Top 3 Reasons for Professional Cleaning of Solar Panels
Restrain the Piling-up of Dust and Dirt
There are raw and crude dust elements as well as dirt that will darken the surface of a solar panel, reducing its maximum potentiality. If you frequently don’t get your solar panels cleaned, they will not operate at the optimum level you deserve. What is the point in adversely affecting your hard-earned investment and energy savings?
Eradicate the Poop
No matter whichever way you install them, solar panels are vulnerable to the threat of bird droppings. You might ignore this as a natural process. But, remember that the droppings don’t easily wash away due to rain. This will minimize the amount of light accessing the solar cells, thus drastically reducing the total output of energy generation. Moreover, most of the solar panel manufacturers believe that as far as the performance of solar panels is concerned, the pile-up of these droppings will negatively impact the ability of the panels to function according to their potential.