6 minute read
Making an Impact
By Leslie Griffin
People who have mental illnesses and substance use disorders are overrepresented in the criminal justice system. According to a study in Psychiatric Services, the prevalence of people in jails who have serious mental illnesses is often three to six times higher than that of the general public. Often, these individuals cycle through local criminal justice systems, which are frequently not equipped to provide the costly treatment and support services required by people who have behavioral health needs. To address these challenges, a growing number of communities are implementing behavioral health diversion programs as alternatives to conventional criminal justice case processing and incarceration, namely by connecting people to the appropriate communitybased treatment and support services outside the criminal justice system. Similarly, the majority of youth involved with the juvenile justice system in this country have a diagnosable mental illness or substance use disorder. Many youth end up in the juvenile justice system not because of the seriousness of their offense, but because of their need for mental health services that are unavailable in the community. Given the needs of these youth, there is a growing sentiment that whenever safe and possible, youth with behavioral health needs who are at a lower risk should be diverted to effective community-based treatment, including options outside the juvenile justice system if these youth are not a risk to public safety. For 20 years, the CSG Justice Center has used data and research-driven practices to improve diversion. Here are some examples of those initiatives.
Looking ahead, the challenge is ensuring that there are sufficient diversion, treatment and support options available in every community. To meet this goal, the CSG Justice Center is focusing on preventing system involvement in several ways, including:
Helped federal partners and other national nonprofits pass groundbreaking diversion legislation.
In 2004, the Justice Center helped secure the passage of the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act and helped increase funding from just $5 million in fiscal year 2006 to $40 million in fiscal year 2022. The act has provided $143 million to communities to divert adults and youth with serious mental illnesses.
Helped establish more than 600 diversion and other criminal justice and behavioral health programs nationally.
• The Justice Center helped stand up over 185 initiatives that improve traditional law enforcement responses to people in crisis, including community responder teams, co-responder models and mobile crisis units.
• It supported the creation of hundreds of mental health courts, alternatives to arrest and detention and other services.
• The Justice Center fueled collaboration across behavioral health and criminal justice systems in hundreds of communities, including supporting federal grant awardees across 49 states and two
U.S. territories seeking to reduce criminal justice contact for people with mental illnesses and connect them to treatment.
Helped state and local leaders replace siloed diversion initiatives with systems-level approaches.
• In 2015, along with the National Association of Counties and the American Psychiatric Association Foundation, the Justice Center created Stepping Up, a national initiative seeking to reduce the number of people in jails who have a serious mental illness. It now includes 550 counties (and counting) that are often creating diversion opportunities to support this goal. • The Police-Mental Health Collaboration framework helps leaders create systems-level partnerships to reduce police contact for people in crisis, decrease use of force and arrest and connect people to care. • The Justice Center provides tools and support to guide communities in bringing diversion and crisis services to scale.
Supported state lawmakers in passing legislation to promote diversion for youth.
As a result of the Improving Outcomes for Youth initiative, Indiana passed legislation in 2022 that created new statewide grant programs to increase diversion opportunities (including a focus on youth with behavioral health needs), create community-based alternatives to incarceration and expand reintegration services that will support reentry to the community. The legislation also requires the use of risk-based screening and assessment tools and the statewide use of a mental health screening tool to inform diversion and dispositional decisions and match children with the most appropriate type of supervision and services that can reduce their likelihood of recidivism.
Creating a robust crisis response to prevent arrests and jail stays.
Increasing focus on people experiencing homelessness.
The CSG Justice Center has a commitment to bipartisan, multiagency, multi-jurisdictional cooperation to develop best practices and help implement those in every state and in every county in the country.”
MIKE LAWLOR | Professor, University of New Haven Former member of the Connecticut House of Representative Founding member of the CSG Justice Center Advisory Board
The CSG Justice Center over the last 20 years has helped reshape the conversation on mental health and its impact on the criminal justice system in the United States. Two decades ago, it was unheard of to have these conversations about reform, and today it is at the front and center of policy dialogue because of the work the Justice Center has done.” CAM WARD | Director, Alabama Bureau of Pardons & Parole, CSG Justice Center Advisory Board Executive Committee member
Public Officials Reflect on the CSG Justice Center
The CSG Justice Center has helped so many departments over the past 20 years and helped to bring many positive changes to the overall working of the nation’s criminal justice system. The positive changes have improved all branches of criminal justice, from local to national, by improving the lives of individuals who go through the justice systems. These changes affect all citizens, whether they are victims of crimes and their families or the defendants. I have enjoyed being a part of CSG and serving on the Justice Center Advisory Board, working with so many great people on the board and all the staff who always are working hard to make positive changes in the criminal justice system and supplying the needs of agencies they serve.”
JOHN MEHR | Sheriff, Madison County, Tennessee CSG Justice Center Advisory Board member
I applaud the CSG Justice Center as an innovator from 20 years ago and having stayed true to their mission of using data to inform and drive good decision making. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have been associated with [the Justice Center] for well over 10 years as both an implementer and creator of Justice Reinvestment Initiative legislation in two different states, both seeing successes, and I am even more honored to serve as an executive board member. This group has it going on… Happy Birthday, CSG Justice Center! Here’s to 20 more!”
ANNE L. PRECYTHE | Director, Missouri Department of Corrections, CSG Justice Center Advisory Board Executive Committee member In those early days, when the Justice Center was part of the CSG East Region, Mike Thompson assembled an extraordinary group of visionary leaders to propose that the Justice Center become a national asset of CSG. I was blessed to be part of that inaugural board of directors and honored to have been the first chair. It was a momentous and wonderful time!”
MICHAEL E. FESTA | State director of AARP Massachusetts, first chair of the CSG Justice Center Advisory Board
I love working with this organization! For 20 years, the CSG Justice Center has brought together the brightest minds of the field to solve the most complex issues of the field. The talent and passion of each member of the executive committee is evident every time we meet. Despite holding major positions of authority, every member is fully and actively engaged when CSG convenes. This culture is alive amongst the staff as well. From Executive Director Megan Quattlebaum through every employee, you can feel the special level of commitment that they have to the mission. It has been a pleasure to work alongside the CSG Justice Center and this impressive group of leaders. I look forward to all it will accomplish over the next 20 years!”
Sheriff, Middlesex County Sheriff’s Office, Massachusetts, CSG Justice Center Advisory Board Executive Committee member
As meaningful as the number of years the CSG Justice Center has achieved is the impact it has had across the country moving criminal legal and juvenile delinquency systems toward more just, equitable and data-informed outcomes.” BERNICE CORLEY | Executive director, Indiana Public Defender Council, CSG Justice Center Advisory Board Executive Committee member