Crystal d e Lourd es Barraza
Table of
Content Architecture 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Crossroads Rehabilitation Los Angeles Connection Station perfunctory inquisition of Monterrey Savannah chatham intercultural mediateque LeConte Woodmanton Plantation The Bulwak Typology Disoriented Through the Human Psyche & Five Senses
Sketches Furniture 08 Digital Modeling and Fabrication 09 Luminescene 10 Iconic Design Photography
Crossroads Rehabilitation H.O.P.E. Center Helping Other Prosper Everywhere Rehabilitation Center location Chicago, IL
Designing metaphorically with the idea of the puzzle, the architecture shows how using an existing building connects a neighborhood. Adapting to reuse a school in the greater Englewood allows to connect the idea of rehabilitating both a person and a building. The focus is on exploring the integration of social services, counseling, education and safety for the residents of Englewood that empowers them to prevent gang violence and improve society. The architecture has integrated social services and gang prevention programs
that will promote a safer environment, elevating the living quality of the community and residents. Exploring the idea of creating a prototype center in the heart of the issue for the community that will foster social service in gang preventions and counseling. The intent is to create a program that will serve as an ambassador trade and life skill training center for the city of Chicago.
Proposed Site Plan
1. Building Parking 2. Re-Entry Residency to Society 3. Courtyard 4. Police Branch Residency 5. HOPE Center for Rehabilitation 6. Overfill Parking
Existing Surrounding Conditions
Ground Floor Plan
Proposed Conditions for the Sidewalks Included
W 62ND ST Bus Stop
Emergency Exit
Mindfulness Counseling
Storage/ Maintance Room
Emergency Exit
Anger Management
Life Skills
10 7
Waiting Area
9 transitional
Playground 10
Police Residency Courtyard
ADA Room 15
Reentry Residency
10 10 2 1
1. Mechanical Room 2. Gym 3. Kitchen 4. Dining Room 5. Lounge/ Play Room 6. Gym Court 7. In-House Police Branch 8. Video Surveillance 9. Main Office 10. Bathroom 11. Counseling Office 12. Classroom 13. Storage 14. Intervention Center 15. Computer Lab 16. Meeting Room 17. Conference Room 18. Crisis Center 19. Office Egress Elevator
Exit/ Entry Towards Parking
Exit/ Entry Towards Parking
Second Floor Plan 5 5
4 3
2 5
11 1
5 13
1. In-House Police Branch 2. Video Surveillance 3. Classroom 4. Meeting Room 5. Outdoor Lounge 6. Computer Lab 7. Lounge 8. Office 9. Conference Room 10. Bathroom 11. Storage 12. Audio Center 13. Police Residency 14. Re-Entry Residency 15. Gym
North Elevation
Third Floor Plan 5
1. In-House Police Branch 2. Video Surveillance 3. Classroom 4. Collaborative Space 5. Outdoor Lounge 6. Computer Lab 7. Mock-Up Space 8. Conference Room 9. Outdoor Patio 10. Meeting Room 11. Office 12. Bathroom 13. Storage
2 10
Exploring the Form of the Facade
Existing Wall
Secondary Wall (With Punch Ins)
Tertiary Wall (Punch Outs)
Curved Roof Section Detail Roof Membrane Coverboard Insulation 6” Thermal Insulation Vapor Retarder Membrane Fixing Arm Plywood Sheathing - 2 Layers I-Beam
Custom Aluminium Gutter
Fountation Detail 1/2” Finished Drywall 1 1/2” Metal Furring 2” Insulation 1 1/4’ Airspace 8x8x16 Reinforced CMU Block Wall Tie 2” Rigid Insulation Vapor Barrier 1 1/2” Airspace Brick Insulation under slab when using radiant floor heat only
Cast Concrete Slab on Grade Waterproofing #7 @10 o.c. Tranverse, (3) #7 Long
Transverse Section
Roof Membrane Coverboard Insulation 6� Thermal Insulation Vapor Retarder Membrane Fixing Arm Plywood Sheathing - 2 Layers
Faux Wall Section Looking West
Detail Faux Wall
Custom Aluminium Gutter
Roof Membrane Coverboard Insulation 6� Thermal Insulation Vapor Retarder Membrane Fixing Arm Plywood Sheathing - 2 Layers
Custom Aluminium Gutter
Light Shelf Suspended Ceiling
Finsihed Concrete Floor
Front Facade on 62nd St
Anger Management Classroom
Los Angeles Connection Station Urban Master Planning High Speed Rail Station location Los Angeles, CA
Partnered with Kamila Silva, we connecting the surrounding buildings and the history of Downtown Los Angeles, the high speed station serves as the main connection between the existing Union Station and addtion. The site includes grooves of citrus and foral gardens in the train unction across the river. Using the history of the region, the connection of the past to the the present was a vital and essential key aspect to building the train station.
The train station is a structural element that connect the two train stations buildings going towards San Francisco and towards San Diego. History of the region allowed the connections to become realistic. The surrounding neighborhoods keyed in to allow a more walkable area.
The Perfunctory Inquisition of Monterrey PIIT Proposal - ASHRAE Competition Cooling & Heating Research Center location Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Inspired by the golden ration and local vernacular, the primary goal is to connect the site and building to the surrounding context and University. The Perfunctory Center of Monterrey is influenced by the climatic responses and program, which are derived by characteristics from the site, which has triangular shape. The center’s idea is to divide the program into two distinct branches. This allows for interaction in communal spaces herefore, the structure and site will create a uniformed environment that harmonizes the site with the existing building/ structures.
The site will serve as a transitional collaborative space. The structure’s entry becomes a direct avenue, in which the path becomes experiential. Following the site lines as a guide, the bifurcated center is clearly asymmetrical due to the building’s usage. The site and assembly will create an uniformed environment, complementing the site to the surrounding buildings and structures. The building carries an abstract representation used to analyze the proportion of the relationship of the room shapes and sizes. Influenced by the climatic responses and program, the building acquires to enhance the exterior.
North Elevation
Building Enclosure Council Competition Entry Sections
Open Office Detail Wall Section
Foundation Detail Call-out 12’ 0’ 3’ 6’ 12’
Transverse Section
Building Enclosure Council Competition Entry Sections
Savannah-Chatham Intercultural Mediatheque Community Digital Library Intercultural Mediatheque location Savannah, GA
The International Mediatheque is designed to celebrate the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Georgia. The SCAD community is also included as an overall user group. The needs of the clients are met through a 24 hour accessible library for all of Savannah-Chatham students. The public and community domain intertwine as a whole. The space is used for local events as well as a learning center. As a community, the connection through a space is highly influenced through the light from the North side.
The SCAD users wanted a place where you have all the programs needed for their studies, as well as an assigned place. The Savannah community wanted a place to celebrate their heritage, as well as place of gathering.
Axonometric Perspective
North Elevation
+ Conceptual Idea Linear Angles
Opposing the linear idea, the angled lines came from the connective line from the city and site location.
West Elevation
Linear Ideas
The final mass was construc
cted in different planes.
Skin (Faux Wall)
Using variations of shapes (arcs, circles/organic shapes, lines) that have been studied, the linear one was the most successful brining more light in, while attracting audiences.
Faux Wall Section
LeConte Woodmanston Plantation Communal Thin Places Praise House location Liberty County, GA
The idea of this project seeks to create, through thin places, by fabrication methods. The architecture intervention is conceived as a thin thread that guides users from one overlook to another. The objective of this project is to design a place for worship and praise that will accommodate various gatherings and events that take place at LeConte Woodmanston Plantation throughout the year. This place will express notions of time at a different scale, that of a lifetime.
A physical place where the boundary between heaven and earth is “thin.� Thin places happen in all kinds of moments and places, often being sacred. It is a place or an event in life where the dividing line between the holy and the ordinary is very thin to the point that the ordinary becomes holy and the holy becomes ordinary.
Praise House
Building Form Exploration
Praise House Traverse Section B
. B. TRA
. T RA
Ground Level Floor Plan
. A. T RA
Praise House Sub Floor Level Floor Plan
Time ...look back ...mark the present ...expect the future
Light House Section Cut
thin places An Apache proverb takes the idea a step further: “Wisdom sits in places.” It’s a doorway, a threshold. Seemingly simple, it is a place and an encounter that leads to a bigger, wider, unexpected, more glorious place. It is a place of light, where we encounter wisdom, and insight, and acceptance and healing. It is a place of darkness, where we encounter the question : “And who do YOU say that I am? Do you understand and believe that: I can make you aware? I can answer the question? I can heal you of that temptation that pulls the destructive trigger in your life? I can forgive you when you fail?”
Praise House- STRUCTURE
The Bulwark
Beach Bicycle Center Bicycle Storage and Repair location North Beach, Chicago, IL
The idea of this project seeks to create, through thin places, by fabrication methods. The architecture intervention is conceived as a thin thread that guides users from one overlook to another. The objective of this project is to design a place for worship and praise that will accommodate various gatherings and events that take place at LeConte Woodmanston Plantation throughout the year. This place will express notions of time at a different scale, that of a lifetime.
A physical place where the boundary between heaven and earth is “thin.� Thin places happen in all kinds of moments and places, often being sacred. It is a place or an event in life where the dividing line between the holy and the ordinary is very thin to the point that the ordinary becomes holy and the holy becomes ordinary.
Interior Perspectives
Floor Plan
12. Entrance 13. Outdoor Seating Area 14. “Anchor” Windows and Shading
13 10 11
8 7 1
1. Lobby 12 2. Lockers 3. Bicycle Parts 4. Bicycle Repair 5. Bicycle Storage 6. Office 7. Electrical Room 8. Mechanical Room 9. Restrooms 10. Cafe 11. Storage
Longitudinal Section
14 3
14 4 5
Conceptual Pulley System Intent
TypologyDisorientedThroughtheHumanPsyche&FiveSenses Urban Design
Speculative Savannah location Savannah, GA
The word psyche was defined in Latin as “animating spirit.” From the Greek origination of psykhe, the word means “the soul, mind, spirit; breath; life, one’s life, the invisible animating principle or entity which occupies and directs the physical body; understanding,” who is personified as Psykhe the beloved of Eros.
Psyche can be retrieved by the mind; the mind can disclose the distortions of authenticity that psyche has adapted to. Cursorily, it seems paradoxical that psyche is constructed in a way to primarily store distorted images of reality. Growing consciousness is capable of discovering of reality with the help in mind.
A strong distortion of reality can lead to state in which the basic function of psyche temporarily is no longer functioning. The human senses begin to take a role sustain distortions of reality and intensifying them. The psyche, like the modern architecture that reflects it, has become so directed toward a world that is rational, conscious, and functional that it has trouble remembering its parts that are dark, complex, and inarticulate. Happiness is associated not just with activity of psyche, but with activity in accordance with excellence. It is essential that architects not lose sight of the potentials for architecture to communicate and represent the human psyche and the
human condition, and not stop developing the potentials for architecture to play those roles. Human beings have examined and explored what it is to be human since the beginning of civilization, through the mechanisms of tropic language in written and visual expression, in the condition of the self-consciousness of reason. Form follows function in that the principal function of architecture is the poetic expression of the human spirit. Architecture overcomes the duality between mind and nature, and purifies and coordinates the external world through mathematics and geometry. But because the forms of architecture are inorganic, and can only imitate the organic, they are symbolic, and cannot achieve an
identity between the organic and inorganic, between the universal and particular, in the way that other art forms, and philosophy, can. Spirit cannot be contained in the material forms of architecture, and idea and form remain distinct, and can only be related abstractly. Architecture can symbolize Spirit only when it becomes independent of function as a mechanical art. It must become independent of itself, and an imitation of itself. Architecture can only be an idea or an allegory of the organic. The only way that architecture can achieve an identity of the particular in form and the universal in Idea, an identity between subjective and objective, is when it imitates its own requirements of necessity, satisfying
necessity and being independent of it at the same time. Discussion of relations between abstraction and figuration; of oscillations between the material and the conceptual; of locality and temporality in indexical marks and associative meanings. “Construction documents in architecture are projective: both as an abstract system of orthogonal projection and as a set of instructions for a future event.� Environmental psychology focuses on the interplay between humans and their surroundings.
Phenomenological Unconscious Your abstraction walks a pace and stops, then turns and poses.You must invent an architecture for your psyche, for it is unburdened by freedom.The animus has aspirations, desires. Each breath is a duet with the animus. How could you not want to believe that the collaboration will last a lifetime? The animus cannot be seen directly, as an eyeball cannot see itself, but it can be sensed and experienced, as a body senses itself when moving through a cavernous space. Spatial manifestations of the human psyche based on neurological theories of the environmental preference and aesthetic experience. The experience needs to satisfy the needs and/or desires of the built desires. The empathetic need that changes, adapts, and is perceived in relation to each other’s idiosyncrasies. The need of the wellbeing is based on your environmental preference. Typology Disoriented Influenced by surreal architecture, the constraints created to form types were utilized. The norm is broken into an acceptance of graffitti as art and a form of expression of the arftist or the “client.� What we know is changed for a world and iconic places in the future.
Digital Modeling and Fabrication
Draw | Build | Show
Through this project, one will synthesize your skills in SolidWorks to create a model and rendering, existing or by design. The model can be built using the bottom-up or top-down assembly method. Sporozoan demonstrates this method. The Lego Willis Tower shows rendering capabilities.
Using Solidworks, one will become proficient in industry-standard modeling in the software applications, and how they allow for quick, accurate and transformable visualization of designs to provide a tool to facilitate communication between designer, engineer and client.
Bent Lamp Fabrication
Inspired by the LED light by John Procario, and by Charles and Ray Eames bending method, the design began with sketches that were refined using research. The ispiration helped accentuate the bends where possible LED Strips could be arranged in both sculptural and functional.
Stage 1
Stage 2
The models helped realize the labor needed to make the mold and create the bends symmetrically, as opposed as hollowing out then placing them together.
Stage 3 A
Another Model
Final Mock Model