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Crystal's Corner

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Every year when I’m working on my vision board for the next year I try to find a word to start the year and have that as the base of my plan. Over the past few years I’ve reached out to friends and asked them what words they feel most describe me, from that I’ve had words like resilient, inspiring, focused, and this year I learned a new word, “Sedulous: which means showing dedication and diligence. None of these words seemed to resonate with me this year. I felt like I had so much going on and while it looked focused, I felt scattered.

That led me to my word for 2023 - Intentional.

I want to share with you all 3 things that I’m incorporating in my life so that I can live everyday more INTENTIONAL.

1. Prioritizing self-care:

Making self-care a priority is an intentional way to live. It involves setting aside time for yourself to rest, relax, and recharge. This could include activities such as meditation, yoga, journaling, or simply taking a walk in nature. This one is really difficult for me but something i’m making an intentional part of my life in 2023. I know in all my personal relationships I give so much but I have not been as giving and supportive when it comes to taking care of myself.

2. Setting boundaries:

Setting boundaries is another way to live intentionally. It involves being clear about what you will and will not accept in your life and relationships. This applies to your family, your kids, friends, co-workers EVERYONE! For example, setting boundaries with your time by saying no to commitments that do not align with your values, or setting boundaries in your relationships by standing up for yourself when you feel disrespected.

3. Practicing mindfulness:

As you know every issue we include a mindfulness section because I believe everything starts with the clarity you get in your quiet moments. Mindfulness by definition is the practice of being present in the moment and paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. By practicing mindfulness, you are able to be more aware of your thoughts and emotions, which can help you to make more intentional choices in your life. For example, you might be more mindful of how you feel after consuming a certain food, or how you feel after spending time with a particular person. This mindfulness can help you make more intentional choices about how you spend your time and with whom.

Using the 3 steps above I am looking forward to having a year filled with intentional decisions, intentional relationships and prioritizing how I can maintain control in my life. I wish you the best this new year in whatever journey you are on!

Crystal Swearingen

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