Conservative and Self-Remedy Procedures For Sleep Apnea

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Conservative and Self-Remedy Procedures For Sleep Apnea Self Remedies Some of the self remedies can be or cannot be appropriate to you. That may be the reason why they are sometimes combined with those other treatments. Weight Loss - weight reduction can lessen the snoring sleep apnea. Increased weight can deposit fats around the tongue, soft palate and neck. Weight loss may reduce the fats and can enlarge the airway size. Regular Sleep - a person should have at least 7 1/2 - 8 hours sleeping time at night. Snoring can usually get worsen if the person is overtired. Sleep Positioning - it can be helpful if you elevate your head when sleeping and avoid sleeping on the back. The usual way of training an individual never to sleep on their back is a tennis ball. The tennis ball is being placed to the sock and pinned at the back of the shirt. Avoid Drugs that can worsen the Narrowing of Airways - Most of the sleeping pillsand alcohol may result to the relaxing of muscle of the throat that may worsen the sleep apnea or snoring. Avoid drinking alcohol 3 hours prior to the bedtime. Smoking may also trigger the snoring because of the nasal tissue swelling. Nasal Surgery The goal of the surgery is for the enlargement of airway to prevent the snoring. Because of the risk associated from anesthesia or from the operation itself, surgery is not considered to be the 1st option. Main advantage of the surgery is to get the permanent cure of the sleep problem. Septum divides the 2 nasal passages, and the deviated septum can block the nasal passages. Septoplasty is a surgery performed to the nostrils. The small opening is made inside the nostril and bone cartilage of the septum is being straightened. Endoscopic Sinus Surgery- once the polyps blocks the nasal passage way or the sinus infections has affected the nasal obstruction, the removal of polyps or sinus surgery is necessary. These types of surgeries are usually done at the nostrils for the magnifying scopes to avoid the external incision. Turbine Reduction - the turbines in the nose that are surrounded of soft tissue which functions to warm-up then moisturize air for breathing.

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