Monthly Newsletter Printing & Assembly Instructions
When printing the newsletter you will need to make sure to set it up appropriately. You may have to look up how to complete each step according to your printer. Not all printers are the same. Google and YouTube are great resources when you can’t get your printer settings the way you want them to flow.
Set your page layout to landscape.
Set your pages to print front to back, or duplex.
Set the page so that the staple is to the left. This will keep your pages in the format needed so that the pages are printed correctly.
Set your printing quality to standard or high. It depends on what you want the quality of your news letter to appear in.
You will need to cut the pages in half, horizontally.
Then you will take the top half of the page and place it on the bottom half.
Fold your stack in half and staple along the folded edge.
Place a piece of tape on the free-edge side of the newsletter.
Address your