Home Water Filter Information
Water streams are good substitutes for bottled water because it is economical (bottled water can cost hundreds of dollars/person in 1 year) environmentally friendly (because of the absence of plastic bottles for throwing), and it is convenient to use. Here are the different types of the water filters: Faucet stream Filters - the filter is placed directly to the top; the advantage of using this filter is the use of block-carbon filter for good and fine filtration. It is convenient to use because of the flip lever for clasping the unfiltered and filtered water. But this type of filter has its own disadvantages; it is prone to leaks, it has to be light to keep from hanging to the spout. Water flow needs to be controlled; opening tap to full can cause high pressure that can cause the filter off from the spout.
Pitcher stream Filters - this is a type of water jug that has an added top section for holding the filter, water is placed into the top then the water flows through the filter and be collected under. The advantage of this type is the reliability and long lasting, there is no possible high pressure of water that may cause stress to the filter. It is also easy to use because there is no installation that to be required and it is portable and able to be placed inside the refrigerator. However, the disadvantage of this pitcher water filter is the need of refilling manually; it has a limited capacity that has to be refilled every day or few times in a day; when the gravity drips, it will take longer before the stream is filtered.
Counter-top Filters - this type of filter is large and about a foot in height, there is a hose that is fixed from faucet spout in able to divert water into the filter. The valve will permit the water to flow and switched to the filter and out by the faucet. There are lots of benefits from this water filter system, it is convenient like the faucet to use; it utilizes block-carbon filter to produce fine filtration; there is no weight and size limitation and more reliable than the faucet filter. The disadvantage of this water filter is the difficulty in attaching the filter to the water spout of faucet outlets that are not standard. Under-Sink Water Filter - the advantage of this type of water filter is similar as the advantages that you can get from the top water filters, but the added advantage of this filter system is the filter that is placed under the sink and it does not occupy counter spaces. The disadvantage of this is the possible water leakage, because the filter is placed between the faucet and the water mains. It is not possible for switching unfiltered and filtered water if not using two faucets and the most difficult of everything is the installation of the filter.