Flappy Bird on a Blockchain Adventure
CryptoDice https://luckydapps.com/
If you can remember, Flappy
Exciting news for Flappy Birds
Bird was a big and popular
fans came out, commenting
game in 2014. Everyone who
on how the EOS blockchain is
had smartphones play Flappy
now hosting a clone of Flappy
Bird on their mobiles and rage
Bird. The greatest part of it all
every time the bird flops. Even
is that players are allowed to
online influencers and YouTube
play the game for free once
personalities play it on their
every 12 hours. Players could
hoping of
playing the game as they try
they did—for either being good
to become better at it, since
at it or just raging at how bad
the best players are the ones
they are.
who get incentives. Dividends, which will depend on volume, are also available to earn for
Despite the exciting news and notwithstanding the number of users Flappy Bird had in 2014, its EOS clone is not yet gaining much attention. This is partly because not all of its fans before are crypto fans today. But it’s still on the running and we should give it more time before we take judgment on the game especially since blockchain games are on the rise anyway.
Source: Read the story from Smartereum: https://smartereum.com/47638/blockchain-gaming-former-ios-gameflappy-bird-will-make-a-comeback-on-the-eos-blockchain-eosblockchain-gaming/