Common Signs of Diabetes and Prevention Against the Diseas Excessive eating (polyphagia) - If the body is capable, it can secrete additional insulin to deal with extreme blood sugar scales. Likewise, the body is opposed to the activity of insulin with type II diabetes. One of the roles of insulin is to arouse hunger. Hence, elevated insulin scales lead to improved hunger and eating. In spite of increased intake of calories, the individual can gain less weight or can even have weight loss. Poor healing of wound - If these cells are not functioning properly, wounds heal longer and get infected more often. Likewise, long-standing diabetes which is linked blood vessels which are thickened, preventing good flow including release of sufficient oxygen and some nutrients into the body tissues. Infections - Particular syndromes of infection, like frequent yeast contamination of genitals, frequent infections of the urinary tract and skin infections, can result from repression of immune structure by diabetes, also by existence of glucose in tissues that permits bacteria to develop well. They may be a sign of poor sugar control in the blood of persons known of having diabetes.
Blurry vision - this symptom is not particular for diabetes, however, it is often present with elevated levels of blood sugar. Altered mental status - unexplained irritability, extreme lethargy, agitation, inattention or confusion may all be symptoms of extreme high sugar level in the blood. Type II diabetes can be prevented through the following: * Regular physical activities are essential in prevention of type 2 diabetes. Doing exercises regularly can help burn out excess calories. * Control weight into normal or near to normal scales by eating healthy, high fiber and low-fat diets. * Keep alcohol utilization low. * Quit smoking, smoking is disastrous to health. * Take medication religiously as directed by your physician if your blood fat level is elevated (like high cholesterol) or elevated blood pressure.