5 minute read
Israel 70
What has happened to the church and Israel since 1948? Firstly, Christians have been rediscovering their Jewish roots. What’s happening in churches worldwide is a greater love and identification with Israel like never before. The evidence is clear to see as the Spirit of God moves among the churches. The Holy Spirit has been at work linking Christianity to its Hebrew roots, resulting in a proper understanding between Israel and the church.
Here are a few examples:
• The Old Testament is studied and taught as never before.
• Christians are discovering that many of the promises and blessings currently enjoyed were initially made to the Jews.
• Tens of thousands of Christians continue to visit the land of Israel resulting in a greater appreciation for the holy land.
This year, the State of Israel celebrates 70 years since her rebirth as a modern nation, a fulfilment of Biblical prophecy:
“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth at once? As soon as Zion travailed, she also brought forth her sons.
...Be joyful with Jerusalem and rejoice for her, all you who love her; Be exceedingly glad with her, all you who mourn over her...
...For thus says the LORD, “Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream.”
There are other amazing events to note since 1948. It’s not just Christians rediscovering their Jewish roots; the Jews have begun to discover Jesus. Since 1948, the Jews have written hundreds of essays, articles, poems and other works about Jesus.
Dr Isodore Singer (rabbi), who is the editor of the Jewish Encyclopedia said this: “I regard Jesus of Nazareth as a Jew of Jews, one whom more Jewish people are learning to love. His teachings have been an immense service to the world in bringing Israel’s God to the knowledge of hundreds of millions of mankind.”
Another rabbi: “We Jews are very proud of our Einsteins, Hennrich Heiners, Sigmund Freuds; we ought to be much prouder of our Jesus!”
Another rabbi: “Christianity and Judaism share one of the great reluctance of history; we are both reluctant to live openly and fully to the fact that Jesus was a Jew.”
We thank God for the strong ties and friendship between the churches in Singapore and Israel. It’s vital that we continue to pray and build relationships with Israel and the Jewish community; especially in these momentous days.
On his state visit to Singapore on 21 February last year, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told his Singaporean counterpart that Israel and Singapore are “kindred spirits”.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said Singapore will “always be grateful” to Israel for helping the Republic to build up its armed forces when it became independent in 1965. Israel and Singapore are “old friends”, and bilateral ties that go back to 1965 have now expanded beyond defence and security, noted PM Lee on Monday (20 February).
God’s heart and desire is to see Israel come to salvation. He has given Singapore such a unique relationship with Israel.
I believe the Lord set up this friendship in a very unqiue way so that the gospel can go to Israel from a place of friendship.
It goes without saying that as Christians, we must take a biblical view of Israel. While this sounds rather obvious, such an approach helps us avoid two extremes vis-à-vis Israel. On one hand, we cannot revile Israel as some presentday intellectuals are prone to do. On the other, we cannot romanticise Israel, by subscribing to Jewish practices wholesale and fully agreeing with everything she does. Rather, a biblical view would be to seek God’s revelation, through His Word, as to His heart for Israel.
I believe Israel is entering into a new season. The number 70 has great significance and there is an added message that needs to be revealed. Here are some interesting insights regarding the number 70 and its link to Israel:
Israel went through a captivity of 70 years before being restored as a nation out of Babylon (Jer 25:10, Dan 9:2). Daniel then spoke of a period of 70 weeks that would lead to the time of the Lord’s second coming (Dan 9:24-27). The 70-week period was divided into three periods of time, 7 + 62 +1. The one week period represents the last seven-year period of the church age.
Do you know the answer to the following question? How many jubilees (50-year period) has Israel celebrated since its inception at the crossing of the Jordan under Joshua? The answer is 70. Here is another interesting question; how many jubilee years are there from the time of creation to Joshua’s day? The answer is 50. Now let’s do some math! From the time of creation to our day there have been 120 jubilee years. This amounts to a total of 6000 years (120 x 50), a number commonly referred to as the church age.
The number 120 also has a significance regarding the end times.
“And the Lord said, My Spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years” (Gen 6:3).
Can you see the significance of Israel as a nation in both the natural and spiritual? This jubilee period represents the 120th jubilee number of years since the time of creation. Are we getting the message that we are living in extraordinary times? How does this relate to today’s church; to both you and me? Israel’s history and destiny has a strong connection to the church. Both Israel and the church have a strong part to play in these ensuing days.
We are to have spiritual discernment about the times and seasons; aligning ourselves to God’s will and plan. We all know that God’s prophetic clock is attached to Israel and Jerusalem. The hand of the clock has advanced yet again.
Do we fully appreciate the significance of this unique jubilee year for Singapore, Israel, Jerusalem, the world and church?
A period of 70 years is described as turning point dates for the restoration of the kingdom to Israel in the following scriptures: Jeremiah 25:11; 29:10, Daniel 9:2, 24. The period of 70 years is to cross over to a new paradigm from what happened previously. It is to cross into the next historic stage. The year 2018 is a 70-year completion for the State of Israel. Now is the time for the next stage. It is the time for the spiritual restoration to rise out of the natural restoration. It is the time for the revival stage of the restoration of the nation of Israel.
Let’s continue to bless Israel and pray for Jerusalem: “May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels. For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, ‘Peace be within you.’ For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity.” (Ps 122:7-9) (NIV)