How to Play the Piano All by Yourself How to play the piano might not be as easy as pie but it can be learned and mastered with continued practice. We see people from all ages learn, strive hard to master it and eventually perfect the craft. As people see others climb the ladder of success in this field, parents tend to dream about it too for their children. Some children, too, foresee themselves becoming a renowned pianist someday. Yet, what exactly do we need to master the craft? Most people say that the first thing to do is to secure a nice and well-pitched piano yet I beg to disagree. Indeed, to be able to play it, one has to have the very thing that is need but playing and mastering it needs one important thing; that is PASSION. One, no matter how long he has been playing the instrument but without passion defies the essence of playing it. Now, once the person's heart is ready for such endeavor, he is ready for whatever trials and difficulty that comes his way. Getting a piano for oneself is an important thing. Borrowing a friend's or visiting a friend's house to play the piano wouldn't really help. This may sound like crashing your bank account or getting a loan from a friend or a bank but having a piano within your reach is a necessity. This is because you will need at least one hour a day 7 times a week to let your fingers just run through the keys naturally not to mention that your ears need to be sharp at the correct pitch all the time. ClichĂŠ as it may seem but the only way to get a standing ovation after a flawless performance is to practice all the time.
Making mistakes while playing the piano is inevitable. This means that as you play the piece, past mistakes have the tendency to come back. To avoid this, the one playing it has to learn not to make the same mistakes yet it is not easy. While learning the piece, it would be better if you do it step by step. Playing it at the right speed with accuracy is impossible on your first weeks or even months. What you have to do is to try breaking it into simpler pieces. With that, you practice playing it with minimal errors as possible. Once you think you have already mastered the keys and the pitch, try playing it with speed and accuracy and do the same thing again with the other pieces. You shouldn't stop until you can play it accurately and with fluency. Another important thing is that no matter how long it will be, it is still worth in the end. You might think that you have to end when you have mastered the piece, but learning a harder piece would make you a better player. Yet, on top of it all, the pride and fulfillment to be able to play a harder piece is priceless. Learning the ways on how to play the piano will give you a rewarding and satisfying moment on the latter part.