Be on guard If You Have History of

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Be on guard If You Have History of Diabetes Diabetes is considered the 6th leading cause of diabetes and more and more people are getting such disease nowadays. Lack of control in eating, not living a healthy diet, and lack of exercise are just some of the things that cause diabetes. However, some people also acquired diabetes through genetics. Basically, diabetes is a condition of the body wherein the body has a high level of blood sugar or glucose. There are three kinds of diabetes and although each is quite similar to each other, they have their own causes and history. The first kind is Type I diabetes which is the condition of the body not producing enough insulin to regulate the sugar levels in the body. The second is Type II Diabetes which is the condition of the body wherein the cells can't use the insulin properly. Gestational Diabetes is the third kind which is common among pregnant women. This is also a condition wherein women suffer from high level of sugar during pregnancy. Whether it is Type I, II, or gestational diabetes, if you have history of diabetes, it is imperative that you always check your health. Undergoing a glucose level test at least once in three months would help you keep your health in check when you have already have history of diabetes. Your history of diabetes is a powerful tool for the possibility of getting another one. There has been an on-going debate as to the cause of Type II Diabetes. It is a complex condition that involves the analysis of environmental and genetic factors. This means that the family history of diabetes is an important factor in detecting whether a person has diabetes or not. In a recent study conducted by a group of doctors somewhere in Stockholm, almost 50% of population has history of diabetes and 35% of those develop diabetes in their later lives.

For pregnant women, gestational diabetes is very common and it does not only affect the health of the mother but also the life of the newborn. If the mother is diagnosed with gestational diabetes, the baby would have the tendency to be jaundice or develop diabetes mellitus in his later life. Studies show that those who develop gestational diabetes when they get pregnant are those who have history of either Type I or II Diabetes. Obesity which is one of the contributing factors of gestational diabetes is also correlated to genetic factors. So, what exactly should you do if you have history of diabetes? Doing nothing would do you no good. Thus, keeping your diet healthy, doing physical activities and a frequent visit to the doctor would be the good ways to prevent diabetes. People with history of diabetes have to take not that they are at high risk of getting one.

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