Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary

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Equi p p i n g L ead er s Se r v i n g t h e ch u rch We l c o m i n g all as C h ri st



The Saint John’s Graduate School of Theology and Seminary, immersed in a Catholic, Benedictine community and committed to Vatican II’s ecclesial and liturgical renewal, is a leading educator of theologically wise leaders who call forth the spiritual gifts of faith communities into service and guide them into new evangelization action.

WELCOME to one of the most respected graduate programs in theology in North America. Graduate theology at Saint John’s is spiritual, vocational, and transformative –

committed to the sacredness of each person. It prepares students professionally and intellectually for the important work they will do in the world, but it also emphasizes who each is called to be – a disciple, an ordained or lay minister, a teacher or scholar. At Saint John's, teachers and students seek truth and pursue wisdom with hope and mindful compassion.

Scripture, spirituality, and liturgy have an integral role in shaping students at Saint John’s. In addition to having access to exceptional teachers and scholars, students are formed in a place that integrates academic studies with the Catholic Benedictine daily rhythms of prayer and work. Surrounded by lakes and woods, they are immersed in an inspiring, contemplative environment.

The Leaven of Hope The impact of the Saint John’s Effect spreads across the world like life-giving rain to a parched world.

From major global cities to rural mountain villages, our students and graduates are nudging

humanity ever closer to the Kingdom of God. They bring food to the hungry, welcome to the stranger, comfort to the suffering, and hope to the hopeless, affirming the sacred value and dignity of all people everywhere.

Australia Bahamas Brazil Canada China Columbia France Germany Ghana Guatemala India Indonesia Iceland Italy Japan Kenya

Master of Theological Studies

Teacher, Writer, Editor, Doctor, Lawyer, Environmentalist, Non-Profit leader and more.

Master of Theology

PhD Professor, Researcher, Writer, Liturgy Director, Catechist and more.

MA in Ministry

Administrator, Deacon, Social Justice, Healthcare and Bereavement Services and more.

Master of Divinity - Priesthood

Priest, PhD Professor, Researcher, Writer, Anthropologist, other religious affiliate and more.

Master of Divinity - Lay

Chaplain, Deacon, Director of Religious Education, Youth Minister and more.

MA in Liturgical Music

Choir Director, Liturgist, Musician, Vocalist, Organist and more.

Certificate Programs

Spiritual Director, Religious Art and Architecture specialist, Evangelist and more.


Parents, Grandparents, non-profit affiliates, volunteers and more.

Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Peru Philippines Virgin Islands South Korea Sri Lanka Taiwan Tanzania Uganda United Kingdom United States Vietnam

Living Out Benedictine Values

Awareness of God

Taking Counsel

Respect for Persons

Dignity of Work


Common Good

Graduate students at Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary (SOT/Sem) are immersed in Benedictine values, a life perspective that has integrated mind, heart and spirit for over 1,500 years. These timeless principles are embedded in the stones which form our footpath, the mortar that holds our bricks, and the waves that lap our shore.

Community Living



Truthful Living



Called to Serve: Okey Is Lifting Nigerians Above Poverty Okey, born and raised in Nigeria, was fortunate to attend school as a child. He recalls seeing children on the sides of the road selling trinkets and wondering why they were not in school. Later, he realized they were forced child laborers. Thinking to himself, "if nobody is going to do something about this - I will!" Okey began his quest at Saint John’s School of Theology and Seminary by immersing himself in our experiential theology and teachings of Catholic social justice. Formed by this experience, he founded the Basic Institute for Zonal African Advancement (BIZAA) organization, with its mission to stop forced child labor by rescuing current victims - providing education and life skills to end the cycle of poverty and forced labor. Okey is rescuing children and saving lives in Nigeria.



Common Good

Okey Anyanwu '09 Founder of BIZAA

Called to Worship: Samantha Revives Traditions for 21st Century Awareness of God



While living in Ecuador, Samantha realized her passion to help others feel fulfilled through worship. Saint John's made this possible for her with its excellent liturgical program. Samantha now coordinates liturgies that are alive with the spirit of the New Evangelization, introducing Christ through music and prayer, bringing hearts into deeper relationship with God. All this is happening while respectfully maintaining worship traditions. Samantha is building up disciples of all ages and backgrounds, bringing new life to the pews.

Samantha Delke '19 Liturgist

Called to Comfort: Amie's Dream is Realized but Unfinished Respect for Persons


Taking Counsel

Amie Schumacher '15 Chaplain, St. Cloud Hospital

Amie is a recent grad who just received a nationally sought-after scholarship from the Bush Foundation to advance her education and training in treating childhood trauma through community organizations. She found her calling after she was away from the church nearly 10 years, angry with God because of her childhood traumas . . . and addiction. Amie finally hit bottom, sought help and began her road to recovery. With sobriety, Amie began to hear the call to come back to God, as well as discerning her growing interested in hospital chaplaincy. Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary's focus on community helped her to have the confidence to rely on others, and the School's academic programs gave her a greater awareness of God and the Church, and how to understand the Bible and Scripture at a much deeper level. Her coursework and the Saint John's community, in addition to her experience with the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE), formed her ministry to attend to those suffering from childhood trauma and address treatment methods. Amie is now a prominent educator within the ACE network and is taking her ministry to communities, social service and faith-based organizations, and the criminal justice system. Amie changes the lives of many feeling hopeless – bringing dignity and value to each person.

Called to Lead: Fr. Efrain Makes Multicultural Complexities Simple Hospitality

Awareness of God

Common Good

Fr. Efrain Rosado, OSB '17 Priest, Coordinator of Multicultural Formation at Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary

and ordained ministers to address demographic changes. The Benedictine tradition and values on display at Saint John's

Fr. Efrain, born in Merida and raised in Mexico City, realized ethnic groups in the U.S. were losing interest and leaving area parishes.

allow Fr. Efrain to pierce through the complications helping

Knowing the church should be growing, not shrinking,

Fr. Efrain is strengthening faith communities by training

he found kindred spirits at Saint John's and programs

parishes and ministers to bridge the cultural gaps between

already dedicated to this problem: how to form lay

its members.

students and area parishes understand the multicultural complexities of our society as well as the intricacy of ministering in our diverse contemporary communities.

Called to Evangelize: Building the Kingdom of God Awareness of God

Truthful Living

Respect for Persons

"Being a disciple means being constantly ready to bring the love of Jesus to others, and this can happen unexpectedly and in any place." - Pope Francis

Anuual Income Required to Service Educational Loans for Ten Years at 6.8% ("Eight Percent of Income" Affordability Rule of Thumb)

Minimum income required






$85,531 $68,425

$80,000 $51,319

$60,000 $40,000 $20,000

$34,212 $17,106








Loan Principal Auburn Center for the Study of Theological Education

According to the rule of thumb calculation, a $40,000 salary could support no more than $26,300 in student loans at four percent in a standard ten-year repayment.

Called to Stewardship: Removing a Financial Hindrance to Those Following God’s Call Tuition Cost is $8,500/semester or $17,000/year Note: This does not include books, housing, meals, transportation and general living expenses.

Imagining a Revitalized Church: Born of the Fruits of Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary †

Imagine a church filled with people preferring nothing to the love of Christ, because they see Christ in us.

Imagine a church in which people of every background are entrusted with the power to embrace their baptismal calls — because they see power in us.

Imagine a church that encourages its wisdom to be shared in lecture halls and libraries, soup kitchens and street corners everywhere — because people see it in us.

Imagine a church whose beautiful, sacred spaces bring rest to the weary and hope to the searching — because people see it in us.

Imagine a church alive with young people eager to be formed in the faith — because they see it in us.

Imagine a church that encourages creativity in the service of nourishing the vocations of all people — because they see it in us.

And now imagine what a graduate school of theology based on the Benedictine tradition can do to fan the flames of that vision into reality. Jessie Bazan ‘17

Campaign Priorities: SERVING YOUTH AND COMMUNITY: Formation for a Thriving Church

EQUIPPING LEADERS FOR THE CHURCH: Ministry for the 21st Century Church


SENSE OF PLACE: Building and Spaces that Inspire Collaborative Ministry

INSPIRING INDIVIDUALS: Student and Professor Growth


CHANGING THE WORLD 2850 Abbey Plaza Collegeville, MN 56321 2850 Abbey Plaza Collegeville, MN 56321

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