Networking Event Our November event has a HUGE twist! Check it out... Page 7.
Want to show case your work or make some $ from it? Page 12.
“Intellectual Property” The new paradigms affecting business marketing and Intellectual Property. By Geoff Moller, Page 6.
“Executive Stress” Healthy & Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms By Claire Kelly, Page 8 .
“Are Your Sales Benefiting From The Internet?” or is it ‘all too much, no real benefit?’ By Peter Gjersoe, Page 14.
“Work Life Balance” 5 Ways to Become an Extremely Efficient Entrepreneur By Ben Mackie, Page 10.
“The Public Speaking Phobia” What is it that makes people fear public speaking? By Peter Gjersoe, Page 8.
Table of Contents
Letter From The Editor 3 The Public Speaking Phobia 4
What is it that makes people fear public speaking?
Intellectual Property 6
The new paradigms affecting business marketing and Intellectual Property.
November Networking With A TWIST!
Our November event has a HUGE Twist, check it out...
Executive Stress: 8
Healthy & Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Work Life Balance 10
5 Ways to Become an Extremely Efficient Entrepreneur
Enjoy the power of words that both resonate and motivate!!
Ever thought of selling your images? We’ve made it super easy!
Are your sales benefiting from the internet? 14 or is it ‘all too much, no real benefit?’
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BEN Mackie Letter From The Editor Every business has its’ necessary procedures. Things like collecting receipts, entering data, filing, invoicing, following up e-mails, client calls that become some sort of wild goose chase- these are all seemingly necessary evils that come with daily business life, aren’t they? When you factor these in, along with all the other responsibilities that weigh down on our shoulders, is it any wonder so many of us finish the day feeling overloaded, underwhelmed and underpaid for the end result? The good news? Plenty of business owners (and not just the more established ones) have discovered procedures that eliminate much of the time and stress that used to seem like an unavoidable part of the job. The result is that they can devote more of their time and energy to expanding their business, growing their empire, making more money- and making sure the state of their body and mind improves with these material gains!
In last months’ issue of CSBN Monthly, I talked about the benefits of specialising your particular line of work. I talked about the advantages that come when you cease trying to please everybody’s needs, tastes and budgets and instead narrow your focus down to a few key areas where your knowledge and expertise are strongest. If you can do this with your own business, you’ve made a great start towards building a better work/ life balance. This month, I’ve included 5 tips for improving the efficiency of your daily business operations. This comes from what I’ve learned over these past couple of years as I’ve endured the usual symptoms people encounter when their business is in that “start-up” phase. Coupled with specialising your business, following these 5 tips (and there are plenty more ingenious ones out there, believe me) you’ll be one step closer to doing work you love, loving your work, and loving the look of your profit graph! Part of the journey towards becoming a successful entrepreneur is coming to the realisation that working a productive, carefully planned (and executed) 10 hour work week is much better for us (financially, physically and mentally) than being ‘busy’ 40 hours every week. The joy in running a business (responsibility aside, of course) is recognising the fact that before you lies an opportunity to do it your way. You can run a successful business, generate outstanding profits and create a more ideal working week than the 9-5 slog you left behind in your past life. All it takes is a spirit of resourcefulness and a little planning… Read Ben’s article on page 10.
Author - Ben Mackie
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The Public Speaking Phobia What is it that makes people fear public speaking?
Fear of public speaking is one of the Top Ten Fears that people have. In some lists it is number 2 after the fear of flying and often more people will state they fear public speaking over the fear of death. Now that is saying something about public speaking! The technical term is Glossophobia.
Mentally have a stop sign that you see every time you start to get nervous. See your stop sign and say to yourself – I am not nervous I am excited – I will be great and I am confident. This will short circuit that downward spiral that is caused by the fear.
So what is it that makes people fear public speaking so much? In many cases it is the fear of the unknown – it is something they don’t do very often so they don’t know what to expect. It is often a fear of making a fool of oneself – they lack confidence and feel that people won’t want to listen to them. There is the fear that they will forget what they are going to say – that they will be there in the spotlight mouth open and nothing coming out.
Next – give your self every opportunity to speak. Take away that fear of the unknown. The more you speak the more experience you gain the more you know what to expect and the more confident you then become. Start small, step forward when asked to introduce someone at a meeting, step forward when asked to give a vote of thanks. Every time you get up to speak you break down that barrier of the unknown.
The symptoms of this fear range from sweaty hands, heart racing, shaking legs, red face, nausea and even in extreme cases tongue tied – physically not able to get a word out.
Practise, practise, practise and prepare, prepare, prepare. The more you practise and prepare the less opportunity for Murphy’s Law to kick in. When you know your subject you are more confident in yourself. Don’t worry about notes.. if you need them use them. Just learn to use them unobtrusively so that they assist you instead of becoming a barrier between you and the audience.
A little bit of nervous tension is good for the public speaker. That nervous tension can be turned into adrenalin which gets the heart pumping and helps to add that charisma, that oomph, the extra sparkle to a speech. Good speakers have learned how to control their fears and nerves. What can be done to turn your fear of public speaking into energy to add sparkle to your next speech? Firstly work on your attitude – bring a positive attitude to your speaking. Instead of believing that the people are going to laugh at you and that you will make a fool of yourself. Think to your self – I am excited, I can do this, I am confident.
Finally, find a training organisation near you, attend a workshop read some books on public speaking. Always take the opportunity to put into practise what you learn because you can’t learn public speaking without actually doing it! These are all practical ideas that work – how do I know this because I have been there and done it. I too had a fear of public speaking – whilst it wasn’t my top fear it was at least one that I could do something about. So if I can get
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to a point where I now love speaking – then you too can do it. All you have to do is take that first step. One of the side benefits of overcoming the fear of public speaking is that if you can become confident speaking in front of people that confidence will carry over into over areas of your life. Now I can hear many of you saying – great article but I am not a public speaker and I really don’t want to speak to large groups of people! Let me ask you a question – do you have to speak to clients – Is the object of speaking to your clients to get them to buy a product or service from you … If you answer yes to either of these questions then you are a public speaker – the skills that public speakers use to wow their audiences are the same skills that you as a business owner, or entrepreneur need to use effectively to wow your clients, share your passion – grow your business. So next time you may not be feeling quite so confident speaking to a client or a supplier or you need to walk into a boardroom and make that pitch of a lifetime; think about the tips mentioned above and try some of them out. You may just find your communication skills will be more effective.
Oh – what is my top fear – it is the fear of heights – which I might add is not as easy as the fear of public speaking is to overcome. I am still working on this one and not quite as successfully as the public speaking fear!! Trish @ Trischel Managing Director Trischel Creating Confident Communicators Website - Website - Email - Blog - LinkedIn - Phone - +61 7 54331105
Trish Springsteen is an award winning Communication Expert, Senior Trainer, Professional Speaker, MC and Author. With over 15 years experience in Communication, Trish specialises in Creating Confident Communicators to give them the confidence to grab opportunities and shine when they need to. Trish works with entrepreneurs and business to help them avoid missed opportunities and leaving money on the table because they have not added speaking, effective communication and training to their marketing and business plans. Contact Trish to book a FREE Strategy Session and have a conversation with her to see how to take your business to the next level. Trish is the Co-founder and Director of communication training company, Trischel.
is on Facebook
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Intellectual Property
The new paradigms affecting business marketing and Intellectual Property. The new way of thinking about marketing and utilising more online strategies and socialmedia open up excellent opportunities to reach new potential clients and service existing ones, but at the same time they also require some new thinking about intellectual property, either protecting it or avoiding infringing on someone else’s. I was interviewed by an online talk show host and the subject came up about trademarks as there’s becoming a strong correlation between wanting to be found online using such strategies as SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and now content marketing. The new models of doing business and embracing business online invoke the need for becoming more aware of protecting your Intellectual Property (IP), by way of trademarks, and not infringing someone else’s trademark. So the desire to become more visible online also makes you visible online in case you infringe someone else’s IP. I always say to people that as part of business planning trademarks and intellectual property strategies should be addressed as part of the strategic planning and as early in the process as possible. Doing it wrong can have enormous consequences (to even having to shut down the business or rebrand) and doing it right can create a very valuable asset and the possibility of a solid passive income in the long term.
• While you can apply for a Trademark yourself there are lots of little traps and things to be aware of along the way so I would suggest that you use an IP Australia agent (like myself) or a legal firm. Just to get you thinking here are some common examples of trademark items you may want to consider business names, logos, composite logos, services, products, taglines, phrases and certain types of diagrams. Geoff is offering a free IP Australia lookup on your brand name to CSBN readers, so whether you’ve been trading for a long time or just planning your new venture it pays to check the availability or otherwise of your business name. And once you own a registered a trademark do everything you can possibly do it to protect it, it’s your brand and business at stake. You can find out more about trademarks at www.IPAustralia. and business names at For more information Geoff Moller can be contacted at
Here’s a couple of steps to help you along the way:
• Once you decide you would you like you’d like to register your business name or domain name or design a logo do your searching to make sure that someone else hasn’t already thought of it first. • You can check for business names with ASIC (www. and trademarks with IP Australia (www. to see if your desired business name is available for you to use safely. • Secure the domain name. • Apply for a trademark or have someone help you do it but bear in mind that this process takes around eight months so get the process into the system as soon as you can and note that applying for a trademark does not guarantee that you will be successful in having it approved.
Author - Geoff Moller Geosys Pty Ltd Email - Website - Phone - 0411 351 110
Networking with a
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When: Where: Cost: What to Expect:
Thursday 27th November, 6:30pm to 9pm. 706 Main Street, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane. Public transport & parking. $10 Not only will you enjoy making some powerful new contacts, and getting to know some amazing new people, you will also enjoy:
1. A COMPLIMENTARY Professional Portrait Photoshoot for 5 lucky winners on the night, so dress up! Your file will be sent to you within 7 days. 2. A COMPLIMENTARY and Personalised 30 Minute Introductory Strategy Session with John Laurenson, appointments to be made on the night. 3. A COMPLIMENTARY Website Health Check, details collected on the night and you will receive your report within 7 days. 4. A COMPLIMENTARY 30 Minute Content and Marketing Exploration of your current material with Ben Mackie for 5 lucky winners, appointments to be made on the night. 5. Yummy, healthy, tasty snacks and drinks.
CLICK HERE to R.S.V.P and secure your place at our next event today!
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Executive Stress: Healthy & Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
heightened. Slightly on edge we become aware something has changed in the body which we need to pay attention to. If we don’t deal with the stress at this stage we then progress to stage two (adaption). Our cortisol levels rise. We might start to feel tense, anxious or even ill before we walk out the door. A simple beep or text message on our phone might send us into a bit of a panic. We react to little things that normally, we wouldn’t. We start to function at a million miles an hour, and are unable to ‘switch off’ at night. Maybe you can’t orgasm or perform in the bedroom. Maybe you start suffering from exhaustion and feel unmotivated, tired, drained. The reality is ‘balance’ can be very hard to maintain. Bosses want the most out of us. Emails can be sent via phone so we can be accessible at all times. Maybe you even have to leave your phone on if you are on call. In today’s world sometimes we have to work our asses off to get s*** done. Sometimes we have pull extra long hours or work on our mobile devices late into the night. Sometimes we feel we have to choose to forego food or exercise because we simply will be more stressed if we don’t complete work in time for deadlines. Stress. Ah, yes, we know it’s there. Yes, we know it is something we should manage (yet most of us don’t). We just keep working, day in day out, waiting for that inevitable holiday ... Then finally we take the holiday and what happens? We get sick. Wiped out. We don’t end up doing any of the things we wanted to because our body just needs to rest. Our entire central nervous system crashes. The holiday may as well have been in a hotel room just around the corner from our house. Then we go back to work and do the whole thing over again. Until one day, that ‘crash’ puts us in hospital and we are forced to look at our lifestyle and what we need to do to manage it. Many of us get the concept of balance - homeostasis (in scientific terms). When the body is in homeostasis everything works. We think clearly. Our hormones are in balance. We can negotiate and manage multiple things at once without reaching overwhelm. We perform. We sleep. Our bodies feel rested, recharged, rejuvenated. We can relax, enjoy intimacy and all the good things in life. When we are stage one of stress (adrenalin) our senses get
Doesn’t mean we can’t handle it. We can for a time. But there is a cost to second stage adaption. It’s not sustainable. In stage two , our body gets used to being stressed. Think cigarettes, alcohol abuse , other drug abuse - this usually comes in in stage two stress. We can do it for a time - we might even be able to do it for years - but eventually the stress will catch up with us. And then in stage three - you crash. Your body gives in. Adrenal fatigue. Complete exhaustion. No energy. Burnout. Disease or other illness comes in. You can’t function at all. Forget working, or doing anything fun. In this stage the body needs to recover. You don’t want to live your life and run your business/ corporate career without seriously looking at what is getting you stressed, and what you are doing to manage it. What is the point of putting in hours and hours of work to build something, which you won’t be able to manage or enjoy in the long term? The amount of executives I see absolutely stressed out to the max (especially women) - wondering why they can’t relax or get pregnant, wondering how they have got diabetes or are putting on weight (could be those five coca colas you have daily) scares me. Here are some of my best tips on what you can do to manage executive stress and live to your maximum creative potential and create optimal health.
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1) Switch your phone off at night or put it on airplane mode so you can actually get a good sleep. Your soul needs time to recover from the challenges off the day - staying online or on a computer late into the night does not help your body at all, in fact it increases ‘yang’ or mental energy. Traditional Chinese Medicine recommends to get to bed by 11 (at the absolute latest) in order to make the most of the yin/ chi time between 11pm and 4 am. Otherwise you start moving into ‘astral chi’ (space cadet mode) - meaning no focus, unable to make decisions and increase your likelihood of accidents by being unaware. 2) Resist checking your phone first thing when you wake up. Try cuddling and connecting with your partner to release oxytocin, meditate, or undertake a gentle exercise out in nature. 3) Live authentically and get real about how you feel - then act accordingly. Don’t do things out of obligation, especially if you are starting to feel resentful about a person or certain situation. Keeping your word and being honest in all interactions help the mind and body to stay clear and healthy.
point to get back to homeostasis. Even one hour a week doing any of the above activities will make a difference. 7) If you travel a lot, upon landing, see if you can reset your body clock to the local time zone by visiting an acupuncturist and asking them to balance your meridians (energy flow). 8) Breathe properly - deep into the belly. Keep your shoulders back, heart open. Anytime you are feeling stressed or anxious notice what has happened to your body. 9) Avoid all horror/ crime/ gruesome movies especially after you have just finished work for the day. 10) Get a pet and walk it, look after it. It’s been proven that animals also rapidly decrease our stress levels just by being around. Claire Kelly is a Body Mind Therapist, Healer, Yoga Teacher & Meditation Facilitator based on the Gold Coast. She specialises in assisting corporate men and women to release stress from their body; primarily balancing masculine/feminine energy to prevent disease and illness.
4) Cut out all sugar and other foods or substances that are putting your body under even more stress
For more details
Writer | Yoga teacher | Psychosomatic Therapist | Love Doctor
Have more sex/ increase physical touch
6) Schedule time to play just for you. Listening to music uninterrupted for 30 minutes, walking in nature or other relaxing pursuits such as tai-chi, yin yoga, meditation all work. It’s important to reboot the central nervous system the sympathetic nervous system needs to switch off at some
Author - Claire Kelly
| Meditation Facilitator | SeeSelfie Creator | Radio show host M: 0415483757
Want to connect more?
Check out for reviews,the radio show and information on the latest programs/ best healers Head over to for more on the BodyMind Therapy, my latest video dating program and more! You can also tweet me @clairelkelly or connect with me on LinkedIn
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Work Life Balance 5 Ways to Become an Extremely Efficient Entrepreneur
1. Streamline standard procedures - this especially
applies to those who provide a service (rather than a product) to clients. Streamlining removes petty options, giving you extra time and brain space to focus on more important decision making. For me, one of the ways I managed to streamline my daily operations was to create standard brief templates for clients to fill out, then e-mail back to me. Instead of taking shorthand notes on each project while chatting over the phone (then having to organise/ make more follow-up calls for further details) now I can get all the key information I need from a client with one quick e-mail of the briefing template. They fill it out and, once we’ve agreed to start on a project, I send them a copy of my personal project brief so they know exactly what work I plan to do on their site, blog or profile. Word for word, we’re both clear about what they want and how I plan to go about getting them what they want. Is there a standard form, questionnaire or template you could create to send out to clients, as opposed to taking individual notes? Perhaps taking the time to organise your work folders (physical or virtual) alphabetically, chronologically or otherwise, is what will save you time and headspace? Whatever saves you time performing standard procedures or making decisions is of great value. Because the more time and energy you can devote to the important things, the more you will achieve in your business!
of e-mails to just two days a week (or even one), wouldn’t that free up a little more time- and headspace- for more productive tasks? Few things drain your motivation first thing in the morning like opening your inbox to discover a page overflowing with e-mails that (if your inbox is anything like mine) make no difference whatsoever to the rest of your workday. Going through each individual e-mail to reply to, move or delete them, bogs you down even more. Set aside a maximum of three separate times in your working week to check e-mails- and spend the rest of your time concerned with those bigger, more important, more enjoyable things that really make a difference to your business. You’ll be glad you did!
2. Minimise multi-tasking - multi-tasking, as some say,
5. Tackle the toughest tasks between Tuesday and
is the art of doing two things poorly at once. We are all at our most productive (physically and mentally) when we focus all our energies on one task at a time. Multi-tasking is often the result of poor planning and/ or time management. Planning your day (or week) ahead, and focusing on one task at a time is a boost not just to your productivity, but also reduces your stress levels and improves your focus.
3. Plan your peak productive period - staying on the
theme of multi-tasking, planning your day out beforehand enables you to decide between what times you’ll be fully engrossed in work and what times you are free to other distractions- necessary or otherwise. I’m sure I’m not the only person who loathes going about their business with an effortless flow, only for it to be derailed by a phone call! Plan what days/ times are strictly for work (perhaps even going a step further and defining what type of work?) and then ensure that in these time windows, you minimize any chance of distraction. Whether that means putting up the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, turning your phone on silent or even enjoying some coffee before getting down to business, plan your peak productive period.
4. Eradicate E-mail - do you really need to check your
inbox every day? If you made it known that urgent enquiries could be made by a phone call and you cut back checking
Thursday- if (like me) the weekend is your time for relaxing and taking care of minor tasks, and Monday is where you plan out your coming week and get up to speed, then Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday should be when you put your foot down. In any given week, find the biggest or toughest tasks and aim to have them all completed by Thursday afternoon. Getting the biggest, most demanding or time-consuming tasks out of the way as soon as you can, is a notable mental hurdle to overcome. Finish these first, and then the rest feels like a downhill run. You know what’s better than getting the toughest tasks out of the way and realizing it’s all downhill from here? Realising that Friday (and the weekend) are just around the corner as well. Can I get an ‘Amen’? Note that the 5 suggestions above are just small efficiency methods I have learned through experience, trial and error (and error, and error, and error again). They are by no means the total range of handy tips to sharpen your focus and streamline the operation of your business. I recommend reading ‘The 4 Hour work week’ (Timothy Ferris) for plenty of other great ideas on how you can get more productive (and profitable) results for your business in exchange for less wasted time and less stress. But before you rush out to buy the book or order it online- start with these 5 tips, and let me know what difference it makes! Author - Ben Mackie
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POWER QUOTE Enjoy the power of words that both resonate and motivate!!
“By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands — your own.” Mark Victor Hansenk
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PHOTOGRAPHERS Ever thought of selling your images? We’ve made it super easy!
Stock photography is readily available, but can cost an arm and a leg for that perfect image to compliment your message. The Team at CSBN has decided to include a new section to our monthly magazine aimed specifically at photographers who would like to show case, sell and receive recognition for their work. While this will add a valuable and visually impacting addition to our magazine, it will also serve to promote those who would like to promote and benefit their work, and generate more people looking to use their images for marketing and promotion. The selling and buying for now will be between the photographer and the client, but
we are working hard to have a powerful feature on our website to showcase your images while automatically taking care of the selling and buying, quickly and easily. Our aim is to provide some unique images at affordable prices that can be used for commercial purposes by small business owners, as well as help you promote your images while generating an income from “The Team at CSBN has decided to include a new section aimed specifically at photographers who want to show case their work!”
them. You might be just getting started, or be an old hand with a DSLR - it doesn’t matter. If your work is clear and sharp, has impact and clarity, and of a specific resolution, we want to see it and publish it here. Send your files through to with a brief description of who you are and why you love photography, .
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Are your sales benefiting from the internet? or is it ‘all too much, no real benefit?’
In the year 2000, there were two major flops. One was the non-existence of the much-feared ‘Y2K Bug’, and the other flop was the internet. ‘The World Wide flop’ as it was called back in year 2000. Fast-forward to 2014 when doing business outside an area limited by how far you can walk seems impossible without the aid of the internet. How did things change so radically? Answer: In 2008, the Global Financial Crisis, or the GFC, happened, and that changed everything. Especially the selling process and with the major ongoing consequences that we all need to “Do more, with less.” In sales, “Do more, with less” has had a massive impact especially when viewed from the perspective of a corporate account. In comparison to pre-GFC days, today most corporate employees with a buying function have to deal with: - The reduced decision-making power; more decisions are made today by committees rather than individuals, extending sales cycles, - Taking on more responsibility, meaning they
have less time to spend on non-directly-relatedto-the-job activities, - Increased governance and transparency meaning most buyers are no longer able to participate in traditional benefits including lunches, entertainment, gifts and similar - Much closer scrutiny to ensure the company continues to drive down its costs, and finally - Through the omnipresence of the Web, any consumer today regularly knows more about the product, and company, than the sales rep does. Traditional field sales reps are trained to build relationships, find opportunities for their products, add value and make sure the buyer is happy. In today’s world of ‘unless it is faster, cheaper or easier to use; do not waste my time,’ these are not skills that are in demand. But, No selling = No Profit = No business. So what is a business owner to do? Answer: Embracing and incorporating the benefits of the internet.
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Put differently: If you are not paying at least as much attention to your website as you used to pay to your sales reps; you are, or soon will be, in trouble. Often when a business is going off the rails, it can be traced back to something wrong with one, or more, of the ‘4P’s’: Product: Is your product still the best suitable option for your business? What could, and should, your product be tomorrow? Place: Is your product being sold through the most optimal channel? Should you change from e.g. direct selling to selling through a joint venture, in somebody else’s shop or directly to the prospect in the home to mention a few options? Price: Are you sure you are offering your product at the best price? Moreover, the solution is seldom to discount. Instead look at combining products and focus on identifying your best customer, in the right market and at the best price. - An interesting example of price elasticity was when the Concord was in service, and it was viewed as a symbol of prestige for both the airlines flying the plane. Put differently, both airlines were losing money on each Concord flight. That was until they discovered it was possible to increase the ticket price four-fold without noticeable impact on the number of passengers. By the time the Concord was removed from service, it was providing very healthy profits for both BA and Air France. Promotion: Is your promotion reaching your intended audience? - Henry Ford is credited with the quote: “I know I am wasting 50% of my advertising spend. I just do not know which 50%.” Things have not improved since the days of Henry Ford. In the above situations, the internet can provide you with accurate and current information enabling you to make optimum decisions. Before you implement any change, there has never been a better environment than the internet, for pretesting and split-testing options to ensure your optimum position before you commit resources to
launch a product. Finally, the internet can be your best sales rep constantly providing correct and up to the moment feedback on your field operation. Lastly, I would like to introduce the concept of “Points of decision.” A Point of Decision is every time a prospect in their purchasing process has to make a decision; do they proceed or not? - A simple example of a Point of Decision is when a prospect is attracted to your solution, calls the number listed on your website, and the phone is not answered. In today’s environment filled with technology help, an unanswered phone is unforgivable, and you have lost that prospect. Look at your sales process: Are you sure every Point of Decision your prospects and clients are going through as part of buying from you reflects the right message and quality you want to represent? It may be a good idea to be a ‘mystery shopper’ at your website and test your sales process. Would you buy from yourself?
Until next time; the best of success to you. Author - Peter Gjersoe Email -
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CSBN MISSION STATEMENT Through a simple and highly effective world class web site service and development system that offers tailored solutions to everyday marketing challenges for almost every business.
Business growth will be sourced from an abundant supply of happy and satisfied customers who constantly refer more and more qualified prospects, and through highly effective networking and marketing events both online and in person. Promotion is further engaged through the highly successful CSBN Magazine and through regular publication of satisfied client stories and testimonials, and very profitable professional alliances with complementary organisations. Extraordinary client satisfaction ratings will be achieved through the development and improvement of highly functioning systems and procedures designed to engage and enhance customer experience at each and every interaction. The highly valued product and service offering is delivered by highly effective staff who are happy and motivated to improve and grow themselves and the business through effective use and improvement of the world class business systems. The overriding attitude is to remain the world’s best in web site development service and is achieved through: 1. an undying commitment to improving and innovating 2. constantly watching our competition and learning from them 3. staying in touch with our customers current needs and wants 4. system evaluation and improvement
meet our members.. Camille Scott
founder & manager Camille Scott, owner & manager, came upon the idea for the Connect! Small Business Network through her contact with the amazing NEIS small business course, it’s staff and mentors. By seeking new avenues through which to market my website services, and to outsource required work, I quickly realised that I had no clear and easy access to fellow NEIS participants.
“I truely hope the CSBN will benefit small and start up business owners across Australia to grow and reach the level the dream of”
“I truly hope the CSBN will benefit NEIS participants, both past and present as well as other business owners across Australia by providing a networking platform, from which we can all connect and benefit from our unique business experiences, services and products. Because I believe in the NEIS Small Business course, its standards, people and mentors, NEIS participants are the people I most want to do business with. I look forward to connecting with you soon.”
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Ben Mackie
editor in chi e f
Ben Mackie, CSBN Editor in Chief, also manages his own business (Scribe Copywriting). Through frequent involvement in business networking, Ben understands first hand how important it is for business (large or small) not just to make stronger connections with their target market and their existing client base, but also with other businesses. “Starting out in business is like planting seeds with the intention of growing a big tree. You can plant the seeds in healthy soil in a spot where they are exposed to enough sunlight to grow. But it’s not an instant process, the seeds and the soil need constant maintenance, attention and care to grow. Patience is also necessary. CSBN is where we connect people from all different fields- those sowing their seeds to those who have experience tending to their seeds and want to share their knowledge of what it takes to grow your business into a mighty tree.”
“CSBN is where we connect people from all different fields - those sowing their seeds to those who have experience tending to their seeds and want to share their knowledge of what it takes to grow a business into a mighty tree.”
Jo hn Laurenson
business coac h
John Laurenson, CSBN Business Coach, also manages his own business “Goals Systems Projects”. With over 40 years experience, John is an absolute wealth of knowledge and drive in solving problems, developing and implimenting highly efficient systems, and taking any business from woe to GO in no time at all. “If I said systems was the most important I would not be wrong but having said that you need vision / direction to head towards and a business model that is profitable. I help you focus with clarity and where you want to go and help you break down the phases of your business so you can clearly develop systems that work toward achieving your long term aims. Take 30 minutes out of your day to call me and have a conversation and discover if we are a match.”
“What is the most important thing you need to do in business?”
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Website Design & Development Step-by-Step Workshops Photography & Stock Images Copywriting for Quality Content Education Based Conferences Marketing & Promotion Video & Graphic Design
CONNECT! Small Business Network (CSBN) The CSBN is designed to help you expand and succeed in your business. We provide a wide variety of services to help your business stand out from the crowd while looking polished and professional. It takes a lot of hard work to succeed in business today, but we go the extra distance to help make it easy and effective for you.