Cardiff School of Art & Design Newsletter: Autumn 2016

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image: Dr James Green by Tim Dickeson



r James Green presented his work at Mascaras del Mundo, a conference at the Universidad del Guadalajara, Mexico, during his Santander funded research visit to there and to Chile this summer.



SAD had a significant presence in this Autumn’s Cardiff Contemporary arts festival, coordinated by Cardiff City Council, that took over venues across the city. Prof André Stitt’s ‘Living in the Material World’ exhibition of new paintings and installation work at gallery/ten considered art as a synthetic communicator and transmitter of experience reflecting the uncertainty of humanhistorical time and place. Memory, recall, and embodied experiences are employed in his work to interrogate issues of political, economic and devotional power, systemic corruption and utopian ideologies of neo-human control in a chaotic universe. André had an accompanying exhibition in the CSAD foyer. “The ambition for this series of work is that it creates a sense of recognition counterbalanced by a sense of timelessness, loss, longing, disconnection and melancholy. In so doing I wish to make paintings that seem to arrive as if from another time and place; a potential dissident space where all eras co-exist” André explained.


Fine Art students and graduates staged an exhibition in Morgan Arcade, Cardiff’s Contemporaries, showing a range of paintings, prints, video and installation pieces as well as a performance by recent graduates from the MFA programme, Lisa Evans and Natalie Ramus. CSAD graduate work also featured in the two events staged by tactileBOSCH which included pieces by former CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit member Rhiannon Lewando and a performance by Fine Art graduate Sarah Padbury at the Garden of Earthly Delights in Cardiff Bay, and a sculptural piece by Fine Art graduate Ethan Dodd was included in their Stadium Plaza show. The CSAD Incubation Unit’s fine art printmaker molly Lewis was commissioned by artist Mark Woods to screen print a gold disc for him that featured in his piece, A Response, that was shown at the Festival Hub next door to the Angel Hotel. Several students also took advantage of the opportunity to invigilate shows and spend time with the practicing artists which helped develop their insight into the work. CSAD’s Research and Enterprise Co-ordinator, Angie Dutton, served on Cardiff Contemporary’s Steering Committee.

Staff News

Right: Dr James Green

Left: Professor Andre Stitt

Staff News


Left: Andre Stitt

Right: Fermi’s Chain by Dallas Collins MA (RCA)





rof André Stitt and CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit member Pip Barrett both had new work selected for the BEEP Painting Biennale in Swansea. André’s Post-Capitalist Wall Relief for a Networkers Canteen in a Parallel Universe’ and ‘Ree-Morton Generic Wall Panel for Case Study House in a Parallel Universe’ (above) and Pip’s paintings were exhibited at Swansea College of Art during August and September.



echnical Demonstrator Dallas Collins had work selected for the Wells Art Contemporary Awards 2016 which took place at the Bishop’s Palace, Wells, this Autumn. Dallas is also delighted to have been accepted as a member of the Artist Network at the Royal West of England Academy.



lexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos took part in Electric Soup, an evening of performed ambient sound with live interactive visuals at Cardiff MADE in the summer, performing alongside Odysseus Klissouras, one of the artists in residence who has spent time at CSAD as a part of the EASTN European funded project lead by Alexandros.


r Natasha Mayo, Programme Director for Ceramics, has been working hard for the past year to bring about Beyond Borders, a shoreline and gallery event that took place in October in Penarth and Cardiff bringing over 130 people Bangladeshi, Iranian, Syrian, Armenian, Kurdish, Somali and African refugees together with Polish, Italian immigrants and local families. Together with students past and present they used the unique language of clay to explore connections between the movement of earth and the movement of man involving poets, story tellers, dancers, illustrators, musicians and ceramists many of which had been asylum seekers themselves. The group explored geology with Heather Jackson from National Museum Wales discussing how Wales once belonged to Africa and so shares the same fossils and some aspects of geology. They moved like swallows murmerating across the shore, sung Kurdish songs all the while taking part in the Big Draw! The clay objects generated from the ‘What would you Take..’ event then travelled to Cardiff MADE gallery in Roath to offer a dynamic backdrop for three workshops exploring ideas of home for refugee and local families involving story tellers and sensory story tellers. The programme included artists sharing ways in which they use their arts practice to raise social awareness, to trouble shoot and inspire.

Staff News

Linda Carreiro

BOOK ART IN OTTOWA The project then moved to Cardiff MADE to exhibit and grow the ‘Things we Take When We Leave’ exhibition. Students helped run this event as part of Made in Roath festival as refugees and other visitors were invited to answer the question ‘If you had to flee your home what would you take?’ using clay generously sponsored by Potclays. Visitors to the gallery were invited to model the objects that mean the most to them. They then wrote an explanation of their choice on luggage tags hung around the gallery.

Fine Art lecturer Sue Hunt, printmaking technical demonstrator Tom Martin and PhD student Linda Carreiro are exhibiting their artist’s books at Open Books, an international exhibition currently at the Library and Archives Canada in Ottawa, Ontario, which will then travel to Lalit Kala Academy and Ravindran Manch in India, coinciding with the ZEE Festival, Asia’s largest literary festival.

Left over clay was kindly donated to the students who helped across the three weeks of events which was part of the Ceramics department’s exploration of the social capacity of the earth. It was also a wonderful opportunity for CSAD students work with refugees, talented artists and arts professionals and organisations including Lynx House, Trinity Centre, Oasis, Displaced People in Action, Artwork Cymru and Diverse Cymru as well as Chris Glynn from CSAD’s Illustration programme.

Beyond Borders

Staff News


Left: Well-Being 16 conferece

Right: Waag Society Workshop







he LAUGH team attended the Well-Being 16 Conference at Birmingham City University where Prof Cathy Treadway presented a paper about the LAUGH design for dementia project. Steve Coleman, CARIAD PhD student, also presented a paper about his design research at the conference.


he LAUGH team presented a poster about the LAUGH project at the USWDem conference at the University of South Wales and won the prize for best poster.

rof Cathy Treadaway and Dr Gail Kenning collaborated with the Waag Society in Amsterdam in September to run a dementia workshop entitled ‘Design for our future selves’. The workshop was attended by designers from industry and academics representing a number of countries around the world.


he LAUGH team attended the Design and Emotion Conference in Amsterdam in September and Prof Cathy Treadaway presented their paper based on the findings from the first year of the AHRC LAUGH design for dementia project. Steve Coleman also presented a full paper at the conference based on findings from his PhD.

LAUGH poster


Staff News





rof Cathy Treadaway and Dr Jac Fennell collaborated with the Alzheimer’s Society, Ty Hapus, Age Cymru, Inspirational Wealth Management and Tec Marina in October to present an event for men to raise dementia awareness called ‘Sewing in Suits’. The event was hosted by Tec Marina and included presentations from the LAUGH team and Prof Julie Williams, Chief Scientific Officer for Wales.

Staff News

n interview with Prof Cathy Treadaway about designing for people living with dementia and the LAUGH project was broadcast on the Babbers Show with Gail Bowen Huggett on Bristol Ujima Radio in October.


Tom Martin





om Martin’s recent work was featured in Cardiff’s recent Brickstock festival, a new cultural event that took place over three weekends in October and November at the Brickworks on Trade Street in the city centre. Tom’s work included a mixture of abstract prints and recent interactive works and was shown alongside other participating artists’ work. The Festival also included a programme of music, food and cinema screenings.

ine Art lecturer Dr James Green spend two weeks in Taiwan this Autumn promoting CSAD and Cardiff Metropolitan University. James travelled up and down Taiwan as part of the World Study Exhibition, to tell potential international students why Cardiff School of Art & Design and the city is such an exciting place for creative people to study.

Dr James Green in Taiwan


Staff News





r Gareth Loudon was invited to give a talk on “The challenge of conducting effective user testing on new medical solutions” as part of a workshop on “Usability Research, Co-Creation and User-Centred Design” at the University of Agder, Norway this Autumn. Gareth has also had the following papers accepted for publication - “The physiological response to drawing and its relation to attention and relaxation” in the “Journal of Behavioural and Brain Science” together with Gina Deininger and “Collaborative Research Model for Designing Sustainable Water Usage Solutions” at the “6th International Conference on Research into Design” together with Clara Watkins, Angelo D’Onofrio, Huw Hopkins and Elora Ancelot.

Staff News

llustration and Animation lecturer Dr Barnaby Dicker contributed a catalogue essay on “Animated Posters” for the 25th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw: “The Poster Remediated,” held over the summer. He also spoke at the Eadweard Muybridge in Kingston, 18941904 symposium in November at the Langdon Down Museum’s Normansfield Theatre, Hampton Wick, where he discussed his research on the last plate of Muybridge’s chronophotographic epic Animal Locomotion (1887). At the Edges Animation Seminar in December at the Whitechapel Gallery, London, part of the Edge of Frame Weekend, itself part of the London International Animation Festival, he presented a view on current experimental animation practice. Barnaby has also had a paper co-authored by Prof Patrick ffrench, King’s College, London, has been accepted for the next International Association of Word and Image Studies conference that carries the theme “La reproduction des images et des textes / Images and texts reproduced” that will be held in July 2017 at the Université de Lausanne. Dicker and ffrench’s paper is entitled “Georges Bataille enters Cahiers du cinéma: informe/ photogramme as critical tool” and will discuss the intersection of Bataille’s theory of the “formless” with the reproduction in print of cinematographic photogrammes or frames.


Mask Hunting in Mexico





aul Granjon presented work at Oriel Mostyn in Llandudno as part of the Llawn Festival in August including a performance with robots, the Am I Robot installation at Oriel Mostyn and an electronic waste workshop. The installation featured a friendly talking and moving robot that engaged with visitors, however, the robot’s smarts may not be as they seem...

ince Dr James Green’s trip to South America in Summer 2015 he has been researching Mexican Masks and the Day of the Dead so he was delighted when he was awarded Santander funding to study masks and magic in Mexico. Following a year studying Spanish James visited Guadalajara, Mexico City, Mérida and Oaxaca in Summer 2016. While there he delivered a lecture about masks and his artwork at Universidad de Guadalajara, with a professor of masks, indigenous mask makers and the Museo del Arte Populares (Guadalajara) in attendance. During his travels he also met with Cardiff based Glynn Pegler of the Culture Group and Honorary Consul for Mexico, building on a contact made when he brought an Mexican Artist to CSAD in December 2015. Since returning the Wales, James has given a lecture on his visit as a part of the CSAD Masters Seminars lecture series and also used his ideas to develop the ‘Magical Objects’ project with his students.

Left: ‘Am I Robot’ - Paul Granjon


Staff News





n August Dr Jon Pigott presented a paper at the 4s/EASST annual conference in Barcelona on the intersection between science and technology studies and artistic practice as research. The track was organised by Trevor Pinch, Henk Borgdorff and Peter Peters of Cornell University, Leiden University and Maastricht University respectively and the conference overall attracted 2000 international delegates.



r Jonathan Clarkson wrote an essay for the catalogue supporting BayArt’s Models and Materialities: Confabulation and the Contemporary Still Life this summer. Exhibition curator Frances Woodley gave a talk for CSAD students in the gallery in Cardiff Bay, in October.

he CSAD Ceramics team contributed a paper entitled ‘Civic Ceramics’ to the new Ceramics Reader, published by Bloomsbury, exploring key debates in ceramics practice. The essay disseminates a project contributed to by ceramics students as they explored the role of clay in participatory practice, a project funded by Artworks Cymru



he finale of the FLUX: art, society and responsibility project that the CSAD Ceramics team have been participating in was an artists’ sharing event with artists discussing their fears for undermining the integrity of the very causes they were championing, how to gain support, the difficulty of being paid for working in impoverished areas and leaving without a support for the longevity of a project. This kind of exposure to the challenges of professional practice proves vital to CSAD students’ development.



he FabLab was commissioned by a freelance prop maker to help make gravestones for the TV series Sherlock using its CNC machines.

‘FLUX - Art, Society and responsiblity

Staff News


Sydney Nolan Trust residence



or the second year running Austin-Smith: Lord, the architects’ practice which designed the new CSAD building, has sponsored and selected student work in the Summer Show for their design excellence awards. This summer the winner was Myles Bates from Product Design, for his Hero-Hand. Austin-Smith: Lord’s feedback stated that the award was made for “a project which undeniably demonstrates the power of how great product design and new manufacturing techniques such as 3D printing can have a life changing impact on people’s lives. The real world application of the bionic hand in terms of its adaptability to other user’s arms, personalisation of design, ease of build and fitting of replacement parts combined with the amazingly low cost impressed the entire judging panel.” Artist Designer Maker students Danielle Flowers and Jennifer Finnigan were both highly commended with Austin-Smith: Lord’s judges commenting on Danielle’s work, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water - The Elements Lamps, that they commended it for “a beautifully considered presentation which demonstrated the full range of her modern craftsmanship techniques. We were extremely taken with the combination of exquisite textures and the elemental qualities Danielle has imbued in the materials used, combining to form striking pieces of modern design.” Jennifer’s inlaid wooden furniture was highly commended by the judges for “her outstanding level of precision and skill of craftsmanship. The simplicity of her ideas, to


follow the grain lines of the timber and to emphasise the joints with metal inlay, work to perfection. Jennifer has created truly beautiful and highly desirable objects.” Jennifer was one of the students who was successful in applying for a place in the CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit and is now being mentored by PJ Stratham, MD of Momentum, a specialist contemporary furniture and interior store and interior design service based in Cardiff city centre.



group of Masters students and new BA graduates spent a very productive residency at The Rodd at the Sidney Nolan Trust in Prestiegne this summer. While there Fine Art tutor Dr James Green ran a wood carving workshop to make a totem pole and Fine Art Technical Demonstrator Laura Lillie ran mono-print making and drypoint classes. The group also made a presentation of work created during the week to local artists, residents and members of the Sidney Nolan Trust board, and James made a presentation on the masks he found and work he created while in Mexico this summer. The students and graduates, Jodie Nicholson, Lisa Evans, Julia Hopkins, Felicity Lockyear, Anna Brazier, Philip Shaw, then participated in an exhibition at the Sydney Nolan Trust, showing what they’d creative during their residency.

Student News

A graduate returns





s a part of CSAD’s commitment to professional development and to its students’ and graduates’ employability related skills, the BSc Architectural Design & Technology programme is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT). James Banks of CIAT hosted a membership presentation for students in October. Chris Townsend MCIAT, a graduate of the ADT programme introduced students to AspirATion (Wales) group and what they can offer to assist in greater engagement by students and recent graduates who aspire to become chartered architectural technologists. Oliver Henshall, Senior Architectural Technologist at Powell Dobson Architects, also gave a talk to Level 6 Architectural Design & Technology students as part of a series of Graduate Talks programme, planned to inspire our ADT students.



ardiff Council’s Leader, Coun. Phil Bale, was so impressed by the standard of work at the Summer Show that he selected several pieces by Fine Art students to display in his meeting rooms at City Hall. The work selected included paintings by Magdalena Lackowska and Ifan Roberts and three large scale photographs by Alex Twigg.

Student News

aving been gripped with Throwdown fever, Made by Hand launched their very own version sponsored by the CSAD Ceramics programme, ‘Made by Hand Pottery Showdown’ as part of their event in October at Cardiff City Hall. The winner of the hit BBC TV programme, Matthew Wilcock and finalists Jim, Tom & SallyJo were special guests and our CSAD Ceramics students employed their skills and knowledge of throwing and construction techniques with them to assist and inspire the competitors. Internationally respected potter Kevin Millward was guest judge and challenge setter for the Showdown, with Billy Adams, leader of the Cardiff Met foundation degree, in the role as MC. CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit member Clojo Bedingham, who runs the company Clojo Ruth Designs, was commissioned by the School to create bespoke embroidered aprons to present to the Showdown competition winners and current CSAD students and recent graduates exhibited their work at the show.


Showing in Helsinki





n February 2016 Natasha Mayo, Philippa Lawrence and Wendy Keay-Bright won the CSAD R&E CREATE Challenge and £500 towards their proposition to ‘RE:Activate Space’. The money funded a pilot project, a 2 day symposium for new Masters Students this Autumn which included a rich selection of talks, workshops and seminars. It brought together external collaborators, new students, recent graduates and CSAD’s academics to share thoughts and research on the sensorial, ‘Space’, and how to make creative working environments with a focus upon N and B Blocks within CSAD.

rt History MA student Terhi Sallinnen organised an exhibition in her home city of Helsinki, Finland, this summer featuring work by CSAD staff and graduates. Keen to put her curation skills into practice and build lasting links between Cardiff and Helsinki, Terhi is planning the exhibition to be the first of an annual series. The Helsinki show featured work by Dr Chris Short, David Fitzjohn, Programme Director for Fine Art, Dr James Green, Esyllt George, Andrew Cooper, Bob Gelsthorpe and Cardiff Open Art School tutor and CSAD graduate Freya Dooley as well as by Terhi. All explored the meaning of place, reflected in the exhibition’s title, Lle, the Welsh for place. Lle was staged at Finland’s largest culture centre, Kaapelitehdas, based in an old cable factory and James Green travelled to Helsinki to build his work and for the Private View. Terhi is now planning opportunities for Finish artists to exhibit in Cardiff in response to the very positive feedback the show received from local artists.


Student News

Drawing Inspirations



A Ceramics students took part in the national symposium ‘Drawing Inspirations’ in November hosted by CSAD Ceramics to coincide with the ‘Drawing Inspirations’ exhibition curated by Alex McErlain at Craft in the Bay. MA students were included in the line-up of speakers and talked about the relevance of drawing to their clay practice alongside internationally renowned artists Christie Brown, Prof Alice Kettle and Alex McErlain. The students also devised interactive drawing activities for audience testing and extended their awareness of the significance of drawing whilst they watched the speakers.

While she was visiting CSAD Prof Alice Kettle, contemporary textile and fibre artist, shared her memories and practice of stitched ‘Contemporary Mythology 2’ with students. Mark making with needle and thread and the passing of fibres through fabric, provided remarkable visual inspiration for textile students in particular. Undergraduate students from the ‘Figurative modelling, drawing, movement and knowledge’ Field project also exhibited their developmental work at Craft in the Bay at the same time as the Drawing Inspirations show.

L-R Maggie Cullinane, technical demonstrator, Prof Alice Kettle and Dr Keireine Canavan

Student News


Ceramics Masters students with Anthony Shaw



he Language of Clay project run by Ceri Jones of Fieldworks involves six artists exhibiting solo shows at six venues across Wales over three years with CSAD Ceramics being involved in enhancing its educational value. In response to the very first show by Anna Noel, ‘Telling Tales’ Level 4 Ceramics student year developed a ‘Drawing Resource’ devised to encourage visitors to use drawing to help them look more closely at the exhibition. This resource will now accompany the project as it tours Wales.



students with Wales for Peace who were partners in the Durga project. It also brought many members of the community group to the School’s Summer Show for the first time and their feedback was fantastic.



lmost all of the Masters Ceramics students were lucky enough to meet Anthony Shaw whose extensive collection of ceramics is on long term loan to the York Museum while they were at the Centre of Ceramic Art. The trip also included visits to the Harley Gallery and studios, Ayrshire Sculpture Park.

SAD Ceramics students worked with the heritage of the Hindu durga puja festival of clay image making here in Wales. Students worked with skilled craftsmen sharing traditional Indian techniques including working from wire structures to grass weaving, paper clay and clay modelling. The resultant images moved to the Cardiff Story Museum with help from the Heritage Lottery Fund seeking to preserve this heritage for Cardiff and for future generations. The celebrations involved the initial construction, the Chakkhu Daan - the significance placed on the painting of eyes onto the models - and a succession of incredible celebrations as part of the Durga Puja itself this October. The project also lead to an ongoing collaboration for one of the Illustration


CSAD Ceramics continue to work closely with the Centre of Ceramic Art, sustaining a student blog on their website ‘Re-Think Ceramic Art’ to document the development of their Level 6 final year. Students have also been asked to write a review of the acclaimed ceramics collection for publication in 2017.

Student News

Mark Eley





nternational Fragrance expert Odette Toilette delivered a fragrance experience to Textiles students and other visitors, organised by Textile lecturer Sally Grant. Odette ran a Masterclass and sniffable journey through the “Scent of the 70’s” featuring the classic brands YSL, Gucci, Halston and Rive Gauche and talked about fashion from disco lamé to office attire.

extiles lecturer Sally Grant invited Mark Eley of iconic design brand Eley Kishimoto to the School in November to spend a day with her undergraduates. Mark, originally from Bridgend, spoke to Textile Level 6 students about the building of the brand and his own journey through designing and product development over the last 30 years.


Odette is a consultant for many of the top international brands. Odette has also worked with Chanel London, who worked with students and staff in CSAD in February 2016.


he School’s new Level 4 Architectural Design and Technology students were given a guided architectural tour of the Senedd in Cardiff Bay in celebration of World Architecture Day on 3rd October 2016.

Senedd tour

Student News


Narrative Mentoring





The Competition team, Jen Evans from the Centre for Work Place Learning, and Fine Art technical demonstrator Laura Lillie, were very excited to site the work on the Community Garden bed outside D Block. The Community Garden project also looks forward to working with staff and students in the School to offer more competitions, projects, workshops and research connected to the garden. Check out the gardens progress so far @ CMetGardens.


fantastic response was received to Cardiff Met’s first Community Garden Gallery Competition, launched in October 2016 for all CSAD students. The live competition brief offered participants the chance to win cash prizes for designing and creating interpretations of plants to display within the Llandaff garden over the winter months.

he Narrative category group in CSAD Ceramics of Level 6 students met their professional mentor, Hywel Pontin, Creative Director at Llantarnam Grange, on the 5 December. Their visit to Llantarnam Grange included a guided tour of the exhibition Zoomorphic - the half world between human and animal - followed by a discussion and Q&A about audiences, markets and funding and how to succeed in your practice - all handy hints as part of their Professional Practice module.


o Rebecca Warren offered the first real use of clay as a Turner Prize nominee but Michael Dean offers a poetic elaboration so off the Figurative Field project Level 5 students plus some Ceramics students went to Tate Britain on one of their regular off site visits to see the Turner Prize show that also featured work by Anthea Hamilton, Josephine Pryde and winner Helen Marten.

Clay at the Tate


Student News



nimation lecturer Tom Edgar organised for a group of his students to be shown round the production studios of a new adult plasticine animated feature film “Chuck Steel’s Night of the Trampires”. It was a great opportunity to see behind the scenes of a stopframe movie being made on our doorstep!


Dr Keireine Canavan, Head of Textiles and Principal Lecturer at Cardiff Met, said: “We are absolutely thrilled for Jenny. She has a fantastic talent and has combined this with the business skills she is developing to grasp a real opportunity. Jenny Evans Design is certainly a business to watch and we will continue to support Jenny as she builds her offer alongside her studies.”


ardiff School of Art and Design Level 5 BA Textiles student Jenny Evans, was announced as runner up in the Student Entrepreneur Wales Awards. Jenny received business advice from Cardiff Met’s Centre for Student Entrepreneurship and set up her own company, Jenny Evans Design, last year which now supplies a number of galleries with her unique textiles creations. Jenny said: “I feel proud to have been selected as a runner up in this category at the Entrepreneur Wales Awards. There were some amazing businesses shortlisted and I feel inspired by all of their stories. I am thoroughly enjoying my journey as an entrepreneur and am learning new things every day.”

Student News






ew Masters Fine Art graduate Natalie Ramus performed at the Tempting Failure Festival in July at the Hackney Showrooms alongside Richard Herring, the main act of the night. Tempting Failure is a festival of international performance and noise art, showcasing under-represented or extreme artwork that may interrogate risk or challenge preconceptions. It showcases a programme of artwork that is usually side-lined by producers and arts venues for being logistically too difficult, unexpected, prone to censorship or perhaps deemed too ‘extreme’. Natalie’s practice is concerned with the abject and autonomous body. She is fascinated with not only the unravelling body, but also the body as a system of processes and production. Natalie was also invited to work with David Lagaccia of Incident Magazine, New York, to write about the performances at Tempting Failure.



ew MFA graduate Lisa Evans had her work exhibited at Fragmented Identities as part of the It’s Liquid International Art and Architecture Festival in Venice this August and September. The sculptural piece made of lead and rubber tubing was shown at Palazzo Ca’ Zanardi.


econd year Fine Art student Gwenllian Llwyd won the Ysgoloriaeth Artist Ifanc - Young Artist Scholarship award at this Summer’s Eisteddfod with a piece she created while completing her Foundation programme at Coleg Sir Gar. Gwenllian will now have the opportunity to show a piece of work, space permitting, at next year’s exhibition in the Lle Celf. Cardiff Met sponsored the official opening of Y Lle Celf at this year’s National Eisteddfod, with Programme Leader for Animation, Owen Stickler, giving a brief welcome at the event on the Saturday evening. Programme Director for Ceramics, Dr Natasha Mayo, organised an exhibition of graduate work at Abergavenny’s Art Shop and Chapel to coincide with the Eisteddfod. The show featured work by Isabella Bilstein, Elloise Cooper, Sophie Jemma, Thomas Rolfe, Mikky Saunby and the Graduate Incubation Unit’s Kate Haywood, Rhiannon Lewando and Kate Weyman.

Graduate News





e’ll have to kill time before the train comes/ Bydd rhaid i ni ladd amser cyn i’r tren ddod was the title of an exhibition of new works by artist and former Graduate Incubation Unit member Pip Barrett that were shown as part of My Happy Space festival and World Mental Health Day at The Pod along with an installation at CCCA Fargo Village in Coventry in October.

SAD Graduate Incubation Unit member Clojo Bedingham was selected out of approximately 3000 graduates at the New Designers show in London last June to display her work in the Embroiderers’ Guild graduate showcase at the Knitting and Stitching Show in Harrogate alongside 9 other graduates from across the UK. The show welcomed around 60,000 visitors through the doors so it was a fantastic opportunity to show her products to a vast audience. Clojo displayed lots of new pieces as well as some examples from her degree show and the event proved a good opportunity not only to sell her work but to network and make contacts for the future.

Graduate News


Ceramics by Charlotte Burke





ormer CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit member Kate Haywood and former Inc member and current Ceramics Masters student Chrisoula Konstantakou were selected to take part in an exhibition at Craft in the Bay Gallery last July. Chrisoula was very excited to show off her experiments with 2D laser cutting for surface decoration which fitted perfectly into the show’s theme ‘Woven’. She translated weave patterns and movements of the loom into her work. Chrisoula found her latest inspiration when she came across a 200 year old wooden loom shuttle at her father’s olive orchard. Because her work is about structure, form and surface, this little tool’s form captivated her. Chrisoula has also been working with weaver Jane Nicholls who has shown her how she works her loom, the technicalities and the patterns of weave and Chrisoula has taken those patterns and the loom’s movements and translated them into her processes.

he Incubation Unit’s ceramicist Harriet McCormick, jewellery designer Rhian Morris, furniture designers The Wonky Chair Company, along with former Inc members textile designer Anna Palamar and cutlery sculptor Alexana Blott, were all selected to show and sell their work at Cardiff MADE gallery’s winter exhibition. Ceramicist Charlotte Burke also had work in the Cardiff MADE show and at the West Wharf gallery in Cardiff city centre.



he Wonky Chair Company have got off to a flying start with their year in the CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit having been commissioned to make a series of pieces for private clients and designed a line of Christmas reindeers that sold online, at Cardiff MADE Gallery and at markets across South Wales. They were spotted by clothing designers and retailers Ted baker who used them in their in-line Christmas campaign.


Rhiann Morris

Graduate News



his year’s new Graduate Incubation Unit members have had a very productive first term in the unit developing their creative businesses and practice. Martin Lane and Molly Lane have both gained appointments with CSAD - Martin as a member of the technical demonstrators’ pool and as a member of the FabLab Cardiff staff team, and Molly as temporary printmaking technical demonstrator. Ceramic homewares designer Jade Jenkins has curated a show of current and former Inc Unit members’ work at Craft in the Bay and she, jewellery designer Rhian Morris and ceramicist Harriet McCormick had busy times at the Cardiff craft markets in the city centre, supported by Cardiff Met’s Centre for Entrepreneurship. The group also sold their work at a number of other venues across the city including Chapter Arts Centre and Cardiff Castle.

Graduate News

Furniture designer Jennifer Finnigan has been working on a number of commissions for her midcentury modern inspired pieces inlaid with a range of metal wires marquetry maker Sophie Jemma has been selected to show her work on a number of websites and has been developing a new range of boxes inspired by British churches. Furniture designer Bryony Moorhouse has also been working on a new range of designs as well as refining her current designers inspired by the golden ratio. Over the last term iIlustrator and entrepreneur Ian Cooke Tapia has note only developed a new graphic novel but has also found premises that he hopes will be perfect for the artists’ and makers’ studio complex that he is hoping to establish this year.




he Cardiff School of Art & Design has been recognised for its collaboration with Cwmbranbased business Auriella Limited in the best new product category at the Business and Education Partnership Awards run by Insider Media. The Awards’ aim to celebrate collaborative work between universities, colleges and companies in Wales.

company to finalise the product. Laura worked extensively with Kelli and Laura, and the three collaboratively came up with the final solution ‘Solar Buddies’. The prototypes were then built in the FabLab.

Gareth Barham, principal lecturer in CSAD and CSAD Graduate Incubation Unit member Laura Smith worked closely with Kelli Aspland and Laura Griffin, who run Auriella Ltd, to design and prototype an innovative new child sun safety product. Concerned about their children’s safety in the sun during play-time in school, the businesswomen approached the School for expert help in developing a solution. They wanted to create a product to promote sun safety in schools working within the confines of the increasingly common-place ‘notouch’ policies. Cardiff Met involved BA/BSc and MSc Product Design students as well as offering world-class support from its Massachusetts Institute of Technology-accredited FabLab Cardiff. The University’s Research & Enterprise Services helped organise a Santander Internship for the company whereby a Cardiff Met MSc Product Design student, Laura Smith worked with the


Graduate News

“Are you alone or joining the Party”, Rach Wellbeing





SAD graduate Heather Phillipson has been announced as the winner of the 2016 Film London Jarman Award. The award ‘recognises and supports artists working with moving image and celebrates the spirit of experimentation, imagination and innovation in the work of emerging artist filmmakers’. Heather creates collisions of image, noise, objects and language that function as video art poetry, musical scores and environments. Heather graduated in 2000 from CSAD’s BA Art and Aesthetics programme.

scar, Beneath the Big Smoke’ by CSAD Illustration and new University of the Arts London/Camberwell graduate Rob Gray was recently highlight in a Time Out feature. The piece featured is from what Time Out described as ‘an absolutely adorable children’s story, following a cat named Oscar and his adventures on the tube after he escapes on a trip to the vet’s’ that Rob has written and illustrated.



SAD graduate Rachel Smith been chosen to exhibit at Shape Arts disabled arts group in London at their Open exhibition in January and February under her artist name Rach Wellbeing. Her ceramic piece, called “Are you alone or joining the Party” is about the arts and whether disability has a voice in politics.

‘Oscar, Beneath the Big Smoke’, Rob Gray

Alumni News


UNDERGRADUATE • HNC Building Technology and Management (Ystrad Mynach) • BA (Hons) Animation • BSc (Hons) Architectural Design & Technology • BA (Hons) Artist Designer: Maker • BA (Hons) Ceramics • BA (Hons) Fashion Design • BA (Hons) Fine Art • BA (Hons) Graphic Communication • BA (Hons) Illustration • BA (Hons) Interior Design • BA (Hons) International Design • BSc (Hons) International Design • International Foundation Course (Art & Design) • BA (Hons) Product Design • BSc (Hons) Product Design • BA (Hons) Textiles

TAUGHT POSTGRADUATE • Master of Fine Art (MFA) • Master of Design (MDes) • MA (Cardiff School of Art & Design) Specialist Pathways only: • Art History through Practice • Art , Science and Technology • Philosophy • Ecologies • Design Futures • Fashion Design Futures • Postgraduate Certificate in Professional and Research Skills: Art & Design • MA Ceramics • MSc Product Design • MRes: Master of Research in Art and Design


RESEARCH DEGREES • MPhil • PhD • Professional Doctorate in Art • Professional Doctorate in Design • Professional Doctorate in Ecological Building Practices

FOUNDATION • Diploma in Foundation Studies (Art & Design) (Bridgend) - allied programme only • Foundation Degree in Applied Art & Design (Bridgend) • Foundation Degree in Ceramics (Cardiff and The Vale College) • Foundation Degree in Contemporary Textiles Practice (Cardiff and The Vale College) • Foundation Degree in Graphic Communication (Cardiff and The Vale College) Cardiff School of Art & Design, Llandaff Campus, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB +44 (0)29 2020 5898

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