Capitol Ideas | Issue 1 | 2021| The State-Federal Relationship

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Announcing the 2021 CSG Policy Academies The CSG Policy Academy series provides customized training and a deeper dig on critical policy topics facing the states. During the year, policy academies are typically invitation-only, serving members whose work is directly impacted by the issues at hand. Policy academies convened at the annual CSG National Conference, however, are open to all conference attendees. The 2021 lineup includes: • CSG Medicaid Leadership Academy, Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, Washington, D.C. • CSG 2022 Forecast for Legislative Leaders, Oct. 2021, Dates and Location TBD • Dec. 1 – 4, Santa Fe, New Mexico - CSG Privacy & Cybersecurity Policy Academy - CSG Sustainability Policy Academy - CSG State Medicaid Programs 101 Policy Academy.

New CSG University Connects and Advises Freshman Legislators CSG University is a four-part series that aims to help new state policymakers jumpstart their time in legislative service and find success in their new roles while introducing newly elected legislators to their peers from around the country. In each session, seasoned state policymakers and senior staff will share their experiences and expertise to help equip new legislators with best practices and resources on a range of topics, including communicating with constituents and leading a committee hearing, as they begin their service in the legislature. Sessions include What Does Success Look Like (Feb. 8), The ABCs of Communicating with Constituents (Feb. 22), Dream to Draft: How to Write Effective Legislation (March 8) and Planning a Productive Committee Meeting (March 22). To learn more, visit

Assessing State Policies and Practices for Occupational Licensing Occupational licensing has grown exponentially over the last 60 years. Nearly one in four of all employed U.S. workers, including nurses and teachers, are in a profession that requires an occupational license. Since early 2017, The Council of State Governments has worked with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the National Governors Association (NGA) Center for Best Practices to produce resources designed to help state policymakers better understand the variances in licensing laws and the challenges they present for many workers. Their new report provides multiple policy examples on occupational regulation and reviews policy trends from all 50 states ranging from structural changes in overall licensing regulation to smaller and targeted approaches aimed at reducing barriers for a certain occupation or population group. To view the full report, visit

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Disability-Inclusive Telework for States ISSUE 1 2021 | CSG CAPITOL IDEAS

State Strategies for Public Policy


CSG released the reports of its Healthy States National Task Force and its Future of Work National Task Force, as well as shorter summaries that include a checklist of suggested state strategies and opportunities. While the state examples and intricate narrative around each recommendation are outlined in each report, the checklist offers a visually scannable list of directives, potential investments and legislative opportunities, as well as partnership ideas that can guide states in addressing some of the themes outlined in the report. Learn more on page 28 of this magazine. The reports and checklists are available on their respective websites at and

States are increasingly developing and implementing telework policies and programs for state government employees. Through the State Exchange on Employment and Disability, The Council of State Governments and its partners at the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy published a report highlighting state approaches to increasing access and inclusion through telework. “DisabilityInclusive Telework for States” provides guidance to state policymakers on developing more inclusive telework policies and programs. It includes an overview of workplace protections under the Americans with Disabilities Act and details the components of state telework programs and how each can be modified to better accommodate all employees. To read the report, visit:

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