1 minute read
SSL Criteria
• Does the issue have national or regional significance? • Are fresh and innovative approaches available to address the issue? • Is the issue of sufficient complexity that a bill drafter would benefit from having a comprehensive draft available? • Does the bill or Act represent a practical approach to the problem? • Does the bill or Act represent a comprehensive approach to the problem or is it tied to a narrow approach that may have limited relevance for many states? • Is the structure of the bill or Act logically consistent? • Is the language and style of the bill or Act clear and unambiguous?
The word “Act” as used herein refers to both proposed and enacted legislation. Attempts are made to ensure that items presented to committee members are the most recent versions. However, interested parties should contact the originating state for the ultimate disposition in the state of any docket entry in question, including substitute bills and amendments. Furthermore, the Committee on Suggested State Legislation does not guarantee that entries presented on its dockets or in Suggested State Legislation volumes represent the exact versions of those items as enacted into law, if applicable.