Core Magazine January 2017

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core Harnessing the benefits of technology for the good of humanity



interview with

PAGE INDEX Rootstock - The Internet of Value

Intro and Interview with SteemSports

ChronoBank HyperLedger Core Radio WeTrust Interview CryptoCompare: 2016 Recap

Conscious Life Installation Guide: Chapter 1 DARCRUS Update Storj: Cloud Storage Platform The Blockchain Fatale: 1 & 2


Waves News

What is SuperNet

EOM Report



WHAT IS BITCOIN? You may have heard of Bitcoin on TV, or in a conversation with friends. Truth is, Bitcoin is more than just “funny money”, in fact it is now a force to be reckoned with. Dig a little further and you will find Bitcoin is actually an extremely fascinating concept. Bitcoin is an internet digital currency. Unlike other digital currencies like PayPal, Bitcoin is decentralized. Decentralization, in the context of Bitcoin, means every transaction made on the Bitcoin network can be viewed by anyone around the whole world. Furthermore, all the information of Bitcoin transactions is downloaded onto every Bitcoin users computer making it impossible to shut down the Bitcoin network.

The Bitcoin protocol cannot be hacked and if backed up correctly can be even safer than storing your money in a bank. Bitcoin can be used to buy things in the real world. Want a new TV? A cup of coffee to start the day? Try paying for it with Bitcoin. “At its core, bitcoin is a smart currency, designed by very forward-thinking engineers. It eliminates the need for banks, gets rid of credit card fees, currency exchange fees, money transfer fees, and reduces the need for lawyers in transitions… all good things” - Peter Diamandis


deployed on the Bitcoin blockchain itself, users will be able to send bitcoins to a special address monitored by the RSK-BTC bridge smart contract, a 2-way peg (2WP) that allows the transfer of bitcoins from the Bitcoin blockchain to a Secondary blockchain (in this case the RSK blockchain) and viceversa. The Bitcoins will be locked Rootstock (RSK), the first Bitcoin- on the BTC blockchain and you will powered smart contract platform, receive RSK on the “other side”. has recently launched its testnet “Turmeric”, with a considerable The method for doing so in the RSK portion of bitcoin miners showing case is a combination of a drive their support for the platform and chain with notaries and sidechain testing the merge-mining feature, Since the drivechain model gives one that will allow Rootstock to custody of the locked BTC to the secure its blockchain with no extra Bitcoins miners, and allows Bitcoin electricity or computing costs on the miners to vote when to unlock miner whatsoever. Bitcoin mining bitcoins and where to send them, software has been modified to there must be a considerable accommodate this feature that amount of Bitcoin miners merge allows miners to work on both mining RSK. If not, there is an blockchains while keeping the same incentive for the miners to behave performance. RSK currently dishonestly. Therefore, RSK can supports CKPool, Eloipool and trade-off security and Slush pools. decentralization according to While smart contracts will not be amount of merge-mining ROOTSTOCK: THE INTERNET OF VALUE



n engagement. If merge-mining is other Smart Contract platform, d performed by a majority of miners, given that Bitcoin is the most popular s the 2 way peg can be decentralized, crypto out there. RSK smart e if not RSK can change to a notary contracts can be programmed with based system, where a federation a solidity compiler, meaning that s (group of respectable exchanges) developers can run most of the a take custody of the bitcoin sent. existing dapps on the RSK platform e On the RSK side, the system used without modifications. is a sidechain (one that can not be Furthermore, RSK’s virtual machine d implemented in Bitcoin without a is six times faster than competing l hard-fork) since the blockchain is VMs. Projects like the Wings built to understand the consensus Platform, a hub to kickstart and join system of the BTC blockchain and projects, have already recognized K can therefore automatically release the value of the RSK solution and e coins when given proof of a lock will be deploying their platform on n. transaction in the other its blockchain. s blockchain. - Read more about it e here. The RSK’s mainnet, dubbed n “Ginger”, is scheduled to be k So, while these smart contracts will launched during April of 2017, until , not be deployed on the Bitcoin then users can keep up with theRSK e blockcahin itself, the value of the official blog for updates, news, and e RSK coins will be attached to interesting articles. n Bitcoin’s, which means that users e won’t have to invest in another n altcoin to get the results they need, d they just need to send their Bitcoin o to the 2-way peg. This gives RSK g an inherent advantage over any


currency that is to be backed by time, in a system designed to tokenize labour-hours. A mind blowing idea that may seem unrealistic or unfeasible to the casual observer, but that becomes more understandable once we read about the process, which is very well thought of and described in the whitepaper.

Edway Group Ltd., one of the In order to fund this project, leading Australian companies in Chronobank will be hosting a industrial training and labour crowdfunding campaign, an Initia supply, has recently co-founded a Coin Offering period in which blockchain-based system that investors can exchange Bitcoin and matches employers directly with other cryptocurrencies for TIME, workers and rewards them with a a token that will allow ICO price stable cryptocurrency. This investors to receive dividends from system is called Chronobank and the fees generated in the the price stable cryptocurrency is Chronobank network (1-3% from the Labor-Hour Token. issuance and 0.15% transaction fees of LHT) and to make decisions Chronobank is unlike any other about the system as a whole. cryptocurrency system or even Why would Labor-Hour tokens, a unlike any type of cash. While most currency backed by labor hours be currencies are either fiat or backed created? It is a known fact that by a real world commodity like gold cryptocurrencies are subject to or silver, Chronobank proposes a volatility, one need only to look at



y the price charts of the recently be exchanged for LHT. A specific o launched Zcash to get a pretty Chronobank entity will be launched d good idea of how accentuated this for each region with a different volatility can be when dealing with variation of the Labour-Hour token e crypto. National currencies and (like the LHUS for the U.S and the s cryptocurrencies that are backed LHUK for the U.K) to ensure that d by them, although much more the price of each LHT is worth y stable, are also prone to volatility roughly the same on the exchanges and to long-term devaluation due as the avg. labour hour in that to inflation. With this in mind, region. Chronobank has created a system, , initially to be deployed in the a Ethereum blockchain, where the al cryptocurrency is not backed by any national currency or d commodity, but backed by legally , binding contractual obligations to provide real-world labour-hours. m e Much like other stable coins that are backed by fiat or gold, Chronobank relies on a centralized s entity, the ChronoBank Entity, that coordinates the creation, a redemption, and destruction of e Labour-Hour Tokens (LHT). This entity is also responsible for the o acquisition and coordination of t legally binding contracts that can


The Labor-Hour Token is minted by the Chronobank Entity afte Labour-Offering Company (LOC) chooses to enter into a legally binding agreement with said entity. In this contract, the LOC wi agree on providing a certain amount of labor hours. After running strict check on the company and agreeing on certain terms, th Chronobank entity issues an amount of LHT that is equal to the hour agreed on by the LOC. These Labor-Hour Tokens can be given directl to the Company or exchanged on a market for fiat if the company does not want to deal with cryptocurrencies.



LHT holders that want to get a certain job done can send their tokens to a smart contract address along with the specifications of the job The Chronobank entity will match the best Labor-Offering Companies for the job with the holder. Once the LOC is accepted and the job is done, the LHT will be destroyed, thus maintaining the 1 to 1 rate of LHT to labor-hours on each region.

The Chronobank system is designed with the intent of being deployed with different specifications in different regions, according to the average value of one labor-hour in that region. Despite this, TIME token holders are global and will receive fees from all the implementations across the globe. The ChronobankInitial Coin Offeringperiod will start on the 15th of December with a 30% bonus that will gradually decrease until the campaign ends.

er y ill a he rs ly y


advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. One of the major aim of this project is to advance blockchain technology for recording and verifying business transactions with the intent to create industry standard in the industries involved.

This means that Hyperledger is an open source platform that will be used to get collaborative effort from different industries using blockchain technology to advance the ways by which businesses record and verify their transactions with the industrie standards not being compromised.

The way business is being done around the world will likely change for the better with the implementation ofHyperledger, a blockchain technology project which was initiated in December, 2015 backed by the Linux foundation in collaboration with 55 other companies. Blockchain, which is known to be a peer to peer distributed ledger Hyperledger is an open source together with the hyperledger collaborative effort of global project will see different leaders across industries such as applications springing up to make finance, healthcare, internet of business transactions in industrie things, supply chains, other than finance to be fast and manufacturing and technology to accurate, just as the transfer of



y Bitcoin which is also backed by technology by its tail into f this same blockchain technology. fulfillment, we can see that the o With the Hyperledger project, financial industry is joyous during y there will be no need for the the past year till date, due to the g numerous middlemen being advantages of streamlining e active in various industries, which operations and constraint thereby s will in turn eliminate reducing cost and stress in the long expenditures incurred by dealing run. The Hyperledger, combined with middlemen in business with blockchain technology will n transactions. likely go this direction in other e industries, by streamlining t Currently, there are four projects operations and constraints which g in incubator under the are very present in these industries. e Hyperledger known as the s Blockchain Explorer, Trustworthiness is one factor that r Hyperledger Fabric, Hyperledger currently determines if a business esIroha and the Sawtooth Lake . All transaction will take place or not, g these project are required to bring especially international trade, in different solutions but to make when there is no trust, there is no business transactions across business, due to this factor, industries to be trustless, fast andmiddlemen had to come in and this r, accurate, which is why made for an increase in expenses. r contributions to the making of Hperledger, with the aid of t these Hyperledger projects are blockchain technology, tends to e invited from all corners of the solve the issue of mistrust in esworld. business transactions, not only on d finance but in other industries, f Following the blockchain creating a “trustless� system where


had to come in and this made for an increase in expenses. Hperledge with the aid of blockchain technology, tends to solve the issue o mistrust in business transactions, not only on finance but in oth industries, creating a “trustless� system where all the actors in a agreement do not need to be relied on to do their part as it is automated

This is because, anyone who wants to do business, using any of th Hyperledger applications, will be indirectly connected to the blockcha network and all transactions will be open to everyone on the networ so there cannot be any form of denial for payment of services o



delivery. Although, there may be some limitation in this aspect, bu it will go a long way in building trust in business transactions.

But critically looking at the Hyperledger blockchain project, one can say that it is capable of causing global mass unemployment due to the applications on the blockchain network that will perform tasks such as record keeping and others that will definitely reduce cost.

From another perspective, the hyperledger blockchain project tends to present so many opportunities to smart individuals in the neares future to offer value such as electricity (green and solar energy), real estate and housing , e.t.c This will be easily carried out due to the fast, accurate and trustworthiness in business transactions that th Hyperledger blockchain project tend to exhibit through the blockchain network. Reference - Hyperledger,

er, Business Insider, blockchain-beyond-the-hype-practical-uses-2016-5/#sharing-economyher building-trust-on-platforms-like-airbnb-1 an d. Business Insider, he ain rk, or


WETRUST INTERVIEW Can you tell us a bit about you and the team?

Ron Merom | CTO

Ron previously worked at Google as a Software Engineer where he George is an ex-Googler who specialized in voice recognition previously co-founded CottonBrew, emerging markets and social a Stanford StartX computer visioninteractions. Ron has a strong company. Prior, he held roles in interest in blockchain technology Corporate Strategy and and wants to use his technica Infrastructure at Google, and was aexpertise to make a social impact on consultant at McKinsey. He holds athe lives of those less fortunate. He M.S in Management Science holds a M.Sc. in Computer Science Engineering from Stanford and B.S.from the Weizmann Institute o in Electrical and ComputerScience and a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from Rutgers Science and Environmental Science from The Hebrew University. University. George Li | Product

Patrick Long, CPA | Strategy & Operations

An Zheng | Principal Engineer

An previously worked at Sandora as Patrick previously worked in Financea Senior Software Engineer. An holds at RMS, and Ernst and Young in a M.S. and B.S. in Systems Assurance Services where he earnedEngineering from a highly ranked his CPA. In his spare time, he world renowned university. manages a crypto-currency fund raised from friends and family and Tom Nash | Front End Developer is always scouting for new opportunities. He holds a B.A. inTom previously worked at Hydrant as a Junior Web Developer, but Economics from UC Berkeley.



recently has taken a sabbatical tocampaign that was completed in less travel the world and work on than 15 minutes. We welcome him freelancing. He is a quick learner as part of our marketing machine to sand an ambitious individual capablebring WeTrust known to the greater e of taking on any task thrown at him.public. n,He holds a B.S. in Computer Science Fanli Ji | China Community l from Lancaster University. Manager g Shine Lee | Smart Contract y Developer Fanli previously worked at various l n startups (CottonBrew, GWC Inc, and eShine is a entrepreneur at heart. Career Tu) heading up their China e After graduating from UC Davis division and being the point of ofabout a year ago, he created his owncontact for all matters. She r Ethereum mining farm which understands business well and can effectively and egenerates enough passive income communicate for him to be self-employed. He joinsefficiently. She holds a B.S. in WeTrust as a developer working on Information Management and Solidity smart contracts and bringsFinance from Syracuse University. his cryptocurrency domain sexperience. He holds a B.S. in sComputer Science from UC Davis. Jessica Aharonov | Graphic Designer d, Justin Zheng | Marketing Associate Jessica is a graphic designer with extensive experience in branding, Justin is a marketing guru. He waseditorial design, and motion one of the marketing mastermindsgraphics. She created Arodesign t behind’s recordStudio, an international graphic t breaking $6 million crowdfundingdesign agency that has worked on

WETRUST INTERVIEW Jessica Aharonov | Graphic Designer

as Chief Communications Officer and ZapChain as Chief Operating Officer. He brings marketing and Jessica is a graphic designer withstrategy expertise from years o extensive experience in branding,experience running crypto-currenc editorial design, and motionprojects. He holds a B.S. in graphics. She created ArodesignInformation Science from Centra Studio, an international graphicMichigan University. design agency that has worked on projects spanning the globe, Fennie Wang | Legal Advisor including the United States, Singapore, UK and New Zealand. Fennie is currently working at MON Limited as General Counsel and Benedict Chan | Blockchain & previously Wilmer Hale as an associate. She holds a B.S. in Security Advisor Business Administration and Lega Benedict is the Platform Lead atStudies from UC Berkeley and a J BitGo and has vast experience inD. from Columbia University. creating blockchain and wallet platforms. He created Ether.Li - first Leon Di | Product Marketing multi-signature web wallet. Ben advises the team on smart contracts,Leon has 9 years of experience in wallets, and security matters. HeSilicon Valley technology firms in holds a B.S. in Computer Science Hardware Engineering and from University of South Wales Technology Marketing roles. As a Australia. Product Manager, he has managed accounts with Intel, Apple, and othe Daniel Cawrey | Marketing Advisor major tech companies. He holds MS and BS degrees in Electrica Daniel previously worked at Velocity Engineering.



r from it? g d For many years, reciprocal aid of organizations (mutual insurance, cy ROSCAs - comparable to a 100% n What is WeTrust? reserve ratio type of credit union that al has a history of ~2000 years, and WeTrust is a collaborative savings investment clubs) have had troubles and mutual insurance platform builtscaling and providing security and in their fund on the blockchain. Our mission is totransparency leverage cutting edge technology to management. NIenable financial inclusion and dimprove access to market priced Individuals in India, Latin America ncapital. Ultimately, we want to beand China participate in nonn seen as an alternative to traditionaltraditional financial services despite alfinance and provide a communitythe availability of formal institutions. J. based form of credit scores,However, the presence of high fees, dearth of transparency, and lack of insurance, and banking. scalability has limited the benefits of The first product being built atthese financial services. WeTrust is a Rotating Savings and nCredit Association (ROSCA) Blockchain technology provides a nplatform running on a decentralizedsolution by reducing the friction of d blockchain. WeTrust ROSCA allows accounting/ tracking payments a users to save and issue credit as athrough the use of smart contacts, dgroup, at self-determined and fairand secures funds with multierinterest rates. signature wallets. Our software also S enables useful features such as credit alWhat problems does WeTrust scores, which allows individuals to solve and who benefits the most build a self-sovereign identity/ credit


through the use of smart contacts,bit of research and investing, learned and secures funds with multi-about many of the benefits that thi signature wallets. Our software alsotechnology brings, namely: enables useful features such as creditautomation through smart contracts scores, which allows individuals tosignificantly lower transaction fees build a self-sovereign identity/ creditand elimination of a single point of reputation through time, creatingfailure. For me, this was extremely stickiness for our platform. Lastly,exciting and made me realize tha the decentralized manner of ourBlockchains would be the perfec platform and the incentive structuretool to revolutionize the financia we design will incentivize localindustry. organizers to grow the network, since they will participate equitably in theMainstream adoption has always success as adoption increases. moved slowly for cryptocurrencies, do you think Ultimately, any individual who usesWeTrust can help with this. and financial services will benefit fromif so, why? our innovation. Our goal is to create a product tha How did you come up with the solves problems for our end users people who are looking for bette idea for WeTrust? ways to save and access credit. While I have a background in finance/ our initial product might spur som accounting and noticed many adoption and interest in the inefficiencies within the financialcryptocurrency, the goal is to make world, particularly within thea product that abstracts as much o remittance (e.g. Western Union) and the cryptocurrency aspects a fund management markets. I had possible, so that people do not need heard about Blockchain technologyto understand the underlying from a few friends and after doing atechnology. Just as M-Pesa is now



dused by 70% of people in Kenya, iswe believe that by demonstratingIndividuals contribute a fixed amount : value, people will adopt and useat regular intervals for a set duration s,WeTrust, whether it is implemented of time, and the money is distributed s,using a cryptocurrency or not. in each interval to individuals via f either a lottery or a bidding process yThe first product of WeTrust is (the example below shows bidding, ata decentralized ROSCA whereas a lottery is a random ctplatform. How does it work? selection). ROSCAs produce results al where all participants are individually Rotating Savings and Credit better off (or no more worse off) than Associations (ROSCA) have been not participating in the group (pareto used by communities around theefficient). globe for thousands of years, as a grassroots form of financial institution. A ROSCA is “a group of individuals who agree to meet for a defined period in order to save and atborrow together, a form of s:combined peer-to-peer banking and erpeer-to-peer lending.� ROSCAs are ecommonly built along clan,7. WeTrust chose the Ethereum megeographical, social, or professionalblockchain to develop its ROSCA enetworks. In countries around theplatform. Why? And is this decision eworld, ROSCAs have a variety of final? ofdifferent names such as: susus as(Ghana/ Caribbean Islands), tandasCurrently, the code being written is d(Latin America), hui (China), chits in Solidity and the MVP will be on g(India), cundinas (Mexico), etc. Ethereum. We chose Ethereum w because of its wealth of code


The lack of modern credit scores is substituted efficiently by reputation trust, and social ties. Throughout history, ROSCA funds have been successful because they are formed around personal reputation and circle of trust.

WeTrust chose the Ethereum blockchain to develop its ROSCA platform. Why? And is this decision final?

Currently, the code being written is in Solidity and the MVP will be on Ethereum. We chose Ethereum because of its wealth of code documentation, relative maturity and strong community support. Whil the MVP is built on Ethereum, we plan to be “blockchain agnostic� and will be building in such a way that we can port our code to another platform if see it is more promising for our use case.

This project is currently self-funded. Are you planning on doing a crowdsale for WeTrust or any of its products?

We will be planning a crowdsale for WeTrust contingent on a successful deployment of our MVP and strong community support and demand fo our future products.

When can we expect the ROSCA platform to be launched? Our MVP has a targeted completion date of January 8th, 2017. The ROSCA platform should be ready mid-late 2017 contingent on a successful crowdsale and continued full time development from our team.


n, n es

n e le d r




2016 was a great year for cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in general. However, Bitcoin has taken the spotlight making regular appearance in mainstream media and enjoying an ever-growing user base. An eventfu year that saw us celebrate the second halving of the bitcoin block reward in July and the release of the SegWit update, whose activation is currently bein voted on. Smart Contracts are also being developed for Bitcoin, with the RSK sidechain/drivechain testnet being released in November.

On the price charts, Bitcoin has had an amazing run, being considered a the best performing currency in 2016 by Bloomberg and breaking severa records along the way. Starting the year in the $430 range, Bitcoin has grown around 120% and is currently sitting at $944.79. A rally that started to take effect shortly before the halving, in May and that saw a couple of hiccups along the way like the Bitfinex hack and the IRS' latest move to access CoinBase database to look for tax evaders. Nevertheless, Bitcoin grew and reached its all-time high market cap of 15.68 Billion dollars yesterday.


The 2016 rally, although similar to the one in 2013 in many ways, now enjoys a much higher trading volume, a wide diversification of traders and a much more advanced infrastructure. The rally is also supported by a growing use base around the world that are turning to Bitcoin as a safe-haven asset, especially in countries where economic and political uncertainty rule. Countrie like India and Pakistan, where demonetization policies are taking effect have seen record-breaking demand for the cryptocurrency. Inflation has also made citizens turn to Bitcoin as a means to protect their savings and to escape tigh capital flight restrictions. This is the case with Venezuela, where the growing devaluation of the currency has made users turn to bitcoin as a means to acquire basic goods and services that are often lacking within the country Recently, Destinia airlines have decided to continue to operate in the country but is only accepting Bitcoin as payment.

China, a driving force in the Bitcoin price, has also seen a growing demand n for the currency as the already weakened economy is threatened by the es prospect of Trump's 45% taxation on U.S.A exports. Capital flight restrictions ul are being heavily enforced within the country that has now seen gold n exportations being restricted. When not even gold is off limits, citizens have ng few choices but to turn to Bitcoin has a means to escape the devaluation of e the currency.

as al n e s s d

All of these events have contributed to Bitcoin's amazing rally which has now many legs to stand on, something that cannot be said about the 2013-2014 bull run. Although it is unclear where this rally will take us, we may see a four-figure price before the year is over. Overall, 2016 has created the perfect storm for Bitcoin, which is now helping many achieve financial freedom and privacy.


A happy and most delightful greetingsquite the tumultuous back-end ride ove ye all prince regents of Cryptoland. the past 12 months and to be frank, am glad it is mostly behind me. Congratulations on a triumphant exit ofFor the world of Alts, we have seen a the year 2016 and I bid you all a smooth rollercoaster of events that have turne transition into this New Year 2017. the whole industry on its head from The mighty Castle of Core Media has time to time, causing all kinds o grown magnificently in this past year,skirmish and tribal warfare an strengthening its outer walls ofreplenishing the vaults of the crypt protection, expanding its sphere ofcatacombs with fresh cadavers. influence across the Crypto realm andStill in its travels, the sceptre of the Grim developing our trusted brand byReaper is cutting swathes through th reaching out far and wide throughoutpopulation, as the strength an the year. resilience of known tech rises to th surface. As new ideas enter still-bor We have been instrumental in providingand neglect sets in or enthusiasm wanes traction and positive momentum forwe can be certain of a steady diet fo significant projects, enabling them tothe crypto worm as he revitalises an reach heights of massive proportionsturns over the fresh soil of 2017 and intend to build upon our successes,Yet still do viruses and plagues, of which providing the supportive framework thatwe have been witness, largely remain is part and parcel of our service. alive. Between sleek trickery endeavours of corrupted wallets, dar With a consistency of resolve and aalleys and the fukery of ruthless mone dedication that is comforting to thechangers who install fear into ou newcomer to crypto, we have populates, we must be cautious and a maintained our integrity and providedthe ready to defend the honour of ou a lasting legacy with our foundation thatneighbours sons and daughters. is dedicated to enlighten crypto virgins, service crypto families and herald forWe must remain ever vigilant and be Crypto communities alike. ready to alert our brothers and sister It has for me personally (house), beenwhenever such advances are made.



er at the gates, drink now and be merry IPlease be certain to report your findingswith your family and friends and enjoy should you stumble upon such grievousgood tidings of peace and festivity. a intrusions and bounty will surely findBe strong ye merry men and herders of dyour favour here at Castle Core lost sheep and stay true to your words mCommunications will be encouragedof security and innovation. ofand well received by any of our Sir Trade well at the markets great tribe but ndKnights at Castle 'Core Media' be cautious of Caesars wrath. For unto o Caesar must we give his tithe when he As projects complete there milestonesdemands for it, but demand will he not, mand structures begin to show theirif he knowith not what market we dwell. hefoundational strengths, one is found dintoxicated by delicious potential thatOn behalf of our most honourable Sir eawaits us. Knights of Core Media, We bid ye fair rnHowever, with such strategic moves in citizens of Cryptoland, a most enjoyable s,the Land of Bitcoin that we have seen and merry New Year celebration and orin recent months, it would be wise forgood tidings for a prosperous future ndus all to remain on high alert for Trojan horses and attacks from foreign armiesWith deep warm respect hseeking to pillage and scourge our yours Sincerely nfarmers. House and MX y Let us therefore remain ever alert in CORE MEDIA - rkthe watchtowers and harken to the eystillness that may seep into the night, urfor such caution will always be atrewarded over time. ur Pour forth your vintage oh great winemakers and distillers of good taste e for the year is in its birth and hunger rsfor justice is her name. Lest we be caught drunk when thou enemies are


throw “Komodo” in the mix. Confusing? Yes, but hold on.

The introduction of Iguana made th situation simpler as it gave a new name for the low-level technology Now the technology itself is calle Iguana core, and SuperNET is the organization developing it. Ever since its creation SuperNET Iguana core is a huge code base has been a bit confusing. It has written in C language, and thus fa been hard to understand as the it has been designed entirely by term has had multiple meanings: an SuperNET’s lead developer and organization, a vision and the architect jl777. It is not a new product itself. product, however, as the work began right when SuperNET itself started. A typical answer to the question ‘what is SuperNET?’ has been someSuperNET’s roadmap has changed mission statement along with a listover time, and the announcement o of things it is developing. ThoseIguana significantly upgraded it. Th projects under development mightprevious plan was to simply build on seem disconnected from each other,top of Nxt. Now, however, it has which has created a deep belief thatevolved into a creation of an SuperNET just launches new projectsindependent platform. Nevertheless and never finishes them. the vision has stayed the same: unit the cryptocurrency field. In 2015 it seemed the situation became even more complex as a newTo obtain independence the team creature called “Iguana” was introduced another componen introduced. Fast forward to today andcalled Komodo. It serves as the



. platform for the whole vision. divided for those who have proven Komodo’s blockchain will be usedto be capable. Through a strong track as the backbone of the overallrecord community members learn to hestructure, and the coin itself is itstrust each other, and then the w infrastructure coin. In more simpleresponsibilities and tasks are divided y. terms: Komodo is there whenever aamong them. dblockchain is required. e By no doubt, jl777 is an important What is the vision then? It is to useperson for the organization. People e the low-level technology of Iguana often falsely assume he’s responsible arcore and the services of Komodo tofor everything, but he is always quick ybuild applications on top of theto point out that he’s just working on dplatform. The result is a blockchain the back end. Today he’s not even w ecosystem where services can bethe only C developer, as the team nconnected to each other. Iguana willrecently hired a new developer named make blockchains talk with eachNazmul Alam. other and Komodo provides privacy dand security features. What is SuperNET? SuperNET is of simply a horizontally structured heSuperNET is unlike any other organization building open source norganization as it is a horizontallyand decentralized technology. Like s structured organization. Its actionsany organization, it has a vision and n are transparent, plans are laid out,mission; as well as a team and s,and its products are open source. It’scommunity. teemployees and shareholders form a loose community where each member have its role. m ntNo one is really in charge, but einstead, the responsibilities are

Prediction Markets have generated a lot of investment interest in 2016 and should still be a popular buzzword well into 2017 and beyond. Predictive Markets, otherwise known as Decision Markets, seek to collect and facilitat collective wisdom of the crowd to fairly accurately predict an outcome of a future event. Such analysis is invaluable to decision making and othe investment layers that make use of such performance prediction indicators

In order for a Predictive Market to trend towards accurate outcome consensus there has to be a stake in the consensus pool whereby participants ar incentivized by rewards to accurately propose winning outcomes. This i generally in the form of monetary rewards, with Digital Currency tokens being a popular “Pay to Play� transaction vehicle.

29 entered the Prediction Games arena in September 2016 as a provably fair, sports, esports, entertainment and general prediction markets platform, aiming at unifying social communities primarily through the universal language of sports and ancillary genres to cater to all gaming interests Currently in a public beta web-app phase, will continually evolve to offer the best in user gaming experience, content publishing and social interaction, making its platform the destination of choice for free market prediction speculators and fan battleground stand-offs.

Virtual Tokens such as bitcoin, Steem and Steem Dollars (SBD) are decentralised, which means they operate on a peer-to-peer style transactiona network, not controlled or owned by any government, corporation or bank, furthermore Steem and SBD have the advantage of zero transactional fees, and 3-second confirmation times, making such tokens truly the transactiona choice of the free market and some of the reasons why SteemSports has chosen the Steem blockchain as an incubator for its pilot project. furthermore sets itself apart as a future-proof, collaborative community project of enthusiastic, passionate and like-minded individuals d mentored by the experts in the blockchain and prediction market spheres. e te The SteemSports team is set to showcase a revolutionary alternate use-cas a implementation of the Steem Blockchain to draw mass user participation and er adoption of Digital Currency gaming through community oriented prediction s. market content, gaming and engagement with a focus on rich content and engaging social interaction. s, re is s

requirements at this stage, only a non descript Steem profile account is required, which can be created on th social site and later on when we develop the Sports betting is a 3 Trillion dollaraccount creation functionality. industry, with vast global communitiesPossibly the biggest draw card is tha and sub-communities where sportsSteemSports is a “market making” enthusiasts love to support and wagerrather than a “bookmaking platform” on their favourite teams. Unfortunatelywherein we encourage the players to there are certain barriers and challengeswin instead of trying to balance th in the sports betting industry, namelybooks by moving betting line country specific restrictions andthroughout the day. SteemSports use regulations, delayed withdrawls, unfairfixed morning spreads and does no and non-transparent bookmakingchange them, which reduces the risk practices, high transaction fees andof play considerably. games with a bias towards the bookmaker with constantly movingAs a blockchain service, we don’t betting lines, banning of “sharp”support censorship and “sharp players who often banned for always players, among other things. winning against traditional bettin Steemsports aims to win over the sportshouses are always welcome on ou betting market to its alternate lessplatform. We take a standard 3% regulated, Prediction Games methodcommission on all predictions and le of playing with a potentially greaterthe market seed the pools, this keep appeal. The proposed Predictionour risk and commissions low. Furthe Games concept relies on Digital Tokens commission and pool seeding to play, which are largely unregulated incentives will be rolled out in future and not under the jurisdiction of many Hedging of outcomes is also allowed gambling laws. There are no AML or KYC as well as unlimited PAY PLAYS with What are the main value propositions of and how is it different to sports betting?


n-various amounts right up to game blockchain? s closing time. There are no fixed hewinning odds such as 1:1 or 4:1, rather Steem is a Digital Currency, much like nthere is no ceiling to how much can bitcoin. The Steem blockchain is a e be won. For example, if a particular derivative of Bitshares (BTS) Graphene prediction is heavily weighted to onetechnology which has been adapted at side and a player chooses the less into a social media blockchain, with a ”played outcome, it is not unlikely to beta social frontend, [] ”,win 100 or 1000 times one’s bet in a (, released by the o market with a weighted bias. core development team in early 2016. heTraditional gaming sites often have esup to two days’ delay in the withdrawlSteemSports selected the Steem esof funds process whereas SteemSportsblockchain because of its unique social otpays out immediately to the players’community aspect, transactional speed, kSteem blockchain wallets once the as well as its crowdfunding and prediction has been finalized. Inter-consensus mechanics. player account transfers are also free t and instant. Steem already has a consensus voting p” feature, it was mostly used to give s Lastly SteemSports hosts a wealth ofcontent writers rewards from the ngengaging content, pre-game synopsisblockchain via a daily pool distributed ur and statistics which make the featuredto the most upvoted content. % Prediction Games come alive andSteemSports initially bootstrapped its etbridges the gap between a cold project around the blog structure pswagering odds based website anddirectly within, using the ervibrant sports content publishers. vanilla voting system to allow players g to vote on sports and prediction game e.What is Steem and why did outcomes. It evolved with a custom SteemSports decide to integrate its web application to process transactions dPrediction Market Gaming and distribute “FREE” winnings from h platform with the Steem post upvote rewards to the voters in

distributed to the most upvoteddevelopers onto the platform to help content. bootstrap our project with the commo passion for sport and a goal of growin SteemSports initially bootstrapped its the value and utility of the Steem project around the blog structurecurrency. directly within, using the vanilla voting system to allow playersWhat about security of player’s to vote on sports and prediction gamefunds? outcomes. It evolved with a custom web application to process transactionsThe Steem wallets are decentralized and distribute “FREE” winnings frommeaning no bank or business own post upvote rewards to the voters inthem, each account holder has thei Steem Power which is a gamification own private keys for ultimate trustles token on Steem, these tokens are security. Idle funds stay fully withi convertible to a liquid digital currencythe control of the player, and in the on a weekly basis across a 3 monthcase of Steem Backed Dollar as conversion period. virtually pegged 1:1 to the US Dolla We have recently introduced PAY using unique market balancing PLAYS with real Digital Currency pool adjustment rules, ensuring the fund based Prediction Games using theare securely hedged against pric Steem blockchain to facilitate fluctuations and the Digital Currenc transactions and will be offering mostretains real world value for the duratio games in this format with only featuredof the PLAYS while earning dynamic games having FREE PLAYS options. interest of 6 to 10% APR from the Steem blockchain when not being The unique thing about Steem is thatused. the blockchain is designed to hold Only the Steem account posting privat written content data, which makes for keys are stored in our database, thes easy content creation and publishing.are the keys that allow voting and The community had already drawncommenting so it is not a monetary talented, like-minded writers andsecurity risk. The active private key


pcontrol the payment of funds and theas a risk-free sandbox for novices to onweb-app requires these to be enteredtry their hand at Prediction Market ngin every time the player enters into a gaming. All that is required is to have m“PAY PLAY” game, the active key is a Steem blockchain account and select not stored in the database, nor in thethe outcome for the predicted win, the browser or cookies on the client side.FREE PLAY initiates an upvote on the blockchain for entry into the prediction There is also a Manual Play option and adds monetary value to the where players can pay the Digitaloutcome sponsored by the daily Steem d,Currencies directly from their Steemrewards pool, at no direct cost to the nswallets to @steemsports on the Steemplayer. r blockchain using the memo given for ssthe particular selected outcome. Will your platform add value to the in Steem Cryptourrency? e Anonymous participation is often s highly sought after, a Steem social SteemSports is the first commercial arprofile includes a Digital Currencyuse-case application for Steem that g blockchain wallet for secure Steem creates real demand for the Steem and dsand Steem Backed Dollar (SBD) Steem Dollar Digital Currencies and as cetransacting and holding. This makesother businesses come to see this and cyit attractive to players who seek to understand the transactional benefits, onplay and not give up their identity for there will be increased adoption of c security and identity theft reasons,Steem for transactional business e especially when high stakes aremodels. g involved that could involve localised attacks on one’s person. The price of Steem should rise as a teYou mentioned you also have a FREE result and the increased demand for sePLAY option, tell us about that? SBD will help keep it at a stable peg d FREE PLAY options on featured to the US Dollar. ygames also currently act as a faucetThe easy-to-participate model will ysfor earning Steem Power tokens to act encourage non-bloggers to the

The price of Steem should rise as a result and the increased demand for SB will help keep it at a stable peg to the US Dollar.

The easy-to-participate model will encourage non-bloggers to the platfor to participate in games and receive rewards, thus giving positive support the overall market cap of Steem. What’s in store for the future?

The sky is the limit really, there are so many ways to engage with sporti communities, from merchandising currently available on to sponsorships from sporting brands.

In terms of functionality SteemSports hopes to continuously improve t overall gaming experience, create leaderboards, user specific statistics a visualisations as well as performance improvements in interfacing with t blockchain.

Expansion into other “Coin� communities are on the cards, such as Ethereu and bitcoin, incorporating their native chains and custom-labelling t respective web-apps.

There will be an umbrella company for all the sites, will be us to launch our own investor token with a profit share model and we are current looking into finding suitable ICO escrow and advertising partners in Janua 2017.



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Conscious Life Installation Guide

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Chapter 1

There is an energy that exists inside of you, it is the most precious of all giftsBecause we live our lives in an arbitrar in the universe … and even though itway … like we just expect to wake up may be difficult to imagine at times …each morning … we don’t realize tha it is truly a gift, the present that waswe are born into the world each and given to us without condition. If youevery day … we are given a brand new need to experience this gift in a tangibleday and we spend our time in it like i way … just close your eyes and take a is an infinite commodity. There i deep breath … and feel the life forcealmost an expectation of time bein enter your being. unaccountable, of being limitless … until we reach that moment when i And as you begin to feel that sense ofdawns upon us that life has passed u ‘being alive’ you may understand howby like a thief in the night. We have it is that we tend to take so much of been waiting at the station of life and life for granted, because it is only whentrain after train has passed us by … there is a threat of losing somethingand we just decided in each moment… that we are awaked to the possibilityI’ll take the next one … or the nex … even the fear … of it being taken one … or the next one … and we neve away. Consider for a moment … how actually get on for a ride … but we much is a breath is worth to you? Now were busy watching the trains … picture yourself stuck under water …sometimes we will even catch a train your lungs about to explode … now and get off at the next available stop how much is a breath worth to you? So you need to stop and think abou those moments of time … and be read Each breath that you take is an to jump on … climb aboard, and go affirmation … a signal to the universewhere you want to go and if the train that you possess life force … and you that stops at your station is the wron are here to claim the inheritance of thatone … is taking you to a destination life which belongs to you. You have that you don’t want to go to anymore been given many gifts, but you have then get off and buy a ticket for the to claim them … and the treasures thatright one. But keep your eyes out for these gifts will unveil for you are it, because you don’t want to miss tha unlimited. However, they will not lookone. for you, you have to go get them … you have to recognise and own them. In the chaos and confusion of life, it


complexities … its raw and Most people will have moments of ryuncompromising ways …it can be conscious awareness perhaps a few p difficult to see the part we play in it.times a day. Some people live complete atAnd because life is not a creation ofout of awareness for most of their life, dMankind, there are no instructionsbecause they are creatures of emotion, w showing us how to perform in it. Howor they live in effect … or even in the itam I supposed to feel? … how am I effect of others effect … for example issupposed to act? … What is it that I… If you find yourself saying ngam here to do? … What is my purpose?something like “He/She makes me so …… What is my message? Having a mad …” or “I can’t help but feel …” t reason to exist is the ultimate questionthen yes, you are living in effect. Nousthat every single Human Being on theone can ‘make you feel’ anything, you e planet asks themselves at one time ordo that to yourself. Anything that is danother … and the truth is that verycreated internally, like emotions, …few find the answer, because they arepersuasions, tendencies … even fear, …not listening or they are preoccupiedanger, guilt, anxiety, depression etc. xtwith distractions you have control over. Your internal er representation of the world … how you e And so it is, that we can simply drift ‘perceive’ things, which is a product of … in and out of living a conscious life. your filters, your values and beliefs … nWe can have fleeting moments of determines your state of mind, which p. clarity when we are able to raise ourin turn is displayed in all its glory … utvibration to a level that draws other as your behaviour. dypeople in … but you must understand,Ideally, we wish to make conscious o that this is by no means a sure firedecisions each and every waking n way of attracting positive energy, in moment. Living awareness in this ngfact by raising your levels of energy manner however is no small feat. We nyou are guaranteed to attract peopleare constantly distracted by the white e, from all walks of life, positive andnoise of mainstream media, advertising e negative … it is purely by the choices and promotions of all things political, r you make consciously, that you are commercial and ultimately atable to filter the results and makepsychological … and because of this decisions that set your life stage, andconstant bombardment of unnecessary life will play out its magical theatre. information, we tend to hook-up to a s train of thought, that rides across the

are constantly distracted by the whiteuncertainty, which is the cause of much noise of mainstream media, advertisingof our dis-comfort, disstress and finall and promotions of all things political,dis-ease. If we end up living our live commercial and ultimately based on the opinions of others instea psychological … and because of thisof our own carefully nurtured thought constant bombardment of unnecessaryand feelings about ourselves a information, we tend to hook-up to apowerful individuals, the future is no train of thought, that rides across theonly difficult to see, but we live a life surface of our mind, like oil over water out of control, because in playing ou … and has very little to do with athe expectations of others who are ye conscious awareness, more rather to present their latest version of who automation or mechanics of the mind,they believe we are, we are prone to unconscious thinking like driving a car,fear of the unknown which leads to or riding a bike, even under persuasion distrust of everything and everyone. of group think mentality like ‘ go alongAnd it is within this uncertainty tha to get along’ type thinking. our inner most thoughts wreak havo on our lives. The self-talk that we foste So if you feel in yourself that you are speaks to us in ways that reflect ou being swept up by the crowd, take a inner dis-harmony and so the moment to think about what yourconsequent behaviours that we values are … the attributes thatoutwardly manifest become toxic determine what kind of decisions youeven life threatening. It is this ‘inne make … are you genuine? … do you voice’ that is the cause of much of our value authenticity? … do you reallyexperience in life. It can serve us wel care how other people are treated? …or it can destroy us from the inside ou do you respect all people with equality?… because what you feel on the inside … are you living up to your own is what you project to the outside … expectations or the expectations thatif there is no enemy within, the enemy other people place on you? … are you outside can do us no harm. living your life or the life that otherSo we must take back control of tha people project on to you? inner voice. You must be strong within This is so very important to understand,yourself in what you let that inner voice because if you have no point of say … and how it speaks to you. You reference to your own identity … who must be firm and commanding as yo you are … this leads you to live withbegin to change the negative


hneurological wiring that has beenthe final projection on the screen of lyslowly but surely reinforcing itself overlife’s stage portrays a gripping story estime. As strange as it may seem … itthat faithfully displays your true adis all in your mind. You exist inside selfimage to the world … and people tsthe most incredible piece of machinerywill want to see this movie and each asin the universe … from the feelingsepisode of your series again and again otfrom your gut to the inside of yourand again. ehead and throughout the entireConsider each thought that you utphysical expanse of your body … it isentertain as a seed that is planted in etmore powerful than you can possiblythe fertile soil of your mind. Now the obegin to imagine. The latest scientificsoil does not care what is planted … o discoveries that have been observedso long as the seed is watered and oin the brain regarding neuroplasticityattention is given, it will grow and and the structure of communicationsmature and the fruit that it will provide atthat happen between every single cellyou with will be bountiful. Notice that ocin our body, have unveiled the soil of your mind has no opinion, ermagnificence on a scale never beforeits job is to produce what it is instructed urthought possible. With regard to ourto produce … and that is determined ethoughts and feelings, how we areby the seeds that you pant. It is therefore e selfprogrammed by the conscious andnecessary to ensure that the most c,unconscious mind … it is little wonderauthoritive inner voice … the voice that erthat our planet is in such turmoil whenhas the greatest power and influence r you look at the value and content of over you … is the inner voice that llmental stimulation and programmingsupports what, who and how you would utthat many of our institutions serve uslike to be. e,daily. And this is the essence of conquering … your life … because its ability to grow yIt is paramount that we start toand the direction it takes is ultimately purposefully administer the content ofdetermined by the sustenance that you at our mind … how we speak to ourselvesprovide. It is one of the most important n and what information we allow in. Itof life’s instructions. All of lifes e shapes our energy ... our being ... our experiences are shaped by this single u humanity and our destiny. It is thefactor. What you put in is what you get oustoryline behind the movie of our lifeout and whether or not you can e and it requires editing correctly so thatunderstand the complexities of living

And this is the essence of conquering your life … because its ability to growAnd over a short period of time, when and the direction it takes is ultimatelyyou have dislodged the old neuro determined by the sustenance that youconnections that have been causing provide. It is one of the most importantyou so much uncertainty … as the old of life’s instructions. All of lifesmind set shifts into a new gear and experiences are shaped by this singleyou start to live a more conscious life factor. What you put in is what you by installing the good thought pattern get out and whether or not you can that encourage positive growth and understand the complexities of livingdirection, not only will you feel a whol in a quantum world … where we are lot better about life and about yourself intimately connected to each other …you will begin to see your unique you really need to experience this as apurpose … your story will unfold … universal truth, because this one singleyour gift, that special gift that only you instruction will determine the outcomecan provide the world will shine ou of your life. from you and life will take on new meaning. Your vision will open out … Make a conscious decision today toyou will see things differently … change your thinking habits. If you arecolours will become brighter … you sick and tired of being sick and tiredsenses will spring into action as if yo …. repeating the same old experiencesare only just waking from a long day in and day out … lacking slumber … days will become motivation to even get out of bed … increasingly better for you and the wandering through life aimlessly notgreatest version of yourself will begi knowing which way to turn … to appear. I promise you … your inne searching for answers to the questionlight will shine a brightness that wi of why you are even here … please cause you to live like never before understand that this is temporary andAnd as you share this experience … it will drastically change and soon asby living each day with your truth … you adapt a new mind model. A mind you will, by your actions, quite literall model that allows you to be in controlchange the world around you. of your thoughts, your decisions andLIFE TECHNIQUE #1 – CONTROL dreams of what you choose to be, whoOF THE INNER VOICE you want to become and where it is that you want to go. Firstly … you actually have two brain


and I’m not speaking of the left andgo ahead and notice how ridiculous it nright hemispheres of your brain butsounds. Repeat it as much as you like o something rather surprisinglyfor full effect. gdifferent. It is well known in research d circles that you also have a It doesn’t take long before that inner d ‘heartbrain’. It is like a separatevoice loses its authority and you will e,neurological pathway … the intuitivehave freed up the space needed to begin nsnervous system if you will … and it planting the seeds of your personal dinteracts in a special way with thedevelopment. This exercise may sound le‘head-brain’ to produce acuteweird and a little bit eccentric, but it is f,functions of awareness, guaranteed to work after a short period eunderstanding and intuition. of time, so don’t give up. … u There is a difference between your Now that we have some fertile soil utinner voice and what your ‘gut’ is available on the rich landscape of our w telling you. It is important tomind, lets go ahead and start planting … distinguish the difference. So, as yousome fresh seeds. Seeds that are going … might now understand, we mustto empower us to accept ourselves as urcontinue to listen inwardly to able humans, being all we are supposed uourselves, but also be able to separateto be and building the superstructure g the ‘Heart-Brain’ inner voice from thethat will reinforce our plants because e ‘Head Brain’ inner voice we are going to need as much support e as possible. We need to ensure that nWhenever, and I mean every time youyour character is able to support the erhear an ‘inner voice’ speak to you inweight of the fruit that your behaviour lla negative way … repeat the phrase is going to harvest. e. in your mind using a voice that sounds …funny or stupid to you and turn theI want you to write out the following …volume right down. For example if list in your own writing. There’s yyou hear yourself saying in your headsomething about the art of writing that “I’m such an idiot” repeat it internally helps us to internalize things in a more in the voice of micky mouse, donaldcomplete way, so although you can just duck or goofy or any voice that give type these lines out, I feel you will get the words a comical flavour … and better value by writing them by hand nsmake that voice much quieter. Now, and please do add as many more as

I want you to write out the following list in your own writing. There’s something about the art of writing that helps us to internalize things in more complete way, so although you can just type these lines out, I feel you will get better value by writing them by hand and please do add as many more as you wish, I’ve just provided this list as a starter. When you have finished … put the list somewhere where you can see it every morning . on the mirror as you brush your teeth … on the doorway as you leave you bedroom … on the refrigerator as you reach for your breakfast … anywhere you can see it first thing to remind yourself to speak these words to yourse as a morning ritual.

I guarantee that after just one week of practising LIFE TECHNIQUE #1 – CONTROL OF THE INNER VOICE … your soul will start to sing … your heart will begin to smile and your life will never be the same again



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ICOv2 is complete!

Thank you all for your support! As you all know, we raised 307 bitcoin and Bittrex distributed the 11,415,628.00 tokens to the appropriate accounts that participated. Trading is on, Bittrex platform has enabled the market.Here is a recap of how the 50,000,000 tokens became 14,055,048. Distribution plan:

You may send your Sigassets (Sigfarm and Sigwonet) immediately


DARCRUS UPDATE to NXT-QCAU-KHG7-7ZH5-8KTB9. I want you to have your Darcrus in your account as soon as possible.

Sigassets (Sigfarm and Sigwonet) will be manually transferred from you to NXT account NXT-QCAU-KHG7-7ZH5-8KTB9. When I receive assets to this account, you will receive Darcrus tokens to the account in which the assets are sent at a rate of 27%. For example, if you transfer 16,600 SIGFARM assets from account NXT-THIS-ISNT-MINE-TOKEN, you will receive 4,4 82 Darcrus tokens back to your account NXT-THIS-ISNT-MINE-TOKEN. You have until December 31st, 2017 to swap Sigassets to Darcrus. After this date, Darcrus left is donated to the Dev Fund.

For any and all bounties, you will receive your Darcrus tokens at the NXT address you provided during the campaign or by withdrawing from The Viral Exchange when it is enabled. Bounties distribution and TVE withdrawal will be enabled before or on January 12th, 2017.



The Dev Fund and future bounties will stay in the Darcrus Public Account (NXT-64E7-7BWK-8ZVP-4GQCT) until needed. These are reduced by 73% as well.


New Frontiers

As we move along this journey, I’ll release a ‘newsletter’ or blog posts to ensure you all are informed about progress with the software partnerships, and sales. I’ve not decided the frequency, but ever other week is a good starting point in these beginning times. Ther are a lot of moving parts right now and it is a very exciting time to be in this ecosystem.

This afternoon I met with Stan fromC3 Technologies to speak about dAppsheets and Jupiter. He is very impressed and we spent almos 6 hours discussing how it works, why it works so well, and what it can do for a business. After giving him a demonstration of Jupiter, we came up with a few use cases he would like to see. Stan has an extensive background in many verticals (Intelligence community, IT



private investigation, remote environmental sensors, etc) with a plethora of industry contacts. Unofficially and on his own accord, he has started passing information along to some contacts about Darcrus and dAppsheets. For now, there are no formalized agreements between C3 Technologies LLC and myself. This is due to not having a legal business entity. So….

In preparation for the future of Darcrus, dAppsheets, Jupiter, and the other eventual products I organized the legal business. Sigwo Technologies LLC is official! I needed to create the business entity for multiple reasons, chiefly for NDAs, the forming teaming (or partnering) agreements for contract work, and to apply for federal contracts. I will be working this weekend to complete DUNS, SAMS, and a few other registrations to complete my eligibility for federal government contracts and grants.

g I will be working on the use cases in the next few weeks for another e, demonstration with C3 Technologies and a trip to Tampa, FL for y larger demonstration This trip doesn’t have a hard re date yet, but I am planning to meet up prior to Valentine’s Day. o

st t , n T,

Thank you all and we have a bright 2017 and beyond :)


are separated and encrypted, the cannot be “stolen” or viewed, no even by the nodes that store the files

When a user uploads a file, It is firs encrypted using client-side encryption (the reference implementation uses AES256 Storj is a decentralized cloud storageCTR) and divided into multiple file platform that aims to provide ain a process known as “sharding” competitive and secure alternativeThese files will be divided accordin to traditional cloud hostingto the specifications of the uploade solutions. It allows users to uploadsince shard size is a negotiable their files, which are then shredded,contract parameter in the Stor encrypted, and distributed toprotocol. An audit pre-processing multiple decentralized nodes acrossis performed for each shard, and the globe. Users can negotiatethey are then transmitted across th storage contracts, transfer data,network to various nodes that have verify the integrity and availabilitymade their HDD space previousl of remote data, retrieve data andavailable for rental. pay other nodes These nodes that are willing to shar This system provides multipletheir HDD space are then rewarded advantages to traditional solutions,with Storj coins (SJCX), a not only are your files always Counterparty asset issued on th accessible as there is no server Bitcoin blockchain. The payment is downtime, but it also allows saidproportional to the amount of dat files to be stored in a more securethey are safe-keeping for the and private environment since theyuploaders.



ey to store files is known as Mining or otThe result is a decentralized service“Farming” Storj and can be done by s.that is much more secure, private,anyone that has extra storage space efficient, and cheaper. At $0.015 to monetize (The more space you stGB / month for file storage and have, the more Storj Coins you’ll e $0.05 per GB for bandwidth, Storjget). Click here to learn how. e is currently ahead of the 6- competition by providing a moreAlthough still in Beta, Storj is esadvanced service for roughly halfcurrently being used by many and ”. the price. With Storj there are nohas managed to reach a remarkable ngsetup fees or minimum usage, youmilestone with1 PB (1,000 TB) of erpay what you use. data stored on their network, setting e the stage for the next phase of rj"Decentralized file storage systemsdevelopment, the v6.0 release. glike Storj have the potential to deliminate high markup costs and“We are also re-architecting hemarket inefficiencies and providetunneling and data channels for our ea much higher level of privacy, v6.0 release. This new architecture yreliability and quality of servicewill enable a very exciting than we see today" Vitalik Buterin,integration coming at the beginning Ethereum of next year. No details yet; we don’t re want to spoil the surprise!” Storj dFor those that want to learn moreBlog a about Storj, a new version of the hewhitepaper (V2)has recently been s released and can be read by anyone tathat is looking to get a more ine depth knowledge of the system. The process of setting up a node



creating an order matching service tha Development Update Waves’ DEX (decentralised exchange), will allow trades to be executed in near aka Matcher was released on testnet two realtime, whilst they are still settled o weeks ago and is going through review/ the blockchain for security. This testing process.You can download the combination is unique. update hereand help with testing. Please join the #fullnode and #testnet-Flexibility. Instead of trading against a maintainers channels on our Slack. As single reference currency (the native ever there are bounties for identifying token of the blockchain platform), replicable, serious bugs. In the Waves will allow any token to be traded meantime, Mass Payment and Asset against any other token. As well as Burn features were released ontestnet offering greater utility, since it will be and will be available on mainnet soon. possible to exchange currencies like CNY, EUR and USD directly, it avoids Our aim with the Matcher is to build the problems associated with asset something both quantitatively and being priced in a single, rising or falling qualitatively different from the existingcurrency. decentralised exchanges offered by other platforms, let alone centralisedFlexible fees. Orders (bids, asks and exchanges, with a view to mass-market cancellations) can be placed withou cost. The only fees are paid upon adoption. Differences include: execution of a trade. Fees can be also Speed. Waves assets are structured on paid in any token accepted by miners a simplified payment verification (SPV) while WAVES token is being converted scheme that is based on improved in the background and still used as a fue authenticated dynamic dictionaries approach, which allows the system to Increased Safety. Whenever user scale with ease. Furthermore, achooses to provide mining or matching combination of the DPOS (Delegated services to earn fees, his tokens may Proof of Stake) and LPOS (Leased Proof reside in personal account all the tim of Stake) approaches will allow for thanks to LPOS and assets specs processing the transactions faster andFurthermore, Waves team is aiming to more efficient. Moreover, we are bring 2FA on the blockchain.



at connecting freelancers with employers. r-Business Update The ‘Uber of time’ will use time-based onWe are actively working on setting up cryptocurrency tokens to pay workers. s gateways. This is largely an These stable, inflation-proof Labour organisational rather than technicalHour (LH) tokens will trade on a matter. We have a series of related decentralised exchange in return for a initiatives in the pipeline, though thelabour and other currencies. The result e community will appreciate that we will be something like a decentralised , cannot give details until these have beenversion of Upwork, for many key d confirmed. professions. LH will be a robust store of s value and will appeal to crypto traders e In the ICO space surrounding Waves, seeking to park funds without e the Tokes Platform and ChronoBank withdrawing them from the crypto s are currently holding their crowdfunds. ecosystem. 5% bonus is still available. tsBoth projects are aiming to launch their g tokens on Waves platform. Tokes aims Anyone who would like to work with to capitalise on the growing legal/ Waves is invited to join our Slack to medical marijuana movement in the discuss it further, and for technical d US. Funds will be used for ‘acquisition assistance. Please email utand development of a state-of-the-art for an n cannabis cultivation, production, andinvitation. o dispensary facility in the state of s Nevada. Capital raised during the ICO Sasha recently held an AMA answering will be dedicated to procuring thecommon questions about Waves. You el.licenses and facilities necessary tocan see the recording here, or read the operate a 100% state-legal medical full transcript here. marijuana enterprise.’ Profits will be g shared with token-holders via dividends/releases/. Anyone can run a node, but y or buybacks, pending legal you will need at least 10,000 WAVES to generate blocks. You can read the meclarification. installation guide here. s. o ChronoBank seeks to disrupt the short-For regular users the Lite client can be term recruitment industry, bydownloaded from https://wavesplatform.


Happy new year to all the Waves services. WCT holders will be able to community! We’re looking forward to vote on whether a project appears a great year ahead. worthwhile, based on their researc and opinion. WCT holders will Waves Community Token therefore receive a constant stream o assets in time. As a CAT, WCT can Now that token functionality has been of course be transferred and trade launched on Waves network, we are freely. In summary WCT aims to: going to start using it to benefit the Waves ecosystem. The Waves Reward long-term holders of WAVES Community Token (WCT) will be Encourage holders to keep funds off distributed over the course of theexchanges following nine months. The first tranche of 20% will be distributed afterFoster community engagement in the 15 January, based on an average of wider Waves ecosystem the WAVES balance held in each address from 1-15 January. Eight Create a framework for providing tranches of 10% will be distributed community-based KYC/screening of after 15th of each subsequent month, new assets based on the average balance over that month. Only balances held in local You can find out more about WCT on wallets are eligible – WAVES held on the Waves blog. exchanges will not receive WCT. Byteball Windfall WCT is a community asset designed to serve a number of purposes. One of the first rewards to be Amongst other things, it will act as adistributed to WCT holders will be th kind of DAO that will operate in Byteball windfall gained by registering conjunction with the forthcomingsome of the BTC held in Waves’ ICO voting system. Asset issuers will be funds. (Byteball is being distribute able to distribute a proportion of theirto BTC holders; no investment or loss crowdfunded tokens in return for someof control of bitcoins is required, only



o signing a message with a BTC bugs. s address.) Sasha managed to make 35 chBTC with Byteball, and this will be Waves Challenge l distributed as a BTC token to WCT ofholders after the first tranche of WCT Do you want to win 1,000 WAVES or n distribution. At this point, the tokena Waves t-shirt and laptop sticker? dwill take the form of an IOU, which Then head over to https://xakep. will be redeemable for bitcoin once ru/2016/12/29/coding-challenges-wavesthe first BTC gateway is operational. platform/ (click for English translation) and solve the puzzles you’ll find there. f Development Update Send your answershere. The first set of correct answers received will win The first version of Waves mobile app 1,000 WAVES, with two runners-up e has been completed and is currently receiving a t-shirt and sticker. in testing. We hope to release it to the community soon. Business Development Update g f We have a new Waves block explorer! Sasha has recently been featured on The preview is available at www. FinTech Profile. You can read his Q&A You can use this to here. He recently held a separate AMA n check Waves addresses, blocks or also, answering a number of common transactions. If you have feedback for questions about Waves, which you can Abuelau and Hawky, who created it, listen to or read the full transcript. please submit it at http://feedback. Anyone who would like to work with Waves is invited to join our Slack to e discuss it further, and for technical eMeanwhile, DEX is still in assistance. Please email gdevelopment on testnet. You can for an download the new update hereand invitation. edhelp with testing. Please join the s #fullnode channel on our Slack. There ChronoBank and the Tokes Platform y are bounties for identifying replicablecontinue to hold their ICOs, both


Waves, which you can listen to or read the full transcript. Anyone who would like to work with Waves is invited to join ou Slack to discuss it further, and for technical assistance. Please em for an invitation.

ChronoBank and theTokes Platform continue to hold their ICOs, both planning to release tokens on Waves network when they finish. I the new year, further projects will be crowdfunding with a view distributing CATs for their projects, bringing support, visibility an transaction volumes to the Waves network. Waves Nodes and Lite Client Reminders

If you would like to run a full node, please download the latest releas at Waves/releases/. Anyone can ru a node, but you will need at least 10,000 WAVES to generate blocks. You can read the installation guide here. For regular users the Lite client can be downloaded from https:// Do not download the client from other source for security reasons. (Please be aware that there have been issues wi fake github repositories, as well as fake Twitter accounts and Slac identities.) Alternatively, the standalone Chrome app will automatica update as new versions are released. Waves Weekly Crypto Roundup

WWCR will be back next week, after the holiday. Our festive episode #13 features ChronoBank. There will be plenty of news, marke



analysis and updates in episode #14! ur mail

h In to nd Press and Articles

Waves Platform Teams With Moscow Incubator for Fintech Startup Program ses Waves Community Token (Waves blog) un The Dawning of the Age of the ICOs . Big Business and Blockchain: Linux vs Windows WAVES Releases Full Nodes and Assets: A Novel Approach for Public Blockchains es How to Mine Waves? ith ck Papers ally Enhancing Scalability with Improved Authenticated Dynamic Dictionaries

e et

Tools Waves Block Explorer






core View CORE's End of the Month Report HERE

core asset CORE is a blockchain-powered fund, an asset listed on the NXT Asset Exchange. We generate revenue from multiple investments as well as "dynamic revenue" streams. CORE is a big believer in the BTC, WAVES, SuperNET, NXT, DECENT and many other platforms. CORE is also backed by gold, silver, USD and BTC while also investing in technologies which we believe are beneficial to humankind as a whole. January CORE Reward: Distribution of 1.041 superBTC to 145 assetholders. 0.00000199 superBTC per asset. CORE ID: 18026565504333172181

You can find more info on Bitcoin core media asset CORE Media is the PR branch of CORE, a project and digital asset issued on the NXT blockchain. CORE Media's vision is to act as a megaphone of sorts for legitimate businesses and projects built on the most innovative blockchain-based platforms. Content that is created for the website will be paid for by this asset which creates another opportunity to bring returns for asset holders on a monthly basis. The CORE Team intends to create a vast network of media contacts inside and outside of crypto, acting as a bridge between the two worlds. CORE Media aims to be an information repository and broadcasting network of truth, wisdom and integrity.

CORE Media ID: 1584198250936051677


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