Tips on How to Buy Cheap But Quality Digital Cameras Each one of us wants to capture memorable moments of our lives. We wanted to document the very first kiss, the very first hug, the very first family reunion, and our most treasured moments. What's the key to doing all of these? What else, but a camera. It should be a digital camera since manual cameras are no longer being used. Well, due to advances in technology, we have a lot to choose from. But, we have to be careful in choosing a quality one but a reasonable price. Here are the points to remember when shopping for the best but among digital cameras. Identify the need for a digital camera. Is it only for family, friends, outdoor activities, or all-purpose camera? Assess yourself about your capability in handling a digital camera. How far will you go? What are your weaknesses toward it? Is it a big deal if the memory is not that big and the size is not that small? Make sure that the camera you wanted will conform to your budget. Go to the nearest thrift shop and check their latest model of a digital camera. They might have the model of your choice with discounts right? Take note of the specs of the digital camera you are eying to take. Ask yourself if megapixel is a big deal to you. Most camera have 5megapixels or above, so decide what are you gonna take, bear in mind that you are in a limited budget. Take note of the included stuffs like case, tripod, memory cards, and batteries with charger. Take note if the camera has zoom in/out and if it prefers picture perfect resolution. Make sure to research on the things you have to bear in mind before buying one. There are actually testimonials and product reviews on the web to help you sort out the best buy. It is always helpful to check the specification to have a better visualization and concrete example of the product. You could try a research on eBay and other websites such as cheap digital cameras Start with a very cheap price in bidding for the best buy. You might have anticipated that online shopping requires bidding's. This will suit you since you wanted to find the most appropriate model and brand for your budget. That's where negotiation takes place. You could also search through for latest models of digital cameras. Cheap digital cameramodels include that of Canon Power shot, Fuji film fine pics, GE A 1250, and Sam sung SL30. Well the pricing only range between $70 to $100. So cheap right? Though the speculation with regards to its assessment is low, it will be more popular. Well, its still your decision to check the specs and quality of your suspected gadget. I would suggest you check on the difference to establish quality. It's a best buy if you consider you make the most of your money. So next time that you will shop for the best digital camera in town, you would know what to do.