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Wireline Report

The Wireline Report

Latest FCC news impacting your business


By Salvatore Taillefer, Partner, Blooston Law (sta@bloostonlaw.com)

FCC Seeks Comment on New Robotexting Rules

On September 27, the FCC adopted a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking proposing new rules on caller ID authentication for text messaging and new blocking requirements. Comments were due November 10; reply comments were due December 9.

Specifi cally, the NPRM proposes and seeks comment on applying existing caller ID authentication standards to text messaging. It also proposes requiring mobile wireless providers to block texts, at the network level, that purport to be from invalid, unallocated, or unused numbers, and numbers on a Do-Not-Originate (DNO) list. Finally, the NPRM also seeks input on other actions the FCC might take to address illegal texts, including enhanced consumer education.

Initial comments pointed out, among other things, there is a question about whether adopting a potentially expensive solution that focuses on unwanted SMS/MMS messages will be effective at stemming the overall growth of unwanted texts when the vast majority of messages are sent via WhatsApp or other over-the-top (“OTT”) services.

FCC Revises PSAP Notifi cation Requirements

On November 17, the FCC adopted a Report and Order in PS Docket Nos. 13-75, 15-80 and ET Docket No. 0435 adopting rules to promote public safety by ensuring that 911 call centers receive timely and useful notifi cations of network disruptions that affect 911 service. Specifi cally, the updated rules standardize the type of information conveyed in the network outage notifi cations providers that serve PSAPs are required to provide to those entities. The updated rules also require service providers to maintain up-to-date contact information for the 911 call centers they serve. In addition, the FCC retained its current requirement that covered 911 service providers fi le annual 911 reliability certifi cations, which will help the FCC promote the continuity of 911 service during the transition to Next Generation 911.

FCC Announces Process to License Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric Data for Non-ISPs

On November 15, the FCC issued a Public Notice announcing that nongovernment, non-ISP parties may now begin the process of obtaining a license to the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric (Fabric) for purposes of preparing and submitting challenges through the FCC’s Broadband Data Collection (BDC). The FCC made the Fabric data available to internet service providers and state, local, and Tribal governmental entities starting on June 23 so that they could submit broadband availability data prior to the close of the fi ling window on September 1. Now, other entities and organizations may begin the process of obtaining a license to the Fabric.

To access the Fabric data, each entity must register in the Commission Registration System (CORES), log into the BDC system, and execute a limited end-user license agreement for the Fabric. Some organizations may need to provide a brief description of how their use of the Fabric data aligns with BDC purposes and how it is involved in issues around broadband availability.

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