. Since then we have Crowd Sale so far? Do you specified several possible us cases of DECENT Network. Let consider it a success? We have received a notable me mention a user-friendly support from our communityMedium-like blogging platform during the recent weeks. that was together with its GU DECENT ICO brought a described in our blog recently remarkable outcome even withinOur aim is to ensure mass its initial period. The very first 10adoption of the technology we focus on hours of ICO resulted in Therefore approximately 3700 BTC raised. presentation of easy-to-use Altogether we have received solutions that provide great use more than 5600 BTC ($3,5M at experience while implementing
y all the features and advantagesWhen will the platform be dof Blockchain based systems. released? o As I have mentioned in previous d From technological point of question, DECENT Network T view, we have announced a launch is planned for Q1/Q2 e collaboration with one of the2017. More information and urmajor US adult content updates will follow later on so production companies Naughtyremember to follow our official America. The aim of this channels and subscribe to our collaboration is to work on a pilot newsletter. project that will implement eprogressive Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution by ofusing the latest advancements in Blockchain technology, eCryptography and Digital VideoI would like to say 'thank you' to t Fingerprinting. every single member of our y community who has expressed m When will project backers be his/her trust in DECENT project UIable to withdraw DCT tokens? so far. It means a lot to our entire . It will be possible to withdrawteam that joined forces and s and trade DCT once the mainworked really hard to make is fully launched. DECENT vision to reach the point n According to our development of realization. eplan, it will happen in Q1/Q2 er2017. g
fingerprinting, a technology that mark video files individually so that they ca be later identified by their uniqu components, that combined with th blockchain and BitTorrent technology employed by the DECENT platform will ensure that every unique file ca be tracked and secured in the networ from the moment it is uploaded, thu DECENT, the blockchain-based preventing piracy within the network content sharing platform has once more struck an amazing partnership, this time “Fighting piracy and protecting privac with one of the major adult contentare key priorities for Naughty America production companies in the U.S.A,DECENT offers us the ability to Naughty America, a well-known accomplish both at the same time du innovator in its industry, with the goal to the technology's level of security of building a content distributiontransparency, and inalterability o platform for the adult entertainmentrecords." Ian Paul, CIO of Naughty industry and its users. America
This content distribution platform willDECENT and Naughty America want combine some of the most advancedto develop an efficient content techniques in Blockchain technology,distribution system that benefits no Digital video fingerprinting andonly the content producers but also th Cryptography not only to bring you aconsumers. A system where there i more efficient and private channel tono downtime, hacks, censorship o consume content, but also to fightcopyright violation. illegal content sharing and copyright infringement which is common in the“In comparison to what is widely use adult video industry. today – hash coding, can only DECENT will use Digital videodetermine a completely equal o
ksunequal file, the DECENT system willversion every six months. andistinguish between genuine and ecopied content using detailed analysis"I am really fascinated with the heof file’s characteristics. We lookDECENT vision to bring together world y forward to exploring the huge experts in IT and cryptography to unite m potential of Blockchain technology inthose who want to distribute content ancombination with current industrywithout a middleman with those rksolutions along with Naughty Americawanting to consume this content usin the upcoming pilot project." Matejwithout compromising attention, time k.Boda, co-founder of DECENT and privacy." Alexander Vasylchenko CTO, Grid Singularity, cyThis is one of the many amazingex-CTO, Mycelium a.partnerships that DECENT has o managed to achieve with their product, uemost noticeably the partnership with y,Minergate and the grant received from ofGoogle Grants. By partnering with Naughty America, DECENT has taken another step forward in blockchain technology mainstream adoption by t combining two of the biggest players t on the internet ecosystem: Digital otCurrency and Adult Video Content. he isThe DECENT Crowd Sale is still orongoing and more than 5400 BTC have been collected so far, and there are still 5 weeks left until the ICO ends. edThe DECENT platform will be ylaunched Q1/Q2 of 2017 and will be orcontinously updated with a new
vDice, a fully decentralized version of SatoshiDICE, has recently announced an Initial Coin Offeringperiod in which users will have a one-time opportunity to own a piece of the Ethereum-based gambling Dapp. vDice, named after Vitalik Buterin, is a decentralized betting game built on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike itspredecessors, vDice requires no centralized structure whatsoever. Instead, it relies on an Ethereum smart contract system that retrieves random numbers from a well-known third-party website, The vDice system has been audited and it is currently finished and live, so when you invest in the upcoming vDice ICO, you're investing in a finished product and a proven business model, which is highly unusual for Initial Coin Offerings, where the invested funds are often used to start developing the project.
The Initial Coin Offering period will start on November 15th and it will last for a month. During this time, users will be able to exchange their Ether or newly issued vSlice tokens. These tokens represent part of the ownership in vDice meaning that its holders are entitled to receive dividends from the profits generated by this gambling Dapp according to the amount of owned tokens. As usual, early investors are entitled to a bonus.Learn more about the vDice ICO . The game itself is extremely simple and intuitive. It requires no account, password, or verification, instead, users just need to send Ether to one of the displayed wallets according to the type of bet they want (using one of the supported methods ) and the smart contract system takes care of the rest.
Online gambling is extremely popular, and the demand for fully decentralized and transparent alternatives is obvious when considering that more than half of everyday bitcoin transactions are the result of online gambling. This alone does not guarantee the success of vDice, and that is where the funding stage comes in. All the proceeds from the ICO will be used to further market and develop the vDice Dapp in order to make it the go-to place for Ethereumbased betting. Not only will vDice market their gambling platform, but they will also make it faster and more reliable. You can read all about it in the development roadmap and business plan.
ZCash is an anonymous cryptocurrency that uses zero-knowledge proofs to ensure that all the information regarding user transactions can be safel encrypted, whilst still verifiable by miners.
Zcash was developed from the ZeroCoin protocol and uses Equihash as hashing algorithm. The CPU and GPU-friendly nature of the mining algorithm along with the huge potential to solve some of the most pressing problem in Bitcoin (such as privacy and fungibility) have caught the attention of the majority of cryptocurrency miners and blockchain related services like Kraken Poloniex, Jaxx wallets, NiceHash, and others.
Zcash launched successfully last friday. The price in pre-trade futures wa showing a racy start at over 1.2 BTC per ZEC. The irrational exuberance of markets was definitely visible as bids for the first ZEC out sold for over 300 BTC per ZEC - the price has subsequently stabilised and is now at 1.18 BTC per ZEC.
The market cap of ZCash is $500k as the slow start means only 1280 coins
have been issued so far. The daily rate will climb to its full issuance rate of 7200 coins per day by the end of the month..
Trading is predominantly on the BTC pair at 88% of volume with Poloniex leading with an 82% market share. The fiat pairs of USD, CNY, EUR all contribute between 2-4% each of volume. In the past 24 hours roughly 950 have exchanged hands - or roughly the entire available market capitalisation of the coin. You can follow the live markets, Orderbooks, Trading analysis by clicking on the links or image below:
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a m, ms e n,
as f 0 If you want to learn how to mine Zcash, clickhere to check out our CPU here to C mining guide. There is also a GUI wallet available for Linux, click find out how to install and use it! If you want to invest in Zcash make sure you know what you're doing. The price is very volatile right now due to the s slow mining start. Don't invest more than you can afford to lose.
Komodo, the privacy and security-driven cryptocurrency platform developed by members of the SuperNET community, has gathered 1267.78 BTC on first day of theirInitial Coin Offeringperiod, during which investors were entitled to the 25% bonus. Komodo will, at first, focus on providing anonymous transactions powered by Zcash technology, zero knowledge proofs.
These transactions will, not only be as anonymous as Zcash’s but als as secure as Bitcoin’s, given the notarization of the Komodo blocks on the Bitcoin blockchain. The notarization, called Delayed Proof of
Proof of Work (dPoW), is achieved Equihash, it will also allow mining through the use of notary nodes,to remain decentralized. special nodes that migrate the information from the KomodoFurthermore, the use of a Proof of blockchain on to Bitcoin’s, and Work mechanism will allow then back to Komodo, making anyKomodo to transition to a fully attempt to rewrite the Komododecentralized blockchain on the blockchain a futile attempt (unlessoff chance something goes wrong an attacker is also able to with the notary nodes. compromise Bitcoin). Other blockchains are welcome to This technology allows othermake use of this technology and cryptocurrencies to be as safe asto notarize their own blockchains Bitcoin while being much more on Bitcoin by using Komodo’s efficient regarding energy costs. notary nodes. Using Komodo to Komodo was meant to be notarize blocks on the Bitcoin launched as a NXT-style Proof ofblockchain has the advantage of Stake cryptocurrency, but in orderbeing cheaper, given that the third to minimize any changes madeblockchain is not required to pay from Zcash’s code, Komodo willBitcoin transaction fees. Komodo launch as a Proof of Work notary nodes will be elected by the cryptocurrency. This means thatcommunity according to their Komodo is not as “green” as firstreputation, resources and previous thought of, but is still moreperformances on the testnet.Read efficient than Bitcoin,efficient as more. a PoS blockchain, safer than any other alternative blockchain and“Community members that want due to Zcash’s CPU and GPU- to run one of these notary nodes friendly hashing algorithm,are advised to make this interest
“Community members that want to run one of these notary nodes ar advised to make this interest public as to gather votes from the investor These votes should be based not only on the user's long standing reputatio within the cryptocurrency community, but also on the candidate's abilit and experience in running serious serves. Notary nodes receive a monthl wage of ~$500 (to pay for expenses and as a reward) for the effort and resources contributed. Voters can also use the testnet KMD as one metr in evaluating a notary node.� on Komodo Steemit.
The Komodo ICO will last until the 20th of November. Until then, user can exchange bitcoin or other altcoins supported by Shapeshift and they will be able to enjoy investment bonus, as so:
You can find out more about Komodo by joining the community on Slack or Bitcointalk, and by reading the Delayed Proof of Work whitepaper. You can also find blog posts regarding the development of Komodo on Steemit.
Can you briefly describe what between crypto and traditional dolla use to make it seamless for traditiona FirstBlood is? FirstBlood is Blockchain based eSportsgamers to compete. platform that allows gamers to challenge each other and win rewards. Additionally, these traditional firms d The platform will host competitivenot have a decentralized eSports matches and tournaments focusedIntegrity System to publicly verify around popular eSports titles. Ourgame information or to sort out case system is build on the Ethereum with a jury voting pool. Cheating is blockchain and features a utility tokenon the rise because of the increase (1ST) that can be risked on matches. popularity of eSports; there is a vita need for a cross-platform, cross title What are the advantages it brings way to deal with these issues. Ou and consensu compared to the traditional eSports confirmation mechanisms are essential to building platforms? A lot of the traditional services havean innovative, scalable gaming many issues with operating in certainbusiness model. jurisdictions and processing payments from all over the world. Legal fees can Lastly, we are also going the extra mil be extremely high and payments areto make sure we are fully complian frequently denied by credit card and as transparent as possible with ou companies because of the higher riskusers. What we are aiming to do goes far beyond applying digital currency nature of the business. to current eSports models. We will be Likewise, user funds can be stolen ortackling the most pressing issues i seized very easily when they arethe industry today: underaged activity controlled by a central party. By cheating, and toxic behavior. creating a DAPP utility token, we make Our Integrity System will keep out it much easier to carry out businessindividuals who shouldn't be on ou and safer for our end-users. In later platform and will provide swift justic versions, we intend to bridge the gap to those who felt they were violated by other gamers. All these factors have
arlead us to having a solid fan base node software, much like a Bitcoin alconsisting of coders, artists,node. financiers, and pro athletes, all of themEach match is determined by two connected by their passion forrandom witnesses. Witness node docompetitive gaming. operators then receive a share of the s platform’s game fee as a monetary y reward for completing their function. es These rewards come from the s platform’s prize-pool. ed al Jurors will also be rewarded in a similar e way. If a match has a disputed outcome, ur Jurors who have opted into our jury s voting pool will be notified if they g would like to review a case. If they g accept, Jurors will be presented with evidence uploaded by the competitors and will use their best judgment to sort leThe 1ST token is used to risk on out the case. Once a quorum is reached nt matches within the platform. Is among the decentralized and urthere any other way for token anonymous Jurors, those who voted sholders to gain additional value? the a majority’s decision will be yFirstBlood’s disputes process is anrewarded for their work with a einteresting framework. The systempercentage of the match’s prize pot. nwill consist of “pools,” made up of y,“witnesses” and “jurors.” Will users be able to bet on matches Witnesses will provide the basicusing other cryptocurrencies like t function of match verification. They Bitcoin and Ether? urare programmed to monitor gameInitially, rewards will be solely in the ceapplication programming interfacesform of 1ST. However, as the project d(APIs) to determine match winners.exits its alpha phase, we intend to add eWitnesses will operate on automatedsupport for reward payouts in other
Will users be able to bet on matches using other cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether? Initially, rewards will be solely in the form of 1ST. However, as the project exits its alpha phase, we intend to add support for reward payouts in other Ethereum-based tokens and digital currencies.
Can FirstBlood be used to bet on any type of eSports game or will it be limited to a specific array of games? Technically speaking, our platform can be integrated with any game tha provides API support for their game data. However, FirstBlood will be initiall focusing on supporting popular PC eSports titles like League of Legends.
Is the development of the platform going as expected or have you encountered any obstacles? We are proud to announce our project is right on track for our closed alpha testing period at the end of December, 2016. Anyone who wants to participate in our closed alpha can register by joining our Slack Channel at http://slack. . Members will be provided with a unique signup code to registe once the alpha test begins.
Are there any interesting partnerships we should know about? We have something in the works with a notable company in the space‌.stay tuned.
Is FirstBlood community managed in such a way that users can vote on developments and proposals for the platform? Yes. Our team understand that if we do not listen to our users we will not be able to achieve success. That is why we made FistBlood an open source project and invite our users to provide constructive feedback/ suggestions o our Slack Channel.
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BYTEBALL the biggest issues and limitations found in Bitcoin and its descendants, such as speed, volatility, privacy and compliance.
Since there are no blocks in Byteball there is no block size issue, a dilemma that has plagued the bitcoin community for quite some time now. Instead, transactions form their own block known as “units” and can be as large a required. Transaction fees are proportional to the size of the dat contained in each transactions. Bytes NEW CONSENSUS ALGORITHM the value token within this system, i AND UNTRACEABLE PAYMENTS used to pay for transaction fees on a one to-one scale, meaning that if a Byteball is a decentralized transaction has 1000 bytes of data, the cryptocurrency system that is unlike nonesender will be required to pay 1000 byte seen before it. It’s not based on (or 1kb) in transaction fees, giving Bytes blockchain technology nor on proof of an intrinsic value (the utility o work mining. There are no blocks in permanently storing that size of data in Byteball, instead transactions are theira decentralized immutable database) an own blocks. Byteball allows the transfernot a speculative one. of value in the form of its own native currency, Bytes or in user issued assetsBut if there are no blocks or blockchain, that can represent currencies, propertyhow do we know that value is not being titles, debt, shares, bonds, and so on.double-spent? Since there are no blocks Furthermore, Byteball allows transfers toevery new transaction references one o be transparent or completely anonymousmore transactions that have come before without the need to recur to zeroit, known as “parents”, by including the hashes relative to the parents . The link knowledge proofs. Byteball was created to solve some of among these transactions form a DAG
BYTEBALL (directed acyclic graph).
transactions get included earlier on the Main Chain. When there is a doublespend, the version of the transaction that comes earlier in the total order is deemed valid, all others are deemed void.
l, a Directed acyclic graph y , sIn Byteball, instead of blocks piling on astop of each other to form confirmations, Main Chain e every new transaction (child) in the aDAG, confirms the transactions before s,it (parents). So, instead of minersThe Main Chain will go through the isconfirming transactions with newtransactions that are authored by well e-blocks, users that make transactions,known users within the community, a confirm the previous transactions. If onedubbed witnesses. Witnesses are just like etries to edit a unit, he will also have toregular users. When someone makes a eschange its hash, meaning that the newer transaction, they list a group of witnesses schild transactions that reference thisfor said transaction. The list can be oftransaction would not match the comprised of random users, or of prenchanged parent. To game the system selected witnesses that have earned that ndone would be required to collaborateuser’s trust and are expected to make with the users that create transactionsregular transactions to confirm the after him. In this case, instead of waitingtransactions that reference it. , for miners to produce the next block, g the dense links among transactions act s, as anti-tampering measure that startsConfirmation time in Byteball depends on the frequency with which the orworking almost immediately. witnesses post new eInstead of proof of work, we have a referenced e Main Chain (MC) within the DAG that transactions. In optimal conditions, the ksallows to define total order betweenconfirmation time can be as fast as 30 Gtransactions by checking which seconds.
Confirmation time in Byteball depends on the frequency with which th referenced witnesses post new transactions. In optimal conditions, th confirmation time can be as fast as 30 seconds.
Byteball also provides anonymous transactions in the form of privat assets. These are not published on the sequence of transactions o database. Instead only the hash of the transaction and a spendproof ar stored, and a plaintext version of the transaction is sent to the receiver These private assets are called BlackBytes. Read more
Other features include private end-to-end encrypted messaging, multi signature addresses, and smart contracts, which can be written using a easy to understanddeclarative language. Furthermore, these contracts have access to on-chain oracles that can post data (such as timestamps exchange rates, weather, various events) directly to the database to be used by the contracts as spending conditions.
Byteball will have no Initial Coin Offering, instead 98% of the tota supply (10^15 Bytes) will be distributed to Bitcoin holders according to their balance. Users will be able to link their Bitcoin and Byteball addresse to receive a proportional amount of Bytes and BlackBytes which will be issued on December 25, when the main net goes live.
The other 1% will be kept by the developer and the remaining 1% wil be given away to the first 100m users who install Byteball wallet.
To learn more about Byteball, you can read thewhitepaper. Users are also invited to download and install the testnet client which is availabl in the official website.
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GOLEM PROJECT and even cloud mining.
Golem allows buyers to perform computational heavy tasks that the could not complete with their own hardware, and sellers to monetize thei idle processing power. Golem is comprised of nodes running the Golem App. Every node can be both a GOLEM PROJECT - THE requester and a provider of computing power according to their needs, WORLDWIDE SUPER COMPUTER making Golem a prosumer’s market.
Golem is a decentralized distributed In order to sell or buy computing computation network using power, Golem users will have access Ethereum’s smart contracts as a multi-agent trading system for transaction system. It was created to matching users requesting replace the work that is currently done computational power with its by centralized servers, computing providers and vice-versa, meaning tha farms or supercomputers. Using there is no set price for computationa Golem anyone can sell or buy power, and instead buyers and seller computational power in a will create or take trade offers much decentralized manner and for a cheaper like an exchange market. Owners of price than traditional cloud-based the host machines will be able to decid platforms, that offer on-demand how many CPU cores, and how much computing infrastructure, like Google RAM and disk space they would like Cloud Platform and Microsoft Azure. to share with other Golem users.
The Golem Network can be used for Since tasks can be split into multiple Stock market simulations, Computer subtasks that can be as cheap as $0.01 Graphics, Medical research (like or even $0.001 for some types of tasks, protein folding), Artificial Intelligence Golem will also provide an efficien
probabilistic micropayment scheme,resources. implemented using Ethereum, for m remunerating users that share theirThe task computation in Golem nodes eycomputational resources,learn more will take place inside virtual machines n about Golem’s nano payments. and will be isolated from the host ir environment for security reasons. s “If task worth $8 was conducted mby 400 nodes, then the payer would Golem will implement a reputation a have to transfer $0,02 to 400 system to enforce good behavior of gdifferent users; For all existing nodes without relying on any , transaction systems but Ethereum supervising institution. This will allow transaction costs would be nodes to attribute a reputation rank to comparable or higher than the total their peers. g transaction value, additionally s blockchain could potentially In order to further fund the r experience capacity issues.� development of the Golem Network, g an Initial Coin Offering will take place, sWhen a Requester (buyer) wants to in which a yet unknown amount of atuse additional computational power,Golem tokens will be sold. Tokens sold alhe will define computational tasksduring this ICO will pay dividends from rseasily using Golem's Task Definition the task fees charged on the network. h Framework and libraries for high-level f programming languages and then esubmit tasks requiring computing power to the Golem Net, that are then e divided into multiple independent subtasks. Golem will then automatically distribute each task over ethe network of computing nodes, the 1 providers. The providers (sellers) will , perform the tasks on a Virtual ntMachine, using their spare computing
Development Update We’re in the very final stages of development before full nodes are released. Since completing our crowdfund in June, we’ve hired a numbe of talented new devs, rebuilt Scorex network layer, undertaken extensive testing of nodes and assets with the help of the community, fixed severa critical bugs and a larger number of minor ones, and improved network efficiency. In the meantime, the work on the matching enginecontinues.
All being well, we’ll launch the public network within the next two weeks. Needless to say, we’re very excited about this, but remembe that this is only the start. The public network is the means, not the end and will be the foundation on which new functionality will be rolle out – starting with custom tokens (assets). Tech Paper: Enhancing Scalability with Improved Authenticated
Dynamic Dictionaries Leonid Reyzin, Dmitry Meshkov, Alex Chepurnoyand Sasha Ivanovhave published a new technical paper in which they detail improvements that can be made over existing implementations of two-party and three-party authenticated dynamic dictionaries. Implementing this approach on Waves will increase performance and scalability.
‘Our improvements to the design of authenticated dictionaries reduce proof size and speed up verification by 1.4–2.5 times, making them better suited for the cryptocurrency application. We further show that proofs for multiple transactions in a single block can be compressed together, reducing their total length by approximately an additional factor of 2.’ You can read the full paper here.
Blockchain School Waves Platform became the general partner of theBlockchain School, which was officially opened on 18 October at theNational Research e University in Moscow. There will be one lecture per week. On 8 November er Sasha will talk about the Waves platform. There will also be a hackathon e and a business incubator for the winners. al k Waves Weekly Crypto Roundup
This week we have a new presenter for our film, since Lola sadly had to return to London. We expect to see her back in Moscow in a few o weeks, when she will return to our weekly updates! Meanwhile, we’ve er got another friendly face in front of the camera. We also welcome Kir s,Kelevra for an overview of the markets and technical analysis. d
Center is built around two core themes: new technologies and technology entrepreneurship Digital October hosts uniqu educational programs inviting top educators and experts from aroun the world.’ Naturally, that seemed like a pretty good fit for Waves.
Development Update It’s really close now. We’ll have a new and hopefully the final testnet version out early next week. Because development has progressed quickly on custom token creation alongside full node code, we’ll be releasing asset capabilities at the same time. This will mean that the technology is ready for gateways to start opening Russian Fintech, Blockchain up, and projects like Incent and School and Conferences others can create tokens to distributeYesterday (29 October), the and trade after decentralized assetBlockchain School we mentioned last time has been holding a exchange is implemented. Marathon business idea generator New Office - Digital October event, with Waves being a key partner. On November 3, Dmitry Center Meanwhile, Waves has found new Meshkov will present Scorex and alternative office space in the heart of Moscow, framework in theDigital October Center,a place blockchain designs. Waves will also for tech entrepreneurs who have an have a presence at a majorRussian eye for the global picture. ‘The fintech meetups, and a Bitcoin &
e Blockchain conference on Waves or having your security d November 10. otherwise compromised. There are p. also people impersonating Waves eWaves Weekly Crypto Roundup team members. Please be very pWe have a new Waves Weekly careful! ndCrypto Roundup film, again with d Grace Watson presenting. This time Press and Articles sees Kir return for another TA slot, plus Julian Zawistowski, CEO of Four Sectors Blockchain is on the Golem project. Point of Changing Enhancing Scalability with Improved Authenticated Dynamic Dictionaries Blockchain’s Third Wave is Going to be Fun
WAVES Releases Assets on the Testnet: A Novel Approach for Public e Fake Lite Client Warning and Blockchains d Impersonators a Lastly, please be aware that thereWaves r has been a fake github repository offering an ‘updated’ version of the lite client. Please only download the x Waves software from the official e repository, which you can find o linked to on www.WavesPlatform. com. Any other software opens you & to the likelihood of losing your
other than building on top of innovativ Scorex framework and preparing it production ready version at the sam time, will be achieved thanks to combination of the DPOS and LPOS approaches. The Waves Team is also working with a cryptographer on the new approach for blockchain transaction confirmations. The Scientific paper an the LPOS paper will soon be available.
Waves Assets on the Testnet: A Novel Approach for Public Blockchains The Waves Platform, with its token being The development of theWaves Platform the "fuel" used for all operations, aim continues to progress with a novel to be a decentralized Kickstarter and a approach to asset issuance and tradinginstant and decentralized asset-to-ass currently being developed and tested onexchange, supporting other the Testnet. Waves assets combine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ether an scalability enhancements on a technicalnational currencies like EUR, USD, level with usability and versatility on aYUAN at the same time. Fiat gateways, business level. payment providers at first, will be issuin
their fiat backed assets on the platform Better scalability is achieved through aby themselves. Assets can represen simplified payment verification (SPV) services, stocks, real company share scheme that is based on authenticatedwith a built in dividend system that allow data structures. This allows users to storea company to make payments to investor only the states of the top volume assets,with a click of a button in any currency and to update them using these SPVdomestic or digital. All the main feature instead of storing the balance of all thewill be available on Lite Client withou tokens. This provides a great advantagethe need to download or store th in terms of storage, scalability, andblockchain. performance, given that most of the assets issued will not be actively used. Instant asset-to-asset exchange will b
one of the main features in the Waves Better performance and effectiveness,
vePlatform above standard operations, itvia API, and a failure recovery tsallows users to trade assets without themechanism. The same Waves Platform meinterference of a third party service.can be the engine for centralized aWhile the order settlement itself isexchanges to provide better security for S carried out on the blockchain, the Ordertheir clients without losing any o Matching process is not, thus reducingperformance. wthe amount of data stored on theWaves will be the first production system nblockchain. Instead, Order Matching is being built on top of the Scorex ndcarried out by a centralized service thatframework, and the team has rewritten charges a fee for the process. Order 80-90% of Scorex network layerto make Matching stores states of orders, statsit a near production ready system. Scorex getc and will be available as an all-in-oneframework is evolving at the same time, mspackage together with full nodes. its development is lead by two great an blockchain researchers, Alex Chepurnoy setThe user does not have to transfer anyand Dmitry Meshkov. Waves will be r assets to exchange accounts to be ablesupporting this great development and ndto trade. That's why it's impossible to will most probably evolve together with , steal assets from the exchange becauseit further in the future. , the matcher doesn't own client's assets ngat any time. After the orders have been The hackathon hosted to discover and mmatched, the matching service createseliminate bugs in the full node code is nta swap transaction and sends it to thecurrently ongoing. All of the newly esboth counterparties for signing. Thisdiscovered issues are being addressed on wsscheme allows the Waves exchange to a daily basis leading to more stable rsbe as fast or faster than centralizedand secure network. y, exchanges, and much safer for the users. es utWaves will allow the same extended hefunctionality one would normally find only on a centralized exchange, like partial order matching, margin trading, bethe ability to save/restore the exchange's s state, the retrieval of all the market data
accept the block into their version of the blockchain. Users that run a full node or an SPV node are require to watch the blockchain and/or perform partial verification. To verif each transaction, they need to know the balance of the payer’s account. The simple solution is to have every verifier maintain a dynami dictionary data structure of accoun Enhancing Scalability with addresses and account balances Improved Authenticated Unfortunately, as this data structur Dynamic Dictionaries grows, verifiers need to invest into more RAM (and thus can no longer Leonid Reyzin, Dmitry Meshkov, operate with commodity hardware Alex Chepurnoy and Sasha Ivanov or accept significant slowdowns tha have recently released a paper income with storing data structures i which they detail the improvementssecondary storage. made over existing implementations of two-party and three-partyUnlike the aforementioned system authenticated dynamic dictionaries.authenticated dynamic dictionarie This approach will be implementedallow miners to hold the entire dat on the Waves Platform, improving structure and to modify it a its performance, scalability and ease-transactions are processed. The of-access. publish proofs that every transactio resulted in the correct modificatio With most cryptocurrencies,of the data structure. Verifiers ar including Bitcoin, when a miner addsonly required to hold a short version a block, other miners verify that everyof the data structure that is modifie transaction within it is correct andto match its current state, as they
n verify these proofs, without everscalability. The team has therefore a having to store the structure itself.set on the search for a more efficient dThis system is especially useful inmethod of designing and r multi-asset systems where minersimplementing authenticated ymay choose to process transactionsdynamic dictionaries. wonly for some types of assets but still need to verify all transactions. In order to create a better y authenticated dictionary data ic structure, the focus is put on reducing nt the length of a modification proof s. that is included into the block for re each transaction, thus reducing the o block size used. Furthermore, these r data structures do not require the e) existence of a trusted author or setup at or any secret keys. In order to ensure in that miners do not make verification more time-consuming, Waves' data Authenticated dynamic dictionariesstructure will be deterministic and m,can greatly reduce the load put onperform independently of the choices esverifiers, allowing a lower amountmade by miners. aof RAM to be used when verifying asbalances and transactions. This isAnother advantage is the ease with eyan advantage compared to which a new user can enter the onmaintaining a data structure of allverifying process and not download onaccount balances. However, per- the entire blocks with their respective retransaction proofs generated bylists of transactions, but only the nauthenticated dictionaries increaseblock headers, which, in addition to edthe size of the blockchain, which demonstrating that the block has ycauses problems in terms ofbeen correctly generated and linked
core View CORE's End of the Month Report HERE
core asset CORE is an asset listed on the NXT Asset Exchange. We generate revenue from multiple investments as well as "dynamic revenue" streams. CORE is a big believer in the WAVES, NXT blockchain and SuperNET. SuperNET is difficult to define, however, in its simplest form it is a web of services centered around decentralized cryptocurrencies. CORE is also backed by gold, silver, USD and BTC while also investing in technologies which we believe are beneficial to humankind as a whole. September CORE Dividend: Distribution of 1.925 superBTC and 4526.87 NXT to 154 assetholders. 0.00000229 superBTC and 0.0065 NXT per asset. CORE ID: 18026565504333172181
core media asset CORE Media is an initiative that will give legitimate assets built on innovative platforms a megaphone to pitch their ideas to the world. CORE Media also has a range of writers dedicated to bringing the most up to date blockchain and asset news from across the globe, good or bad. As the internet is riddled with scams, CORE Media aims to praise legitimate assets and to shame scam assets. Along with our website, we have also issued a CORE Media asset on the NXT blockchain. Content that is created for the website will be paid for by this asset which creates another opportunity to bring returns for asset holders on a monthly basis. The CORE Team intends to create a vast network of media contacts inside and outside of crypto, acting as a bridge between the two worlds. September CORE Media Dividend: Distribution of 0.5 superBTC to 51 assetholders. 0.00000106 superBTC CORE Media ID: 1584198250936051677
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