The Adverse Effects of Bitter Melon

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The Adverse Effects of

Bitter Melon

Resembles a green cucumber shaped fruit with gourd-like bumps all over it and has distinct warty looking exterior and an oblong shape.It is how we can describe bitter melon.It is just called "bitter melon" because literally,it can bring bitter taste in our tongue.How funny this vegetable is,as its name dictates as melon,its appearance resembles a cucumber but it actually belongs to the family of squash.This single vegetable cannot be underestimated by its mere ugly exterior because its equivalence is of compared to twice the beta carotene of broccoli,twice the calcium of spinach, and twice the potassium of bananas!It also contains Vitamins C,B1,B2,B3,phosphorus,and has a good source of iron and dietary fiber. So easily,we could come up to a conclusion that bitter melon is vegetable jam-packed with multiple benefits right?Yes of course!But can we go along with a conclusion that we can have this vegetable eaten all year round,for breakfast,lunch and in dinner?Hey,that might be nonstop eating and you think that it is still beneficial.You can commit an erroneous thought about the latter as bitter melon also has its adverse effect when eaten in a massive amount that is not advisable already.Its reported side effects may include hypoglycemic coma and its seed are stated to be toxic to children because it can cause convulsions,reduced fertility in mice,a favism-like syndrome,headaches and increase in gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase levels in animals.Other possible side effects include liver inflammation,make heartburn and ulcer worse and spontaneous abortion that is why it contraindicated during pregnancy. But this does not imply that this vegetable only has disadvantages in it because in actuality,it promotes a stable condition of Diabetes Miletus type 1 and 2 through controlling the elevation of blood sugar.Not just for diabetes,but it has multiple benefits that can abate their condition such as cancer,HIV,psoriasis,and the like.Moreover,the concern is,use the benefits of bitter melon in right way and do not abuse it because the said adverse effect can take place.

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