Capitol Ideas | 2020 | Issue 4 | Celebrating 100 Years of the 19th Amendment

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They Tweeted It

THEY T WEETED IT Rep. Brigid Kelly @brigidekelly • Jun 25 @CSGovts does great work bringing legislators from across the country (and the political spectrum) together to talk about finding policy suggestions and solutions that can work for everyone.

Rep. Dan Miller @RepDanMiller • Aug 13 Talking state policy to improve hiring people with disabilities with @CSGovts right now! #ADA30

BRANDON REED @BrandonReed4KY • July 29 In Celebrating 30 Years of the Americans with Disabilities Act, I'm humbled 2 be selected by the @CSGovts 30 Leaders Impacting Disability Policy. Opening the door 4 Access and Independence is crucial. Facilitation & Building Relationships is the Key! @KYHouseGOP #ADA30 Speaker Pat Grassley @PatGrassley • Jun 19 Honored to be profiled in last month’s edition of @ CSGovts Stateline Midwest, talking about the Legislature, COVID-19, and Iowa’s road to economic recovery. #ialegis

Rep. Jason Dunnington @jdunnington • Sept 22 Fun to see my friend and @AspenInstitute Rodel Fellow classmate @cyrushabib on the cover of this month’s @CSGovts Capitol Ideas publication. He is an incredible public servant!

Sen. Matt Hansen @ MattHansenNE • Jun 23 Thanks to the staff of @CSGovts for a great virtual meeting! I'm glad to be a part of the #CSGFutureOfWork taskforce.


Senator Bo Watson @SenBoWatson • Aug 27 Honored to Co-Chair this National Task Force @CSGovts with my friend, @BryanTownsendDE, @tnsenate @TNGOP @hcgoptn @ecfite @TNDeptofHealth


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