Ways For Making aSheet Metal Art You need not to spend plenty of money on garden dwarfs and other backyard beautification when you can create a sheet metal sculpture. These metals are skinny enough to slice, flexible enough to curve and sturdy enough to stand up to the elements. It is also great in making interior art if you want to. This type of metal may been as fragments close to construction places or bought at your junk shops or store for house improvement. It gets a little accuracy, lots of concern and some easy steps in making the sheet of metal arts. The following are some things needed and instructions in making metal art: marker, sheet metal, paint, snips, imagination and pliers for curving: 1. Make a decision on what you desire to create. Since the metal is slim, a place is needed to support a smooth piece or rocks in securing cylindrical piece since the stuff may blow away when it is not being hold down. Masks, angels, flowers, spiders, snakes, vines, skulls and others can be created out of the sheet of the metal. 2. You gather sufficient sheet metal intended for your design. Do not be depressed if you could not find even pieces of sheet metal. The metals often come as tubes which you may easily slice through and squash. 3. You have to sketch out you design in the sheet metal by means of a broad marker. Do not be troubled regarding the lines since you will paint the finished result anyway. 4. Make use of excellent pair of shears to cut your drafted outline. The slicing will be irritating until you have the drape of it. If you cut out a big piece, curve one wall of the metal downward and the other side upwards while you cut through it, or else your shears will get struck. 5. Bend, curl and twirl the ends of metal by means of pliers. Your hands can do this also because sheet metals is flexible enough, however, pliers can provide tighter twirl and more sensitive angle is needed. 6. Paint it. Spread paint works very well over the metals, it can cover smoothly without the use of brush. Sponge brushes may also create pleasant effect to the art. If you place the sheet metal arts outside, be sure you utilize weatherproof spray or paint with sealers.