Standard Treatments Used in Prostate Cancer

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Standard Treatments Used in

Prostate Cancer

Vigilant waiting is intimately monitoring the condition of the patient without providing some medication until signs appear or change. This is normally utilized in older men having other medical troubles and early-stage ailment. Surgery - Patients in excellent health are generally offered to undergo surgery for prostate tumor. The following types of surgery are used in the treatment of prostate cancer: A) Pelvic lymphadenectomy - it is surgical procedure that removes the lymph nodes from the pelvis. The pathologist examines the tissue with the aid of the microscope in looking for tumor cells. If the nodes contain tumor, the physician will not take away the prostate but will recommend other medications. B) Radical prostatectomy - this surgical procedure removes the prostate, tissue around the prostate and seminal vesicles. There are two kinds of radical prostatectomy: Retro pubic prostatectomy - this is an operation that removes the prostate by means of a cut in the wall of the abdomen. The removal of adjacent lymph nodes can be performed at similar time. Perineal prostatectomy - this operation removes the prostate by means a cut done in the perineum (area between the anus and the scrotum). Adjacent lymph nodes may also be taken away by means of separate cut in the abdomen. C) Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) - this is an operation that uses a resectoscope (a thin, tube with light having a cutting tool) placed through the urethra, in order to remove the tissues from the prostate. This process is sometimes performed in order to relieve signs due to the tumor before other tumor treatment is provided. Transurethral resection can also performed in men are not capable to have radical prostatectomy due to illness or age. Impotence and urine leakage from the urinary bladder or fecal waste from the rectum can happen in men after surgery. In some instances, doctors may utilize a technique called nerve-spraying surgery. This kind of surgery can save the nerves which control erection. However, men having big tumors or tumors which are adjacent to nerves can not be able to undergo this surgical procedure. Radiation therapy - is treatment of cancer which utilizes high energy z-rays or some types of radiation in killing tumor cells. There are two kinds of radiation therapy; external radiation therapy which uses a machine outside the human body in sending radiation to the tumor and internal radiation therapy- a medication that uses radioactive substances sealed in seeds, wires, needles or catheters which are put directly near or into the cancer. The method of giving the therapy depends on the stage and type of tumor that is being treated. Impotence and problems in urination are some complications that occur after men are treated through radiation therapy. Other therapies used in prostate treatments are: Hormone therapy, chemotherapy and biologic therapy. Hormone therapy - is a form of tumor treatment which removes hormones or obstructs their action to stop tumor cells from developing. Chemotherapy - this treatment uses drugs in order to end the development of tumor cells, by killing the cells or by stopping the tumor cells to divide.

Biologic therapy - this treatment utilizes the immune system of the patient in fighting cancer.

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