Team Ho
Putsmasan 原住民語:指神靈居住地原始森林稱之禁忌之地 徐志豪 Jhih-hao Syu 淡海新市鎮 Tamhai New Town N25°39" E121°43"
永續發展與生態保護的議題日漸受到重視,現今台北都市 裡,人口不斷攀升都市人口壓力不斷擴大,使得土地利用 必須更有效率,利用原住民和森林的相處模式與里山文化 (Satoyama) 的元素及農耕關係作為基礎,重新規劃重劃 區使用方式。 加 入 永 續 發 展 與 生 態 多 元 化 的 概 念 (EX: 農 耕 游 耕 制 度 ... 等 ),重劃區可預先規劃總人口數和土地面積,再藉 由人口數推算出建築面積以及耕地面積。 當這兩種數值達成平衡應可使人與自然保持共生關係,在 配合農田游耕制度調整耕作順序,可使生態環境多元化, 促進生態發展,再將建築物依照樹的形狀特徵發展,可發 揮最小土地面積與最大日照時間,並回歸成都市叢林之概 念。
Topics of sustainable development and environmental protection have been receiving an increased attention in our society. In modern day Taipei metropolitan area, the increasing population leads to the need for better land utilization. Based on the dependency model between the aborigines with the forest, the elements from the Satoyama culture, and the way farmers relate to their land, the land usage of urban regeneration projects could be re-considered. By incorporating the concepts of sustainable development and bio diversity (eg. farming methods, and nomadic cultivation, etc), the total population and land area of a particular urban renewal space could first be determined, and the subsequent space for buildings and farming could then be derived from the estimated inhabitants of the area. When the spaces reserved for building and farming reach equilibrium, man and nature should be able to coexist in harmony, and through the systematic adjustment of farming methods, be able to achieve bio diversity, fostering the growth of nature within the area. Lastly, when the local architecture develops in the form and features of trees, minimum land usage and maximum daylighting could be reached, and arrive at the arrive at the goal of recreating the forest within the cityscape.
Jhih-hao Syu
Team Ho
Jhih-hao Syu
Team Ho
Jhih-hao Syu
Team Hsu
The Community: A New Public Space and Its Possibility
空中的巷弄 社區公共空間改造
卓嘉偉 Jia-wei Jhuo 環河南路與和平西路交叉口 Intersection of heping West road and Huanhe South Road N25°2'9" E121°29'39" 現在的高層住宅也分開了我們與地面間的關係,其實每個 彼此之間的生活都是孤立,住戶之間也很少會有往來,使 那種早期有趣的店仔腳、彼此之間感情逐漸的消失,公共 空間也逐漸被道路切割,使可以讓人聚在一起聊天休閒的 空間越來越少。這設計著手打造一個空中的巷弄,讓彼此 之間感情可以在巷弄聯繫。 基地位於和平西路與環河南路的圓環上,在基地上的圓環 開出了一個門道,它屬於這條大街廓的軸線,在這個門道 兩旁都商業空間,在這個城鎮中圓環的建築形成邊界切 割了整個的都市紋理,在整個空間上的感受彷彿從都市 來到鄉村,因為過了個門道整個建築物都是兩層樓高的矮 房子,空間氛圍相當寧靜,而在圓環的建築與兩層樓高的 建築物又夾出一條中介空間,那是一條鄰里互相連接的過 道,對於整個都市來說他們屬於內部,於生活在那裡的人 它是屬於一個外部的空間。
This High-rising residential towers nowadays do separate the relationship between us and the ground. In fact, our lives are all isolated and we have very few dealings with the other residents. It apparently makes early interesting shops and the relationships between the people disappear, moreover, there are fewer and fewer spaces for people to chat together, thus I manage to create an alley in the air to enable people to contact with each other. The Base locates in the roundabout of Heping West road and Huanhe South Road, and the roundabout upon the Base creates a doorway which belongs to the axis of this street block. The construction of the roundabout in this downtown forms a border and cutting the entire grain of the city, and it makes you feel as if you were in rural area because the buildings is a two-story dwarf house when you walk across it.Moreover, there is an intermediary space between roundabout building and two-story dwarf houses, which is an aisle connecting neighborhoods. It is the internal part for the entire city; however, it is an external space for people living there at the same time.
Jia-wei Jhuo
Team Hsu
Jia-wei Jhuo
Team Hsu
Jia-wei Jhuo
Team Lin
The Other City , The Other Park Detention Center & Lin Sen Park design
臺北市中山區林森公園上的看守所及歷史感的公園 福島宗大 Munehiro Fukushima 臺北市中山區林森公園 Lin Sen Park , Zhongshan Dist , Taipei City N25°05'29.1" E121°52'49.55 < Theother >意為當殊異於我者的異己出現時,我者會 因為他者而更加的認識自己,並界定我者。同時,在許多 文化上,< Theother >因為殊異而被排擠。我採取接納 < Theother >的觀點來進行,一段台北發展歷史中被遺 忘的 Theother 的設計。一座我和他者的鏡子隱喻的公園, 一座從現在凝視過去,從現在想像未來<看守所終將消失 >的公園 。
< Theother>means that when the one who is totally different from me shows up, I will know myself better because of him/her and define me thereby. Meanwhile, in many cultures, < Theother> would be excluded due to difference. I carry on the Other design which is forgotten by the history of Taipei development from perspective of <Theother>. This is a park with implicit meaning of the mirror of the other and I staring at past from now and imaging “ detention house will disappear” in the future from present.
Munehiro FukushimaJhuo
Team Lin
Munehiro FukushimaJhuo
Team Kao
URBAN FARM Art+Agriculture Community
寶藏巖 農業藝術共生村 洪嘉諭 Chia-yu Hong 寶藏巖 Treasure Hill N25°01' E121°53' 隨著都市化及商業活動的增加,台北出現了許多就業機 會。這些就業機會使人口大量的地湧入使住宅與商業空間 的需求不斷地增加,同時也擠壓了都市的農耕用地使得本 地糧食的生產供不應求,因此只能仰賴外縣市及國外等需 經運輸的,方式來補足。近在眼前的能源危機造成現今能 源價格不斷地上漲,若城市無法擁有自給自足的機制,未 來將會有糧食危機。 本案嘗試將城市產生的其中一種廢物「廚餘」再生利用作 為作物的堆肥,以減少農藥的使用, 並減少都市廢棄物對環境的傷害。在期望對生態與經濟創 造雙贏之局面的前提下,在都市裡加入農場可增加產業多 樣性,並創造更多就業機會。而務農是個相對不需高技術 與高學歷的職業,因此都市農場扮演了供給社會底層者經 濟來源的角色。因此,在基地選擇上,期望一方面可以提 供都市中產階級的人有休閒生活的去處,同時也照顧到了 都市的另一個角落。再經過一連串嚴謹的計算與篩選後位 在大安區公館的「寶藏巖」成為了首選。希望在解決都市 的糧食問題的同時,也能兼顧到都市的社會問題
As many job opportunities in Taipei urbanization and commercial activities increase, so do. Over the years, as more people have migrated to Taipei, more agricultural lands have been transformed into dwelling and business space. Therefore, local food production is no longer sufficient to meet the growing population of the city, and more imports of food are required. This trend jeopardizes the ability of self-sustainability of the cities, given the looming energy crisis and the already soaring costs of energy and food. The idea of this project, therefore, is to supply the city with sufficient food by reusing its waste.Ideally, the objectives are not only to meet the growing demand of food, but also to feed the waste back into the food production cycle.By doing so,agricultural job opportunities are created which require lower skill levels, providing a win-win situation for urban environment and economy.Therefore, the siteis chosen to satisfy the necessity of leisure activities for middle class, as well as the low income household. Having such requirements considered, 寶藏巖 is a result of thorough investigation to solve such environment and economic problems for the city.
Chia-yu Hong
Team Kao
Chia-yu Hong
Team Kao
Chia-yu Hong
Team Wu
Urban Filter
New Urban Infrastructure Landscape Strategy
新型態都市基礎景觀地景策略 劉雅迎 Ya-yin Liu 蘆洲 Luzhou N25°5'45" E121°28'40" 新北市蘆洲早年被定位為輕工業區,僅有簡陋的基礎設 施,隨著都市發展,該地區正面臨更新,本設計希望以此 改變為契機,探索永續發展的可能。 以保留當地原有使用為前提,將現有條件設定成參數,創 造新的汙水處理系統,汙水淨化的過程成為一系列景觀公 園,作為工廠與住宅、工廠與河流間的新介面。 The project aims to metabolism physically, economically and socially an obsolete infrastructural landscape by exploring the urban potentials of ombing wastewater treatment processes with new urban metabolism, by that challenging the social and environmental issues resulting from Taipei city expansion. In these conditions traditional industrial economy of Luzhou, together with theurban expanding and the process of urban renewal in Taipei and as a result contemporary Taipei masterplanning, leave no possibility for the future development for local population, forcing current workers remove their factories. ''Urban Filter'' approaches seceral components that exist in the area of Luzhou: 1. The current Social situation 2. The unequal Water distribution and a newly proposed water treatment infrastructure 3. The creation of new Landscapes and linked by The watertreatment park The project use the Waster watertreatment process as a link for Urban Filter and a medium to generate Urban Metabolism.
Ya-yin Liu
Water cour se speed deepens the canal to Water course speed deepens the canal to accelerate or deaccelerate water flow a ccelerate or deac celerate water ďŹ&#x201A;ow Reacts to attractor point Z-axis movement Rea cts to attrac tor point Z-axi s movement
River proximity widens and closes thewidth River proximity widens and closes the canal ca nal width Reacts pointpoint on curve X-axis movement Reacto ts closet to c loset on cur ve X-Axi s movement
-3 -3
-2 -2
-1 -1
-3 -3
-4 -4
+0 +0
-2 -2
-1 -1
-2 -2
+1 +1
+2 +2
+0 +0
-1 -1
+0 +0
+1 +1
+1 +1
+3 +3
+2 +2
+2 +2
+3 +3
+3 +3
+4 +4
Team Wu
1898 Village
1921 Village
1966 Village
Lu Zhou Lu Zhou
1921 Selected Line Primary Road Canal
Selected Line
Primary Road Canal
1974 Canal
1974 Road
Shuinan Shuinan
1966 Selected Line
Primary Road Canal
1974 Village
Ratio of 300m
Primary Road
2013 Road
2013 Mrt Station
2013 Canal
Site Site
Ratios of 500m MRT Station
Primary Road Secondary Road
1974 Village
2013 Village
2013 Site
Selected Line
Ya-yin Liu
Site Selected Line
2013 Selected Line
Primary Road
Primary Road
Selected Line
Selected Line
1974 Farm
1974 Farm
1974 Landuse
Residential Green space
2013 Industry
2013 Site
Industrial Area
Industrial Dis-
2013 Landuse
Commercial Residential Industrial Green space
Parking Market School Transport
Team Wu
Various Slopes The sectional drawings for different slopes in used to produce a catalogue of water ponds, infrastructure and landscape. This catalogue determines different types of slope can be implemented to differentiate areas in relations to the treatment types. This would help to define different landscape and to allow the ground to be reponsive to variations in tis use with interactions to people
Width 2 m
Width 1m +0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 2 m
Width 0.5m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 2 . 5 m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 0.5m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 3 m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 0.5m +0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 3 . 5 m
Width 0.5m +0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 3 m
Width 1m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 3 . 5 m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 1m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 4 m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 1m
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 4 . 5 m +0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
+0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Width 1.5m +0 -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -2.5
Ya-yin Liu
Watertreatment Process Analyze
Screen Screen
Pump Sedimentation Pump Primary
Bioreactor Secondary
Tertiary Pump Pump
Aeration Digesters Aeration
Sedimentation Tertiary Sedimentation
Sludge Heat Pump Chlori- Disnation charge pump plant Pump
Deorizing Room
Sludge Heat pump plant
Deorizing Room
Free Surface
The wetland is flood above ground level. orbiogas settler] en
This system is appro for periurban and ru requrired.
Free Surface Constructed Wetland
Horizontal F
The wetland is flooded with wastewater to a depth of 10 to 45cm above ground level. Pre-treated wastewater [from septic tank orbiogas settler] enters the basin viz a weir or a distribution pipe. 56x12x4m 2700m3 x8 Surface overflow rate : 47.6CMD/m2
Wetland Flowing Types
58x16x6.5m 6300m3 x12 Watertreated 4.5h
80x20x3.5m 2400m3 x2
80x40x3.5m 19200m3 x1
Free Surface Constructed Wetland
50x12x5 5.5x4.5x4m 21.7x20.5x6m for small sections2500m3 of urban 3000m3 x16 This system is appropritate 110m3x2 x2 areas or forrate periurban and rural commuities because of the land surface Surface overflow : 26.4CMD/m2 requrired. Solid loading rate : 3.9kg/m2/h
Pre- treated wastew slowly through the
40.8x23.8x7.5m 7500m3
Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland
This system is appropritate for small sections of urban areas or for periurban and rural commuities because of the land surface requrired.
Pre- treated wastewater [ from septic tank or imhoff tank] flows slowly through the porous filter medium [sand or gravel] under the surface of the bed in a horizontal path until it reaches the outlet zone. The water level is maintained at 5 to 15cm below the surface to ensure subsurface flow.
Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Pre- treated wastewater is distributed over the filter surface and drains vertically through the filter layers towards a drainage system at the bottom. The drainage pipes are covered with gravel. On top of this gravel is a sand layer there is another gravel layer [ 10cm ], in order to avoid water accumuating on the surface.
Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland
Pre- treated wastewater is distributed over the filter surface and drains vertically through the filter layers towards a drainage system at the bottom. The drainage pipes are covered with gravel. On top of this gravel is a sand layer there is another gravel layer [ 10cm ], in order to avoid water accumuating on the surface.
Factory Unit
Vertical Flow
Pre- treated wastew drains vertically thro system at the botto
The drainage pipes is a sand layer there avoid water accumu
Horizontal Flow Constructed Wetland Pre- treated wastewater [ from septic tank or imhoff tank] flows slowly through the porous filter medium [sand or gravel] under the surface of the bed in a horizontal path until it reaches the outlet zone. The water level is maintained at 5 to 15cm below the surface to ensure subsurface flow.
surface to ensure su
Source :
The wetland is flooded with wastewater to a depth of 10 to 45cm above ground level. Pre-treated wastewater [from septic tank orbiogas settler] enters the basin viz a weir or a distribution pipe.
Relationship Of Wetland and Buildings
28x23.8s7.5m the surface of the b 9000m3x2 outlet zone. The wa
-Factory Unit -1st StageWetland
Housing Unit
-Lifted Housing Unit - 2nd Stage Wetland
Lifted Housing Unit
-Lifted Housing Unit -3rd StageWetland
「一切事物取決我們自己怎麼樣。在多樣各異的時間裡,我們的後 來者如何領悟世界,將取決於我們如何熱烈地想像這個世界,也就 是說,取決於我們如何強烈地構想和孕育這個世界,直到它真的是 那麼回事。」 城市的空間景觀,反映了城市的歷代居住者在其所處時代的政治變 遷和經濟發展等背景下、隨著生活方式和營建技術的改變,累代積 疊而成的居住風貌;而能突破現實條件的限制、驅使城市朝向一個 尚未成形的存在狀態前進的,則是居住者對一個更美好、更理想、 或更符合期待的近未來的想像。 想像的向度取決於自身經驗的延伸:人在城市空間中的移動經驗、 基於每日生活的消費行為、人的聚集與活動的發生、可預見的產業 轉型及整合 ... 等等。日常片段的抽取與放大檢視,意圖跳脫城市現 象的既存模式,透過關鍵字的再定義與再論述,提供(人、空間、 物件)重新組織的可能。 幾個觀察的切入點是必需的:人的身體之於實體空間 / 心理空間感 官性的回饋、促使移動 / 停留行為發生的引導因子、永久性 / 臨時 性空間感的成立與界定、事件的序列性 / 隨意性和時間效應。最重 要的是關聯性的建立、內在邏輯的一致性和對外部條件的回應。
Wau-yu Liu
"Everything depends on what we are and, in the diversity of time, how those who come after us perceive the world will depend on how intensely we have imagined it, that is, on how intensely we, fantasy and flesh made one, have truly been it." ~ Fernando Pessoa Cityscape could be seen as tangible accumulation of political change, economic development, lifestyle and building technology over time. To break through the constraints of reality and to drive the city toward an unformed and not-yet-existing status, it's crucial that inhabitants have imagination toward a better and more ideal future in their minds. Dimensions of the imagination depend on established experiences: human movement in urban spaces, consumption on daily basis, people gathering and event happening, predictable transformation and integration of industries and etc. To escape from existing pattern of urban phenomena, by means of extracting and magnifying dayto-day fragments and through redefining and re-elaborating certain keywords, reorganization of persons, spaces and objects becomes possible. Several approaches for observation are necessary: sensual feedbacks from human body in physical or mental spaces, factors initiating behaviors of moving or staying, completion of permanent or temporary sense of places, sequentiality or arbitrariness of events and activities, and effects of time. What matter includes: finding of relations and creating of connections, consistency of internal logic, and responses to external conditions.
Team Liu
Transformation of Manufacturing Spaces Interaction Between Self-Makers and Products
變形的製造空間 自造者與商品的互動
劉育瑞 Yu-ruei Liou 內湖區蘆洲里工業區 ( 內湖與南港交接處 ) Luzhou industrial zone, Neihu district (the junction of Neihu and Nankang) N25°2'51" E121°31'2" 在第三次工業革命下,製造業有了新的轉變。由於開始注 重客製化,製造流程因而改變,可能使製造業回歸先進國 家,結束國際代工關係。面臨未來即將形成的鏈狀連結的 科技園區,早上看似熱鬧,晚上卻空如死城。反思台北科 技走廊的定義,於內湖區蘆洲里工業區置入相對於科技產 業的生產機能-工廠。保留部分傳統產業工業區,作為城 市中人文與科技的中介空間。企圖探討建築的動與不動之 間,對於整個產業鏈的形成、物料和產品的運送、及對人 生活上的影響。
During the third industrial revolution , people dedicate to the digitalization of the manufacturing process which is different from the mass production of former industrial revolutions. The third revolution focuses on customization which may alter the essence of manufacturing and move places of production back to the developed country and thus end up the cooperation of international subcontracting. Facing the possibility of creating a large number of technology parks which are hustle and bustle during daytime but empty at night, it's worth to rethink the position and redefinition of the Taipei Technology Corridor. Part of traditional industrial area would be reserved and integrated into emerging 3D printing industry. The redefined zone will be an intermediary space between two contrary aspects- humanity and technology- of the Taipei City. The project aim to explore the effects of dynamic/ static architecture on the shaping of the whole industry chain, transportation of materials and production, and people's way of living.
基地兩側雙向通行 東邊道路為單行道
不可量產 垂直整合
Yu-ruei Liou
進入機器時代 發明蒸汽機 基地舊有狀態
零件運輸、組裝 產品以輸送帶 較重的以吊軌運送
控制論 自動調節、計算機、通訊技 術、通訊技術、仿生學
不可量產 自動製造業 工廠製造 可量產
現代控制理論 自動化技術水平大幅提升
自然持續汙染 人類投入土地復育 資訊爆炸 資料、雜訊
進入計算機自動設計時代 機械自行運作零件組裝
Team Liu
Yu-ruei Liou
Team Liu
Yu-ruei Liou
Team Liu
Yu-ruei Liou
< 場域、變織 > 建 築 如 人 體 一 般, 在 不 斷 變 化 的 環 境 中, 不 斷 的 修 改 (altering) 及 適 應 (adapting)。今年的畢業設計中,思考如何將幾個關鍵字-變動、適應性與延 續性,詮釋於建築中。 城市就像是有機體一般不斷的變動適應,城市空間也隨之變動調整適應;而建 築就像是一連串不斷變動的空間所組織,都市也由不同的建築、開放空間及事 件組成。 場域在不斷變化適應的過程中,不同的空間碰撞在一起時也會產生多樣化的型 態,思考場域的本質,思考不同場域連結在一起時所呈現的樣貌。而這些變動 衍生出的空間場域的不同定義及其彈性,都需要延伸思考,往往影響的最大因 素在於時間及活動,也藉此思考生活場域的變動性、適應性。 另一重點在於建築與生活主體與環境間的回應,透過兩者間介面的界定,讓空 間的內外產生聯繫。建築設計亦是透過不斷的自我反思與實驗尋找自我對場域 與介面在時間因素影響下所可能的樣貌。 本組的設計操作希望透過上述的基本價值下探討,思考人類、建築、都市與環 境之間的互應中,基於都市脈絡、建築、場域、變動、時間因素、社會價值等 因素,藉由設計者的想像與詮釋,以及不斷的實驗操作,找尋城市中所關注的 建築空間相關議題。這些議題思考基於時間及社會脈絡的影響下,生活場域產 生的變動,透過設計者的揣摩,及烏托邦式的重新解構空間、思考其背後的意 義,提出自我看法,亦或反思與批判。空間的界面可以不停的被重新界定與突 破範圍。事件想像的拼貼(湊)也代表設計者對不同影響因素的綜合反思。透 過繪圖、模型,不斷的實驗與重新定義並詮釋所認識的環境或空間,並尋找對 於建築設計自我信仰價值,期望這樣的過程可以延續傳統、展望未來的建築價 值。
Chia-hao Tsai
Field / Altering > Architecture is always altering and adapting the ever-changing environment as human body. To think of the interpretation of “alteration”, “adaptability" and “continuity” in architecture is the main focus in the graduation projects this year. <
Cities alter and adapt constantly like organisms and excite the consequent change and adjustment of urban space. Architecture is formed with a series of developing spaces. Urban, subsequently, is composed with different architecture, open spaces and events. In the ever-changing and adapting process of space, the colliding of different spaces generates a variety of space types, which cause us to deliberate the essence of space and the appearance of linked spaces. The flexibility and various definitions of the spaces should be cogitated. Most of the time, the main factors are time and activities. It also motivates the curiosity of the adaptability and alteration in living environment. Another key factor is the responses between living and environment. By defining the interface between these two, the connection of inner space and outer space is generated. Architecture design is to look for the possible appearance through constant self-reflection and experiment on spaces and interfaces. The strategy is to think about the interactions between human, architecture, urban and the environment through the above discussion. Based on urban context, architecture, space, alteration, time factor, social value and other factors, designers search for the focused issue in architecture related subject with their imagination and interpretation, as well as on-going experiments. The subjects are affected by time, social context and the alteration of living space. Through designer’s elicitation, deconstruction of space and the value of such interpretation, it demonstrates the designers’ thoughts, opinions as well as their introspection and critics. The interfaces of each space can be constantly redefined and breakthrough. The different interpretation of events also represents designers’ imagination and introspection on each different factor. Through the drawings, models, continuous experiments and redefining the already-known environment and space, searching for the belief and value of architecture, the traditions and future of architectural value are expected to last.
Team Tsai
Cycle of Life 弭.生死之殤 梁晏綺 + 郭雅綾 Yen-chi Liang+Ya-ling Guo 和信治癌中心醫院 Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center N25°7'41" E121°28'18" 探討人與人面對離別時,兩者與相對環境間存在的介面如 何轉化,怎麼用有形或無形的方式串連兩者之間的互動及 關係,並且討論相同介面不同距離、相同距離不同介面所 帶來的差異。 循環 - 療 > 喪 > 葬 > 悼 > 癒 強化療跟癒對癌患的幫助以及希望,利用新的葬法_冰 葬,無汙染,藉由種植生命的成長與循環,讓整個離別 過程成為循環,並且與外界連接。在和信治癌醫院與旁邊 的空地,探討基地與周遭環境以及癌症患者之間的議題, 包含生與死的空間問題、如何為離別建立一套回歸性的循 環、環境介面等,並且將病房打破置入場域中,將過去 ( 悼 念 ) 與未來 ( 希望 ) 構築在同一個場域之間。
Explore the transformation in the interface between the patients, their families and the surrounded environment when facing loved ones' leaving. Connect their interactions and relations with tangible or intangible methods. Discuss the differences brought either by different interfaces and identical distance or identical interfaces and different distance. Cycle - Curing> Funeral> Burial> Mourning> Healing Strengthen the help and hopes with “Curing” and “Healing”. Use the pollution-free new burial method, Promession, By planting the growth and cycle of life, the whole process became a circulation, and connected with the outside world. On the open space next to Koo Foundation Sun Yatsen Cancer Centre, study the site and its surrounding environment as well as the issues of the cancer patients - the subjects on spaces for the living, the death and to establish a regression of parting cycle and its environmental interfaces and so on. To open up the wards and place into the spatial field in order to build the memory of the past and the hopes for the future in the same field.
Yen-chi Liang Ya-ling Guo
人們的寄託,是樹、是對至親情感的延續 對病者,樹是希望、是一股力量對抗未知的死後 春意盎然 我們如青色果子探出頭來 歷經風雨、鳥兒啄食 漸而紅通、飽滿 後而風霜、枯竭 回歸母土、回給世界 回給那我素未謀面的那個 _ 你 死亡是必然,而認識死亡是必要的 如果能將生命的長度上下延伸到過去、未來 那麼此生的死亡,只是來生的另一個開始。 _聖嚴法師
Team Tsai
癌細胞厭氧 飲食改變 運動 心理治療
癌細胞厭氧 癌細胞厭氧 飲食改變 飲食改變 運動 運動 心理治療 心理治療
肥料 肥料 ((冰葬) 冰葬 )
樹木花草(悼念) 有機栽培物 回饋
高氧環境 芬多精
樹木花草 ( 悼念 ) 樹木花草(悼念) 有機栽培物 有機栽培物 回饋 回饋
高氧環境 高氧環境 芬多精 芬多精
非關係者共享環境 非關係者共享環境
生理治療 生理治療 運動 運動 飲食改變 飲食改變 芬多精 芬多精
[ ]
心理療癒 心理療癒 輔導 陪伴 安養
最終告別 最終告別
儀式空間 儀式空間
生理治療 運動 飲食改變 芬多精
[ ]
[ ]
[ ]
冰葬 心理療癒 等待室
輔導 等待室 收骨室 陪伴 收骨室 安養
[ ]
[ ]
悼念 悼念
[ ]
[ ] 喪
[ ]
[ 療
喪 喪
葬 葬
葬 悼
喪 喪
[ ]
傷痛復原之意 傷痛復原之意
種植 儀式空間 種植 冰葬 等待室 收骨室
Yen-chi Liang Ya-ling Guo
planting planting
ward ward
inside inside
underground underground
playground playground
Team Tsai
Yen-chi Liang Ya-ling Guo
Team Tsai
Yen-chi Liang Ya-ling Guo
Team Fang
The D Urbnanism D sysetm in arcade
地下經濟在建築空間 楊承諺 Ian Yang 林森北路 Linsen North Road N25°03'4'' E121°31'31'' 在台北林森北路運作的經濟模式中,找出自給自足有效率 的規則,而其恰恰與騎樓空間關係密不可分,再者騎樓也 隱含了這種多變數以及自己生長的特性,一切看似雜亂無 章,沒有次序的表象下,卻是隱藏著極大的經濟效益和空 間效益,因此在這個設計中試著找出原本被現在都市所掩 蓋的地下經濟紋理,用騎樓為概念出發的空間原型發展一 整套效率並自足的城市經濟系統,顯現出林森北路應有的 都市樣貌。
In the Tapipei Linsen North Road, trying to identify self-sufficiency and efficiency rules in the operation of economic model and it has inseparable relations with space of arcade, Furthermore arcade also implies the multivariable and self-growth characteristics, although everything seems to be disorganized and no rules but hidden the great economic and space efficiency, In this design, try to find the underground economy texture which had been hidden by the city then using the prototype of arcade space to develop the whole efficient and self-sufficient urban economic system to show the original urban appearance in Linsen North Road.
System D(In french,stysteme D) is a shorthand term that refers to a manner of responding to challengesthat requires one to have the abilty to think fast,to adapt,and to improvise when getting a job done. The letter D refers back to either of the french nouns d'ebrouillardise(french slang).
Ian Yang
hoarding goods,vendor carts,gathering area like a large wholesale market
Spatial behavior description
collection of commercial buildings various economic behavior occurs, as a large market
the plasticity public space provide vendors retail trafficking sentinel
Zone 26
Zone 23
Zone 20
Zone 18
Zone 13
Zone B
Team Fang 286
30 years ago
10 years ago
40 years ago
20 years ago
20 years ago
30 years ago
10 years ago
40 years ago
287 Ian Yang
Team Fang
Ian Yang
Review Critics
校內畢業展 Exhibition in Taipei tech << 2013/06/08-06/22 >>
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