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Young Alumnae President’s Circle

The Young Alumnae President’s Circle is a collaborative community of women who show their impact by sharing consistently.

This spring, we’ve made big changes to make membership easier and more inviting for more young alumnae. It’s a clear and affordable path to leadership giving. Take the next step and visit givecsb.com to discover how easy it is to empower the women who follow in your footsteps.


Your gifts make a big impact!

Come see the new circle!

1 Bennie Day in Swanville (Minnesota) was celebrated by Pam Palm Czech ’01, Shelly Peterson ’93 and Tamie Palm Wimmer ’01, Sept. ’22.

2 Teachers at Annandale (Minnesota)

Elementary school celebrated Bennie Day, Sept. ’22. Back row (L to R): Maggie O’Donnell Dreier ’14, Reyna Manley Hartley ’01, Kaylee Batcha Fraser ’13, Laura Payne Sellheim ’03 and Amy Stifter Gagnon ’11. Front row (L to R): Erika Hauger Bakke ’04, Courtney Daniels Ortmann ’15 and Katie Vanselow Zuehlke ’98.

3 Class of 2013 Bennies gathered to celebrate Kelly Butorac’s graduation with a master of library and information science degree from St. Catherine University in December. Front row (L to R): Lauren Wander, Ellen Newkirk and Kelly Butorac. Back row (L to R): Michelle Hromatka, Megan Addabbo Dehn and Becca Scholz.

4. Twin Cities Orthopedics celebrated Bennie Day, Sept. 22. L to R: Jessie Donovan ’05, Kristina Burk ’14, Lisa Kranz ’14, Kerrie Dingmann Whiting ’14, Isabel Sim-Campos ’16, Courtney Siebenahler ’21, Maria Carrow Ryan ’06, Emily Marks Langan ’12, Stacy Jorgensen Sand ’99, Heather Isaackson Orth ’05 and Leah Pleiss Zimmerman ’08.

5 Paige Kamke Batcha ’09 and Cami Longstreet Zimmer ’93 met at an event in May ’22 and hit it off immediately! Cami states, “She [Paige] has reminded me of the power to be professionally authentic – and laugh every now and then.”

6 In May ’22, Christin Tomy ’10 made her Perpetual Profession of Vows to the Sinsinawa Dominican Sisters of Wisconsin, with her Bennie friends there to support her! L to R: Sarah Biro Hawkins ’09, Ann Koller ’10, S. Christin Tomy ’10, Laura Kinowski Eiden ’10 and Mikaela Dunn ’10.

7 Hannah Lendino ’18 and Austin Barrett were married in Sept. ’22. They celebrated with proud parents Anne Fredericks Lendino ’93 and Jeffrey Lendino ’93, along with Bennie/Johnnie guests ranging from classes of 1953 to 2022.

8 In Oct. ’22, Mariah Rathmanner ’17 married Parker Anderson ’17 and celebrated with 55-60 Bennie/Johnnie alums in attendance. Fun was had by all and, of course, “Piano Man” closed out the night!

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