Copy of Diabetes - Type 1 Diabetes-Type-1

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Diabetes - T ype 1

Diabetes has different types. Type 1 is also called as Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) or sometimes called Juvenile onset diabetes. In this type of diabetes insulin therapy is always required. It can take place at any age, but it is most frequently diagnosed in children, adolescents, or on early adulthood. The pancreas, an organ behind the stomach produces insulin through special cells called beta cells. The insulin is necessary to go glucose into cells, then it is keep it is stored and afterward it can be use to have energy. Absolute deficiency of insulin is due to absence of Islet of Langerhans in the pancreas. The insulin that is produced by beta cells of the pancreas are completely damaged which result to body can no longer produce insulin within five to ten years. If insulin is not enough, the body is unable to use this sugar for energy. And it will results to the symptoms of type 1 diabetes.

The cause of type 1 DM is unknown, but hereditarily vulnerable people can have an immune reaction caused by a viral or it can be environmental trigger. The insulin-produced by pancreatic beta cells are erroneously attack by white blood cells. The client is thin. This is due to inability of the body to obtain glucose from carbohydrates. Therefore the body breaks down fats and protein for glucose supply. The client is also prone to Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA). In absence of insulin, fats are metabolized. There is increased production of ketones, resulting to ketoacidososis.

Signs and Symptoms Polyuria, polydypsia polyphagia Weight loss Blurred vision Slow wound healing Feeling tired or fatigued Losing the feeling or feeling tingling in your feet Diabetes is diagnosed by blood tests such as Fasting blood glucose, Random (nonfasting) blood glucose level, Oral glucose tolerance test. Another test that is used in testing type1 diabetes is called Ketone Testing.

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