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Small Districts Get Big Benefits with the CPS HR Membership
Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District is a small, remotely located district that was uniquely fortunate to have a staff member qualified to fill a dual role of accountant and human resources manager for many years; however, when she left the position, the district was unable to find someone qualified to fill the niche.
Looking for a solution that was both affordable and available as a long-term fix, they turned to the CSDA Human Resources Membership package. The package is fulfilled by human resources subject matter experts
CPS HR. It allowed the district to obtain the services of a Human Resources Administrator at a fraction of the cost compared to hiring someone for the role. The package includes an onboarding session, and 14 hours of HR consulting with additional blocks that can be added as needed. It includes their HR Basics Kit with compliance and best practice checklists to allow small districts like Kirkwood Meadows PUD to have confidence in their human resource practices.
General Manager Erik Christeson said, “It’s good value for the benefit. If I were to hire someone, that would be
$60,000 plus benefits, but with CPS HR I can get them for under $10,000 a year.”
Additionally, Christeson noted the membership includes annual legal updates from CPS HR that enables him to update their employee handbook with verified accuracy to ensure they are complying with any changes that arise year to year.
“I really appreciate the CPS HR Annual Update, I was able to go to my employee handbook and review section by section of things that had changed, update them and send it to our CPS HR representative to make sure I captured it right,” Christeson said.
The HR Membership is a value-added benefit offered by CSDA to all members. For more information, please contact membership@csda.net or scan the QR code.
Brown Armstrong Accountancy Corporation www.bacpas.com
CalTRUST www.caltrust.org
Centrica Business Solutions www.centricabusinesssolutions.com
Chase Bank www.chase.com
Cole Huber LLP www.colehuber.com
Complete Paperless Solutions www.cps247.com
Cooperative Strategies www.coopstrategies.com
Eide Bailly CPAs www.eidebailly.com
Enterprise Automation www.eaintegrator.com
Kosmont Financial Services www.KosmontFinancial.com
National Demographics Corporation (NDC) www.ndcresearch.com
NBS www.nbsgov.com
Nextdoor, Inc. www.nextdoor.com
Nossaman, LLP www.nossaman.com
SitelogiQ www.sitelogiq.com
Slovak Baron Empey Murphy & Pinkney LLP www.sbemp.com
Vasquez & Company LLP www.vasquez.cpa
VC3 www.vc3.com
Witt O'Brien's www.wittobriens.com