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Together Again
Together Again CSG National Conference encourages collaboration and innovation
Politics is a matter of addition, not subtraction,” said Mark Shields, a veteran political journalist who served as keynote speaker during the 2019 CSG National Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico. “We only have to agree on more than we disagree. And we agree that when we get there, this is what we have to do.”
Speaking to an audience gathered in the Puerto Rico Convention Center, Shields’ comment summed up the goals of the national conference — adding to state leaders’ understanding of policy issues, building professional relationships and pursuing consensus-based, data-driven solutions. “The resources CSG offers its members are invaluable,” said Tennessee state Sen. Becky Massey. “As legislators, it is impossible to be experts in everything, so it is vital that we have others to share ideas and resources with. Oftentimes, someone else has worked through a problem or a legislative solution in another state, and it is helpful to share what worked, what didn’t and how to improve it. Individually, I might come up with a good idea, but working with others and brainstorming with them, we can come up with a much better solution.” With 910 registered attendees, including 425 state government members from all three branches, the 2019 CSG National Conference offered opportunities for state leaders to take an in-depth look at multiple policy issues through CSG policy academies, including Privacy and Cybersecurity, Growing Green: Marijuana Policy in the States, and The Energy Landscape. CSG Innovation Classrooms demonstrated cutting-edge technologies that impact public policy in the states. Presenters included Esri, Inc., Gilead Sciences, Inc., Celgene, American Chemistry Council and AT&T. “5G can save lives,” said CTIA representative Jake Lestock during the Innovation Classroom presented by AT&T. “A 60-second improvement in first responder response time translates to a reduction of 8% in mortality.” The CSG National Task Forces also met to hear experts and policymakers speak about workforce and health care issues. With four subcommittees each, the Healthy States National Task Force and The Future of Work National Task Force are surveying best practices and innovative state initiatives throughout the 2019–20 biennium. At the conclusion of their work, the groups will produce a report that will serve as a national framework with best practices and policy recommendations for the states. “As we continue to see innovation, we also continue to see diversification of where and how different paths of the workforce are going to go,” said Colorado state Sen. Nancy Todd, who serves as co-chair of The Future of Work National Task Force with Kansas state Sen. Carolyn McGinn. “[…] Our delivery system has got to be really varied, and we have to be cognizant of the fact that people want to get educated and go to work as soon as possible. And what does that look like? Career and technical colleges, fouryear — all those different pathways need to be revisited.”

The national conference provided valuable opportunities for state leaders to interact, learn from each other and share ideas. North Dakota state Sen. Jim Dotzenrod appreciated the opportunity to hear how other states are dealing with shared issues. “It’s a chance to get together with other legislators from around the country and talk about the issues they’re dealing with — funding education, highways, road systems, public safety, health, all these issues that the states have to deal with,” Dotzenrod said. “We learn a lot about what’s going on in other states.” Meeting in Puerto Rico allowed conference attendees to enjoy the rich history, culture and natural beauty of the island. CSG hosted a reception at the historic Antiguo Casino De Puerto Rico, an elegant venue built in 1913. Attendees also enjoyed hors d’oeuvres and tours of Casa Bacardi, the world’s largest rum distillery, which was established in 1862 by the Bacardi family. During the opening session of the national conference, Puerto Rico Senate Majority Leader Carmelo Rios thanked conference attendees for visiting Puerto Rico and praised the collaborative efforts of state leaders. “It is about the American dream, and we are all a part of that dream,” Rios said. “We are part, we are proud, we are Americans and we love you from the bottom of our hearts.”

Serving final facts
the States
Since its founding, CSG has worked to serve state elected and appointed officials from all three branches of government. With its regional focus and motivation to bring together state leaders to exchange insights and ideas that shape public policy, CSG works to champion excellence in state government and to facilitate multistate solutions.
CSG is a region-based forum that fosters the exchange of insights and ideas to help state officials shape public policy.
CENTER OF INNOVATION in 2018 as a national initiative to enhance the organization’s efforts to engage, inform and empower state officials. It seeks to provide FACT-BASED AND DATA-DRIVEN POLICY SUPPORT & ENSURE EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY and engagement across all populations.
CSG HAS 10 AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS that contribute specialized expertise, information and resources to the overall mission of The Council of State Governments.
American Probation and Parole Association • Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies • Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission • National Association of State Facilities Administrators • National Association of State Personnel Executives • National Association of State Technology Directors National Emergency Management Association • National Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators • State International Development Organizations • Women in Government
CSG is our nation’s only organization serving ALL 3 BRANCHES OF STATE GOVERNMENT.
and has regional offices in Atlanta, Chicago, New York City, and Sacramento, California. It also maintains an office in Washington, D.C. Established in 2006 and based in New York City, the CSG Justice Center provides PRACTICAL, NONPARTISAN ADVICE AND CONSENSUSDRIVEN STRATEGIES informed by available evidence to increase public safety and strengthen communities. CSG PUBLISHES The Book of the States EACH YEAR.
First published in 1935, it provides comprehensive data and analysis about state governments and their operations.
The Council of State Governments was founded in 1933 by COLORADO STATE Sen. Henry Wolcott Toll.
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CSG Midwest: Midwestern Legislative Conference (MLC) 75th Annual Meeting July 19–22 Detroit, Michigan

CSG South: Southern Legislative Conference (SLC) 74th Annual Meeting Aug. 1–5 Winston-Salem, North Carolina
CSG West 73rd Annual Meeting July 28–31 Jackson Hole, Wyoming