Wet and Dry Form of AMD- Their Difference and Their Treatments

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Wet and Dry Form of AMD- Their Difference and Their Treatments As a person ages, he/she is vulnerable to age-related illnesses such as wearing out of his/her vision. The macula which is located at the rear part of the eyes is affected by the gradual break down of it. There is what we wet macular degeneration, and dry macular degeneration. If it is not really apparent to your own knowledge, the distinction between the two is the mere presence of their exudate (in wet macular degeneration there is a growth of abnormal blood vessels while in dry macular degeneration, patients usually begin with the formation of tiny yellow deposits called drusen) . The prevalence of dry is 90 percent over AMD patients. Most of the time, distortion of vision is caused by dry AMD but vision loss is sometimes led by the thinning and breaking down of the macula that is why surgery is most likely not advisable as a means of treatment for this condition, as wet AMD has high chance of developing from laser surgery which removes the drusen to slow down vision loss in people affected with dry AMD. Sad to say, there is still no available medical or surgical treatment for dry form of AMD, but there are interventions that may help the eyesight with low-vision aids such as special lenses and electronic systems to produce enlarged images of nearby objects. However, the prevalence of wet form of AMD is only 10 percent mostly in person affected by such condition. This condition needs medical attention because it affects the eye by its very rapid progress which can cause permanent vision loss. The good news about this is that there are available surgical interventions for wet AMD which can be done in the office or eye clinic of the physician and that the person may go home the same day as he or she will need to return the next day for follow-up exams. The following are the choices of surgery that may be performed with patient affected with wet AMD: 1. Laser Photocoagulation - it works through cauterizing the leaky blood vessels under the macula and by sealing off those vessels the chance is less for leakage to further develop. 2. Photodynamic Therapy - heat is not used in this procedure and that only light from a cool laser closes off the leaky blood vessels which will not leave the person with black hole from small burn on the macula from the hot laser. 3. Macular Translocation Surgery - this is not really widely applied by most surgeons, such special cases like if the leaky blood vessels are located directly under the fovea, thus this surgery is most likely advised for the patient. 4. Transpupillary Thermotherapy - it uses heat from a lower powered laser to coagulate the leaky blood vessels.

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