Macular Holes and Important Facts About It The eye is the organ for sight. It has many parts that are connected to each other so that we can see normally and clearly. If there is a malfunction on a certain part then eye problems can happen. It can make you experience specific symptoms for the certain area affected. When this happens, your whole life will be affected especially when it come to doing and performing activities every day. It will also affect your appreciation in color, pictures, shows, text formats and other things that you can perfectly appreciate with normal eye functions. The macula is an area located at the center of the retina. It has the pigment of yellow which makes it as a natural sunscreen that protects this part of the eye from damage. It is also the area where the cone cells are located. This helps us appreciate details in our vision especially when it comes to reading, watching and looking at certain objects. It is the area for our central vision and our appreciation of colors. One of the problems that would affect your sense of sight is a hole in the macula. The condition of macular holes is caused when the vitreous or the jelly-like substance of the eye shrinks. This usually happens at old age when this part of the eye reduces in size and thus has the tendency to detach from the retina which would cause the holes. Aside from that it can also be caused by very minute worms that can enter into the eye which would break into it until it reaches the retina and thus create holes. Whenever this happens, it can cause the affected person to experience symptoms related to the function of the macula. The person may have distortion in central vision. The eyes can see only the peripheral area and not the center. They may report a small black spot at the center of their view. It can also affect the person's distinction in colors. Whenever you experience this kind of symptoms, then you better consult an eye doctor immediately and seek for treatment.
There are times when the hole is too small that it would just heal itself. However when someone reaches the stage where total central vision is distorted then eye specialists would recommend an immediate macular hole surgery. This medical procedure would require a local or general anesthesia. This is a very delicate surgery because the doctor will go through delicate parts of your eye. It involves an insertion of gas so that the hole will heal by itself in the right place. This prevents the risk of detachment of the retina of the eye. After the procedure, the patient is positioned with face downwards. Usually, full recovery or the normal vision is back after surgery. But this is not true for all people. It depends on the healing process of the whole. This is one of the treatments that eye specialists recommend in order to prevent any other complications that may affect the life of someone. Usually a macular hole affects only one eye. You will know that you have a problem with the macula of your eye because you will experience problems with your central vision and color perception. If ever that distortion of vision is noticed, then better consult an eye doctor or click so that you will have more important information about what to do with an eye problem experienced.