How Important is the
Bitter Melon Extract
Health is our first priority. With the latest advancement in medical science, there are a lot of food supplement extracted from herbal plants around. One of the most commonly used medicinal plant as of the present time is the bitter melon or Momordica Charantia. It is being used from roots to tips. The plant is a green, shaped like a cucumber plant containing maximum amount of iron. Don't you know that bitter melon could treat almost all diseases? This plant is actually the origin of most herbal supplement nowadays. Bitter melons have three important components, called steroidal saponins composed of peptides, alkaloids, and charntin. These components are responsible for lowering blood sugar content and an efficient cure for the disease diabetes milletus. Other benefits of bitter melon extract include sugar regulation and it is also an aid for indigestion.According the recent statistics released the World Health Organization, as of 2009, one-third of the world's total population died of diabetes Milletus, while 72% of the total population suffering from the disease were healed using the bitter melon extract or the supplement extracted from it. Don't you know that some people even eat it as a raw product? For ready-made extracts for commercial use, we have to read the dosage of the extract, and make sure that the measurement is correct. Always follow the desired dosage based in the instructions on the bottle. At some point, it is recommended to seek an expert's advice before trying the herbal supplement because your body might react to the components accompanied with the supplements. You could take into consideration the type of disease it is treating. Well, there are some hazards if bitter melon extracts are misused and abused. Too much liquid may result to diarrhea and other intestinal illnesses. Since the seeds are also of equal importance, too much intake of the seeds might leave to headache, or the worst is comma. For pregnant women, intake of melon is strictly prohibited because of its effect with the human body. Almost all of the medical breakthroughs have rooted from the discovery of bitter melon and until now, it is highly appreciated. The discovery of the latest inventions in heightening the quality of life has expanded the range of bitter melon usage. There was an ongoing recent investigation about using it for AIDS virus treatment. Though the points and theories are still being tested up to the present, it is deemed that there is a future for these types of researches although the results are still vague. The advances of technology have resulted in the expanded usage of the bitter melon extract resulting to more production and cultivation of the plant. Since it is abundant in south Africa and Asia, Asian and African countries continue to find means on how to create a more conducive and distinct platform in treating AIDS. It might sound vague, but nothing is impossible with modern science. I might not be a very scientific person but there will come a time that the inventions in medical breakthrough will be centered on the use of organic materials in a natural