Call for Papers [Special Topic]
Collaborative Knowledge Building through TV program for Better Cross-Cultural Communication The special topic calls for papers on Collaborative Knowledge Building through TV program for Better Cross-Cultural Communication and such papers will appear in the journal Cross-Cultural Communication 1 as a special column. Affiliated research area: Cross-Cultural, Cultural Differences, Communication
Description An exploratory research concerning the impact of using a BBS for facilitating cross -cultural communication between two groups of students: students at Dokkyo University in Japan and students at The University of Illinois in the United States. The objectives of the research were not only to find out a better way to promote cross-cultural communication on the internet, but also to investigate what works and what does not work in utilizing a BBS for cross -cultural communication. As a means of measuring the degree of impact, the participants have to answer the questionnaire on the "images" of the people of the other group. Upon completion of the four-month BBS project, the researchers administered exactly the same questionnaire and compared the results. The findings obtained in the "pre-questionnaire" suggest that each group of students had stereotypical images. Additionally, to what extent and in what ways the utilization of a BBS affects the images and understandings of another culture were also investigated and discussed.
Requirements In addition to the Review and Original Articles by invited speakers, we are inviting you to submit a relevant research paper on Collaborative Knowledge Building through TV program for Better Cross -Cultural Communication for consideration. Papers will be subject to normal peer review and must comply with the Guide for Authors. To submit papers to the “Collaborative Knowledge Building through TV program for Better Cross-Cultural Communication� Special Topic, please go to With your submission, please state clearly to the editor that your manuscripts are submitted to the Special Topic Collaborative Knowledge Building through TV program for Better Cross-Cultural Communication.
Related Conferences: 2002 International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE'02)
Related Journals (Special issue): CSCanada Cross-Cultural Communication journal
Related Articles: Collaborative Knowledge Building through BBS for Better Cross-Cultural Communication ISBN: 0-7695-1509-6
About The Journal Founded in May, 2005, the Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture is pleased to recommend the journal for the social sciences: Cross-Cultural Communication (ISSN 1712-8358 [Print]; ISSN 1923-6700 [Online]). The journal is designed to provide a forum for those who focus on the field of the cross culture research, or the community with different culture backgrounds, and provide critical perspectives of interculture or the intercultural as a foundation of which to build solutions to worldwide political, economic, workplace, social, gender, ethnic, environmental and other forms of problems. Cross-Cultural Communication is filed by Library and Archives Canada, and collected in the database AMICUS of Canada. It is also indexed by more than 20 famous databases : ABI/INFORM Complete, 2 ABI/INFORM Global, Academic One File, Academic Search Complete, AMICUS, Canadian Periodicals, CBCA Business, CBCA Complete, Communication & Mass Media Complete, DOAJ etc. More detailed information about the journal can be discovered in We sincerely welcome you to submit articles to the special column of our journal. If you rightly have a manuscript in this field, please don’t hesitate to write us an email with the subject of “Submission for CCC Special Topic Collaborative Knowledge Building through TV program for Better Cross-Cultural Communication (”. We look forward to your submission at;! More detailed information about the special topic, pertinent conferences, related journals (special issue) and relevant articles can be discovered from our websites:
Cross-Cultural Communication (CCC) CSCanada Canadian Academy of Oriental and Occidental Culture (CAOOC) Address: 758, 77e AV, Laval, Quebec, H7V 4A8, Canada Http://; Http:// E-mail:;;