Definition and Information About Prostate Prostate Gland - an organ at the base (neck) of the urinary bladder that surrounds the first part of the urethra. From the urinary bladder, urine passes through the urethra to exit from the penis. The prostate gland aids in controlling urination by pressing directly against the portion of the urethra that it surrounds. Another duty of the prostate gland is to yield some of the substances that can be seen in normal semen, such as minerals and sugar. Semen is the fluid that transports the sperm cells. A man can still survive even without prostate gland when it is omitted by the surgical treatment for prostate cancer. The normal size of the prostate gland in a young man is like the size of a walnut. During the normal aging, the gland grows bigger. Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) occurs when the prostate gland enlarges because of aging. This condition is not associated with cancer of the prostate. Both BPH and cancer of the prostate can cause the same problems in the aging men. Difficulty in urination is caused by enlarged prostate gland because it can squeeze the outlet of the bladder or the urethra. The resulting symptoms also include the slowing of the urinary stream and repeated urination particularly at night. Cancer of the Prostate - it is a malignant growth that is made up of cells from the prostate gland. The tumor grows slowly and stays at the gland for numerous years. During these years, the growth makes little or no symptoms or outward signs (abnormalities n physical test). As the cancer develops, it can scatter outside the prostate tissues around. Furthermore, the cancer can spread even farther part of the body like bones, lungs and liver. Signs and symptoms are more often associated with advanced prostate cancer.
Cancer of the prostate is the most common malignancy in American men and the second leading cause of mortality from cancers, lung cancer as the first. Because of this, most experts in this field suggest that beginning the age of 40, all men must submit for a yearly test for prostate cancer. Causes Prostate Cancer The causes of prostate cancer are not yet known. The risk factors for the prostate cancer include old age, heredity (genetics), influence on hormones and factors around such as toxins, chemicals and industrial products. Genetics - plays a role in the influence of developing the cancerous disease. Prostate cancer is prevalent among family members of persons with the cancer disease. Until now, there is no specific prostate cancer gene that id identified or verified. Testosterone`- the sex hormone of men, directly stimulates growth of both normal prostate tissue and cancer cells. This hormone is thought to be involved in development and growth of the prostate cancer. The vital implication of the role of this hormone in decreasing the level of testosterone and should be effective in inhibiting growth of cancerous cells. Environmental Factors - include the cigarette smoking and food intakes that are high in saturated fats.